Senior US officials: Trump is ready to shut down his own government if he doesn’t get border wall fu

How do you tax remittance, genius?
Ford and Carrier continue to have large production facilities in mexico. Trump lies to you and you just suck it up

Give me millions/year salary and lifetime retirement and I would educate you on all GOVT subjects. As it is, I don't work for them. I won't work hard for you.

a quick guess would be........ If someone comes in and does a Western Union to a Mexican site, take a 20% cut? Sounds easy to me. If someone transfers money to a Mexican National Bank, take a 20% cut? The remittance(s) would slow way down or Uncle Sam would be paid?
That would never be passed by Congress, just remember Mexico can retaliate economically as well
As we speak, The Mexican government is making plans to purchase agricultural products from South America instead of here.

Oh wow! I'll bet that has American farmers shaking in their boots.

What agricultural products does Mexico buy from the USA?
Tacos? Coal
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You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?

They don't owe anything. You are the human garbage. A wall is a huge waste of time and money. This is one time I agree with Schumer.
If you think it's a waste of time and money, then it's a good investment.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly oppose it as well. Congressional Republicans will not let Trump drag them down.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

I thought the newly threatened shut down was over repeal and replace Obamacare. So here Republicans have a FULL house and they're threatening to shut down the government on THEMSELVES--LOL
Congress faces health care quagmire, possible shutdown

Trump can't shut down the government anyway. Congress holds the purse strings, not him.

Trump campaigned on making Mexico pay for this worthless wall. They have told hiim 3 times to shove the wall up his ass. This doesn't mean we pay for it. 26 BILLION dollars is for material cost alone--and it won't keep illegals out. If walls and fences worked there wouldn't be any illegals in this country now.

Here is a great educational video on this, and at the end of this video it will tell you how much we've already wasted on walls and fences. The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything they can see, can and will always be compromised.

I really don't think a T.V. producer could come up with a better comedy T.V. reality show than the Trump administration--LOL

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'Senior US Officials'


Another snowflake LIE. Democrats are threatening to shut down the govt...AGAIN...because they aren't getting their way. This time it is about OBAMAcare. Specifically is is about the GOP refusing to use tax dollars to keep Obamacare, the disaster they claimed would pay for itself and would not cost a dime, on Life Support.

The last time the DEMOCRATS shut down the govt Obama tried to make it more painful than it had to be, ordering his administration to make it as painful as possible. He even tried to shut down historic sites the govt did not even own...and now - just like then - snowflakes like yourself are lying to the American people again, trying to blame the GOP for it.

Democrats also engage in 'Scare tactics', lying to Americans by claiming Govt shutdowns are disastrous, devastating events that cause people to lose money and shuts down the govt - completely - leaving the US 'vulnerable' and 'un-protected'. The TRUTH is, the govt 'shuts down' every time the US celebrates a federal holiday! No one loses money, and the most critical agencies of the govt remain open. Just like every accusation the snowflakes have made against Trump to date, it's all bullshit, and there's nothing to it. .

It is the Democrats, not the GOP, who shut down the govt when they don't get their way, just as it is the Democrats who openly declare to the world they have decided to spend the next 4 years committing themselves to being Obstructionists, attempting to block every thing Trump attempts to accomplish (for the food of the nation) for the good of the Democratic Party.

And threads like this are just part of the snowflake propaganda machine thet attempts to spread lies, fear, etc....

Snowflakes need to 'man up' and tell the truth. Snowflakes - like those in the EPA and other agencies who are openly defying their new orders from the newly elected President - are threatening to shut down the govt because they can't take their own EX-President's advice:
- Elections have consequences. get used to it.
--- They want open borders and are against securing it, opposing the wall being built.
--- They want Obamacare funded, preventing it's collapse, after promising it would not cost a dime and would pay for itself. they also want to fund subsidies for people to help pay for their UN-affordable health care...when there are communities who no longer have health care because insurance companies have abandoned the exchanges leaving Americans with NO coverage....

...and the Democrats are willing to shut down the govt over THIS!
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?

They don't owe anything. You are the human garbage. A wall is a huge waste of time and money. This is one time I agree with Schumer.
If you think it's a waste of time and money, then it's a good investment.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly oppose it as well. Congressional Republicans will not let Trump drag them down.

Trump would not have won if that was true.
Republicans who vote AGAINST the wall will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST repealing Obamacare will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST tax cuts will be looking for jobs!

It is time BOTH sides learned they work for US!
Republicans who vote AGAINST the wall will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST repealing Obamacare will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST tax cuts will be looking for jobs!

It is time BOTH sides learned they work for US!
I will be funding their primary candidates.
Republicans who vote AGAINST the wall will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST repealing Obamacare will be looking for jobs!
Republicans who vote AGAINST tax cuts will be looking for jobs!

It is time BOTH sides learned they work for US!
I will be funding their primary candidates.
We can put a first year Tea Party member in and get more bang for your buck then a damn Rino.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
One of the worst characteristics of the Trump Administration is also the single worst trait Trump himself exhibits. One simply cannot rely on what Trump's "lieutenants" say about what Trump himself will do. Similarly, one cannot rely on much of what Trump says being so.

Given that's the case, there's no telling what will come to pass (re: funding for The Wall and the government shutdown) at midnight this Friday.
From another angle...

Will Democrats continue to stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than keeping their own nation's government running?
The GOP has the Congress, Senate, and Executive. The Dems can do nothing if the GOP vote together. So, if the government is shut down, it will be over an internal squabble in the GOP.

The Pubs require Dem votes in order to pass a budget.
From another angle...

Will Democrats continue to stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than keeping their own nation's government running?
The GOP has the Congress, Senate, and Executive. The Dems can do nothing if the GOP vote together. So, if the government is shut down, it will be over an internal squabble in the GOP.

The Pubs require Dem votes in order to pass a budget.

No they do not. All it take is a simple majority vote to pass a spending resolution or budget.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
Awesome. We want a wall we voted for the wall so we get it or shit gets shut down. Works for me!
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

GOOD! The sooner the better.
trump bullshit.png I think I remember someone saying that Mexico will pay for the wall...
That has changed to...

I told the chumps who follow me crap and they bought it.
Now I tell them to their face I conned them and they still support me.
The American taxpayer is paying for this wall,the dumb asses.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
Awesome. We want a wall we voted for the wall so we get it or shit gets shut down. Works for me!
Just who is "we"? For sure not the majority of Americans or even a congressional majority. Tough luck. Now get Mexico to pay for it

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