Serious Questions for Fellow Liberals: Can you help me explain, without laughing?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
My boyfriend cracks me up with the questions he has for Liberals he can't quite figure out. He reminds me of the boy who got kicked out of Sunday school, for interrupting the big lecture on "God creating the heavens and the earth and firmaments" to ask the teacher: Where was God standing when he did all of this???

Of the profound questions he has for Liberals that neither he nor I can get a straight answer on,
I think these are three of the funniest:

1. Why do Liberals demand that government "stay out of a woman's womb,"
then turn around and hand over their wallet and control of "every cell of their body" to federal govt to manage with the funding of health care and insurance mandates. WTFFF???

2. Why do Liberals insist that nobody should have guns but the police. Then turn around and say they don't trust the police with guns and "having all the power." Which way is it? Should police have all the guns and power or not? Should nobody have guns at all? Then who should stop criminals with guns?

3. Related: Why do Liberals demand that Govt regulate and control people's access to guns, but not to drugs.

And another one I ask:
4. Why is it okay to Liberals to push "belief in homosexuality and gay marriage" on the public through govt but NOT the "belief in Christianity and celebrating Christmas."

If Liberals insist that Christmas and Christian "references" such as crosses, Bibles, prayers, terms like "God" or "Heaven" do not include everyone's beliefs and therefore should NOT be imposed through govt but REMOVED from public property and institutions; then why insist on pushing Gay Parades, gay marriage and "beliefs" about gender and orientation "that do NOT include everyone's beliefs" but actually conflict with them.

What happened to 'separation of church and state' or does that only apply to OTHER PEOPLE'S beliefs but not to Liberals who don't see their own biases by belief and creed.

My equivalent way of asking these same questions:
1. Why do Liberals insist on pushing the right to choose and REFUSING any penalty or regulation trying to promote the BELIEF in the 'right to life' as fundamental; yet when it comes to the BELIEF in the "right to health care" then Liberals push a federal mandate that OVERRIDES the right to choose and personal liberty protected from govt intrusion.

2. Why do Liberals distrust "big corporate entities" which clearly abuse collective authority and resources to subvert individual rights, equality and protections; yet trust the GOVERNMENT to be in control of rights and decisions, as a huge collective corporate entity, and the only institution authorized to compel people to comply under penalty of law.

3. If the point of the health care mandates is to ensure people take responsibility for paying for the costs of their own health care and medical expenses, then why push for drug legalization, instead of introducing MORE regulations to "make sure people take responsibility" for the costs, complications, or consequences of their choice to take recreational drugs?

If prochoice liberals believe in the "freedom to choose" whether or not to indulge in drug use, and also the choice of abortion WITHOUT PENALTY or fear of regulatory restrictions, regardless of the consequences, then why insist that govt regulate the choice of health care? How is the choice of paying for health care "so dangerous and compelling" where it merits being criminalized or penalized by govt, while at the same time rejecting any regulation by govt on the use of drugs, abortion, etc.

If FREEDOM is more important in the choice of drugs and abortion, why not so in the choice of how to pay for health care? How dangerous is it to give people that freedom, if similar arguments are used to DEFEND the choice of abortion and drugs from penalties or criminalization imposed by govt "instead of leaving it to people."

RE: drugs vs. guns

Kids get into drugs, major longlasting damage is done to people's brains using drugs, people die of homicide, suicide, overdoses and drug related accidents and crimes.

If you compare the statistics on the costs, damages, deaths, crime and destruction related to drugs,
isn't that worse than guns? At least guns have also been used to combat and deter crime.
Have drugs ever been used to combat, deter and reduce drug related abuse, addiction and crime?

NOTE: One person on here has given me an example of how medically monitored use of "certain drugs"
can help people during detox and rehab to withdraw gradually. That is one valid example. However, I pointed out that through natural spiritual healing to free people from addiction, this process has worked with NO withdrawal symptoms at all! So it is up to the person if they need to withdraw gradually depending on their level of abuse. If they weren't so psychologically and physically dependent, they wouldn't need to use other drugs; so this STILL points to risks and dangers of drugs, causing such a dependency that users aren't free to stop.

4. Why do Liberals assume that immigrants coming to America who aren't citizens yet have "equal human rights," giving them the benefit of the doubt, treating them as innocent of any crime until and unless proven guilty; but when it comes to FELLOW CITIZENS whose rights ARE protected by laws under the Constitution, these Americans are assumed to be criminal! Deserving to (a) lose their rights to bear arms until proven innocent "afterwards" and not posing any threat (b) lose their liberty to choose freely how and when to pay for health care or provide it through charity or private sector development, but are required they "prove they will pay by having insurance" (c) be attacked as enemies and terrorists, while the same attackers won't speak up against Jihadist terrorists who are assumed to be 'reacting' to previous oppression fueling their protests and militant takeovers. If foreign Jihadists terrorists can be viewed neutrally as "reacting" and merely defending their homeland from loss or attack; then why can't liberals see conservatives on a similar level? As having valid grievances and reasons for protesting oppression, instead of being viewed as political terrorists or criminals.
Whole lotta strawmen goin' on Emily. Whole lotta blanket generalizations too.

1. Why do Liberals demand that government "stay out of a woman's womb,"
then turn around and hand over their wallet and control of "every cell of their body" to federal govt to manage with the funding of health care and insurance mandates. WTFFF???

Beats da shit outta me. I never thought of that particular comparison and I don't think it's a relevant one, but you won't hear any defense of ACA from me. It's illiberal.

2. Why do Liberals insist that nobody should have guns but the police. Then turn around and say they don't trust the police with guns and "having all the power." Which way is it? Should police have all the guns and power or not? Should nobody have guns at all? Then who should stop criminals with guns?

Liberals insist no such thing. Leftists might but Liberals don't. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment out of a belief in personal liberty. So this is definitely a strawman.

3. Related: Why do Liberals demand that Govt regulate and control people's access to guns, but not to drugs.

See above - strawman. A double, in fact. Haven't heard anybody but the anarchists calling for abolishing the FDA.

4. Why is it okay to Liberals to push "belief in homosexuality and gay marriage" on the public through govt but NOT the "belief in Christianity and celebrating Christmas."

That doesn't even make sense. There is no Liberal philosophy on Christmas or Christianism, other than that the government can't govern it. And there's no such thing as a universal "belief in homosexuality and gay marriage". That's a personal choice. As is religion.

Having said all that ---- I love this part:

"Where was God standing when he did all of this???"
Why? Because the world is full of hypocrites, hon.

Wow. I surprised myself with such a short answer but...there it is. In a nut shell. :lol:
Why? Because the world is full of hypocrites, hon.

Wow. I surprised myself with such a short answer but...there it is. In a nut shell. :lol:
The world is full of liars as well – your post is a lie, as is the thread premise.

There is no 'hypocrisy,' just a false comparison fallacy.
"Serious Questions for Fellow Liberals: Can you help me explain, without laughing?"

Sorry, given the ignorance, idiocy, and stupidity of the thread premise, one can only laugh.
OK C_Clayton_Jones and Pogo
so if it is NOT the "liberals" pushing it,
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?
I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?
* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Can you explain what is the liberal position on this?
if you agree with me with the REAL liberals/progressives don't agree with the ACA mandates, because it's still corporate insurance still making money off the process and taxpayers being forced to pay them, then WHY can't we unite and replace that whole mess?

Can you explain what is stopping us from fixing this?
I suggested funding health care plans separately by party so people could work with likeminded groups and not fight over differences between political beliefs in right to life/right to health care, free choice, and free market. If you don't like that idea of organizing resources by party, so everyone gets funds and chooses the program they believe in running, what do you suggest?
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.
Why? Because the world is full of hypocrites, hon.

Wow. I surprised myself with such a short answer but...there it is. In a nut shell. :lol:
The world is full of liars as well – your post is a lie, as is the thread premise.

There is no 'hypocrisy,' just a false comparison fallacy.

So the right saying "government should not use taxpayer money to fund birth control" is the right getting involved with a womans womb and the left saying "government should use tax payer money to fund birth control" is the government staying out of it.


can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.


And I mean -- to both parts?

Guess we'll see this dood ------- LATER. :bye1:
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.


And I mean -- to both parts?

Guess we'll see this dood ------- LATER. :bye1:
thus why folks are easily fooled by our politicians. They steer clear of saying, word for word, what their intentions are....they seem to know most people are just too plain lazy to read into their actions.....too plain lazy to notice trends...too plain lazy to recognize patterns.

Instead, people simply want to see links showing it "word for word" or "its not true"

And then they are fooled.
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.


And I mean -- to both parts?

Guess we'll see this dood ------- LATER. :bye1:
My God where have you been for the past 7 years? A mass shooting happens and Obama trips all over himself to get behind the microphone. So you don't support Obama?
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.

Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.

I'm a gun owner and my second amendment isn't being infringed.
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.


And I mean -- to both parts?

Guess we'll see this dood ------- LATER. :bye1:
My God where have you been for the past 7 years? A mass shooting happens and Obama trips all over himself to get behind the microphone. So you don't support Obama?

My God where have you been for the past 7 years? A mass shooting happens and Obama trips all over himself to get behind the microphone. So you don't support Obama?

Mass shootings should be ignored?
"Your guns are going to be taken" ...we've been hearing this forever...what a complete lie andcrock believed by those who ate of weak minds. Its in the constitution for gosh sakes. Are people in this country that dumb?
can you explain which group is behind the agenda
* to regulate guns but deregulate/legalize drugs?

There is no "group" (singular). That's two different things.
It's also fatally vague especially in the second point. What do we even mean by "deregulate/legalize drugs"? That by itself is at least two more things, not even counting what the term "drugs" means. Depending on how those are defined I can easily take either side.

The flaw in all this is the broad brush you're trying to hammer with.

I understand the push for DEcriminalization.
but these arguments that people should have the freedom to access drugs
without penalty but not have unregulated access to guns, where or which group is that coming from?

No idea. Haven't seen "a group" taking that approach, even if it weren't so vague in meaning.

* to push for Govt to manage single payer health care
but then turn around and reject Govt regulations that interfere with reproductive health care
choices including birth control and abortions.

Again --- two different things.

Why exactly are you trying to take disparate issues and lump them together under a single label? Isn't that ignoring all those individuals who may favor one part and reject the other?

I think what you might be trying to get at here is a question of inconsistency of reasoning by drawing comparisons between two issues that come to opposite conclusions on the same reasoning basis. Such as a (hypothetical) person who thinks the govt should ban abortion as murder, yet wants the same govt to exercise a death penalty.

If that's what you're reaching for it's a valid and worthy exercise. But let's not lump them all together into a single label.
Obama the president you support is doing all he can to abolish the second amendment.


And I mean -- to both parts?

Guess we'll see this dood ------- LATER. :bye1:
My God where have you been for the past 7 years? A mass shooting happens and Obama trips all over himself to get behind the microphone. So you don't support Obama?

What the fuck kind of link is that?
I clicked on every letter of every word. Even the question mark. Nothing.
Maybe Emi Lying Heim and her boyfriend needs to get out of the house and actually meet a few Liberals before they draw up their predetermined questions and conjure up their laughter?:slap:

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