Serious question for supporters of the J6 Committee:

The plan was simple:

They would take most or all of the electoral college hostage. They knew that Capitol police wouldn't launch an assault against a huge crowd. Instead they would try to negotiate.

Then Trump would march down to the Capitol and take charge of the negotiations.

Trump would negotiate a deal whereby they would release the hostages as long as the electoral college would throw out the election results of several states. That would void the electoral college.

The election would then be determined by the House of Representatives according to the Constitution - one representative from each state only. In that vote the Republicans had the majority and Trump would win the election.

Any other questions?
Why on earth would anyone agree to that?
Why on earth would anyone agree to that?

Do you not understand the word 'Hostages'?

Some Republicans in the electoral college tried to stop the certification of electors from several states even before the attempted insurrection, so it probably wouldn't have bene difficult to get a bunch more Republicans on board with that if they were being held hostage.
How much of a stash of tin foil do you have on hand?

Aw! DId you really think that no one figured this out? Anybody with a brain figured this out as the insurrection was happening.

If you (inconveniently) remember, the insurrectionists were all yelling:


Only an idiot wouldn't understand their plan.
Do you believe that the rioters of J6 intended to take over the U.S. Federal Government, and install Donald Trump as a permanent President/Dictator?
I don't think the J6 rioters could successfully take over a DMV office. It's why I refer to it as 'the shitty insurrection'.No rational individual expected them to be successful. However, the very act was seditious, criminal and violent. No one besides magaturds were responsible for this, and the very fact that magaturds are doing they're damndest to avoid any accountability for it is enough for me to relish the DOJ crawling right up into their asses and make their lives rather uncomfortable for the forseeable future.
Dear Dumbass, they DID have firearms - and other weapons. They also had other weapons stashed around the Capitol. Why are Trump NaziCons so pitifully stupid and uninformed? They even placed some bombs - which luckily didn't explode.
Liar. But then again your typing . So to be expected. It's all you do.
The plan was simple:

They would take most or all of the electoral college hostage. They knew that Capitol police wouldn't launch an assault against a huge crowd. Instead they would try to negotiate.

Then Trump would march down to the Capitol and take charge of the negotiations.

Trump would negotiate a deal whereby they would release the hostages as long as the electoral college would throw out the election results of several states. That would void the electoral college.

The election would then be determined by the House of Representatives according to the Constitution - one representative from each state only. In that vote the Republicans had the majority and Trump would win the election.

Any other questions?
yea i got one.......are you fucking serious?......just asking.....
Dear Dumbass, they DID have firearms - and other weapons. They also had other weapons stashed around the Capitol. Why are Trump NaziCons so pitifully stupid and uninformed? They even placed some bombs - which luckily didn't explode.
So why didn’t they bring those firearms and other weapons to the ”insurrection “ or riot? That would be like going to a war and leaving your weapons behind.

There was a dedicated police force on site to protect Congress. This article predates the riot.


Capitol Hill Police officer Nathan Rainey stands guard on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2017. AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta

You might consider Trump Deplorables to be stupid but let me assure you that they are not THAT stupid.
You just want an honest answer? A pretty good start then is to ask honest questions. Trying to make the fact that those who broke into the Capitol weren't armed to fight ww3 as somehow meaning that they were not trying to overthrow the government is in my view dishonest.

I believed they were there at least in their own head to disrupt the certification of the election. That was the stated goal. To reach that goal they figured that breaking into the Capitol would disrupt the proceedings. They were right. Over 140 police officers got injured in the process. The lack of firearms doesn't change that.

Certification of a presidential election does not require direct control of any physical building or location. A nuclear weapon could have detonated over DC that day and Biden, provided he survived the initial blast, would most certainly still have been sworn in as the next POTUS. You can't have it both ways; either your so-called insurrectionists were equipped and capable of seizing total control of the US government or they weren't. Wait a second, I thought Biden said the American people needed F-15 Eagles to take down the US government. How many insurrectionists were flying F-15s over DC on January 6th?

"prosecutors cited newly discovered communications allegedly showing members discussing storing their weapons at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Virginia, knowing that possessing such arms within Washington, D.C., would be illegal."

They didn't bring the weapons into DC, because they knew that would be illegal.

They left them at the hotel! ;-)
That is at least 4 miles away....Were they going to snipe all those people in a locked down building?
Do you believe that the rioters of J6 intended to take over the U.S. Federal Government, and install Donald Trump as a permanent President/Dictator?

If so, how do you explain that absence of any firearms?

I know this may be futile, but I'm looking for honest answers.
Looks like you realized you mistake after 19 replies and left the building. Now a question for you. . Are you really so poorly informed that you really thought that there were no weapons? Or, did you think that people were stupid enough to believe you?
Looks like you realized you mistake after 19 replies and left the building. Now a question for you. . Are you really so poorly informed that you really thought that there were no weapons? Or, did you think that people were stupid enough to believe you?
Again, where were the firearms taken into the building to intimidate and insurrect the congress, which werent there but miles away in some bullshit hotel, that the government has made up? At one time "liberals" , but are Marxists now, would question everything about their government, now they are just stupid sheep and follow what ever Nancy Piglosi tells them to believe.

Certification of a presidential election does not require direct control of any physical building or location. A nuclear weapon could have detonated over DC that day and Biden, provided he survived the initial blast, would most certainly still have been sworn in as the next POTUS. You can't have it both ways; either your so-called insurrectionists were equipped and capable of seizing total control of the US government or they weren't. Wait a second, I thought Biden said the American people needed F-15 Eagles to take down the US government. How many insurrectionists were flying F-15s over DC on January 6th?
See this whole idea that Jan 6th happened in a vacuum only works when you are willfully blind. It was not isolated and it didn't rely on a takeover of the Capitol building. It relied on creating a scenario in which Congress would be not capable of certifying the election results. In this case, it would be sent back to the states who would not have had a clear way to resolve it. If you guys would be interested in actually watching the Jan 6th hearing instead of moaning about it, you might be aware of the multiple actions that were taken to create such a scenario.

By the way, this idea that the people on Jan 6th were there for any other reason than trying to prevent Biden from becoming president is simply ridiculous. Your entire argument rest on the fact that they were incompetent.

A bank robber trying to rob a bank using a water pistol is still a bank robber he's not engaging in a friendly child's game but actually still committing a serious crime.
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