Senior US officials: Trump is ready to shut down his own government if he doesn’t get border wall fu

Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
Even in McDonald's Americans have to pay before they receive the food.
But with Donald's Wall Mexico was supposed to fund the great big wall on "Day 1".

Now you are just being a "problem" intentionally. Nobody said Day 1 Mexico will pay "up front". Plans are in the works Day 1, ol'roy. I will TIT a while longer. When the Taco is done, pay up.

Trump never said Americans would pay for the Wall up front and then get reimbursed from Mexico. LOL

OMG! he must be impeached! Land O' Freakin Goshen ol'roy! you have struck gold! You might be a snowflake if............(fill in the blank).

already illegal crossings are down. The sick forkers are staying down there. Drug flow is less. Ford/Carrier success stories. I have already won this case. do you have any idea how many tons of heroin and coke pour across that border? silly me.

You might be a snowflake if............(you believe Obama cut the debt).
You might be a snowflake if............(Beast sent nothing classified).
You might be a snowflake if............(Trump is lying intentionally about the wall).
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
Where are the fine capital plans our President should have?
Trump never said Americans would pay for the Wall up front and then get reimbursed from Mexico. LOL

Trump said mexico would pay for the wall PERIOD. Trump never even suggested Americans would pay to build it.
I am embarrassed for the Left. This kid thinks he is being smart. Obama didn't get his way so he shut it all down.....Trump doing the very same thing and it is "bad".

You may be entitled to your own opinion (as fucked up as it may be)....but NOT to your own "facts"......

Republicans Shut Down the Government for Nothing
After two weeks of closed government and a debt-limit freak-out, a deal is on the horizon—and the GOP has little to show for the crisis caused by its demands.

Republicans Shut Down the Government for Nothing
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
Even in McDonald's Americans have to pay before they receive the food.
But with Donald's Wall Mexico was supposed to fund the great big wall on "Day 1".

Now you are just being a "problem" intentionally. Nobody said Day 1 Mexico will pay "up front". Plans are in the works Day 1, ol'roy. I will TIT a while longer. When the Taco is done, pay up.

Trump never said Americans would pay for the Wall up front and then get reimbursed from Mexico. LOL

OMG! he must be impeached! Land O' Freakin Goshen ol'roy! you have struck gold! You might be a snowflake if............(fill in the blank).

already illegal crossings are down. The sick forkers are staying down there. Drug flow is less. Ford/Carrier success stories. I have already won this case. do you have any idea how many tons of heroin and coke pour across that border? silly me.

You might be a snowflake if............(you believe Obama cut the debt).
You might be a snowflake if............(Beast sent nothing classified).
You might be a snowflake if............(Trump is lying intentionally about the wall).

If you do not understand Spanish, there is a translation.
I believe the Mexican president must be right because the United States government might come to a halt if Congress does not budget for the Trump Wall.

Donald Trump promised that Mexico would pay for his wall. Is he not a man of his word?
Tell us what Trump is doing, don't make up crap, tell us what you saw with your own eyes.
He plans to shut down government unless he gets funding for his wall, which will never happen. Now why did you lie about Obama shutting down government?
Obama shut down Government Oct 1-Oct 16, 2013. Want some more?

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia
United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia

A "funding-gap" was created when the two chambers of Congress failed to agree to an appropriations continuing resolution. The Republican-led House of Representatives, in part encouraged by conservative senators such as Ted Cruz[5] and conservative groups such as Heritage Action,[6][7][8] offered several continuing resolutions with language delaying or defunding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly known as "Obamacare"). The Democratic-led Senate passed several amended continuing resolutions for maintaining funding at then-current sequestration levels with no additional conditions. Political fights over this and other issues between the House on one side and President Barack Obama and the Senate on the other led to a budget impasse which threatened massive disruption.[9][10][11]

The deadlock centered on the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014, which was passed by the House of Representatives on September 20, 2013.[12] The Senate stripped the bill of the measures related to the Affordable Care Act, and passed it in revised form on September 27, 2013.[12] The House reinstated the Senate-removed measures, and passed it again in the early morning hours on September 29.[12] The Senate declined to pass the bill with measures to delay the Affordable Care Act, and the two legislative houses did not develop a compromise bill by the end of September 30, 2013, causing the federal government to shut down due to a lack of appropriated funds at the start of the new 2014 federal fiscal year. Also, on October 1, 2013, many aspects of the Affordable Care Act implementation took effect.[13] The health insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act launched as scheduled on October 1.[14] Much of the Affordable Care Act is funded by previously authorized and mandatory spending, rather than discretionary spending, and the presence or lack of a continuing resolution did not affect it. Some of the law's funds also come from multiple-year and "no-year" discretionary funds that are not affected by a lack of a continuing resolution.[15] Late in the evening of October 16, 2013, Congress passed the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, and the President signed it shortly after midnight on October 17, ending the government shutdown and suspending the debt limit until February 7, 2014.[16]

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted several months following the shutdown, 81% of Americans disapproved of the shutdown, 86% felt it had damaged the United States' image in the world, and 53% held Republicans in Congress accountable for the shutdown.[17]

Yes, Hoss, let us look at that shutdown.

In other words, Obama shut down the government.
News for you, Honey. The President submits the budget to Congress every year. Did you go to school?

United States budget process - Wikipedia
since when did a presidential budget ever get passed, einstein
Every year except when Obama was in office.
You lie, and lie again

Prove it, after all you pretend to be a smart kid on the internet.
fuck you asshole. If a presidential budget was passed as soon as a President submitted it, we wouldn't need congress

If pigs had wings, they could fly.
Every year except when Obama was in office.
You lie, and lie again

Prove it, after all you pretend to be a smart kid on the internet.
fuck you asshole. If a presidential budget was passed as soon as a President submitted it, we wouldn't need congress

So you can't prove anything you say, got it.
What does any of your meaningless drivel have to do with the fact that !. Obama never shut the government down, and 2. trump will and it would be a disaster

Obama refuses to sign the budget : Congress shut down the government.
Trump refuses to sign the budget: The President shut down the government

Do you see the problem in your hypocrite liberlogic?
isn't mexico paying for the wall?
Yes, it was an electoral promise of Trump that Mexico would pay for his wall. I heard him say so a few times on TV.

They will pay double eventually, trust me on that ol'roy

They already lost Ford and Carrier......more to come. Want to play around Senior? We could tax remittance or cancel Spring Break for a few years. Climb on my Burro little man.

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Oh! People thought he meant Mexico would pay money for his wall. No-one thought that would mean losing contracts and stuff. So what happens to the money Mexico lost to pay for the wall? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Oh! People thought he meant Mexico would pay money for his wall. No-one thought that would mean losing contracts and stuff. So what happens to the money Mexico lost to pay for the wall? Ha! Ha! Ha!

They will, could and already have. How about a reverse remittance. We could TAX anyone traveling across the border a huge fee..........the crossings would halt. Do it at Spring Break both ways or one way. We could make it painful in many ways I would think? And I am only a regular joe. Imagine what the experts could come up with?

View attachment 122986
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.
You're opposed to raising taxes on Americans?

You're kidding, right?
How do you tax remittance, genius?
Ford and Carrier continue to have large production facilities in mexico. Trump lies to you and you just suck it up

Give me millions/year salary and lifetime retirement and I would educate you on all GOVT subjects. As it is, I don't work for them. I won't work hard for you.

a quick guess would be........ If someone comes in and does a Western Union to a Mexican site, take a 20% cut? Sounds easy to me. If someone transfers money to a Mexican National Bank, take a 20% cut? The remittance(s) would slow way down or Uncle Sam would be paid?
That would never be passed by Congress, just remember Mexico can retaliate economically as well
As we speak, The Mexican government is making plans to purchase agricultural products from South America instead of here.

Oh wow! I'll bet that has American farmers shaking in their boots.

What agricultural products does Mexico buy from the USA?
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?

They don't owe anything. You are the human garbage. A wall is a huge waste of time and money. This is one time I agree with Schumer.
I am embarrassed for the Left. This kid thinks he is being smart. Obama didn't get his way so he shut it all down.....Trump doing the very same thing and it is "bad".
And you are a liar. The GOP Congress did that. And now, since the GOP has the House, Senate, and Executive, if the government is shut down, it will fall purely on the GOP.
No it will fall on the democrats. They are all criminals.

Yeah, because the Dems have control of congress and control of the WH.

Good catch on your part.


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It isn't Drumpf government. We pay him to do a job and part of that job is compromising with the parties in Congress that represent their constituents. Can't make a deal oh great deal maker of the millenium? Then fuck off. Don't like opposition? Fuck off. Don't like how the courts keep you from doing stupid un-Constitutional shit? Fuck off.

Just because drumpf has delusions of being a dictator doesn't make it so. It just means he has delusions.+

The people who voted for him aren't paying him to cave on his campaign promises.

Keep this in mind: We won. You lost. Now sit in the back and shut the fuck up.

You know what's funny: If Trump did back down on his demand, all the douche bag snowflakes like you would be gloating about how he didn't keep another promise.

Do you actually think you're fooling anyone?
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?
You stupid bigoted ass. The first result of that mass deportation will be a lot of American farmers going broke for lack of field workers. The second result will be a bunch of corn farmers in the Mid-west selling their corn for next to nothing as there will be a vast oversupply of that without the exports that normally go to Mexico.

30 years of human garbage? Asshole, most of those people are good and efficient workers, probably better people that you are.

Why would exports stop going to Mexico? How are they going to make their tortillas without corn?
I am embarrassed for the Left. This kid thinks he is being smart. Obama didn't get his way so he shut it all down.....Trump doing the very same thing and it is "bad".

You may be entitled to your own opinion (as fucked up as it may be)....but NOT to your own "facts"......

Republicans Shut Down the Government for Nothing
After two weeks of closed government and a debt-limit freak-out, a deal is on the horizon—and the GOP has little to show for the crisis caused by its demands.

Republicans Shut Down the Government for Nothing

Since when does an opinion piece count as "fact?"
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?

They don't owe anything. You are the human garbage. A wall is a huge waste of time and money. This is one time I agree with Schumer.
If you think it's a waste of time and money, then it's a good investment.

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