Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Mass murder is no spin

Looking the other way is gross hypocrisy
Wow, you've completely gone off the rails today. And for you, that's really saying something, I must say.

The only person cramming abortion into this topic is you, in a clumsy, comically and transparent attempt to change the subject.

Try this crap on someone else.

This topic is blackmail for greed

It’s good to bring up the proof of his mass murder for greed to prove his pattern

Why don’t you start your own thread instead of wasting peoples time?

Go away idiot.

Blackmail is what Biden is doing
And he has a pattern to include to decide just what this is

Biden commiting harmful
Acts for insane greed

One is for money coming from black mail

And the other is money coming from agreeing with mass murder of babies

He has a pattern of harmful acts for his insane greed

This is part of proving his mindset is really to blackmail

Are you a retard or something?

You are in the wrong thread dude.

You talking about facts and reality. You need to find those

Men are on trumps side

White men on trumps side in a landslide

The military on trumps side in a landslide

Now even Hispanic citizen males are on trumps side and agree with him

These are the facts and reality

And men has always beat women in history

How about if I post a bipartisan letter from congress urging the admin to get rid of the prosecutor?. If that exists and I post it would you concede that this wasn’t Joe acting alone?
Biden’s son worked for the company under investigation you know that right? Just curious if you’re on the right road. Biden then threatened and pulled the trigger. Admitted it! Ouch extortion bigly

And you got that information from Giuliani and Trumpits. That’s awesome.
Trump and Giulani have the very best information.

Nancy in the swamp of despond

Nancy Pelosi gets a glimpse of the Democrats' nightmare scenario.

Pelosi's half-clever ploy of unilaterally declaring that an impeachment "inquiry" was in progress is backfiring in a big way.

The White House sent Pelosi a letter telling her to crap or get off the pot. They refuse to cooperate with the House "inquiry," wit Trump triple-dog daring Pelosi to hold an actual vote. Pelosi responded with a non-answer, stating that she might or might not, but that the White House has to cooperate in any case.


Nancy has handed the entire deck of cards to Donald Trump to shuffle or play as he pleases.

Then the 3 stooges of the House committees — Oversight, Intelligence, and Foreign Affairs — sent subpoenas to the White House, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence, demanding an array of documents that amounts to a fishing expedition. The chairs of the committees, which includes the usual suspects Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings, huffed that the White House had been "given a chance to cooperate," forcing them to issue the subpoenas.

Trump has been very clear: "Hold the Vote, or Take a Walk."

Nancy and Little Orphan Adam had hoped for a swift strike — an impeachment vote by the December recess that doesn't spill over into the new year. Impeachment will become an issue in the presidential campaign, with the Democrat Party and its leadership open to attacks from all directions, unable to answer the painfully obvious question: If The American People Will Be Voting In Months To Decide Whether Trump Remains In Office, What The Hell Is The House Doing Trying to Impeach Him?

It looks like they are engaging in escapism, rather than working for the American People.

Exactly. You rely from a personal lawyer to do the dirty work. Then you spread it here. That’s Awesome.
And yet it's your dirty whistle blower, who was instantly refuted by the transcript, who is getting thrown under the bus. In the coolest move yet, Dems aimed for Trump and Blew Up Biden.

Anti-Trump CIA Whistleblower Concealed Huddle With Schiff Committee

"The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water."

The CIA Spy whose second-hand whistleblower complaint sparked an impeachment inquiry in the Democrat-controlled House never told the Inspector General about his interactions with House Democrats as required by law.

The revelation came from Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who testified in a closed-door session last week that the whistleblower - a registered Democrat - concealed his contacts with Democrats on Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-CA) House Intelligence Committee, who referred him to a Clinton-linked attorney to move forward with his complaint.

The Federalist': "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires Sindividuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.​

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist
So it turns out you star witness in this charade, on whose word Dumb Pelosi launched Impeachment, committed PERJURY in transmitting his immediately debunked disinformation? Wow, I've seen dumb politicians pull boners, but that one really takes the cake!

"An official confirms the whistleblower concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information."​

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken directly with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

"We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to,"​

Schiff lied to MSNBC's Sam Stein when asked if they had ever spoken.


Trump has been focusing on the "Schiff is a fraud" angle for the past week:

Donald J. Trump


WOW, this is big stuff! …

John Ratcliffe


Since the ICIG has no evidence whatsoever about the relationship and contacts between the whistleblower and Schiff’s staff, the investigation has to get that information from other fact witnesses. Who also happen to be running the investigation.

Donald J. Trump


"Schiff is a FRAUD!" @dbongino

I don't know, it seems like you folks are beating the crap out of yourselves!
Shiff decided to be Finestein in this attempt, just as she played the part in the Kavanaugh mess with Ford, so goes Shiff in this bullcrap.

Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Hands up don't shoot right ?? You'd believe anything must be. Just a comparison is all.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
Dims are responsible for all the chaos. The "chaos" consists of their petulant whining and crying about Trump. They still haven't gotten over the fact that Trump beat their douchebag criminal candidate. They couldn't fool the voters.
Who are you relying on?

I rely on facts and reality.

But not from a henchmen a personal lawyer and corrupt POTUS.
The Whistle Blower had no firsthand information.

Inquirygate: Pelosi 'Prorogues' The US House

I don’t think that’s what the Founding Fathers had in mind. At least, unlike Britain, they cared enough to write a Constitution. A lot of good that did...


Just 4 months after the deplorably failed Dirty Bob Mueller probe of alleged Trump links to Russia, Democrats raise the next -faded- red flag, Ukraine.

Nancy Pelosi thinks it’s okay for her to move ahead with an inquiry, that she can even label an Impeachment Inquiry, without following established Capitol Hill procedure.

Pelosi’s plan is to not have a House vote on initiating the inquiry, but to just go ahead and have one, and stealing the name Impeachment Inquiry for it. Why? Because she thinks that way she can have only Democrats ask questions, issue subpoenas etc., while House Republicans could only sit and watch the spectacle (not what they were elected for).

Just because you have a House majority doesn't mean you can simply ignore the minority, or procedure. She wants to turn democracy into a proxy dictatorship.

She is trying to stop Trump from investigating what Joe Biden was up to in the run-up to the 2016 election because her son was involved with the same dirty Ukraine Corporation that Hunter Biden was involved with, as was one of Mitt Romney's associates.

Trump's called her bluff. There is no Impeachment Inquiry, even if Pelosi calls it that. A House Impeachment Inquiry has a procedure, and if she doesn’t follow that, the White House is not bound to comply with information demands.

AG Bill Barr, along with the State Department and DOJ, and whoever else is involved, will release multiple reports from investigations conducted by US Attorney John Durham, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz and potentially others. The Dems and MSM viewpoint is that is was fine to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Trump’s links to Russia, but not Democrats’ links to anyone at all.

The Whistle Blower had no first hand information.
Let me guess. You got that from people like you defending a conspiracy promoted by a corrupted POTUS.

How do you even know that the WB had no first hand information?
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP


The reality is is the mask is off. The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin. This idea that investigating open corruption of party members is the real criminal offense is straight out to the Stalinist purges.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.

Comrade, isn't Donald Trump running for President? Yet the ONLY thing you Stalinists have done for over three years is launch endless investigations, some as serious as how many scoops of ice cream the president had.

So open corruption by Quid Pro Joe cannot be investigated because he is running for president, but Potentate Obamugabe using the FBI to spy on Trump while he was running for president was fine, because party above all.
You Stalinists are not just frauds and hypocrites, you demand that reality be suspended to support your blind lust for power.
A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

The issue everyone is missing is that Biden is a democrat, the Aristocracy. 3 years of nonstop investigations into Trump, his children, friends, anyone he has ever met is fine. BUT investigating open and known corruption by Quid Pro Joe is impeachable, because the Aristocracy is not subject to laws that govern those outside the Communist party. It was the same under Stalin, so why would ANYONE think that it would be different when his party, the democrats get power?

There are two laws,

For Party members: Serve the Party
Non-party: You are guilty, all that is needed is for a party member to name you for punishment.
Well this situation seems
To be going right over your head. I’m sorry you don’t understand what’s happening and why. It’s going to be a very frustrating next few weeks for you

We've seen the situation many times, under Hitler, under Stalin, under Pol Pot. What you democrats are doing isn't new in anyway. Despots and thugs like you pop up from time to time, which is why we have a Constitution to stop you, and why you so bitterly hate the Constitution.
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government

So, you're a Stalinist, hence a fucking liar by nature. Let's see this "soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government"? You evil scum are getting desperate, and as you do, your lies become more absurd.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?
If I could I would throw the entire bloody freaking lot of them out. And start from scratch. They are all assholes. Just do your jobs. We tax payers don't pay these people to bicker and squabble amongst each other...
This is where we are - tribal warfare. The politicians and their bases are feeding off each other, making their echo chambers louder, making it worse, leaving out everyone else.

Their job used to be to collaborate and innovate and move the country forward. Now it's only to "beat" the other tribe.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.
Well, he's definitely been a wrecking ball. We can agree there.

The turning point here was Pelosi agreeing to the investigation. She knew she was putting her party's balls on the line when she gave the okay, so either (a) she really is confident it will work out in the Dems' favor, or (b) she saw a mutiny coming and had no choice.

She's always been careful not to make big moves until she knew she'd win, so I guess we'll find out which one it is pretty soon.
Trump felt compelled to give people a reason, it was to try and avoid controversy, but not because it was a requirement.
Nobody is claiming it was a requirwment. Nobody. You keep saying that, and you are arguing against absolutely nobody. Put away the straw man.

The fact is, the DOJ was involved. Trump has used and uses it far too often for his personal gain. Go ahead, now complain about that, too....

You just supported my point that the President has the power to fire the director for any reason. Thank you!

There is no personal gain here because Biden is hardly a threat to Trump. There is no way Biden will be the nominee for your party. If Biden did anything illegal in Ukraine, he is not insulated from investigation or possible penalty simply because he's one of the many candidates on the Democrat side.
He did nothing wrong

Trump did

Biden’s innocent.

You can’t fire the guy wrongfully. It’s an impeachable offense
Dims are responsible for all the chaos.
You elect a guy specifically because he was a wrecking ball (as a Trumpster describes him in post 1594), and then you complain about the chaos that ensues and blame it on the other tribe, as if Trump is merely a well-meaning victim.

This is another example of why I never know what to believe from ideologues. Either you're kidding around like this is a political version of professional wrestling, or you're so consumed by your ideology that you're simply no longer connected to reality.

This stuff is truly disturbing. Simple, fundamental reality is now so distorted and diluted that I sincerely don't know how a republic is supposed to survive in this. Worse, this is all a self-inflicted wound. We're choosing to do this to ourselves.

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