Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

The left has politicized an investigation into trump that was started by republicans. They’ve also called trump on his daily lies and distortions and not allowed that conduct to be the norm
They were Trump haters. They were in cahoots with Hillary and the DNC.
The guy who started it was appointed by trump dumbass
Not really. He was appointed by Rosenstein, who was appointed by Sessions. Rosenstein is a deep state goon who was plotting against the President. Sessions was the biggest mistake Trump ever made. He lacked a spine, and he was easily railroaded by the Senate Dims into recusing himself.
Do you actually consider yourself informed??

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo that President Trump cited as the basis for his decision to dismissFBI Director James Comey.[6]
What's your point? Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire so the FBI could use the 25th Amendment to get Trump thrown out. The man is a scumbag who stabbed Trump in the back.
My point is you are not informed and you spew incorrect shit on this board all the time. I just pointed one out and instead of admitting your mistake you dismiss and deflect. Your not an honest person so nothing you say can be trusted
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
They funneled vast amounts of cash to Biden's son, and you don't see how that benefits Biden?
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
Taking bribes is a crime. He's not Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, moron.
There’s no bribe unless there’s a crime and you can’t connect the dots. You lose
Wrong. If I'm a bureaucrat who awards a government contract to someone because they paid me 83k a year, I have committed a crime.

You are too stupid for words to describe.
Well shockingly enough the scenario you just laid out is not what happened here so thanks for another waste of time post
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You’re not smart enough to understand
They were Trump haters. They were in cahoots with Hillary and the DNC.
The guy who started it was appointed by trump dumbass
Not really. He was appointed by Rosenstein, who was appointed by Sessions. Rosenstein is a deep state goon who was plotting against the President. Sessions was the biggest mistake Trump ever made. He lacked a spine, and he was easily railroaded by the Senate Dims into recusing himself.
Do you actually consider yourself informed??

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo that President Trump cited as the basis for his decision to dismissFBI Director James Comey.[6]
What's your point? Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire so the FBI could use the 25th Amendment to get Trump thrown out. The man is a scumbag who stabbed Trump in the back.
My point is you are not informed and you spew incorrect shit on this board all the time. I just pointed one out and instead of admitting your mistake you dismiss and deflect. Your not an honest person so nothing you say can be trusted
Ohhhhhh the irony
You can argue the validity of the evidence, I never said you couldn’t do that. But I want to set up the standards of what clears Joe in your eyes. If it can be proven the the global community wanted this guy gone and joe was assigned to get him out, does that clear him of the fake accusations you all are making? If yes, then I’ll happily show the evidence and you’re free to challenge it.
Joe works for the global community ??
He works for the USA. I bring up the global community to show the outing of this guy goes way beyond an investigation into Hunter Biden

It's not the global community. It's some countries in Europe.
Yes, I’ve repeated the specifics so many times I’m trying to use condensed language. I’m gonna start calling it the world.. it’s shorter and conveys the same point. It wasn’t Biden acting alone for his son

Actually it's misrepresenting your point. Global means all around the world which most didn't care about Ukraine and still don't.
I’ll spell it out one More time so I’m the future if I say “the world” or “ global community” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The US congress
The EU
Reform leaders in Ukraine

All spoke out and supported the cleaning up corruption and the firing of this prosecutor. Biden was not acting alone to save his son.

Im not going to keep spelling it out... can’t we stop with the word games now?
If I can show evidence to support that theory does it clear Biden? Yes or no
Like I said, I'll assume it's horseshit.
You don’t have to assume, you can just vet it out and show why it’s false. That’s how you win debates. But first you need to agree on the parameters. So you tell me what conditions exonerate Biden
Debating fks like you is useless. You never post evidence! We don’t debate against fake data
Why would you defend a crook like Biden who was given and office of trust and sold it to foreigners?
Because he didn’t do any of that. 8 years serving as an honorable VP, leaving office extremely popular and now all of a sudden he is crooked joe right when he is running against Trump. It can’t be any more transparent what’s going on. Open your eyes man, this is pathetic.
They funneled vast amounts of cash to Biden's son, and you don't see how that benefits Biden?
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
Taking bribes is a crime. He's not Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, moron.
There’s no bribe unless there’s a crime and you can’t connect the dots. You lose
Wrong. If I'm a bureaucrat who awards a government contract to someone because they paid me 83k a year, I have committed a crime.

You are too stupid for words to describe.
Well shockingly enough the scenario you just laid out is not what happened here so thanks for another waste of time post
It's a scenario that proves your claim wrong, moron. In it, no crime was committed aside from the bribe.
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
They funneled vast amounts of cash to Biden's son, and you don't see how that benefits Biden?
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
He's making connections off of what Biden can do for them, dumbass. Getting the the prosecutor fired was worth all the money they paid him. It's pathetic how you're so blind to the corruption going on here.
This is pretty willful blindness. That last CIA Spy Plant That tried to blow up Trump with second hand rumors blew up their front runner instead. Oops!

Who will they blow up this time?

A NEW Deep State Planted Spy Is Weighing Whether to File “Whistleblower” Report Against Trump on Hearsay about Ukraine

We dare you!

This is the new totalitarian left. Secret Spies spreading rumors and lies.

On Friday night The Fake News New York Times reported on another Deep State Spy who may file a “whistleblower” report against President Trump on his Ukrainian policy.

The crooked ICIG Michael Atkinson recently altered the whistleblower process to include hearsay, rumors, watercooler talk and cafeteria conversations.

This is his way of making sure that any jackass liberal hack can file complaints against President Trump.
Joe works for the global community ??
He works for the USA. I bring up the global community to show the outing of this guy goes way beyond an investigation into Hunter Biden

It's not the global community. It's some countries in Europe.
Yes, I’ve repeated the specifics so many times I’m trying to use condensed language. I’m gonna start calling it the world.. it’s shorter and conveys the same point. It wasn’t Biden acting alone for his son

Actually it's misrepresenting your point. Global means all around the world which most didn't care about Ukraine and still don't.
I’ll spell it out one More time so I’m the future if I say “the world” or “ global community” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The US congress
The EU
Reform leaders in Ukraine

All spoke out and supported the cleaning up corruption and the firing of this prosecutor. Biden was not acting alone to save his son.

Im not going to keep spelling it out... can’t we stop with the word games now?
Nothing new. Nothing you can prove.
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
They funneled vast amounts of cash to Biden's son, and you don't see how that benefits Biden?
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
He's making connections off of what Biden can do for them, dumbass. Getting the the prosecutor fired was worth all the money they paid him. It's pathetic how you're so blind to the corruption going on here.
This is pretty willful blindness. That last CIA Spy Plant That tried to blow up Trump with second hand rumors blew up their front runner instead. Oops!

Who will they blow up this time?

A NEW Deep State Planted Spy Is Weighing Whether to File “Whistleblower” Report Against Trump on Hearsay about Ukraine

We dare you!

This is the new totalitarian left. Secret Spies spreading rumors and lies.

On Friday night The Fake News New York Times reported on another Deep State Spy who may file a “whistleblower” report against President Trump on his Ukrainian policy.

The crooked ICIG Michael Atkinson recently altered the whistleblower process to include hearsay, rumors, watercooler talk and cafeteria conversations.

This is his way of making sure that any jackass liberal hack can file complaints against President Trump.
Voter suppression
I have and I could again. Just tell me that a demonstration of that support clears Biden of wrong doing and then I’ll take the time to show it again.
Sorry, turd, I don't agree to things before I know what I'm agreeing to.

You would make a good used car salesman.
I didn’t think you would because once you admit to something you can’t weasel away from it. That’s the difference between partisan trolls and objective thinkers. You don’t have an open mind so you will never agree to exonerate joe no matter what, you just want to spin up anything that makes him look bad. Your tactics are very transparent .
He's got foreign governments, while he was Vice President, stuffing $Millions and $Billions in his coke addled son's pockets. The Vice Presidency is an office of trust and he sold it. That was his choice, not one we made for him.
What do you mean “he’s got” like you think he arranged to get paid through his son or that he used his office to get his son the position? Got any proof of that or are you just blowing smoke?
He's delivering $Billions in US aid while they are stuffing $Millions into his coke addled son's pocket? You don't have any concerns about that?
I’d be concerned if that were reality and those things were linked
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
Taking bribes is a crime. He's not Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, moron.
There’s no bribe unless there’s a crime and you can’t connect the dots. You lose
Wrong. If I'm a bureaucrat who awards a government contract to someone because they paid me 83k a year, I have committed a crime.

You are too stupid for words to describe.
Well shockingly enough the scenario you just laid out is not what happened here so thanks for another waste of time post
It's a scenario that proves your claim wrong, moron. In it, no crime was committed aside from the bribe.
Actually extortion is illegal
So what is that there are conflicting opinions about the Biden's.

Well then Barr will have no problem opening an official investigation.


He may, it depends on what Zelensky has to say. That's what the Democrats are scared shit about.

No democrats are not scared. Trump should be very scared because former and current law makers of Ukraine are already blasting Giuliani fraud investigation.

The best thing for Zelensky is to come out honest. If he come out lying then he will have to fight his own people. Ending up as a corrupt one term like trump.

Wishful thinking again? You leftists are all alike.

Current and former law makers are already blasting Giuliani.

During the 2016 campaign.

Trumpits oh he love Wikileaks.
He also invited Russian to dig Hillary trash.
He bragged grabbing pussies.

And you all denied it’s him.

Now you are all denying he did not violate any law by asking a foreign leader a favor? Fuuuck.
Joe works for the global community ??
He works for the USA. I bring up the global community to show the outing of this guy goes way beyond an investigation into Hunter Biden

It's not the global community. It's some countries in Europe.
Yes, I’ve repeated the specifics so many times I’m trying to use condensed language. I’m gonna start calling it the world.. it’s shorter and conveys the same point. It wasn’t Biden acting alone for his son

Actually it's misrepresenting your point. Global means all around the world which most didn't care about Ukraine and still don't.
I’ll spell it out one More time so I’m the future if I say “the world” or “ global community” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The US congress
The EU
Reform leaders in Ukraine

All spoke out and supported the cleaning up corruption and the firing of this prosecutor. Biden was not acting alone to save his son.

Im not going to keep spelling it out... can’t we stop with the word games now?
You have failed to demonstrate that any of these parties demanded that Shokin be fired.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Son, wow you truly have diarrhea of trump and his family
If making money off your family name was a Crime then most every famous person in America would be a criminal. You’re full of shit and can’t name an actual crime. Hang it up tonto
Taking bribes is a crime. He's not Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, moron.
There’s no bribe unless there’s a crime and you can’t connect the dots. You lose
Wrong. If I'm a bureaucrat who awards a government contract to someone because they paid me 83k a year, I have committed a crime.

You are too stupid for words to describe.
Well shockingly enough the scenario you just laid out is not what happened here so thanks for another waste of time post
It's a scenario that proves your claim wrong, moron. In it, no crime was committed aside from the bribe.
And in the Biden case there is no evidence of a bribe or any other crime
Taking bribes is a crime. He's not Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, moron.
There’s no bribe unless there’s a crime and you can’t connect the dots. You lose
Wrong. If I'm a bureaucrat who awards a government contract to someone because they paid me 83k a year, I have committed a crime.

You are too stupid for words to describe.
Well shockingly enough the scenario you just laid out is not what happened here so thanks for another waste of time post
It's a scenario that proves your claim wrong, moron. In it, no crime was committed aside from the bribe.
Actually extortion is illegal
Granting a contract is not extortion.
He works for the USA. I bring up the global community to show the outing of this guy goes way beyond an investigation into Hunter Biden

It's not the global community. It's some countries in Europe.
Yes, I’ve repeated the specifics so many times I’m trying to use condensed language. I’m gonna start calling it the world.. it’s shorter and conveys the same point. It wasn’t Biden acting alone for his son

Actually it's misrepresenting your point. Global means all around the world which most didn't care about Ukraine and still don't.
I’ll spell it out one More time so I’m the future if I say “the world” or “ global community” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The US congress
The EU
Reform leaders in Ukraine

All spoke out and supported the cleaning up corruption and the firing of this prosecutor. Biden was not acting alone to save his son.

Im not going to keep spelling it out... can’t we stop with the word games now?
You have failed to demonstrate that any of these parties demanded that Shokin be fired.
If I did demonstrate it would you clear Biden? Yes or no
He works for the USA. I bring up the global community to show the outing of this guy goes way beyond an investigation into Hunter Biden

It's not the global community. It's some countries in Europe.
Yes, I’ve repeated the specifics so many times I’m trying to use condensed language. I’m gonna start calling it the world.. it’s shorter and conveys the same point. It wasn’t Biden acting alone for his son

Actually it's misrepresenting your point. Global means all around the world which most didn't care about Ukraine and still don't.
I’ll spell it out one More time so I’m the future if I say “the world” or “ global community” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The US congress
The EU
Reform leaders in Ukraine

All spoke out and supported the cleaning up corruption and the firing of this prosecutor. Biden was not acting alone to save his son.

Im not going to keep spelling it out... can’t we stop with the word games now?
You have failed to demonstrate that any of these parties demanded that Shokin be fired.
He’s got diarrhea of hate trump and his family

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