Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

God bless the GOP for trying to stop the madness.

It's difficult (to the point of impossibility, frankly) to imagine Michele Bachmann (one among many others in the Republican caucus, I can assure you) of participating in any effort to stop the spread of madness considering that conservatives have become increasingly known, even within Republican circles, as the Typhoid Marys of political lunacy. Think about it! Even within the halls of a politically strident and tone deaf organization such as the NRA, there exists a board member by the name of Ted Nugent (and I'm STILL having a difficult time believing THAT) who ends up getting invited to the SOU presidential address by another shoot-from-the-hip TX Rep named Steve Stockman. If it was a fictional story in a book, it probably couldn't be made into a movie because it would seem too far-fetched.
Sequester was pushed through R House by Boehner, Ryan, McCain. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted and Ryan crowed about his "win".

OTOH, Ds did vote for it rather than suffer another credit downgrade.

Its a mess and the real point now is that the damn Rs are still refusing to cut short their vacation and come back to work.

American people are not so dumb that they don't see right through the Rs shenanigans.

Correct. They know it's Obama's sequester. He thought he was being cute when he suggested it and signed it into law. Now it's biting him on the ass. So much for the smartest president evah.

More unsubstantiated BS from the master of BS.


Look from 2009 to 2012 Obama increases by half the debt the amount of all his predecessors. That with democrats as the majority party bragging about winning elections. Sad really sad the liberal left wing denial.
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God bless the GOP for trying to stop the madness.

It's difficult (to the point of impossibility, frankly) to imagine Michele Bachmann (one among many others in the Republican caucus, I can assure you) of participating in any effort to stop the spread of madness considering that conservatives have become increasingly known, even within Republican circles, as the Typhoid Marys of political lunacy. Think about it! Even within the halls of a politically strident and tone deaf organization such as the NRA, there exists a board member by the name of Ted Nugent (and I'm STILL having a difficult time believing THAT) who ends up getting invited to the SOU presidential address by another shoot-from-the-hip TX Rep named Steve Stockman. If it was a fictional story in a book, it probably couldn't be made into a movie because it would seem too far-fetched.

Sigh, all of that has much to do about absolutely nothing. The left wing liberals have nothing to say about crazies being at the SOU address as long as Pelosi is in the audience.
Sequester was pushed through R House by Boehner, Ryan, McCain. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted and Ryan crowed about his "win".

OTOH, Ds did vote for it rather than suffer another credit downgrade.

Its a mess and the real point now is that the damn Rs are still refusing to cut short their vacation and come back to work.

American people are not so dumb that they don't see right through the Rs shenanigans.

Correct. They know it's Obama's sequester. He thought he was being cute when he suggested it and signed it into law. Now it's biting him on the ass. So much for the smartest president evah.

The polls don't agree with you.

Neither did the voters.

But hey, you go right ahead and believe whatever you need to believe.
Former Republican National Committee chairman Haley Barbour says he expects the GOP to allow sequestration to occur,
Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much
Dante is on the money

You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:
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Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much
Dante is on the money

Conservatives at the National Review are arguing to allow sequestration to happen

Finally, we shouldn’t forget that defense spending has been cut dramatically in the past without any of the dire consequences with which we are threatened today. Take the 1990s: Both Bush and Clinton cut defense spending from $299.3 billion in 1990 to $265 billion in 1996 (and yet under sequester, defense spending will actually continue to grow). During that time, defense spending as a share of GDP fell from 5.2 percent to 3 percent. To be sure, part of this drop in the military’s share of GDP was due to the economic boom in the 1990s, which increased the denominator. But during that time, many hundreds of thousands of jobs, military and civilian, were lost in the defense industry and related businesses, and yet the overall economy grew.

You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:
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If the Sequestration is so bad, why did that fuck sign it? If it was the GOP who made it, why is everyone lying except your BS link? Even his employees are lying? :eek:

It is all explained by a post. All involved put it forth as something no one would dare allow to happen. President Obama underestimated the power of the right wing tail of the GOP to wag the gop dog.

What you either forget, or do not want to think about, is that it takes two to tango. You cannot have a one sided impasse. Obama could just as easily give up on his desired tax hikes, and accept a few cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

BTW, the Republicans have offered to do away with the tax loopholes, but to do it in a way that is revenue neutral. Obama has rejected that offer.
If the Sequestration is so bad, why did that fuck sign it? If it was the GOP who made it, why is everyone lying except your BS link? Even his employees are lying? :eek:

It is all explained by a post. All involved put it forth as something no one would dare allow to happen. President Obama underestimated the power of the right wing tail of the GOP to wag the gop dog.

What you either forget, or do not want to think about, is that it takes two to tango. You cannot have a one sided impasse. Obama could just as easily give up on his desired tax hikes, and accept a few cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

BTW, the Republicans have offered to do away with the tax loopholes, but to do it in a way that is revenue neutral. Obama has rejected that offer.

The President has said he is open to cuts. Why won't the GOP name the cuts they want? Obama said he wanted to raise taxes and named the taxes. Why won't the GOP be honest and open with the American people? Their noise machine has been gearing up for a sequester saying it is no big deal.
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


So it's the GOP's fault because they refuse to raise taxes again?

You put the "stup" in stupid.
The conservatives are setting up a fight between the GOP and it's base.

this will be good. Idiots in the base thinking sequestration won't be so bad...contrary to reality...and GOP leaders afraid to allow the party to be held accountable for more raises on taxes. backed into a corner where lose/lose is happening


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