Separation of church and State....Hmmmm

I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

I must be missing something. This is an issue of security (false or not). What does church / state have to do with here?
The students are being required to write a statement of faith to Islam.
If the lesson was to simply copy the writing, the lesson should have included random words.

So make more work instead of using an existing writing in the language they were highlighting? That's stupid.

But seriously, what are y'all's Jesus Jammies in a bunch about? The school is changing the image.
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails
I wonder how many liberals oppose teaching about other parts of the world and their religions.
In other words "that's different"...Correct?
No religion in public schools( according to you libs) means exactly that.
BTW, this requirement by the Augusta County schools has nothing to do with world history.
Its a sneaky way to get students indoctrinated into Islam and how the religion "has been persecuted by( Fill in the blank).....
Obviously the parents and students want none of this. And it's unnecessary.

Did you see the lesson?


They were not asked to translate or recite the statement, just to copy the calligraphy.
Why were the asked to copy the writing?
It is not the writing in and of itself where the problem arises. It's what the wiring says.
If this were an actual lesson in how to write this way, the words would have been random. Not a "statement of faith" to Islam.
Very slick. But they got busted.

You don't know what calligraphy is? Wow, you ARE stupid.

It's not translated in the lesson and the students were not asked to translate it.
The issue is not the writing in and of itself . The issue is what the writing says.
Why do you think the teachers decided to use a statement of faith to Islam as opposed to just random words?
For that matter ,why is religion being discussed ( at the exclusion of all other religions) being discussed in world history class?
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

I must be missing something. This is an issue of security (false or not). What does church / state have to do with here?
The students are being required to write a statement of faith to Islam.
If the lesson was to simply copy the writing, the lesson should have included random words.

I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

I must be missing something. This is an issue of security (false or not). What does church / state have to do with here?
The students are being required to write a statement of faith to Islam.
If the lesson was to simply copy the writing, the lesson should have included random words.

So make more work instead of using an existing writing in the language they were highlighting? That's stupid.

But seriously, what are y'all's Jesus Jammies in a bunch about? The school is changing the image.
Make more work? .....How so? If an equal number of words to the statement chosen totally at random, where is the problem?
"Jesus Jammies"?.....Thank you for confirming the liberal point of view.
Christianity= Bad
Islam= Good...
Changing what image?..
I knew it would not take many posts for at least one of you flaming libs to spew some anti Christian nonsense( Jesus Jammies) while protecting Islam.
You lefties are as easy as five dollar blow job hookers....
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

What is the reason for the closing? I skimmed several paragraphs of the linked material and I didn't see it. What was the geography lesson all about?

Fucking lazy thread.
The school district was closed because of threatening calls and emails?

From whom?
No threats were mentioned. Only the concerns of parents and students...
The school district administration did not expect any push back. They never do.
In this case, the people of Augusta County made it abundantly clear they were not pleased with this lesson plan.
So rather than deal with the push back, the administrators chickened out and closed the schools. They also showed their petulance by cancelling all extra curricular activities for the entire weekend. That is the administration's way getting back at those who dared to disagree with them...

So you heard all the calls and read all the emails?

Amazing. You must have super powers.
Did you watch the news story in the link?....No?
It is quite possible there were a few nut jobs that responded. So what? That is not the point?
But you're a lib. So you'll harp on the lowest common denominator to suit your narrative.
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

What is the reason for the closing? I skimmed several paragraphs of the linked material and I didn't see it. What was the geography lesson all about?

Fucking lazy thread.
It was not a geography lesson....And if you read the story in the link you would have realized the feedback from the residents and students was the reason the school administration saw cause to close the schools.
Now, how about you get back on track and discuss the subject matter of the thread. That is separation of church and state. A point on which you libs like to hang your hat
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails
I wonder how many liberals oppose teaching about other parts of the world and their religions.
In other words "that's different"...Correct?
No religion in public schools( according to you libs) means exactly that.
BTW, this requirement by the Augusta County schools has nothing to do with world history.
Its a sneaky way to get students indoctrinated into Islam and how the religion "has been persecuted by( Fill in the blank).....
Obviously the parents and students want none of this. And it's unnecessary.

No. Dumb shit.

There is nothing at all wrong with studying ABOUT religion in public schools. There is a problem with practicing a particular religion in public schools.

I want all kids to study all they can learn. If they do, I am confident that most will determine that it's all bullshit.
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

What is the reason for the closing? I skimmed several paragraphs of the linked material and I didn't see it. What was the geography lesson all about?

Fucking lazy thread.
It was not a geography lesson....And if you read the story in the link you would have realized the feedback from the residents and students was the reason the school administration saw cause to close the schools.
Now, how about you get back on track and discuss the subject matter of the thread. That is separation of church and state. A point on which you libs like to hang your hat

You didn't do a good job of explaining your OP. Thanks to others, I know what happened. Be less lazy next time.
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails
I wonder how many liberals oppose teaching about other parts of the world and their religions.
In other words "that's different"...Correct?
No religion in public schools( according to you libs) means exactly that.
BTW, this requirement by the Augusta County schools has nothing to do with world history.
Its a sneaky way to get students indoctrinated into Islam and how the religion "has been persecuted by( Fill in the blank).....
Obviously the parents and students want none of this. And it's unnecessary.

Did you see the lesson?


They were not asked to translate or recite the statement, just to copy the calligraphy.
Why were the asked to copy the writing?
It is not the writing in and of itself where the problem arises. It's what the wiring says.
If this were an actual lesson in how to write this way, the words would have been random. Not a "statement of faith" to Islam.
Very slick. But they got busted.

You don't know what calligraphy is? Wow, you ARE stupid.

It's not translated in the lesson and the students were not asked to translate it.
Oh so you want to hurl insults, huh...
Ok....fine, ..
Go bake cookies you room temperature IQ twat.
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

What is the reason for the closing? I skimmed several paragraphs of the linked material and I didn't see it. What was the geography lesson all about?

Fucking lazy thread.
It was not a geography lesson....And if you read the story in the link you would have realized the feedback from the residents and students was the reason the school administration saw cause to close the schools.
Now, how about you get back on track and discuss the subject matter of the thread. That is separation of church and state. A point on which you libs like to hang your hat

You didn't do a good job of explaining your OP. Thanks to others, I know what happened. Be less lazy next time.
Genius. That info was in the story link....
So now that you know the details, any thoughts?
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails

What is the reason for the closing? I skimmed several paragraphs of the linked material and I didn't see it. What was the geography lesson all about?

Fucking lazy thread.
It was not a geography lesson....And if you read the story in the link you would have realized the feedback from the residents and students was the reason the school administration saw cause to close the schools.
Now, how about you get back on track and discuss the subject matter of the thread. That is separation of church and state. A point on which you libs like to hang your hat

You didn't do a good job of explaining your OP. Thanks to others, I know what happened. Be less lazy next time.
Genius. That info was in the story link....
So now that you know the details, any thoughts?

The info should have been in the OP and more easily found in the link. You did a shit job.

And....I already explained the facts of life to you.

Maybe if some of the nutbags in GA weren't so PC, schools would have been open and kids would have been learning about shit today.

You and your pals are your own worst enemies.
The modern version of church and state (the one where agnostics get to tear down Korean War memorials) came about as a result of a supreme court decision around 1948. The justice who wrote the majority opinion was a former KKK member appointed by FDR. Indications are that Justice Black was raised with an abiding hatred of Papists and the FDR administration was looking for a way to stop the proliferation of Catholic schools. Separation of Church was a perfect way around the 1st Amendment and apparently the decision was based on letters by Jefferson but not on the Constitution.
I wonder how many liberals oppose teaching about other parts of the world and their religions.
In other words "that's different"...Correct?
No religion in public schools( according to you libs) means exactly that.
BTW, this requirement by the Augusta County schools has nothing to do with world history.
Its a sneaky way to get students indoctrinated into Islam and how the religion "has been persecuted by( Fill in the blank).....
Obviously the parents and students want none of this. And it's unnecessary.

Did you see the lesson?


They were not asked to translate or recite the statement, just to copy the calligraphy.
Why were the asked to copy the writing?
It is not the writing in and of itself where the problem arises. It's what the wiring says.
If this were an actual lesson in how to write this way, the words would have been random. Not a "statement of faith" to Islam.
Very slick. But they got busted.

You don't know what calligraphy is? Wow, you ARE stupid.

It's not translated in the lesson and the students were not asked to translate it.
Oh so you want to hurl insults, huh...
Ok....fine, ..
Go bake cookies you room temperature IQ twat.

And boom there it goes, he loses it.
The modern version of church and state (the one where agnostics get to tear down Korean War memorials) came about as a result of a supreme court decision around 1948. The justice who wrote the majority opinion was a former KKK member appointed by FDR. Indications are that Justice Black was raised with an abiding hatred of Papists and the FDR administration was looking for a way to stop the proliferation of Catholic schools. Separation of Church was a perfect way around the 1st Amendment and apparently the decision was based on letters by Jefferson but not on the Constitution.

So we should pretend the Supreme Court is not part of the Constitution?
I wonder where the Church and State separation libs are on this one?
Or will they respond with " That's different" ...or "Nothing to see here"..Or "Where is this? In some county full of intolerant Caucasian hillbillies?...
Either way, the libs will not be able to sensibly discuss the comparisons that make when separation of Church and State issues arise regarding the Christian faith.
This ought to be good...
Augusta County Schools Will be Closed on Friday Due to 'Tone and Content' of Calls and E-mails
The ignorance and stupidity of this is remarkable, as is the idiocy of the thread premise, incorrectly perceived as some sort of 'gotcha.'

The schools are closed because of a justified fear of violence in the schools, violence the result of unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam, having nothing whatsoever to do with 'separation of church and state.'

The school system is neither 'endorsing' nor 'prohibiting' religion or religious expression – there are no First Amendment 'issues' in play.

The thread premise is a failure of galactic proportions.
'The phrase was a statement of Islamic faith but the students were "not asked to translate the statement or to recite it.” Rather, the purpose of the exercise was to give students an “idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”'

This is known as a secular purpose, government reference to religion in this context is permissible, in no way a 'violation' of the Establishment Clause (see Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The failed thread premise is yet another example of the ignorance of the Constitution and its case law common to many on the right.

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