Senior US officials: Trump is ready to shut down his own government if he doesn’t get border wall fu

You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?
isn't mexico paying for the wall?
Yes, it was an electoral promise of Trump that Mexico would pay for his wall. I heard him say so a few times on TV.

They will pay double eventually, trust me on that ol'roy

They already lost Ford and Carrier......more to come. Want to play around Senior? We could tax remittance or cancel Spring Break for a few years. Climb on my Burro little man.

View attachment 122985
How do you tax remittance, genius?
Ford and Carrier continue to have large production facilities in mexico. Trump lies to you and you just suck it up
Then Ford and Carrier have put out false information to the country and their stockholders. (Who don't want a border tax)
No they have told the truth, its Trump who lies about everything

Aha! You're using Alinsky's Rule#8.

  1. "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
It is worse than a government shutdown. if he doesn't get the funding, Trump is going to lie down and kick his feet and hold his breath until he turns blue.
From another angle...

Will Democrats continue to stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than keeping their own nation's government running?

Of course they will. It is about 17% of their total vote looking ahead. AND it is bad for America. A win-win for DemWitts.

Trump is right again........out with the bad........take a look at any good ones later on.
11 million Mexicans arrived here overnight?

They snuck-in, overstayed, whatever, over the span of multiple decades.

Now, fun-time's over, and their ragged asses are being sent home.

Mexicans, other Central Americans, South Americans, and the occasional people from elsewhere; all Illegal; all being sent packing.

Great fun.
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?

Republican businessmen would never allow Congress to tax Mexican imports. The whole thing about the border wall was just rhetoric for the benefit of the redneck racists in the Republican party.
Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President Donald Trump would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

Smucky Schumer said he'll shut it down if it is included. Ryan promised 15 billion to get it started. I guess we'll see what happens.
The kid isn't interested in the truth.
isn't mexico paying for the wall?
Yes, it was an electoral promise of Trump that Mexico would pay for his wall. I heard him say so a few times on TV.

They will pay double eventually, trust me on that ol'roy

They already lost Ford and Carrier......more to come. Want to play around Senior? We could tax remittance or cancel Spring Break for a few years. Climb on my Burro little man.

View attachment 122985
How do you tax remittance, genius?
Ford and Carrier continue to have large production facilities in mexico. Trump lies to you and you just suck it up
Then Ford and Carrier have put out false information to the country and their stockholders. (Who don't want a border tax)

Your Money, Your America
Despite Trump, Ford moves ahead with plans for Mexico plants

Ford Mexico CEO Gabriel Lopez said at a company event in Mexico City Thursday that it's going ahead with plans to expand two of its plants -- an engine plant in Chihuahua and a transmission plant in Irapuato.

These plans aren't new -- they were first announced in 2015. But they may seem at odds with all the recent buzz about U.S. automakers bringing jobs back to the U.S., particularly Ford, amid pressure from Trump.

Ford got a lot of attention last month when it dropped its plans to build a $1.6 billion assembly plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. But the small car production originally planned for the discontinued San Luis Potosi plant is shifting to an existing Ford Mexican assembly plant, not returning to the U.S.

Ford (F) never claimed to be bringing work back, but onlookers could be forgiven for getting confused. On that same day, Ford announced plans for a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to build electric and self-driving cars at a Michigan plant.

Despite Trump, Ford moves ahead with plans for Mexico plants

Carrier To Employees: Donald Trump Lied, We’re Still Sending 1,300 Jobs To Mexico

While Donald Trump may have bribed Carrier into keeping some 800 jobs in the United States with millions of dollars in tax breaks and other incentives — a dangerous precedent, as companies now know they only need to threaten to move out of the United States to get massive gifts from the Trump administration — one thing he doesn’t even acknowledge is that more jobs will still be going to Mexico than will stay in the United States.

In a deal that even stalwart Trump supporter calls a “hallmark of corruption” and “crony capitalism,” Trump and Pence offered the company $7 million to keep a small portion of the jobs they planned to move across the border in Indiana. The problem is that the company will still be moving 1,300 jobs Trump and his crew refuse to speak about. But Carrier was forthright with employees in a companywide letter explaining The Donald’s attempt to deceive the American public into thinking he was doing some actual good.

Carrier To Employees: Donald Trump Lied, We’re Still Sending 1,300 Jobs To Mexico | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

It isn't Drumpf government. We pay him to do a job and part of that job is compromising with the parties in Congress that represent their constituents. Can't make a deal oh great deal maker of the millenium? Then fuck off. Don't like opposition? Fuck off. Don't like how the courts keep you from doing stupid un-Constitutional shit? Fuck off.

Just because drumpf has delusions of being a dictator doesn't make it so. It just means he has delusions.+
Democrats should make a deal...

Fund science, infrastructure and education and we'll vote for the biggest effin wall on this planet. We'll make it 200 feet high made out of iron saying Donald Trump every 50 feet across the entire border.
From another angle...

Will Democrats continue to stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than keeping their own nation's government running?
The GOP has the Congress, Senate, and Executive. The Dems can do nothing if the GOP vote together. So, if the government is shut down, it will be over an internal squabble in the GOP.
Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X (El Paso/Juarez, Nogalez etc.) $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?

Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?
You stupid bigoted ass. The first result of that mass deportation will be a lot of American farmers going broke for lack of field workers. The second result will be a bunch of corn farmers in the Mid-west selling their corn for next to nothing as there will be a vast oversupply of that without the exports that normally go to Mexico.

30 years of human garbage? Asshole, most of those people are good and efficient workers, probably better people that you are.
Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
You are going to tax Americans going on vacation, or businessmen with work to do in Mexico? Thats a real winner.
I would think by now you hero would have come up with THE answer, he has had months to consider this.

For 4-8 more years until they pay their debt. Yes, tax the heck out of it. Shut it down. Americans can stay inside America or Canada. Or pay the added fee. Not my issue. Blame it on the Mexicans who dumped 30 years of human garbage up here. Time to pay up for your sins.

How about an EO? Should get paid back fairly quickly before these 8 years are up?
You stupid bigoted ass. The first result of that mass deportation will be a lot of American farmers going broke for lack of field workers. The second result will be a bunch of corn farmers in the Mid-west selling their corn for next to nothing as there will be a vast oversupply of that without the exports that normally go to Mexico.

30 years of human garbage? Asshole, most of those people are good and efficient workers, probably better people that you are.
Better think again. No Mexican day laborers? Not to worry. Trump will take away EBT cards, cut welfare and put lazy ass Democraps to work picking beans and strawberries.
Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
Even in McDonald's Americans have to pay before they receive the food.
But with Donald's Wall Mexico was supposed to fund the great big wall on "Day 1".

Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
Even in McDonald's Americans have to pay before they receive the food.
But with Donald's Wall Mexico was supposed to fund the great big wall on "Day 1".

Now you are just being a "problem" intentionally. Nobody said Day 1 Mexico will pay "up front". Plans are in the works Day 1, ol'roy. I will TIT a while longer. When the Taco is done, pay up.
Here is just the SD border. Imagine this time 10X. $1/car/day fee? Should not take long to collect enough? EO if need be?
National Security Fee?
But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

But Mexico is going to pay for the Trump Wall. He does not need Congress to fund it.

Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack. Just building the wall (enforcing the border) will make them pay to keep their criminals they force up here. Like the old westerns movies..."you got to sundown to get out of here". We got 30 years of the worst of the worst. They kept the good ones.

Sure some poor good ones got out too. I Believe we can/will work with them to stay if they want.
Even in McDonald's Americans have to pay before they receive the food.
But with Donald's Wall Mexico was supposed to fund the great big wall on "Day 1".

Now you are just being a "problem" intentionally. Nobody said Day 1 Mexico will pay "up front". Plans are in the works Day 1, ol'roy. I will TIT a while longer. When the Taco is done, pay up.

Trump never said Americans would pay for the Wall up front and then get reimbursed from Mexico. LOL
Consider Congress money a short-term loan or seed money. When built, send them the bill. If they don't make payments.........ratchet up the pressure till they crack.

Do you suggest sending $89 million in cruise missiles to Mexico, or a M.O.A.B.?

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