Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

kaz said:
The world changes. You John Birchers would have kept blacksmiths because they need the job, we'd as Toro pointed out still be an agriculture society because farmers needed the job. We'd be the poorest country on the planet instead of the richest.

Nothing I've said supports that

You repeatedly argue that we can't move offshore because workers can't compete. Yeah, the world changes. We need to embrace change, not fight it.

What you didn't address was my point. Let's stop the government artificially incenting companies to move off shore with our insane tax and regulatory environment.

Those policies being created by the government you are willing to empower to remove our right to trade freely. Oh, but you explained. They want to help. You're assigning the criminal the ability to fix crime. Yeah, that's well thought through.

What if we start by doing things we can on our end without help from anyone. Trump is silent on that. He doesn't even bring it up as a problem
Funny how a supposed right winger embraces "change" so mindlessly....

Fuck you, loser. What a contentless response. Remember this in November when you losers see you lost and you told fiscal conservatives to go fuck ourselves. Actually, we're going to fuck you

You will help elect Hillary in order to prove a point? are you really that stupid?
when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

How was he the best? What did he do but increase the deficit, play "war games" and lose his mind? I blame him for the current state of US politics. He was an awful president in every way. Nothing but a Hollywood showman who thought Fiscal Responsibility was the name of the White House pooch...
when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

How was he the best? What did he do but increase the deficit, play "war games" and lose his mind? I blame him for the current state of US politics. He was an awful president in every way. Nothing but a Hollywood showman who thought Fiscal Responsibility was the name of the White House pooch...

He brought down the Soviet union. Brought down the Berlin wall. Restored patriotism to the USA after the terrible Carter years. Built our military back up after Carter decimated it. Loved this country. Put America first. Treated our allies with respect and our enemies with strength.

Sure, he made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. But he did a lot more good than bad.
He brought down the Soviet union. Brought down the Berlin wall. Restored patriotism to the USA after the terrible Carter years. Built our military back up after Carter decimated it. Loved this country. Put America first. Treated our allies with respect and our enemies with strength.

Sure, he made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. But he did a lot more good than bad.

nothing to do with the bringing down of the Soviet Union. It was in the shit from the 1960s onwards and was never going to recover. If you'd been on this board in the early days there was a poster who had lived in the Soviet Union since the 1950s. She laid out, in very succinct detail, how the Soviet Union was on the downside since Nikita K, and that Raygun had absolutely NOTHING to do with it's downfall. Even when I said he might have had a little, iddy biddy bit to do with it, she would have none of it. And once she explained it all, it was obvious. All the rest of your points are just jingoistic waffle....
kaz said:
The world changes. You John Birchers would have kept blacksmiths because they need the job, we'd as Toro pointed out still be an agriculture society because farmers needed the job. We'd be the poorest country on the planet instead of the richest.

Nothing I've said supports that

You repeatedly argue that we can't move offshore because workers can't compete. Yeah, the world changes. We need to embrace change, not fight it.

What you didn't address was my point. Let's stop the government artificially incenting companies to move off shore with our insane tax and regulatory environment.

Those policies being created by the government you are willing to empower to remove our right to trade freely. Oh, but you explained. They want to help. You're assigning the criminal the ability to fix crime. Yeah, that's well thought through.

What if we start by doing things we can on our end without help from anyone. Trump is silent on that. He doesn't even bring it up as a problem
Funny how a supposed right winger embraces "change" so mindlessly....

Fuck you, loser. What a contentless response. Remember this in November when you losers see you lost and you told fiscal conservatives to go fuck ourselves. Actually, we're going to fuck you

You will help elect Hillary in order to prove a point? are you really that stupid?

Is this the bit where Republicans own the vote of someone who isn't a Republican? :lmao:

I always enjoy that one. Actually, I don't know who I'm voting for yet. There is one scenario Trump could get my vote. It's to pick an adult VP who comes out and says let me explain what Howdie Doodie is trying to say, poorly. He wants other countries more open, and he's going to push for that. He's not going to restrict trade in the process. And forget the part of punishing companies that make rational decisions to move offshore, he had diarrhea of the mouth.

Clinton would get my vote if he picks a clone of himself and they keep focusing on anti-capitalist, anti-free trade rhetoric. That's too scary to ignore. Probably I vote third party though.

None of those are making "a point"
Yeah, you like Tweedledum (D) better than Tweedledee (R). Nothing partisan about that ...



As opposed to you and Ronnie Raygun? The second worst president in my lifetime...

when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

I agree, except W was arm in arm with Oboozer as the worst. They're twins. Same policies, both spend like drunk sailors and get the military in everyone's shit
Yeah, you like Tweedledum (D) better than Tweedledee (R). Nothing partisan about that ...



As opposed to you and Ronnie Raygun? The second worst president in my lifetime...

when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

I agree, except W was arm in arm with Oboozer as the worst. They're twins. Same policies, both spend like drunk sailors and get the military in everyone's shit

there is one very significant difference. Bush loved the USA, Obama hates it.
Yeah, you like Tweedledum (D) better than Tweedledee (R). Nothing partisan about that ...



As opposed to you and Ronnie Raygun? The second worst president in my lifetime...

when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

I agree, except W was arm in arm with Oboozer as the worst. They're twins. Same policies, both spend like drunk sailors and get the military in everyone's shit

there is one very significant difference. Bush loved the USA, Obama hates it.

I am not saying they are the same as people. I am saying they were the same as to their job performance. Do you really care if the guy beating you with a night stick in your jail cell is a nicer guy than the guy who beat you up last night?
The Rising Tide was supposed to be increasing jobs and wages and lifestyles and socio-economic status.

"Opportunity" is a myth if Trade Policy removes all or even most of the good jobs from an area or a nation.

You managed to get a piece of a shrinking pie. Good for you.

Government taxes, tax structure and regulations are killing jobs. Repeating a lie that free trade harms the economy doesn't make it so. I'll believe my education and experience over you.

And again, you keep making sound like we are disagreeing on the fundamental point. I said Trump is anti-capitalist, anti-free trade. You are saying that is why you like him, not that I'm wrong

This country used tariffs for most of it's history to build up and retain industries. Formerly dirt poor Red China has been built on the loss of the US manufacturing job base. Now we have to buy stuff from them previously made in this country, and they have our dollars with which to buy our assets. Go Trump I say.

You are advocating 19th century economics. Do you want 19th century medicine too?

Why don't you just admit you're a liberal who wants Big Gubmint to redistribute wealth? You'll be intellectually honest if you do.

This country had tariffs well into the 20th Century. Have you noticed how China was a third world country until the USA job market moved there? Do you think China doesn't protect it's manufacturing sector also? Big gubmint redistributes wealth to certain sectors here also. It subsidizes big agriculture for one. One reason why Mexico farming sector went down the tubes after Nafta. There's really no free market after all.

You sound like a liberal.

Why do you hate liberty and capitalism?

You Democrats always have.

Capitalism get bailed out frequently by government you know. Capitalism also uses our military for protection when it wants to operate in otherwise dangerous parts of the world. Those of you who worship capitalism forget that it could never operate without a strong government, and frequent bailouts when it gets in trouble. So in that respect, I guess you're a liberal also.
Government taxes, tax structure and regulations are killing jobs. Repeating a lie that free trade harms the economy doesn't make it so. I'll believe my education and experience over you.

And again, you keep making sound like we are disagreeing on the fundamental point. I said Trump is anti-capitalist, anti-free trade. You are saying that is why you like him, not that I'm wrong

This country used tariffs for most of it's history to build up and retain industries. Formerly dirt poor Red China has been built on the loss of the US manufacturing job base. Now we have to buy stuff from them previously made in this country, and they have our dollars with which to buy our assets. Go Trump I say.

You are advocating 19th century economics. Do you want 19th century medicine too?

Why don't you just admit you're a liberal who wants Big Gubmint to redistribute wealth? You'll be intellectually honest if you do.

This country had tariffs well into the 20th Century. Have you noticed how China was a third world country until the USA job market moved there? Do you think China doesn't protect it's manufacturing sector also? Big gubmint redistributes wealth to certain sectors here also. It subsidizes big agriculture for one. One reason why Mexico farming sector went down the tubes after Nafta. There's really no free market after all.

You sound like a liberal.

Why do you hate liberty and capitalism?

You Democrats always have.

Capitalism get bailed out frequently by government you know. Capitalism also uses our military for protection when it wants to operate in otherwise dangerous parts of the world. Those of you who worship capitalism forget that it could never operate without a strong government, and frequent bailouts when it gets in trouble. So in that respect, I guess you're a liberal also.


Yeah, capitalism was bailed out by government. That argument is like Linda Blair's neck ...
A Rising Tide was supposed to Lift All Boats.

You ever walk down the streets of small town Rust Belt America and you will know that that did not happen.

That is the history of the last 40 years.

You're delving deeper and deeper into leftist ideology. The equally rising boats are opportunity, not handouts, comrade. Government taps you on the shoulder and gives you cash. Opportunity is what you earn. I was born in the rust belt and ended up doing great! Why? I left.

And again I addressed this. GOVERNMENT created the rust belt. And you are advocating giving government the power to further restrict our freedom to fix it. Yeah, that's going to happen ...

The Rising Tide was supposed to be increasing jobs and wages and lifestyles and socio-economic status.

"Opportunity" is a myth if Trade Policy removes all or even most of the good jobs from an area or a nation.

You managed to get a piece of a shrinking pie. Good for you.

Government taxes, tax structure and regulations are killing jobs.

Hey, you get some movement on better tax structure or such, and I'll embrace that change.

Nothing about that argues that Bad and Unfair Trade Policy is not also a huge part of the problem.

Repeating a lie that free trade harms the economy doesn't make it so.

Calling it a lie doesn't make it so. Citing Reagan doesn't make it so. Buzz words doesn't make it so.

If you want to demonstrate that Free Trade has been good, then demonstrate how it has been good for America and Americans.

I'll believe my education and experience over you.

I'm not citing myself as an Authority. I'm explained my position, and my reasoning, and my observations that led me there.

And again, you keep making sound like we are disagreeing on the fundamental point. I said Trump is anti-capitalist, anti-free trade. You are saying that is why you like him, not that I'm wrong

Meaningless buzz words.

Yes, freedom and my making my own choices, just "buzz words." Enlightened socialists who realize government is the best path to fixing problems created by government, no ideology there, just pure logic

I fail to see how that was a response to anything I have said.
I'm trying to picture what type of TRUMP sign will be on the WH lawn....
Maybe 15 ft high with small white bulbs to light it up at night...

Neon would just be tacky....

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you support the use of cheap Third World Labor to undermine US wages?

Because Hillary does, and Trump does NOT.
He brought down the Soviet union. Brought down the Berlin wall. Restored patriotism to the USA after the terrible Carter years. Built our military back up after Carter decimated it. Loved this country. Put America first. Treated our allies with respect and our enemies with strength.

Sure, he made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. But he did a lot more good than bad.

nothing to do with the bringing down of the Soviet Union. It was in the shit from the 1960s onwards and was never going to recover......

And yet when Reagan said that the SU would end up on the ash heap of history, lefties like you, ridiculed him for it.

It is absurd for you lefties to now pretend that it was obvious that the SU was going to fall, or that all the anti-soviet programs of Reagan has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, you like Tweedledum (D) better than Tweedledee (R). Nothing partisan about that ...



As opposed to you and Ronnie Raygun? The second worst president in my lifetime...

when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

I agree, except W was arm in arm with Oboozer as the worst. They're twins. Same policies, both spend like drunk sailors and get the military in everyone's shit

there is one very significant difference. Bush loved the USA, Obama hates it.

I am not saying they are the same as people. I am saying they were the same as to their job performance. Do you really care if the guy beating you with a night stick in your jail cell is a nicer guy than the guy who beat you up last night?

Do you support the Disparate Impact Theory with regard to the Civil Rights Act?

Cause that is one H-U-G-E difference between Republicans and Democrats, including Obama/Clinton and Bush/Trump.
As opposed to you and Ronnie Raygun? The second worst president in my lifetime...

when did you live? Reagan was the best president in my lifetime and Obama is by far the worst.

sorry, I should have said Obozo since you said Raygun.

I agree, except W was arm in arm with Oboozer as the worst. They're twins. Same policies, both spend like drunk sailors and get the military in everyone's shit

there is one very significant difference. Bush loved the USA, Obama hates it.

I am not saying they are the same as people. I am saying they were the same as to their job performance. Do you really care if the guy beating you with a night stick in your jail cell is a nicer guy than the guy who beat you up last night?

Do you support the Disparate Impact Theory with regard to the Civil Rights Act?

Cause that is one H-U-G-E difference between Republicans and Democrats, including Obama/Clinton and Bush/Trump.

What is it like to be mentally retarded? I'm curious

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