Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I have and I could again. Just tell me that a demonstration of that support clears Biden of wrong doing and then I’ll take the time to show it again.
Sorry, turd, I don't agree to things before I know what I'm agreeing to.

You would make a good used car salesman.
I didn’t think you would because once you admit to something you can’t weasel away from it. That’s the difference between partisan trolls and objective thinkers. You don’t have an open mind so you will never agree to exonerate joe no matter what, you just want to spin up anything that makes him look bad. Your tactics are very transparent .
He's got foreign governments, while he was Vice President, stuffing $Millions and $Billions in his coke addled son's pockets. The Vice Presidency is an office of trust and he sold it. That was his choice, not one we made for him.
What do you mean “he’s got” like you think he arranged to get paid through his son or that he used his office to get his son the position? Got any proof of that or are you just blowing smoke?
ROFL! Yes, that's exactly right. Do you imagine anyone who wasn't the Vice President's son could get a job like that?
Lunch Box Joe!
Say It Isn't So!

FEAR? MORE LIKE UNDERSTAND. Blue collar voters fear the Democrats have abandoned them.
I have no
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
He only got the job because he's the VP's son, moron. They are paying off the VP to use his pull with the administration. Don't imagine the Biden didn't understand exactly what was going on. How fucking stupid can you be?
I have no doubt hunter got the job because of his name and the prestige that came with it. That doesn’t link Joe or Hunter to a crime
Joe put a $Billion Bounty on the prosecutor that was investigating this. Used US taxpayer aid for the Quid Pro Quo.
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
He only got the job because he's the VP's son, moron. They are paying off the VP to use his pull with the administration. Don't imagine the Biden didn't understand exactly what was going on. How fucking stupid can you be?
Then Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Joe, got the prosecutor fired who was investigating the company for obstruction, so they probably figure that Coke Snorting Hunter was well worth the money.

Hunter's ex-wife says he blew all the money on hookers and blow.
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Mac quote: "The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does."
I just watched the same thing you did--3 years of Democrats lying their butts off about Donald Trump and attacking him viciously by any means possible including several faux attempts at impeaching him, which has earned them the hostility of the sleeping Giant that lives in America. Your House of Cards is about to fall off its self-fluffing perch made of sand.

President Trump tells the truth and is far more transparent than he needs to be. Your team of Socialists have exploited every avenue to hurt this good man who has survived their lies by proving his honesty and working hard doing what he can to see to it American citizens have jobs.

The Democrat Congress has a stilted, wrongful attitude to assassinate the character not only of President Trump, but his compatriots and supporters who are also voters, and you have motivated them to get to voting against his detractors.

What transparent? Did he release his tax returns that he is hiding?
Just what goddamned business is it of yours that President Trump's privacy is completely invaded.

Answer: it's none of your goddamned business.

He is the POTUS. It’s my right to know that this corrupt POTUS is really a truly leader that should be the model of how he made his fortune.

So it’s my right and my business. Transparency? So what transparency are you talking about?
Your right to know, yet you've already convicted him before you know above ???.. lol

Do you read what you write or how you write these post ?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Oh boy, they better hope those dots aren't connected in the perfect storm. It appears they are.
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
They were Trump haters. They were in cahoots with Hillary and the DNC.
The guy who started it was appointed by trump dumbass
Not really. He was appointed by Rosenstein, who was appointed by Sessions. Rosenstein is a deep state goon who was plotting against the President. Sessions was the biggest mistake Trump ever made. He lacked a spine, and he was easily railroaded by the Senate Dims into recusing himself.
Do you actually consider yourself informed??

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo that President Trump cited as the basis for his decision to dismissFBI Director James Comey.[6]
What's your point? Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire so the FBI could use the 25th Amendment to get Trump thrown out. The man is a scumbag who stabbed Trump in the back.
My point is you are not informed and you spew incorrect shit on this board all the time. I just pointed one out and instead of admitting your mistake you dismiss and deflect. Your not an honest person so nothing you say can be trusted
One person's interpretation of the information or facts out there, might not be the interpretation of another, so you figuring that you are the know all of the facts being found in your individual interpretation of such things isn't an arrogant thing(?), and yet anyone elses interpretation of the facts are just wrong in accordance to you ??

The arrogance of the Democrats today is amazing when think about it.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
The Left dummies up on the difference between rent seeking and profit seeking.
The guy who started it was appointed by trump dumbass
Not really. He was appointed by Rosenstein, who was appointed by Sessions. Rosenstein is a deep state goon who was plotting against the President. Sessions was the biggest mistake Trump ever made. He lacked a spine, and he was easily railroaded by the Senate Dims into recusing himself.
Do you actually consider yourself informed??

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo that President Trump cited as the basis for his decision to dismissFBI Director James Comey.[6]
What's your point? Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire so the FBI could use the 25th Amendment to get Trump thrown out. The man is a scumbag who stabbed Trump in the back.
My point is you are not informed and you spew incorrect shit on this board all the time. I just pointed one out and instead of admitting your mistake you dismiss and deflect. Your not an honest person so nothing you say can be trusted
One person's interpretation of the information or facts out there, might not be the interpretation of another, so you figuring that you are the know all of the facts being found in your individual interpretation of such things isn't an arrogant thing(?), and yet anyone elses interpretation of the facts are just wrong in accordance to you ??

The arrogance of the Democrats today is amazing when think about it.
I agree with part of that statement. It’s all about perception and I am only stating my opinions and understanding of the information I’m exposed to. In regards to the statement you are responding to. Bri said an outright false statement and I corrected him with a link to show that he was wrong. That point was not interpretation, it was fact. Trump did appoint Rosenstein
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
I remember ole race baiting Biden, and yes just as Hillary had the heat put on her about her time in government, she too started backing out of the race in full participation of, and it cost her big. It mattered not to her handlers, because they just push someone out front regardless if it destroys the person or not. It's called usery, and they figured Hillary was wanting to be drunk with power at any cost, and they knew it. Favors, favors, favors.
Stuffing $Millions into the Vice President's son's pocket is a great way to rebuild relations! Bribery is an impeachable offense. Since Biden was all about the bribes as Vice President, he isn't qualified to President.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
I remember ole race baiting Biden, and yes just as Hillary had the heat put on her about her time in government, she too started backing out of the race in full participation of, and it cost her big. It mattered not to her handlers, because they just push someone out front regardless if it destroys the person or not. It's called usery, and they figured Hillary was wanting to be drunk with power at any cost, and they knew it. Favors, favors, favors.
"They wanna put you all back in chains!"

I'll never forget Joe the race baiting lying bastard. Pervert, and now we know, Billion Dollar Crook.

The pressure gets to Quid Pro Quo Joe

Old Crooked Joe loses it.
How exactly does hiring the VPs son implicate the VP in an illegal act of bribery. Y’all are nuts but I’d love to hear you try and rationalize that
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.
Your post is all mental construct.

Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.
Your post is all mental construct.

No shit. I didn’t state it as fact, it’s my opinion based on what I’ve observed. I thought that was painfully obvious.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?

This is why we refer to you on the left as the Uninformed Voters.
So, you have time for this retard comment, but no time to list what he’s accomplished?

Sounds about right.

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
New record set for median household income.
New records set for employment in every minority group and women.
New record set for small business confidence.
More jobs available than Americans to do them.
Tax breaks for our business owners; the people who create those jobs.
Tax cuts for middle-class.
More manufacturing jobs created; the most in one year since the late 90's.
Created removing two business regulations for every one created.
Rescinded Commie Care fines that the least wealthy among us had to pay.
Relieving businesses from the costly Commie Care mandates.
Backed America out of the job killing Paris Accord.
Reduction of border crossings by 60% since May by holding Mexico accountable for South American crossers.
Had FDA approve a huge amount of generic drugs to reduce prescription costs.
Passed a law that allows Americans to participate in experimental drugs instead of going overseas.
Spending 6 billion on our opioid crisis.
Removed DumBama's law that forced schools to comply with weirdo's in dresses from using the female rest and changing facilities.
Rebuilding our military to it's strongest level in many years.
Instituted the ability for veterans to use private facilities in place of the VA.
A lot of that is bullshit and Republican spin. Some of it is riding Obama’s economic coattails. Some of it is just demographics.

There was no middle class tax cut. The corporate one they rammed through did nothing for everyday Americans but juiced Wall Street. That’s a temporary effect that is now starting to wear off.

Trump has added $2 Trillion to the debt
Trump has added $1 Trillion to the deficit

He said he would lower both.

Manufacturing jobs are down, not up.

Minority housing is really down. He told Blacks “what have you got to lose?” They’re finding out.

The rest is just racism and bigotry that you agree with.

You posted nothing of substance except that the debt and deficit did go up under Trump. Other than that, you have nothing to counter my claims.

Now you got me all excited. I can't wait to tell my parents that I'm not middle-class, I'm wealthy, because I did get tax cuts and my tax preparer will tell you just how much.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Year-old article, still riding the Obama coattails.

Now? Manufacturing has tanked. He can’t blame Obama for that.

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