Sequester Impact On States Detailed In New White House Reports

That's true. They had failed to take into account all that pent up demand after years of virtually no consumer spending due to both the depression and rationing. When the soldiers came home, they had the GI bill, and millions of people got married and started their lives. The coming births of millions of babies (popularized as the baby boom 1946-1964) created a ready market for consumer goods for decades to come even as our manufacturing base (which we've now essentially shipped to other countries to increase corporate profits at the expense of general American prosperity) retooled the countries laid waste in the war by both the allies and the axis powers. America was essentially benefiting from both ends of the end of war.

Our world today bears no resemblance to those years. Cutting gov't spending in a haphazard manner now when private sector spending is still depressed, but struggling to recover, will likely just result in a contraction of the economy.

Pent up demand? What the fuck are you talking about? The recession ended because there was an abundance of supply, not demand.

Neo-Keynesian economics doesn't recognize anything that happens outside of the government as a solution for recessions, which is why it is, and always will be, wrong.

this is true!! All they talk about is aggregate demand when the difference over the last 2000 years is a 10000% rise in aggregate supply.
Did we make progress from the stone age to here because libturds stimulated aggregate demand or because Republican capitalists stimulated aggregate supply with new inventions ???

The way you word it, there wasn't any progress from the stone age times until republican capitalists appeared on the scene. Jonas Salk wasn't a republican capitalist, and he surely advanced progress

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