Serious question for supporters of the J6 Committee:

Yet the only shot fired, you fucking worthless dumbass was a security force (blackman) shooting a white woman in the neck. I have never seen in my whole entire life, such stupidity from the Marxists who frequent this board.

Yes they are that fucking stupid.

View attachment 694827
That wasn't the question the OP asked you fucking retard.
Dear Dumbass, they DID have firearms - and other weapons. They also had other weapons stashed around the Capitol. Why are Trump NaziCons so pitifully stupid and uninformed? They even placed some bombs - which luckily didn't explode.
If I remember correctly the bombs were placed by democrats. As for the weapons they had some small arms miles away from events that according to the organizers were intended to be used against Antifa if it attacked the demonstration. There was no plan to take over the government, the demonstrators wanted to delay the ratification of the votes until an impartial investigation could be completed which never happened. If there was a plan, where were the people to take over the police stations, the Marine Barracks, the Old Guard's barracks, the media stations and isolate DC from counter attacks from the Marines at Quantico and the Army at Fort Belvoir? Those would be the very most basic steps for an insurrection.
So far, no honest, rational answers. The idea that they would take over, grab some hostages, then go back to their hotel rooms for their weapons, relies on an ability such as Jesus had when be multiplied a couple loaves and fishes to feed thousands. You are talking about a handful of guns to take over the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It's just plain silly.

Here's the facts, baby: The rioters intended to DISRUPT AND DELAY the certification of Electoral Votes pending a serious investigation into the mountain of likely illegalities that allowed Joe Biden to win in the "swing states."

Up until that time, no court or honest authoritative body had done anything but make up excuses why they could not look closer. Lack of standing. Case is premature. Case is stale. No proper plaintiff. The list goes on to this day.

And most of those anomalies and illegalities remain unresolved to any rational mind. Ultimately, everyone reading this knows that if the same rules were in place in 2020 that had been in place in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide. And if the Press had not suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop revelations, same result.

Bottom line: stolen election. And you can see to this very day, the SHOCKED and AMAZED Leftists exclaiming about the large percentage of American voters who still - to this VERY DAY - believe that the election was stolen. Well, there's a good reason for that.

The foundation of the J6 committee is the "theory" that this was an "insurrection," without weapons. That these clowns intended to TAKE OVER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY FORCE. But that theory is so preposterous that none of them actually say it out loud.
If I remember correctly the bombs were placed by democrats. As for the weapons they had some small arms miles away from events that according to the organizers were intended to be used against Antifa if it attacked the demonstration. There was no plan to take over the government, the demonstrators wanted to delay the ratification of the votes until an impartial investigation could be completed which never happened. If there was a plan, where were the people to take over the police stations, the Marine Barracks, the Old Guard's barracks, the media stations and isolate DC from counter attacks from the Marines at Quantico and the Army at Fort Belvoir? Those would be the very most basic steps for an insurrection.
If I remember correctly the bombs were placed by democrats.
Lol, something tells me you didn't get your information from an actual trial. Gateway Pundit sounds more probable.
the demonstrators wanted to delay the ratification of the votes until an impartial investigation could be completed which never happened.
Something also tells me that your idea and my idea of impartiality aren't the same. I also don't think you have any idea that the law doesn't allow for decertifying an election or that you even are capable of comprehending that ANY investigation if possible (it isn't) would run past the inauguration date. What then? Trump President by default?
See this whole idea that Jan 6th happened in a vacuum only works when you are willfully blind. It was not isolated and it didn't rely on a takeover of the Capitol building. It relied on creating a scenario in which Congress would be not capable of certifying the election results. In this case, it would be sent back to the states who would not have had a clear way to resolve it. If you guys would be interested in actually watching the Jan 6th hearing instead of moaning about it, you might be aware of the multiple actions that were taken to create such a scenario.

By the way, this idea that the people on Jan 6th were there for any other reason than trying to prevent Biden from becoming president is simply ridiculous. Your entire argument rest on the fact that they were incompetent.

A bank robber trying to rob a bank using a water pistol is still a bank robber he's not engaging in a friendly child's game but actually still committing a serious crime.

The day of certification, when viewed as a physical event, is wholly ceremonial. Congress could have certified the election remotely, electronically—but such an argument is purely academic—as Biden was already president elect prior to the 6th, as everyone already knew. In order for your particular argument to hold water the entire federal US government would have to act in a string of incompetent instances, including reliance on the ceremonial change of power to actually make the change of power occur.

I used to work in diplomatic security. During my stint with DSS we faced many serious threats to the personal security of our principals, all of them overseas in high danger areas. Rest assured that not a single member of our hallowed federal legislature was is in actual, life-threatening danger that day (Jan. 6th). Multiple video clips and images clearly show Capitol Police letting protestors into the building and even seemingly ushering them to certain locations within. That the entire affair was a trap engineered to entrap hundreds of well meaning but low IQ Americans is indisputable.

If you wish to read about a real-life instance of overthrowing a sovereign government, you should research the Soviet Spetsnaz takedown of the Afghan government prior to Soviet invasion of that country. Our federal government is round the clock protected by a ring of unseen military and civilian police power capable of repelling even a division of Russian or Chinese airborne troops, which would not even make into DC airspace I might add but again, such arguments are purely academic and seriously far fetched.

I believe it is you who stands up to his chin in disingenuous and ambiguous waters. You fail to include the factor of your obvious (and unfounded) bias against both former president Trump and those tens of millions of Americans who voted for him—and would do so again, I might add.

No large numbers of angry Americans would be permitted entry to DC unless the government wanted them to be there. You argument hinges entirely on a level of incompetence within our federal government which if present would prevent it from functioning in the first place. Why not simply admit your unusually venomous hatred for Donald Trump and his voters and also admit what you really wish to happen to them, simply for admiring the man.
The plan was simple:

They would take most or all of the electoral college hostage. They knew that Capitol police wouldn't launch an assault against a huge crowd. Instead they would try to negotiate.

Then Trump would march down to the Capitol and take charge of the negotiations.

Trump would negotiate a deal whereby they would release the hostages as long as the electoral college would throw out the election results of several states. That would void the electoral college.

The election would then be determined by the House of Representatives according to the Constitution - one representative from each state only. In that vote the Republicans had the majority and Trump would win the election.

Any other questions?
Nice fantasy.

You should make a movie.
Do you believe that the rioters of J6 intended to take over the U.S. Federal Government, and install Donald Trump as a permanent President/Dictator?

If so, how do you explain that absence of any firearms?

I know this may be futile, but I'm looking for honest answers.
You are looking for honest answers from THIS group?

You might as well ask for flying lessons down at your local pig farm.
If I remember correctly the bombs were placed by democrats. As for the weapons they had some small arms miles away from events that according to the organizers were intended to be used against Antifa if it attacked the demonstration. There was no plan to take over the government, the demonstrators wanted to delay the ratification of the votes until an impartial investigation could be completed which never happened. If there was a plan, where were the people to take over the police stations, the Marine Barracks, the Old Guard's barracks, the media stations and isolate DC from counter attacks from the Marines at Quantico and the Army at Fort Belvoir? Those would be the very most basic steps for an insurrection.

If you remember correctly? Damn, that's funny. Please provide a credible source that Democrats placed the bombs. Are you suggesting Democrats tried to kill VP Kamala Harris? To this date - it is not known who placed the bombs.
If you remember correctly? Damn, that's funny. Please provide a credible source that Democrats placed the bombs. Are you suggesting Democrats tried to kill VP Kamala Harris? To this date - it is not known who placed the bombs.
Sure it is. The person is on video.
That wasn't the question the OP asked you fucking retard.
Go fuck yourself you Joe Biden voter.

Note to Democraps: try cheating again and see what happens.
Still trying to figure out how when they stole the 2020 election, that high energy prices, high food prices, baby formula shortages, and another endless war we are giving billions of dollars to, just doesnt seem to be something good for the Marxists. They have literally chewed off their own noses just to spite their faces..
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Do you believe that the rioters of J6 intended to take over the U.S. Federal Government, and install Donald Trump as a permanent President/Dictator?

If so, how do you explain that absence of any firearms?

I know this may be futile, but I'm looking for honest answers.
Its futile, but give you a A for effort.
yea i got one.......are you fucking serious?......just asking.....

Exactly what do you think the insurrectionists meant by:

"Stop the Steal"?


"Hang Mike Pence"?

Are you seriously going to say that they were just going to politely ask that Biden's election not be certified and then just peacefully leave the Capitol?


O.K. you can continue your gas-lighting BULLSHIT now....
The plan was simple:

They would take most or all of the electoral college hostage. They knew that Capitol police wouldn't launch an assault against a huge crowd. Instead they would try to negotiate.

Then Trump would march down to the Capitol and take charge of the negotiations.

Trump would negotiate a deal whereby they would release the hostages as long as the electoral college would throw out the election results of several states. That would void the electoral college.

The election would then be determined by the House of Representatives according to the Constitution - one representative from each state only. In that vote the Republicans had the majority and Trump would win the election.

Any other questions?
Yes, where is the evidence for such a plan?

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