Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Hands up don't shoot right ?? You'd believe anything must be. Just a comparison is all.

But you believe the information coming from a personal lawyer.
Regardless, because if the information is correct then it matters not where it comes from. Your fixation on who it comes from instead of if it is correct or not shows your political bias big time here.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?
Go ask Hillary, she might have taught them everything she knows.
Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Hands up don't shoot right ?? You'd believe anything must be. Just a comparison is all.

But you believe the information coming from a personal lawyer.
Regardless, because if the information is correct then it matters not where it comes from. Your fixation on who it comes from instead of if it is correct or not shows your political bias big time here.

What fixation? You YOU and your buddies here are so fixated and fascinated by the information coming from a personal lawyer.
That is so low and political bias big time here.
Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically; sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
I am one of the people that voted for Trump. It was either Trump or some carpet bagging female Democratic consort of Clinton. The wife of the man that actually was impeached. The party that, I don't know, gives sanctuary to illegal aliens from fair and ethical federal immigration laws without our consent . We are fed up (pun intended) with this shit...So lets ague some more about this some more , that will fix everything.

You didn’t answer my question.

I voted for Hillary and I’m proud. compare to this Putin lover corrupted lying hypocrite bastard disgusting POTUS. There is no way you can tell me he is a good president that only catered to a certain group.
Hands up don't shoot right ?? You'd believe anything must be. Just a comparison is all.

But you believe the information coming from a personal lawyer.
Regardless, because if the information is correct then it matters not where it comes from. Your fixation on who it comes from instead of if it is correct or not shows your political bias big time here.
and exactly how do you know the information is correct, being that it is coming from a politico henchman hired by the president? Seriously?
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.

Wrong again. Sadly mueller investigation did not clear Trumpy. Trump was not clean. Get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You avoided it. So let me repeat it again.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI? Why use his personal lawyer?

Since when a personal lawyer doing the political investigation is acceptable?
Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.

Wrong again. Sadly mueller investigation did not clear Trumpy. Trump was not clean. Get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You avoided it. So let me repeat it again.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI? Why use his personal lawyer?

Since when a personal lawyer doing the political investigation is acceptable?

No one gives a fuck whether he cleaned Trump. They did not find anything after spending 40 million dollars. That in itself clears Trump. Perhaps you have trouble remembering that in USA you are assumed innocent until found guilty, unlike in your 3rd world utopia.

Get over it, Trump is not corrupt like you guys. Now that he is investigated, let's look at the democrats next.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?
Go ask Hillary, she might have taught them everything she knows.

I did. She just said Trumpy is nothing but a corrupted POTUS.

The whole world is laughing at us because of these stupidities and chaos promoted by your president.

Do you know that Lushenko is being investigated for illegal gambling?
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.

You are relying an information from a conspiracy theory with the help of his own personal lawyer.
There were no evidence that Biden’s did any wrongdoing except coming from this unfit POTUS.

He also asked China to do the investigation. That’s sick fuck. Don’t you think?
But China just told Trump yesterday FUCK YOU.

1. Perhaps, only because of the trade war thing. It's sending their economy into spirals and they are quite pissed about it I'm sure.

2. There is no evidence of Biden wrongdoing because nobody ever looked into it. However Joe and the Democrats were self-assured that no Republican, yet alone Trump, would get the presidency, so assumed they had reasonable coverage.

3. The Democrats are in panic mode. As I stated in an earlier post, it could only be one of two things: they are either very afraid of what Zelensky or Barr might turn up, or perhaps they have inside information about Ginsburg's failing health. Whatever it is, they are frantically trying to get rid of Trump.

1. Maybe... but there was no evidence of any wrongdoing by th Biden’s in China except coming from a conspiracy promoted by trump your inept and unfit potus dude.

2. Cow dung. The only information you have is coming from personal lawyer of trump. Coming from a personal lawyer? That is one sick disgusting corruption fuck.
On top of that Guilliani got his information from a corrupt Ukrainian people Shokin and Lushenko. A corrupted officials for decades.

3. I don’t see any sign of democrats panicking. Democrats are in the attack and offensive mode. Republicans are in the defensive mode.

You also have Mit Romney and Sasse blasting this disgusting POTUS. The rest of GOPs like always just watch and scared.,

Even Tucker Carlson a Trump Fox News supporter blasted Trump disgusting behavior. Maybe this will help you how ugly this is created by freaking moron.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson turns on Trump over attempt to get Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden

Mr Carlson, who is one of Fox News’ leading presenters, fell short of backing impeachment in an op-ed on Friday but admitted that Mr Trump should not have raised the prospect of an investigation into Mr Biden and his son Hunter.

Donald Trump should not have been on the phone with a foreign head of state encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent, Joe Biden,” he said.

Carlson is part of daily caller .com. Conservative website in competition with totally trump supporting thegateway pundit

Carlson also may be scared of Fox News management turning less conservative

But Carlson knows that the the most crooked of all investigations is done by the deep state and him criticizing trump is outrageous

As long as real crooked investigations are allowed then the victim has the right to do it to them in order to shine the light on this monster problem

So Carlson May wake up cacm
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
Dims are responsible for all the chaos. The "chaos" consists of their petulant whining and crying about Trump. They still haven't gotten over the fact that Trump beat their douchebag criminal candidate. They couldn't fool the voters.

You got that backwards. Trump used the scary tactical methods of scaring Americans.
America is and always been great. Not because of your lousy POTUS.

Chaos are started and created by your dude. Without the democrats we don’t know the corruption of this corrupt POTUS. Thank you democrats.

Chaos started when mass murder became legal
And much more when science declared it was indeed mass murder of real human beings with its own unique dna code name

So it’s crazy for Carlston or anyone criticizing anything trump does

It’s crazy to speak of any issue other than the mass murder of us citizen babies

So carlston is playing politics to suit Fox News management ... he will lose the patriots and their real power
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.

Wrong again. Sadly mueller investigation did not clear Trumpy. Trump was not clean. Get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You avoided it. So let me repeat it again.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI? Why use his personal lawyer?

Since when a personal lawyer doing the political investigation is acceptable?

No one gives a fuck whether he cleaned Trump. They did not find anything after spending 40 million dollars. That in itself clears Trump. Perhaps you have trouble remembering that in USA you are assumed innocent until found guilty, unlike in your 3rd world utopia.

Get over it, Trump is not corrupt like you guys. Now that he is investigated, let's look at the democrats next.

For people like you. They don’t give a fuck.
For people like me that believes in reality and facts makes a big difference.

Why are you changing the topic? Why are you concentrating on Mueller? In reality mueller did not clear Trump. So get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You deflect. Is that mean you are just ignorant as everyone else of trump supporters?

Trump is corrupt crystal clear.
I rely on facts and reality.

But not from a henchmen a personal lawyer and corrupt POTUS.
The Whistle Blower had no firsthand information.

Inquirygate: Pelosi 'Prorogues' The US House

I don’t think that’s what the Founding Fathers had in mind. At least, unlike Britain, they cared enough to write a Constitution. A lot of good that did...


Just 4 months after the deplorably failed Dirty Bob Mueller probe of alleged Trump links to Russia, Democrats raise the next -faded- red flag, Ukraine.

Nancy Pelosi thinks it’s okay for her to move ahead with an inquiry, that she can even label an Impeachment Inquiry, without following established Capitol Hill procedure.

Pelosi’s plan is to not have a House vote on initiating the inquiry, but to just go ahead and have one, and stealing the name Impeachment Inquiry for it. Why? Because she thinks that way she can have only Democrats ask questions, issue subpoenas etc., while House Republicans could only sit and watch the spectacle (not what they were elected for).

Just because you have a House majority doesn't mean you can simply ignore the minority, or procedure. She wants to turn democracy into a proxy dictatorship.

She is trying to stop Trump from investigating what Joe Biden was up to in the run-up to the 2016 election because her son was involved with the same dirty Ukraine Corporation that Hunter Biden was involved with, as was one of Mitt Romney's associates.

Trump's called her bluff. There is no Impeachment Inquiry, even if Pelosi calls it that. A House Impeachment Inquiry has a procedure, and if she doesn’t follow that, the White House is not bound to comply with information demands.

AG Bill Barr, along with the State Department and DOJ, and whoever else is involved, will release multiple reports from investigations conducted by US Attorney John Durham, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz and potentially others. The Dems and MSM viewpoint is that is was fine to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Trump’s links to Russia, but not Democrats’ links to anyone at all.

The Whistle Blower had no first hand information.
Let me guess. You got that from people like you defending a conspiracy promoted by a corrupted POTUS.

How do you even know that the WB had no first hand information?
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.
But the federalist isn’t allowed to tell the story they report since it doesn’t align with the faked story. Just ask her
It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.

Wrong again. Sadly mueller investigation did not clear Trumpy. Trump was not clean. Get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You avoided it. So let me repeat it again.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI? Why use his personal lawyer?

Since when a personal lawyer doing the political investigation is acceptable?

No one gives a fuck whether he cleaned Trump. They did not find anything after spending 40 million dollars. That in itself clears Trump. Perhaps you have trouble remembering that in USA you are assumed innocent until found guilty, unlike in your 3rd world utopia.

Get over it, Trump is not corrupt like you guys. Now that he is investigated, let's look at the democrats next.

For people like you. They don’t give a fuck.
For people like me that believes in reality and facts makes a big difference.

Why are you changing the topic? Why are you concentrating on Mueller? In reality mueller did not clear Trump. So get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You deflect. Is that mean you are just ignorant as everyone else of trump supporters?

Trump is corrupt crystal clear.
Why do you fear the other side of a story? Are you a robot?

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.

Comrade, isn't Donald Trump running for President? Yet the ONLY thing you Stalinists have done for over three years is launch endless investigations, some as serious as how many scoops of ice cream the president had.

So open corruption by Quid Pro Joe cannot be investigated because he is running for president, but Potentate Obamugabe using the FBI to spy on Trump while he was running for president was fine, because party above all.
You Stalinists are not just frauds and hypocrites, you demand that reality be suspended to support your blind lust for power.
You mean joe Stalin would be proud? I agree
Biden committed extortion and blackmailing and trump’s guilty! Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha dude your daily TDS is noted

Let me guess. You got that from a henchmen lawyer of Trump.

There is no fucking way. You can twist however you want but the reality is....... you are relying from a conspiracy theory promoted by trump with the research of a henchmen.
This henchmen was warned he was getting informed by crooked Ukrainian previous politicians.
You're not making a lot of sense, Trump, on the other hand, is
Draining The Spy Infested Swamp: Trump Orders Cuts To Security Council Amid CIA Spy Whistleblower "Coup"

President Trump has ordered a significant reduction of staff at the Spy Infested National Security Council, according to Bloomberg:

That is a pile of cow dung. You are lying...
Mo. It's true. Trump has ordered a significant reduction of the spy infested NSC.

And it gets better, the Whistle Blower, who had no first hand information, who Pelosi LAUNCHED IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES before she read the meeting transcript?

He LIED on the whistleblower form that he transmitted his complaint on, then SIGNED IT UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY.

the whistleblower failed to disclose prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information."​

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken directly with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

You guys launched IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES based on the unconfirmed second hand information of a PERJURER? And then your Impeachment Manager LIED on exactly the same point?

Is this all a big game to you guys? Does Pelosi and the House Leadership has No Sense of the Awesome Responsibility The American People Have Entrusted them with? Do they think this is all about getting foreign nations to line their children's pockets?


What in the hell is wrong with these people?

The Federalist

Let me repeat it again.,

Do you expect me to read an information coming from a garbage media like Federalist? You must be desperate or new here.

Go get me something else that tickles me.
He doesn’t care what you do. But you truly are a robot
It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

Dig up dirt = reveal corruption...

And that's what the democrats have been doing with Russia for the past three years. They found together with the Russians that Trump is cleaner than clean. After wasting 40 million of tax-payer money. Yet the Democrats still insist that Trump is illegitimate president.

Apparently sometimes it is ok, and sometimes it is not. The key appears to be whether the politician is a corrupt Democrat or clean Trump.

Wrong again. Sadly mueller investigation did not clear Trumpy. Trump was not clean. Get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You avoided it. So let me repeat it again.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI? Why use his personal lawyer?

Since when a personal lawyer doing the political investigation is acceptable?

No one gives a fuck whether he cleaned Trump. They did not find anything after spending 40 million dollars. That in itself clears Trump. Perhaps you have trouble remembering that in USA you are assumed innocent until found guilty, unlike in your 3rd world utopia.

Get over it, Trump is not corrupt like you guys. Now that he is investigated, let's look at the democrats next.

For people like you. They don’t give a fuck.
For people like me that believes in reality and facts makes a big difference.

Why are you changing the topic? Why are you concentrating on Mueller? In reality mueller did not clear Trump. So get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You deflect. Is that mean you are just ignorant as everyone else of trump supporters?

Trump is corrupt crystal clear.

There is zero evidence of Trump doing anything outside of law.

Go on with the impeachment if you feel otherwise. What are you waiting for?
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

It would be great if the democrats already went on with it. It's time for Trump to learn that negotiating with these fools is impossible. Go on the offense and start landing them in prison, just like they are attempting.

Trump has done everything he can to govern the best he can. To make the best deals... but ultimately, a wrecking ball is what he was elected to be. He was not supposed to negotiate with these people who want him in prison, but to wreck them.

Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?
This henchmen lawyer is getting information from a corrupted Ukrainian Shokin and Lushenko for decades.

If Trump really want to investigate. Why not use the FBI? Why use his henchmen?

I guess for the same reason the DNC refused to have the FBI look at their computers after they were hacked, and hired an outside agency, which is now back in the limelight again with this Ukrainian thing.

Trump can trust his lawyers. The FBI have proven themselves to be biased and untrustworthy.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?

They will likely increase.

A good number of Republicans were disgruntled at his nomination and decided to stay home on election night. Since then, Trump has presided more conservatively than Ronald Reagan. Lower taxes especially on businesses, tough border policies, huge support for our police around the country, and support for gun owners has most every conservative tickled to death.

Democrats vote on representatives like they do their favorite American Idol contestant: how they dress, how their wife dresses, how cute their children are, how they speak....... but conservatives vote based on results, something Democrats would never dream of doing.

The 2020 election will be of love vs hate. Love of our economy and country, vs hatred of Trump. But even people on the left, who have seen hard times during the DumBama years, must ask themselves the Ronald Regan question: Am I better off today than I was four years ago???

And why do you think your inept dude is so scared of Biden? Trying to derail the next election?

Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.
"So the question is Trump's actions impeachable... Again this is a political process. He coerced a foreign country to open and investigation on his political rival."

Actually, no he didn't. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that claim, beyond a biased and error-filled, 3rd-hand report from a democrat whistle-blower. There's no evidence whatsoever that that any aid to the Ukraine was used as leverage to get the Ukrainians to investigate corruption in their own country that some Americans might have been involved in, thereby breaking US law. If one of those Americans was Hunter Biden, whose fault is that? You don't think Trump ought to find out one way or another what was going on, not only in Biden's case but also the interference in the 2016 elections?

Your hypocrisy is showing: it's okay for Biden to do it, which he clearly did and bragged about it on TV. But not Trump, oh no, orange man bad.

Yes he did evidence crystal clear. Trumpy should be lock up.

Bullshit! There's no crystal clear evidence, not one bit. Report after report, everyone of them says, crystal clear that there is NO evidence of wrong-doing on Trump's part. All you've got is bullshit hearsay from a democrat who lied on the whistleblower form. But hey, go ahead and vote on it, let's see how the Dems from red and purple states fare in the next election if they vote for impeachment.
Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

But you had no problem with Hillary and the DNC paying a company to hire a retired foreign investigator to get dirt on Trump, and he got his information from the Russian Government.

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?

I guess since the Democrats got the FBI to do their dirty political work on a political opponent.

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