Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Asking a leader of another country to look into possible corruption by one of our US representatives in their country is not an impeachable offense. It's not a high crime, it's not a misdemeanor.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.
Asking someone to investigate something, is only asking for information about a possible crime, and the reason for it is because that crazy old Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag by opening his own mouth in a very arrogant braggadocios way. Everytime Trump opens his mouth, the dims call for some kind of investigative fact finding mission whether it be here or over seas in which they seek to gather the information, so what's your point ?? If a crime takes place on foreign soil, don't you think that the fact finding mission just might include asking for help on solving such a thing, and yes it would be appropriate in my opinion.... Now just because of an election thing going on, do you think that vetting candidates is not warranted if something is afoot maybe ??

Didn't hold the Democrats back when it came to Trump, so no one wants to hear the whining when the shoe is in the other foot now.

So far there are no crime or fraud committed by the Biden.

Only one coming out is from conspiracy promoted by trump and his henchmen Giuliani.

Why not let the FBI do the investigation instead of his personal lawyer?

See the difference? You are a trump supporter what difference does it make?
Romney is the nation's most experienced prosecutor taking down Organized Crime. The State Department REQUESTED Rudy. It's not your call.

The Deranged Left Swings For Trump, Takes Out Biden and then Goes Bonkers:

OFF HER MEDS: AOC Says Trump’s Attacks on Schiff Are ‘Targeted’ Anti-Semitism.

I’m so old, I can remember Thursday, when AOC said she was already bored with impeachment: ‘I’m over it.’

Not to mention July, when Ocasio-Cortez and her then-chief of staff were both tied to historic anti-Semites.


In that case state department headed by pompeo is in big trouble.

You asked a personal lawyer to do an investigation against a political opponent? A personal lawyer? That’s fucked up and disgusting dude.

Stop mentioning other names. We are talking about corrupted Trump.
What’s the crime?
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.
Asking someone to investigate something, is only asking for information about a possible crime, and the reason for it is because that crazy old Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag by opening his own mouth in a very arrogant braggadocios way. Everytime Trump opens his mouth, the dims call for some kind of investigative fact finding mission whether it be here or over seas in which they seek to gather the information, so what's your point ?? If a crime takes place on foreign soil, don't you think that the fact finding mission just might include asking for help on solving such a thing, and yes it would be appropriate in my opinion.... Now just because of an election thing going on, do you think that vetting candidates is not warranted if something is afoot maybe ??

Didn't hold the Democrats back when it came to Trump, so no one wants to hear the whining when the shoe is in the other foot now.

So far there are no crime or fraud committed by the Biden.

Only one coming out is from conspiracy promoted by trump and his henchmen Giuliani.

Why not let the FBI do the investigation instead of his personal lawyer?

See the difference? You are a trump supporter what difference does it make?
Romney is the nation's most experienced prosecutor taking down Organized Crime. The State Department REQUESTED Rudy. It's not your call.

The Deranged Left Swings For Trump, Takes Out Biden and then Goes Bonkers:

OFF HER MEDS: AOC Says Trump’s Attacks on Schiff Are ‘Targeted’ Anti-Semitism.

I’m so old, I can remember Thursday, when AOC said she was already bored with impeachment: ‘I’m over it.’

Not to mention July, when Ocasio-Cortez and her then-chief of staff were both tied to historic anti-Semites.


In that case state department headed by pompeo is in big trouble.

You asked a personal lawyer to do an investigation against a political opponent? A personal lawyer? That’s fucked up and disgusting dude.

Stop mentioning other names. We are talking about corrupted Trump.
What’s the crime?

Are you talking to me?
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

And what did Trump fixed? Trying to fixed or rigged the next election?

He doesn’t deserve the credits of the booming economy. It’s Obama’s economy.
"So the question is Trump's actions impeachable... Again this is a political process. He coerced a foreign country to open and investigation on his political rival."

Actually, no he didn't. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that claim, beyond a biased and error-filled, 3rd-hand report from a democrat whistle-blower. There's no evidence whatsoever that that any aid to the Ukraine was used as leverage to get the Ukrainians to investigate corruption in their own country that some Americans might have been involved in, thereby breaking US law. If one of those Americans was Hunter Biden, whose fault is that? You don't think Trump ought to find out one way or another what was going on, not only in Biden's case but also the interference in the 2016 elections?

Your hypocrisy is showing: it's okay for Biden to do it, which he clearly did and bragged about it on TV. But not Trump, oh no, orange man bad.

Yes he did evidence crystal clear. Trumpy should be lock up.
Biden committed extortion and blackmailing and trump’s guilty! Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha dude your daily TDS is noted

Let me guess. You got that from a henchmen lawyer of Trump.

There is no fucking way. You can twist however you want but the reality is....... you are relying from a conspiracy theory promoted by trump with the research of a henchmen.
This henchmen was warned he was getting informed by crooked Ukrainian previous politicians.
You're not making a lot of sense, Trump, on the other hand, is
Draining The Spy Infested Swamp: Trump Orders Cuts To Security Council Amid CIA Spy Whistleblower "Coup"

President Trump has ordered a significant reduction of staff at the Spy Infested National Security Council, according to Bloomberg:

That is a pile of cow dung. You are lying...
Mo. It's true. Trump has ordered a significant reduction of the spy infested NSC.

And it gets better, the Whistle Blower, who had no first hand information, who Pelosi LAUNCHED IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES before she read the meeting transcript?

He LIED on the whistleblower form that he transmitted his complaint on, then SIGNED IT UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY.

the whistleblower failed to disclose prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information."​

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken directly with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

You guys launched IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES based on the unconfirmed second hand information of a PERJURER? And then your Impeachment Manager LIED on exactly the same point?

Is this all a big game to you guys? Does Pelosi and the House Leadership has No Sense of the Awesome Responsibility The American People Have Entrusted them with? Do they think this is all about getting foreign nations to line their children's pockets?


What in the hell is wrong with these people?

The Federalist
Biden’s son worked for the company under investigation you know that right? Just curious if you’re on the right road. Biden then threatened and pulled the trigger. Admitted it! Ouch extortion bigly

And you got that information from Giuliani and Trumpits. That’s awesome.
Trump and Giulani have the very best information.

Nancy in the swamp of despond

Nancy Pelosi gets a glimpse of the Democrats' nightmare scenario.

Pelosi's half-clever ploy of unilaterally declaring that an impeachment "inquiry" was in progress is backfiring in a big way.

The White House sent Pelosi a letter telling her to crap or get off the pot. They refuse to cooperate with the House "inquiry," wit Trump triple-dog daring Pelosi to hold an actual vote. Pelosi responded with a non-answer, stating that she might or might not, but that the White House has to cooperate in any case.


Nancy has handed the entire deck of cards to Donald Trump to shuffle or play as he pleases.

Then the 3 stooges of the House committees — Oversight, Intelligence, and Foreign Affairs — sent subpoenas to the White House, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence, demanding an array of documents that amounts to a fishing expedition. The chairs of the committees, which includes the usual suspects Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings, huffed that the White House had been "given a chance to cooperate," forcing them to issue the subpoenas.

Trump has been very clear: "Hold the Vote, or Take a Walk."

Nancy and Little Orphan Adam had hoped for a swift strike — an impeachment vote by the December recess that doesn't spill over into the new year. Impeachment will become an issue in the presidential campaign, with the Democrat Party and its leadership open to attacks from all directions, unable to answer the painfully obvious question: If The American People Will Be Voting In Months To Decide Whether Trump Remains In Office, What The Hell Is The House Doing Trying to Impeach Him?

It looks like they are engaging in escapism, rather than working for the American People.

Exactly. You rely from a personal lawyer to do the dirty work. Then you spread it here. That’s Awesome.
And yet it's your dirty whistle blower, who was instantly refuted by the transcript, who is getting thrown under the bus. In the coolest move yet, Dems aimed for Trump and Blew Up Biden.

Anti-Trump CIA Whistleblower Concealed Huddle With Schiff Committee

"The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water."

The CIA Spy whose second-hand whistleblower complaint sparked an impeachment inquiry in the Democrat-controlled House never told the Inspector General about his interactions with House Democrats as required by law.

The revelation came from Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who testified in a closed-door session last week that the whistleblower - a registered Democrat - concealed his contacts with Democrats on Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-CA) House Intelligence Committee, who referred him to a Clinton-linked attorney to move forward with his complaint.

The Federalist': "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires Sindividuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.​

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist
So it turns out you star witness in this charade, on whose word Dumb Pelosi launched Impeachment, committed PERJURY in transmitting his immediately debunked disinformation? Wow, I've seen dumb politicians pull boners, but that one really takes the cake!

"An official confirms the whistleblower concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information."​

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken directly with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

"We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to,"​

Schiff lied to MSNBC's Sam Stein when asked if they had ever spoken.


Trump has been focusing on the "Schiff is a fraud" angle for the past week:

Donald J. Trump


WOW, this is big stuff! …

John Ratcliffe


Since the ICIG has no evidence whatsoever about the relationship and contacts between the whistleblower and Schiff’s staff, the investigation has to get that information from other fact witnesses. Who also happen to be running the investigation.

Donald J. Trump


"Schiff is a FRAUD!" @dbongino

I don't know, it seems like you folks are beating the crap out of yourselves!

Every thing are not out yet. Then you rely from a media that are bias to all these bullshits.
You are a Trump supporter.
Impeachment is already launched. It's not our fault that in your rush to judgment that you relied on a Deep State Planted Spy, with no first hand information, who committed perjury on the very form used to transmit his information.

Nobody in the House double checked anything. Pelosi gave her speech launching THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES before she even read the transcript of the meeting.

You made your bed, now lie in it.

The Federalist
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?

They will likely increase.

A good number of Republicans were disgruntled at his nomination and decided to stay home on election night. Since then, Trump has presided more conservatively than Ronald Reagan. Lower taxes especially on businesses, tough border policies, huge support for our police around the country, and support for gun owners has most every conservative tickled to death.

Democrats vote on representatives like they do their favorite American Idol contestant: how they dress, how their wife dresses, how cute their children are, how they speak....... but conservatives vote based on results, something Democrats would never dream of doing.

The 2020 election will be of love vs hate. Love of our economy and country, vs hatred of Trump. But even people on the left, who have seen hard times during the DumBama years, must ask themselves the Ronald Regan question: Am I better off today than I was four years ago???
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.

The difference is Trump doing these in public. He even tried to get China involved right in the open.

So you are saying ole Joe was trying to do it in the shadows?
This is why we refer to you on the left as the Uninformed Voters.
So, you have time for this retard comment, but no time to list what he’s accomplished?

Sounds about right.

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
New record set for median household income.
New records set for employment in every minority group and women.
New record set for small business confidence.
More jobs available than Americans to do them.
Tax breaks for our business owners; the people who create those jobs.
Tax cuts for middle-class.
More manufacturing jobs created; the most in one year since the late 90's.
Created removing two business regulations for every one created.
Rescinded Commie Care fines that the least wealthy among us had to pay.
Relieving businesses from the costly Commie Care mandates.
Backed America out of the job killing Paris Accord.
Reduction of border crossings by 60% since May by holding Mexico accountable for South American crossers.
Had FDA approve a huge amount of generic drugs to reduce prescription costs.
Passed a law that allows Americans to participate in experimental drugs instead of going overseas.
Spending 6 billion on our opioid crisis.
Removed DumBama's law that forced schools to comply with weirdo's in dresses from using the female rest and changing facilities.
Rebuilding our military to it's strongest level in many years.
Instituted the ability for veterans to use private facilities in place of the VA.
A lot of that is bullshit and Republican spin. Some of it is riding Obama’s economic coattails. Some of it is just demographics.

There was no middle class tax cut. The corporate one they rammed through did nothing for everyday Americans but juiced Wall Street. That’s a temporary effect that is now starting to wear off.

Trump has added $2 Trillion to the debt
Trump has added $1 Trillion to the deficit

He said he would lower both.

Manufacturing jobs are down, not up.

Minority housing is really down. He told Blacks “what have you got to lose?” They’re finding out.

The rest is just racism and bigotry that you agree with.

You posted nothing of substance except that the debt and deficit did go up under Trump. Other than that, you have nothing to counter my claims.

Now you got me all excited. I can't wait to tell my parents that I'm not middle-class, I'm wealthy, because I did get tax cuts and my tax preparer will tell you just how much.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Year-old article, still riding the Obama coattails.

Now? Manufacturing has tanked. He can’t blame Obama for that.

How has manufacturing tanked? We just hit a new record low in unemployment; a 50 year low. I was 9 years old when that happened.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.

The difference is Trump doing these in public. He even tried to get China involved right in the open.

So you are saying ole Joe was trying to do it in the shadows?

I looked up "Hunter Biden GIF" under Google images. This showed up.
You think China and Ukraine search the world for talent and then just happened to come up with the coke addled son of the VP?

Hillary's has money flooding into Foundation from nations with business before the Secretary of State.

China and Ukraine are flooding Biden's son with cash.

Barack must have cheated that his daughters weren't old enough to cash in.

Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

It's like they think The American People are their private Fiefdom to loot or something.
Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

Well if your pissed about all that then You must be furious at how his family is capitalizing off his presidency. Right?
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

View attachment 283100
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?
Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?

So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.

You are relying an information from a conspiracy theory with the help of his own personal lawyer.
There were no evidence that Biden’s did any wrongdoing except coming from this unfit POTUS.

He also asked China to do the investigation. That’s sick fuck. Don’t you think?
But China just told Trump yesterday FUCK YOU.

Perhaps, only because of the trade war thing. It's sending their economy into spirals and they are quite pissed about it I'm sure.

There is no evidence of Biden wrongdoing because nobody ever looked into it. However Joe and the Democrats were self-assured that no Republican, yet alone Trump, would get the presidency, so assumed they had reasonable coverage.

The Democrats are in panic mode. As I stated in an earlier post, it could only be one of two things: they are either very afraid of what Zelensky or Barr might turn up, or perhaps they have inside information about Ginsburg's failing health. Whatever it is, they are frantically trying to get rid of Trump.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Fantasy island
Capitalizing off his presidency ?? You are kidding me right ?
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

View attachment 283100
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?

Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
No I’m not kidding
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

View attachment 283100
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?

Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced
The man is working for free, and the swamp has all but destroyed his brand, but they are making out like bandits eh ??? You need to put down the mad dog 20-20. :)
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

View attachment 283100
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?

Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
Oh I don’t know about that. He has stapled himself into the history books and grown a cult following of 10s of millions of people. His brand is just fine, his global connections are in place, and he is primed to transition into a media conglomerate right after he leaves the White House. Funny how he made fake news the enemy and will spend his last days profiting off spreading it while continuing to divide our country. Mark my words. Trump and newsmax are going to create a cable news station and cater to the far right... that’s the whole play. I think that was the point of him running, don’t think he expected to win.

View attachment 283100
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?

Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.
You haven't posted any quotes, statements of letters from government officials.
I offered to post a letter from congress when you said Biden’s support from the Obama admin doesn’t count. You dismissed the letter as partisan. So no point in posting it. I offered to post proof behind IMFs support of what Biden did. You said it would not change your thoughts about Biden’s actions. So again, if the evidence is not going to sway the debate then I’m not going to waste my time. I’ve done my research, I’ve read it so I know it’s there. But I’m not going to go look it up to show you when it makes no difference. Why are you even asking for it if it’s inconsequential?
I did a lot of research once in talking with you. It was a pretty big waste of time also so don't feel like you never do that to others.

I assumed all you Trump supporters did your research..... but the sad part of that is ...... you are all relying from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump.
A personal lawyer. That is quite disgusting.
Who are you relying on?

I rely on facts and reality.

But not from a henchmen a personal lawyer and corrupt POTUS.

Facts and reality ??

Or a Hypocrite?

Science says the fetus has its own dna ... the facts are science is saying abortion is murder of a us citizen baby

And facts show more murdered than all the us wars put together

So facts and reality says abortion is mass murder of innocent us citizens

So if you are a democrat making that statement you would be a total hypocrite !!
Just a prediction. You really don’t see an angle for Trump TV being set up?

Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.

Wrong ...the men are sick and tired of the deep states high treason crimes and women for voting in the crooks

So quit lying on the men

Very foolish of democrat losers who don’t check on who is on whose side

Remember white men always win

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