Sensible Gun Law & Gun Ownership Changes

Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
Then you must want everyone to get a federal license in order to exercise any rights.

If you don't pay your fee and get your 4th amendment license then the cops can search you, your home and your vehicles without a warrant.

Don't have your First Amendment license? Then you get arrested for criticizing the government.

We already have plenty of sensible gun laws on the books.

No I’m not advocating for licenses to exercise rights like speech and such, that’s not my intent.

But it is the same thing when you want to require a license to exercise the Right to own and carry a gun.

You would still have the right to own at the end of the day though. The change is the process.

Sorry, no, we wouldn't....the anti-gun democrats would make the licensing process so difficult and with so much legal peril for any mistake, that normal people wouldn't be able to own or carry guns......that isn't how Rights work.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
there is nothing sensible about your proposals..,

there are over 100 million gun owners in this country and little to no problems except from criminals,,,
now if you can figure out how to keep criminals from getting guns then we can talk,,,
I think it could reasonably be argued that the relative ease of access is why so many criminals have guns.

The relative ease in which they steal them?
Thats against the law.
I may have underestimated the response I’d get from these ideas. I understand the constitutionality concerns with what I’m talking about and that would obviously be a barrier and debate point before any of this could be considered possible. My main point with this was to focus on the long term impact of these changes and how in my opinion it could ultimately lead to more responsible gun ownership that is trackable to an extent.

The Government has no need to know if I own guns or not.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
Then you must want everyone to get a federal license in order to exercise any rights.

If you don't pay your fee and get your 4th amendment license then the cops can search you, your home and your vehicles without a warrant.

Don't have your First Amendment license? Then you get arrested for criticizing the government.

We already have plenty of sensible gun laws on the books.

No I’m not advocating for licenses to exercise rights like speech and such, that’s not my intent.

So you just want to restrict rights you dont agree with.
I may have underestimated the response I’d get from these ideas. I understand the constitutionality concerns with what I’m talking about and that would obviously be a barrier and debate point before any of this could be considered possible. My main point with this was to focus on the long term impact of these changes and how in my opinion it could ultimately lead to more responsible gun ownership that is trackable to an extent.
Read about what happened in 1938 Germany. You picked a really bad time to start a thread like this with all the rioting and looting going on.
People everywhere are realizing they need guns now. Gun stores are booming!

" Read about what happened in 1938 Germany. "

I have.

apparently YOU have NOT!

what happened in Germany in 1936;

all NON aryans, minorities, JEWS, intellectuals, communists, atheists, liberals, rational people, sane people, reasonable people were DENIED the right to own guns!

all ARYANS who were MEMBERS of the NAZI party WERE allowed to own guns...


think of it like this;

YOU, being a member of the conservative christian republican party, will be ALLOWED to own weapons

but the people you want to kill (or lynch) will NOT!

and THAT is what happened in NAZI Germany.


do you have a problem with YOU and your friends LEGALLY OWNING WEAPONS while denying all of the people you want to kill (or lynch) the right to fight back?

I'll bet not....

if CONS can have weapons but LIBS can NOT....wouldn't it make it easier for you to rack up the kills?

Hell... We dont even need to go that far back.
Look at Venezuela,they banned guns around six years ago and look where they're at now.
The only reason a government would want to ban guns is if they planned on doing something they damn well know the public is going to go ballistic over.
Thats been shown time and again..
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
Fuck off and die.... What part of the 2nd Amendment do you not understand. Why does "semi-Auto" make you wet you panties.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
Fuck off and die.... What part of the 2nd Amendment do you not understand. Why does "semi-Auto" make you wet you panties.

I'll let her straddle the barrel of my AR while I empty a 30 round mag, that'll dry things up in a hurry.
And we could find out what burning meat curtain smells like.
Why do these morons always start with " Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws" Then go on to want exactly what they said they were against and this moron takes it a step further by including ammunition in her bans,, This is why democrats cannot be trusted. No more compromises. If after these past weekends and the defund the police movement you do not see the need for less stringent guns laws than you are part of the problem
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but

This is where two statements are joined by a “but”, in such a way that you know, even before you read the whole of it, that everything after the “but” just goes to show that everything before the “but” was a lie.

I wasn't lying though. I am not against private gun ownership and I don't want to outright ban guns like some people want to do. I'm just trying to consider ways to help change the gun culture in this country and in my personal opinion help make it safer and more sensible. In conjunction with what i'm proposing there would also be an increased focus on black market guns and the criminal element of it as well.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but

This is where two statements are joined by a “but”, in such a way that you know, even before you read the whole of it, that everything after the “but” just goes to show that everything before the “but” was a lie.

I wasn't lying though. I am not against private gun ownership and I don't want to outright ban guns like some people want to do. I'm just trying to consider ways to help change the gun culture in this country and in my personal opinion help make it safer and more sensible. In conjunction with what i'm proposing there would also be an increased focus on black market guns and the criminal element of it as well.

If you want to reduce gun crime you are focused on the wrong thing. Normal gun owners are not using their guns for crime.....again, it is the policies of the democrat party in the cities that they control that drive 95% of our gun crime problem.... by focusing on laws for normal people, you do nothing to stop criminals.....and you increase the distrust gun owners have for your motives....
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.

I don't want to punish law abiding Americans, I just basically want to help create a more responsible and accountable gun culture in this country. Also most gun violence in this country is with suicides and urban violence, not mass shootings that you are mentioning above, so that's not my main focus..
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Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.

I don't want to punish law abiding Americans, I just basically want to help create a more responsible and accountable gun culture in this country.

You won't do that with what you you understand that? Do you understand that as more law abiding people own and carry guns....nothing you are worried about happened?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.

I don't want to punish law abiding Americans, I just basically want to help create a more responsible and accountable gun culture in this country.

You won't do that with what you you understand that? Do you understand that as more law abiding people own and carry guns....nothing you are worried about happened?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Ok but how do you know that those numbers were truly driven by gun ownership increases and not through improved standard of living for people or through gentrification of large areas of the country's urban centers?
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.

I don't want to punish law abiding Americans, I just basically want to help create a more responsible and accountable gun culture in this country.

You won't do that with what you you understand that? Do you understand that as more law abiding people own and carry guns....nothing you are worried about happened?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Ok but how do you know that those numbers were truly driven by gun ownership increases and not through improved standard of living for people or through gentrification of large areas of the country's urban centers?

You missed it, just like all the other people do....

The Pew poll doesn't address guns lowering the crime rate....I have research on that too.....what the Pew Poll shows is that normal people owning guns does not increase the gun crime rates.......that is what you don't get.....

The anti-gun argument.....

More guns = More gun crime....

Actual real world experience over 27 years......gun crime did not go normal people owning and carrying guns does not increase gun crime..........that cuts the legs from the entire anti gun argument.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.
Just semi-autos?



Fuck no.

If anything, we are going to repeal the Hughes amendment, and start buying machine guns again.

Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

^^^^ You want to PUNISH law abiding gun owning Americans who are the MAJORITY for things that a MINORITY do ie. go on shooting sprees?

The MAJORITY of law abiding gun owning Americans are NEVER going to go and shoot up a school or a restaurant or whatever, so there is NO reason why someone should NOT have 500 guns per household if that's what they want and are interested in.

I don't want to punish law abiding Americans, I just basically want to help create a more responsible and accountable gun culture in this country. Also most gun violence in this country is with suicides and urban violence, not mass shootings that you are mentioning above, so that's not my main focus..

You cant count suicide.
There are many ways to kill yourself if you dont have a gun.
Just to make it known I am not anti-gun private ownership or wanting to ban all guns, nor am I against the ownership of semi-automatic weapons, but I do think that there could be sensible adjustments made to gun laws and how citizens own guns that in the long term would make the country safer in my personal opinion. I'd be curious of your opinions and your potential adjustments to these ideas.

- I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own. You would have to have a clean criminal record in order to get a license. You should also have to agree within that paperwork to have a secure place or safe at your home for the gun to be stored and that safe can be subject to inspection by the police to make sure its within compliance of the license.

- The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application. Meaning that when you go into a gun store or sporting goods store to buy a gun you should have to formally declare on paper before that time the intended usage of the gun you want to buy. So for example, hunting, sport shooting, professional needs, etc. I also think that there should be a limit to one gun per caliber. If you need more guns of the same caliber due to it being a profession then you could request an increase.

- If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed. Similar for sport shooting or for professional reasons you should have documentation proving the justification for the purchase and that you have completed all necessary training.

- For sport shooting semi-automatic weapons would be allowed but before you can buy I think you should be registered to a gun range or shooting center and the facility would verify your membership as part of the licensing and the loaned weapons you were allowed to rent while at the center. The training for both would also require a refresher every year to remain valid for the hunting or sport shooting license. If your hunting license for example is no longer valid or if you fail the training courses then the guns would need to be surrendered, or if you leave that specific shooting center then you would need to resubmit the new location and the president or owner of that gun club would need to verify it as well.

- The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

I know these sound strict compared to what we have now but I think they are sensible changes that in the long term I think it would eventually reduce the amount of illegal weapons and create a more respectful gun culture.

I think all gun owners should have to submit for a federal license in order to own.

Jews in Germany. Last thing I want, or will accept, is having the Federal Government have my name on a list of gun owners.

No. Bad idea. Besides, this will improve nothing. Canada had a gun registration, and it never had a positive effect. It was useless, and did not prevent a single crime.

No up side. Only down side.

The purchase of the gun should have a designated reason that is necessary for the transaction as part of the application.

No. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That does not say "Unless you don't have a designated reason".

If you intend to purchase the gun for hunting then you should first have to pass gun safety courses and training and only then you will have a valid hunting license before you are allowed to buy the gun. For hunting only bolt action weapons would be allowed.

You don't get to decide what type of firearm, that I own. None of your business.

Moreover, I can drive down the block, and buy a gun. Nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing you can do to make me take a course. No one will ever know it happened.

You are wasting time and money.

The ammunition for these weapons would also only be able to be bought if you have a valid federal license to own a gun.

Yeah, they do that in the UK, and the result is increased crime and gun use.


Nothing of what you said will make anyone anywhere, safer. In fact it will make all of us less safe.

The problem with gun laws, is that the only people who obey the laws, are law abiding people.

Criminals do not follow the laws. If they did, you wouldn't need a gun law. Think about it. If people obeyed the law, why would you need a gun law? If they didn't murder people, you wouldn't need a gun law to stop them from murdering people.

So the only the people that you are bothering are law abiding people. You will not stop a single criminal from engaging in a criminal act. In fact, you make life safer for criminals.

The Texas shooter, at the Sutherland Church, was shot at and ultimately stopped by Stephen Willeford, an NRA instructor, armed with an AR-15 rifle.

Under your policies, it is possible that he would not have been allowed to have an AR-15, and possibly the Texas shooter would have made it somewhere else to shoot more people, thanks to our bad life-ending criminal protecting policies.

The fact is, criminals will always have guns.

The ATF government agency, did some research into how criminals got their weapons, and found that less than 8% were from legal purchases. That means that 92% of criminals are getting their weapons illegally already. That also means that there is already a large vast network of black market suppliers of guns.

Additionally, we know from Australia, that when you ban guns, people start making guns on their own.

Guns are not exactly space age tech, that require a Ph.D to make. In fact, you can make a Luty, from parts at your average hardware store.

And bullets are not space age tech either. You can make bullets at home as well.

Your policies are not only bad, but dangerous. You are going to get more people killed, with more bad gun laws.

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