Senior US officials: Trump is ready to shut down his own government if he doesn’t get border wall fu

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
But the Mexicans are paying for the funds from our government are needed.
Do you want Mexico to pay for the Wall?

Better Mexico than the American taxpayer, but that's not gonna happen.
You don't know that!

Is Trump going to start a war to make Mexico pay for it? Last I heard that's the only way one country can force another country to pay for something, they don't want to pay for.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

No...democrats will do that.....they want illegal aliens in this country, they need the votes.
Do you want Mexico to pay for the Wall?

Better Mexico than the American taxpayer, but that's not gonna happen.
You don't know that!

Is Trump going to start a war to make Mexico pay for it? Last I heard that's the only way one country can force another country to pay for something, they don't want to pay for. just increase the tax on the money Mexicans living here send back to Mexico....and you can also cut any foriegn aid we send them... just increase the tax on the money Mexicans living here send back to Mexico....and you can also cut any foriegn aid we send them...

Imposing a tax, on money that's already been taxed? Maybe we could do that to us citizens too.
Do you want Mexico to pay for the Wall?

Better Mexico than the American taxpayer, but that's not gonna happen.
You don't know that!

The money still has to be authorized to be spent by Congress. Taxpayers are still paying for the wall even if they found the money. Any money found through waste should be used to pay down the deficit not wasted on a wall we do not need.
The money still has to be authorized to be spent by Congress. Taxpayers are still paying for the wall even if they found the money. Any money found through waste should be used to pay down the deficit not wasted on a wall we do not need.

I got it. We contract with Mexico to build the wall. And like may of Trumps other business ventures, we refuse to pay the contractor, claiming shoddy workmanship. The wall gets built. Mexico paid for it, and we just stall the court case when mexico sues to get paid.
Get Mexico to pay for it, senior. Thats what the liar trump promised your kind

You're going to front the money, douche bag.

Live with it.
Its not fronting the money, asshole. Mexico will pay nothing, and our Congress will never approve a single dollar for it

Enjoy your delusions, snowflake.
Ask your handlers to show you the many articles that tell us not a single member of Congress from TX, AZ, NM, or CA will for for funding
A simple question and answer it honestly.

Do you personally want Mexico to pay for the Wall?
A wall will not solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis; it will only require, more socialism on a national basis.

A market friendly visa that provides for work authorization, will promote legal tourism and increase "consumer traffic".
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
But the Mexicans are paying for the funds from our government are needed.
Funds from a "market friendly visa" could help pay for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, not a wall.
Are you trying to compete in the international financing sector, with them?

If you need money, you get it from those that have it, not those that don't. And Israel has a lot more money (especially our money) than Mexico does. So it's like looking for keys under the lamp post.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

Smucky Schumer said he'll shut it down if it is included. Ryan promised 15 billion to get it started. I guess we'll see what happens.
Of course he should shut it down if it's included....we were told on several occasions that Mexico would pay for it.
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It isn't Drumpf government. We pay him to do a job and part of that job is compromising with the parties in Congress that represent their constituents. Can't make a deal oh great deal maker of the millenium? Then fuck off. Don't like opposition? Fuck off. Don't like how the courts keep you from doing stupid un-Constitutional shit? Fuck off.

Just because drumpf has delusions of being a dictator doesn't make it so. It just means he has delusions.+

The people who voted for him aren't paying him to cave on his campaign promises.

Keep this in mind: We won. You lost. Now sit in the back and shut the fuck up.

You know what's funny: If Trump did back down on his demand, all the douche bag snowflakes like you would be gloating about how he didn't keep another promise.

Do you actually think you're fooling anyone?
Then he certainly should not cave on his campaign promise to have Mexico pay for the wall.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
One of the worst characteristics of the Trump Administration is also the single worst trait Trump himself exhibits. One simply cannot rely on what Trump's "lieutenants" say about what Trump himself will do. Similarly, one cannot rely on much of what Trump says being so.

Given that's the case, there's no telling what will come to pass (re: funding for The Wall and the government shutdown) at midnight this Friday.
I sincerely hope it happens.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
Awesome. We want a wall we voted for the wall so we get it or shit gets shut down. Works for me!
Only if, as promised, Mexico pays for it. No funding here for any wall.

Government rather than do something to stem the Invasion of Illegal Immigrants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh, not only would Senators and Representative of bordering states vote against it , but also 59% of America does not want Trumps Mexican wall and 63% do not want to pay for the wall.
Poll: Americans oppose Trump’s wall, easing regulations

Does anyone actually think that building the wall, is the will of the people?

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