Separation of church and State....Hmmmm

it's called the first amendement ,

Please show us where in the First Amendment there is anything that says there shall be a separation between church and state.
Ever try reading it or is English not your first language?
Btw who is we?

I read English very well, thank you.

You did not answer my question - no surprise. Attack when you're proven wrong.
you've only proven that the first ammendment is far too subtle for you to understand.
do you need everything spoon fed to you.
btw you need to learn the between a statement of fact and an 'attack'.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Too subtle? Your flair for inanity is unbelievable. What is subtle about the words: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Subtlety is the refuge of those who refuse to accept what is before their eyes! The first time the phrase came up was in a letter by Thomas Jefferson, someone who clearly understood what it was all about.

His letter explained that they need not fear the establishment of a national denomination—and that while the wall of the First Amendment would protect the church from government control—there always would be open and free religious expression of all orthodox religious practices, for true religious expression of all orthodox religious practices, for true religious duties would never threaten the purpose of government. The government would interfere with a religious activity was a direct menace to the government or to the overall peace and good order of society. (Later Supreme Court identified potential "religious" activities in which the government might interfere: things like human sacrifice, bigamy or polygamy, the advocation of immorality or licentiousness, etc. If any of these activities were to occur in the name of "religion," then the government would interfere, for these were activities which threaten public peace and safety; but with orthodox religious practices, the government would not interfere).

For a very detailed and informative article on this subject, go to: The Origin of "Separation of Church and State" (good article)

Which I am certain you will ignore as it does not abide by your slanted understanding of the subject.
that article lacks even a trace of objectivity .
it's extreme bais destroys any credibility it might have contained .
it olny proves my point.
Its really unfair to ask the children of conservatives to learn. The parents are forever 8 years old, why ask the children to progress past that level. Conservatives believe that learning about another culture, one that you don't support or believe in, somehow transfers the 'magic' of that culture to you and you are thus converted to ......who knows ..... something horrible and with 3 heads.

Knowledge in their world represents just one more thing to be afraid of.
We call ourselves a nation founded on christian values. Yet Jesus preached about how money and worldly possessions are of no value. Yet some cry cry like little stupid children if someone is using medicare. Hypocrites and liars they are.

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