Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?

So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations
You failed to post any actual evidence. Obama's support is hardly evidence in your favor. Obama was involved in the corruption.
How about if I post a bipartisan letter from congress urging the admin to get rid of the prosecutor?. If that exists and I post it would you concede that this wasn’t Joe acting alone?
Biden’s son worked for the company under investigation you know that right? Just curious if you’re on the right road. Biden then threatened and pulled the trigger. Admitted it! Ouch extortion bigly

And you got that information from Giuliani and Trumpits. That’s awesome.
"So the question is Trump's actions impeachable... Again this is a political process. He coerced a foreign country to open and investigation on his political rival."

Actually, no he didn't. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that claim, beyond a biased and error-filled, 3rd-hand report from a democrat whistle-blower. There's no evidence whatsoever that that any aid to the Ukraine was used as leverage to get the Ukrainians to investigate corruption in their own country that some Americans might have been involved in, thereby breaking US law. If one of those Americans was Hunter Biden, whose fault is that? You don't think Trump ought to find out one way or another what was going on, not only in Biden's case but also the interference in the 2016 elections?

Your hypocrisy is showing: it's okay for Biden to do it, which he clearly did and bragged about it on TV. But not Trump, oh no, orange man bad.

Yes he did evidence crystal clear. Trumpy should be lock up.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
Focus on his ass! Amen. Amazing how they don’t like the attention they’ve been giving trump! Simply amazing. Fk him and his druggie son!
"So the question is Trump's actions impeachable... Again this is a political process. He coerced a foreign country to open and investigation on his political rival."

Actually, no he didn't. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that claim, beyond a biased and error-filled, 3rd-hand report from a democrat whistle-blower. There's no evidence whatsoever that that any aid to the Ukraine was used as leverage to get the Ukrainians to investigate corruption in their own country that some Americans might have been involved in, thereby breaking US law. If one of those Americans was Hunter Biden, whose fault is that? You don't think Trump ought to find out one way or another what was going on, not only in Biden's case but also the interference in the 2016 elections?

Your hypocrisy is showing: it's okay for Biden to do it, which he clearly did and bragged about it on TV. But not Trump, oh no, orange man bad.

Yes he did evidence crystal clear. Trumpy should be lock up.
Biden committed extortion and blackmailing and trump’s guilty! Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha dude your daily TDS is noted
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.
Your post is all mental construct.

No shit. I didn’t state it as fact, it’s my opinion based on what I’ve observed. I thought that was painfully obvious.
You seem a bit crabby. Did watching your side take a swing at Trump, and take out Biden screw up your thirst for blood-sport?

Brennan Hears Barr's 'Chilling' Footsteps

Barr may be closing on James Crapper and former CIA Director John Brennan for their seditious roles in the attempted coup against President Trump.

James Crapper, the man who lied to Congress about spying on the American people was shocked back in April to hear William Barr testify before Congress that, yes, he thought that the Trump campaign had been spied upon by his political opponents:

The term “spying” has all kinds of negative connotations, and I have to believe he chose that term deliberately.​

The walls may be closing in, not on President Trump, but on Crapper and former CIA Director John Brennan for their seditious roles in the attempted coup against the President. According to a Wall Street Journal report:

Former Director of National Intelligence James Crapper says that Attorney General William Barr appears to be investigating a high-confidence finding of the US intelligence community assessment of the 2016 election and that sends a "chilling message to the intelligence community."​

Brennan may be hearing those footsteps get louder as well with his increasingly hysterical commentaries at MSNBC, which, along with CNN, is where liars and leakers go to die, sending warning after warning to President Trump:

Brennan said he was going to be interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham but was concerned about Barr's role in the process of looking at the origins of the long-running Russia election meddling probe.

Given that Barr is now accompanying Durham on these things, it really makes me think that the hand of politics and of Trump are now being used to massage what this ongoing review quasi-investigation is," Brennan told host Nicole Wallace. "So I am concerned."​

Brennan’s right to be panicked:

It is important for Barr to investigate Brennan and former director of National Intelligence James Crapper.

"If you're going to get to the bottom of the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] abuse, you have to understand what those two gentlemen were doing or not doing, and Barr has to pursue those facts."

"Brennan and Crapper have both shown their political bias. They're frightened to death that Michael Horowitz report is on the verge of coming out, that Mr. Durham has been on their tail, that the truth is going to be exposed…"​

It is laughable for Brennan to be concerned about “the hand of politics” since it was his intelligence community that meddled in the 2016 elections in ways a foreign adversary such as Russia could only dream of and attempted to overthrow a duly elected president. And where did the Ukraine whistleblower come from? John Brennan’s CIA.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer once warned, some would say threatened, Trump, even before he took office, regarding the power of the intelligence community and its wrath against those who question its authority over our government and our lives. As the Washington Examiner reported:

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community -- they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday evening on MSNBC after host Rachel Maddow informed him that intelligence sources told NBC news that the briefing had not been delayed.​

The Ukraine “whistleblower” is the latest attempt by John Brennan’s intelligence community “getting back” at Trump.

Brennan took a trip to the Ukraine using a fake passport to dig up dirt on Trump:

“John Brennan’s hands are as dirty as Obama’s in this whole thing. John Brennan… traveled to Ukraine back in the time period around 2016 under a fake passport so it wouldn’t be known that he had gone, and he was arranging data on the dossier and all of the other dirt that they were trying to amass. Ukraine -- not Russia, Ukraine -- is the center of the universe of all this… “John Brennan, Obama’s director-CIA, went to Ukraine under a fake passport so that nobody would know it was him. Fake name. Can you do that? Can you get a fake passport? No. John Brennan can, CIA director. I’m surprised he even needed a passport. But he went under a fake passport to get opposition research on Trump!
Brennan colluded with foreign spies to help Hillary Clinton. The Washington Post called for Brennan to be fired for conducting illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lying about it:

Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.

Your BS is NOT PROOF!!

Saying something is proof does not mean it is !!
Showing quotes and statements and letters from officials isn’t proof? What do you consider proof then?
You haven't posted any quotes, statements of letters from government officials.
I offered to post a letter from congress when you said Biden’s support from the Obama admin doesn’t count. You dismissed the letter as partisan. So no point in posting it. I offered to post proof behind IMFs support of what Biden did. You said it would not change your thoughts about Biden’s actions. So again, if the evidence is not going to sway the debate then I’m not going to waste my time. I’ve done my research, I’ve read it so I know it’s there. But I’m not going to go look it up to show you when it makes no difference. Why are you even asking for it if it’s inconsequential?
I did a lot of research once in talking with you. It was a pretty big waste of time also so don't feel like you never do that to others.

I assumed all you Trump supporters did your research..... but the sad part of that is ...... you are all relying from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump.
A personal lawyer. That is quite disgusting.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.
Your BS is NOT PROOF!!

Saying something is proof does not mean it is !!
Showing quotes and statements and letters from officials isn’t proof? What do you consider proof then?
You haven't posted any quotes, statements of letters from government officials.
I offered to post a letter from congress when you said Biden’s support from the Obama admin doesn’t count. You dismissed the letter as partisan. So no point in posting it. I offered to post proof behind IMFs support of what Biden did. You said it would not change your thoughts about Biden’s actions. So again, if the evidence is not going to sway the debate then I’m not going to waste my time. I’ve done my research, I’ve read it so I know it’s there. But I’m not going to go look it up to show you when it makes no difference. Why are you even asking for it if it’s inconsequential?
I did a lot of research once in talking with you. It was a pretty big waste of time also so don't feel like you never do that to others.

I assumed all you Trump supporters did your research..... but the sad part of that is ...... you are all relying from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump.
A personal lawyer. That is quite disgusting.
Who are you relying on?
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?

So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.

The difference is Trump doing these in public. He even tried to get China involved right in the open.
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.

The difference is Trump doing these in public. He even tried to get China involved right in the open.
Good, finally, let’s put old joe away
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
Show us the mandate, douchebag.
If I show the mandate do it clear Biden?

Biden is clearly guilty of promoting mass murder of babies for greed

This guilt by Biden is an improvement

Why charge him with blackmail for greed when he is guilty of mass murder for greed ?

Let me guess. You are a Trump supporter confused like everyone else in your party.
Same thing as aid is given in the way of funds.
Funds are a type of aid. Aid doesn’t mean funds. There are other ways to provide aid.

What’s going on today? Did everybody forget to turn their brains on?
Sometimes spin is a little clumsier than other times.

Mass murder is no spin

Looking the other way is gross hypocrisy
Wow, you've completely gone off the rails today. And for you, that's really saying something, I must say.

The only person cramming abortion into this topic is you, in a clumsy, comically and transparent attempt to change the subject.

Try this crap on someone else.

This topic is blackmail for greed

It’s good to bring up the proof of his mass murder for greed to prove his pattern

Why don’t you start your own thread instead of wasting peoples time?

Go away idiot.
Your BS is NOT PROOF!!

Saying something is proof does not mean it is !!
Showing quotes and statements and letters from officials isn’t proof? What do you consider proof then?
You haven't posted any quotes, statements of letters from government officials.
I offered to post a letter from congress when you said Biden’s support from the Obama admin doesn’t count. You dismissed the letter as partisan. So no point in posting it. I offered to post proof behind IMFs support of what Biden did. You said it would not change your thoughts about Biden’s actions. So again, if the evidence is not going to sway the debate then I’m not going to waste my time. I’ve done my research, I’ve read it so I know it’s there. But I’m not going to go look it up to show you when it makes no difference. Why are you even asking for it if it’s inconsequential?
I did a lot of research once in talking with you. It was a pretty big waste of time also so don't feel like you never do that to others.

I assumed all you Trump supporters did your research..... but the sad part of that is ...... you are all relying from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump.
A personal lawyer. That is quite disgusting.
And you rely on stereotypes and catch phrases cause I don't follow that shit.
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations
You failed to post any actual evidence. Obama's support is hardly evidence in your favor. Obama was involved in the corruption.
How about if I post a bipartisan letter from congress urging the admin to get rid of the prosecutor?. If that exists and I post it would you concede that this wasn’t Joe acting alone?
Biden’s son worked for the company under investigation you know that right? Just curious if you’re on the right road. Biden then threatened and pulled the trigger. Admitted it! Ouch extortion bigly

And you got that information from Giuliani and Trumpits. That’s awesome.
Trump and Giulani have the very best information.

Nancy in the swamp of despond

Nancy Pelosi gets a glimpse of the Democrats' nightmare scenario.

Pelosi's half-clever ploy of unilaterally declaring that an impeachment "inquiry" was in progress is backfiring in a big way.

The White House sent Pelosi a letter telling her to crap or get off the pot. They refuse to cooperate with the House "inquiry," wit Trump triple-dog daring Pelosi to hold an actual vote. Pelosi responded with a non-answer, stating that she might or might not, but that the White House has to cooperate in any case.


Nancy has handed the entire deck of cards to Donald Trump to shuffle or play as he pleases.

Then the 3 stooges of the House committees — Oversight, Intelligence, and Foreign Affairs — sent subpoenas to the White House, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence, demanding an array of documents that amounts to a fishing expedition. The chairs of the committees, which includes the usual suspects Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings, huffed that the White House had been "given a chance to cooperate," forcing them to issue the subpoenas.

Trump has been very clear: "Hold the Vote, or Take a Walk."

Nancy and Little Orphan Adam had hoped for a swift strike — an impeachment vote by the December recess that doesn't spill over into the new year. Impeachment will become an issue in the presidential campaign, with the Democrat Party and its leadership open to attacks from all directions, unable to answer the painfully obvious question: If The American People Will Be Voting In Months To Decide Whether Trump Remains In Office, What The Hell Is The House Doing Trying to Impeach Him?

It looks like they are engaging in escapism, rather than working for the American People.
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
Focus on his ass! Amen. Amazing how they don’t like the attention they’ve been giving trump! Simply amazing. Fk him and his druggie son!
This impeachment isn't going well for Pelosi, Schiff, Biden and the Democrats, they may have to break out The Bat Bong!

The Dems are hysterical about Trump asking Ukraine to help with a political hit. Not because they are worried about Biden’s very public and very non crime a crime. Trumps solicitation is viewed by many as an actual crime in which he can be impeached... that’s the issue, not the distraction

Asking a leader of another country to look into possible corruption by one of our US representatives in their country is not an impeachable offense. It's not a high crime, it's not a misdemeanor.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.
Asking someone to investigate something, is only asking for information about a possible crime, and the reason for it is because that crazy old Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag by opening his own mouth in a very arrogant braggadocios way. Everytime Trump opens his mouth, the dims call for some kind of investigative fact finding mission whether it be here or over seas in which they seek to gather the information, so what's your point ?? If a crime takes place on foreign soil, don't you think that the fact finding mission just might include asking for help on solving such a thing, and yes it would be appropriate in my opinion.... Now just because of an election thing going on, do you think that vetting candidates is not warranted if something is afoot maybe ??

Didn't hold the Democrats back when it came to Trump, so no one wants to hear the whining when the shoe is in the other foot now.

So far there are no crime or fraud committed by the Biden.

Only one coming out is from conspiracy promoted by trump and his henchmen Giuliani.

Why not let the FBI do the investigation instead of his personal lawyer?

See the difference? You are a trump supporter what difference does it make?
Romney is the nation's most experienced prosecutor taking down Organized Crime. The State Department REQUESTED Rudy. It's not your call.

The Deranged Left Swings For Trump, Takes Out Biden and then Goes Bonkers:

OFF HER MEDS: AOC Says Trump’s Attacks on Schiff Are ‘Targeted’ Anti-Semitism.

I’m so old, I can remember Thursday, when AOC said she was already bored with impeachment: ‘I’m over it.’

Not to mention July, when Ocasio-Cortez and her then-chief of staff were both tied to historic anti-Semites.


In that case state department headed by pompeo is in big trouble.

You asked a personal lawyer to do an investigation against a political opponent? A personal lawyer? That’s fucked up and disgusting dude.

Stop mentioning other names. We are talking about corrupted Trump.
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.
Just remember, this schmuck took away your affordable healthcare
Wait, didn't he save me $2400/year and let me keep my doctor?

Unhinged Biden snaps at reporter: “Focus on this man”

“I’m not going to respond to that!”

That is a response, you corrupt Clown!

Joe Biden did it again. Remember when Biden was surrounded by reporters in Iowa and FNC’s Peter Doocy asked about the Ukrainian corruption story? Biden shoved his finger in Doocy’s face and demanded that he “ask the right question”? Well, it’s happened again.

The topic of the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine came up. Joe Biden showed a flash of anger when he was asked, “How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son’s job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?” He deflected and boldly, unashamedly answered, “It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I’m not going to respond to that!”

Finger jabbing, angry voiced Biden tells the reporter to, well, ask the right question. There’s nothing here, just move along from this story about Ukrainian corruption and his son’s sweet deal. Biden is the King of Swamp Creatures, after 40 plus years in Washington, D.C. and he thinks it is perfectly legit to tell a reporter which question to ask. There is the additional whiff of desperation that creeps into Biden’s response, too. He’s on his way out of the race whether he is ready to admit it or not.

For Biden to say that there is no conflict of interest is laughable. If Hunter Biden’s last name was any other name, he would not have been given a seat on the board of Burisma. It is completely reasonable to ask about how his son happened to get such an opportunity in Ukraine, especially since Biden, in his role as Vice-President was the point man from the Obama administration in dealings with the country. This isn’t rocket science. The elder Biden just thought he wouldn’t be held accountable for his son’s actions. It’s business as usual in the swamp.

Biden’s campaign is floundering. He is a really bad candidate, much like a 2.0 version of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. He’s protected by his staff and only participates in the safest of campaign events. His campaign schedule is extremely light, especially in comparison to Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, also both in their 70s. Warren also has a day job as a U.S. Senator. The problem for Biden now is that his own party may be his undoing. Democrats are behind the push to investigate all things Ukraine and the Biden family is caught up in that. The Ukraine investigations will take out Biden but not Trump, as everything stands now.
Focus on his ass! Amen. Amazing how they don’t like the attention they’ve been giving trump! Simply amazing. Fk him and his druggie son!
This impeachment isn't going well for Pelosi, Schiff, Biden and the Democrats, they may have to break out The Bat Bong!


Your BS is NOT PROOF!!

Saying something is proof does not mean it is !!
Showing quotes and statements and letters from officials isn’t proof? What do you consider proof then?
You haven't posted any quotes, statements of letters from government officials.
I offered to post a letter from congress when you said Biden’s support from the Obama admin doesn’t count. You dismissed the letter as partisan. So no point in posting it. I offered to post proof behind IMFs support of what Biden did. You said it would not change your thoughts about Biden’s actions. So again, if the evidence is not going to sway the debate then I’m not going to waste my time. I’ve done my research, I’ve read it so I know it’s there. But I’m not going to go look it up to show you when it makes no difference. Why are you even asking for it if it’s inconsequential?
I did a lot of research once in talking with you. It was a pretty big waste of time also so don't feel like you never do that to others.

I assumed all you Trump supporters did your research..... but the sad part of that is ...... you are all relying from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump.
A personal lawyer. That is quite disgusting.
Some find your impeachment antics amusing. It was interesting how your faked up Deep State Spy with the second hand rumors failed to take out Trump, but KO'd Biden.


Wondering what dumb thing Democrats will do next.
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.

Yesterday China told trump. Fuck you they don’t want to get involve with conspiracy theory.
Funds are a type of aid. Aid doesn’t mean funds. There are other ways to provide aid.

What’s going on today? Did everybody forget to turn their brains on?
Sometimes spin is a little clumsier than other times.

Mass murder is no spin

Looking the other way is gross hypocrisy
Wow, you've completely gone off the rails today. And for you, that's really saying something, I must say.

The only person cramming abortion into this topic is you, in a clumsy, comically and transparent attempt to change the subject.

Try this crap on someone else.

This topic is blackmail for greed

It’s good to bring up the proof of his mass murder for greed to prove his pattern

Why don’t you start your own thread instead of wasting peoples time?

Go away idiot.

Blackmail is what Biden is doing
And he has a pattern to include to decide just what this is

Biden commiting harmful
Acts for insane greed

One is for money coming from black mail

And the other is money coming from agreeing with mass murder of babies

He has a pattern of harmful acts for his insane greed

This is part of proving his mindset is really to blackmail
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
Very indirectly. The investigation was started for tax evasion which happened before hunter even joined. They asked hunter to join in order to rebrand themselves and rebuild relations with the US and allied countries.
Did Hunter knowingly join in with a company that was under investigation prior, and if so how would that look good for Dad and his position as VP, and then later his dad saying what he said about that prosecutor that was there investigating the company prior to Hunter joining ??
This is the family scam. Look up how they worked it with China. The Ukraine scam brought in $Millions, the China Scam, $Billions. But, with the China Scam, Hunter actually flew in on Airforce 2. Ten days later, the Chinese are stuffing $1.5 BILLION into Hunter's "Investment" firm.

Yesterday China told trump. Fuck you they don’t want to get involve with conspiracy theory.
A surprising answer since they are who bought off Joe by putting shoveling $1.5 BILLION to Hunter.


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