Seriously Damning Evidence Against Wilbur Ross and the Tramp Team

Do you know the meaning of the word "conjecture"?
That nail is better suited for the coffin of your credibility.

My credibility? :lmao: So you can't refute anything in the article and can't give a good reason why the Russian guy would be mysteriously showing up at places of Trump rallies. Gotcha.
A plane is not a person.
Got any pictures of the person at a Trump rally?

Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
. OK, now you tell us why the plane was in these places during the campaign in your claim ? Tell us exactly what happened when the plane arrived, and when it departed. Who was on the plane, and where did they go when they left this plane. So you are saying that unauthorized flights from Russia can just fly in here for business that the national Intelligence community knows nothing about ? I mean you are suggesting that this plane was following the Trump campaign around. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds ?

Did you read the article? Who said it was unauthorized? If you haven't read the article then that's the first step before I even go through answering your questions.
. I hate reading articles that are bent or biased in reporting a one sided story on something. I'll just watch you and Teflon Duke it out. Now how about that Trump schedule he posted ?
If the information in this report is correct, then you can put another nail in the coffin of Donald Trump.

"When Rybolovlev still owned his potash company, he reportedly maintained an Airbus A319 that was outfitted for personal use. This plane, with the registration M-KATE, is registered to Sophar Property Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.[80] While this company was originally registered to UralKali, the potash company that he disposed of by 2011, apparently Rybo, as he is known, enjoyed this plane and another, a Falcon, so much that he retained ownership or at least use rights to the two planes, this Airbus and, a Falcon jet. The Airbus A319’s registration is reportedly named after one of his two daughters, Ekaterina. [81]

For our purposes, the intriguing thing is that this plane, normally based in Moscow and Switzerland, can be tracked. According the flight logs available from FlightRadar24, it made numerous flights all over the U.S. from August 2016 through November 2016, the peak season for the U.S. 2016 Presidential campaign – of course right at the moment when Moscow was supposedly trying to jack the election on Trump’s behalf.


Donald Trump’s airplane photographed in Charlotte, N.C., on Nov. 3.


Rybolovlev’s plane photographed at Charlotte airport, Nov. 3.

Moreover, in at least three cases, Airbus A319M-KATE showed up at very same airports, where candidate Trump was – in the North Carolina cities of Charlotte and Concord and in Las Vegas, for example. Indeed, in the case of Charlotte, local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and the Trump campaign jet at the very same airport on November 3, 2016. During a presidential campaign close aides often arrive before and after the candidate, times that overlap with the Rybolovlev jet in several cities.[82]

Local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and Trump’s Boeing 757 the Trump campaign jet at the same airport on November 3, 2016.

Indeed, earlier this month — on Friday, Feb. 10 2017 — Rybolovlev‘s Airbus A319 M-KATE flew all the way from Switzerland to Miami. That airport is near where the White House said that the president was partying with hedge fund mogul Steven Schwartzman in Palm Beach on Saturday night. Rybolovlev’s jet returned to Switzerland on February 12, flight records show.

There were also M-KATE flights to Westhampton, New York and Los Angeles in early August 2016 and October-November, 2016, but the intersections with Trump’s travels are less clear.

Why would Rybolovlev’s plane scurry back and forth from Moscow to odd destinations like Charlotte and Concord, as well as to Las Vegas, New York, Burbank, and Miami, to arrive there precisely when Trump was there? The obvious question: was Rybolovlev a Putin emissary?"

And that is just part of the report, the rest details items I have brought up previously on how Trump's business credit rating is so awful he can't get loans from most traditional sources, and just how deep Wilbur Ross is in with the Russians through the Cyprus Bank.

Wilbur Ross Comes to D.C. With an Unexamined History of Russian Connections – DCReport
so basically nobody in town will give trump a loan so he has to borrow money from the Russian mafia

Or banks with Russian ties like the one in Cyprus that Wilbur Ross is on the board of.
Which bank paid Hillary for our uranium?

try again, with your next LIE
My credibility? :lmao: So you can't refute anything in the article and can't give a good reason why the Russian guy would be mysteriously showing up at places of Trump rallies. Gotcha.
A plane is not a person.
Got any pictures of the person at a Trump rally?

Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
My credibility? :lmao: So you can't refute anything in the article and can't give a good reason why the Russian guy would be mysteriously showing up at places of Trump rallies. Gotcha.
A plane is not a person.
Got any pictures of the person at a Trump rally?

Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
. OK, now you tell us why the plane was in these places during the campaign in your claim ? Tell us exactly what happened when the plane arrived, and when it departed. Who was on the plane, and where did they go when they left this plane. So you are saying that unauthorized flights from Russia can just fly in here for business that the national Intelligence community knows nothing about ? I mean you are suggesting that this plane was following the Trump campaign around. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds ?

Did you read the article? Who said it was unauthorized? If you haven't read the article then that's the first step before I even go through answering your questions.
. I hate reading articles that are bent or biased in reporting a one sided story on something. I'll just watch you and Teflon Duke it out. Now how about that Trump schedule he posted ?

So you are too lazy to do research and figure out the truth? So you'll read what Trump says and believe it like it is the gospel but won't read things that could be potentially damaging to Trump and figure things out for yourself?
jimminnee cricket

how many MORE people for admin positions is trump going to pick that have Russian love/connections??


VERY concerning!

BAD, not Good!

I wish Trump would just be HONEST and come clean
A plane is not a person.
Got any pictures of the person at a Trump rally?

Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.
A plane is not a person.
Got any pictures of the person at a Trump rally?

Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
. OK, now you tell us why the plane was in these places during the campaign in your claim ? Tell us exactly what happened when the plane arrived, and when it departed. Who was on the plane, and where did they go when they left this plane. So you are saying that unauthorized flights from Russia can just fly in here for business that the national Intelligence community knows nothing about ? I mean you are suggesting that this plane was following the Trump campaign around. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds ?

Did you read the article? Who said it was unauthorized? If you haven't read the article then that's the first step before I even go through answering your questions.
. I hate reading articles that are bent or biased in reporting a one sided story on something. I'll just watch you and Teflon Duke it out. Now how about that Trump schedule he posted ?

So you are too lazy to do research and figure out the truth? So you'll read what Trump says and believe it like it is the gospel but won't read things that could be potentially damaging to Trump and figure things out for yourself?
No I just hate wasting time when 10 minutes later the story is refuted by the experts. I like to follow along, ask questions of the debators, and then come to my conclusions based upon the going back & forth between you people first (that's the fun part), then I might lean back towards the article if someone destroy's their opponent in the debate or I might just agree and move on from there without discussing it any further. Yes I am biased to some extent or pro-Trump as you call it, and you are not.
jimminnee cricket

how many MORE people for admin positions is trump going to pick that have Russian love/connections??


VERY concerning!

BAD, not Good!

I wish Trump would just be HONEST and come clean
. If something is there, he will come clean or will have to, but the others will have to come clean also. Everyone who broke laws will have to be dealt with, and that includes Obama and his minions as well. In fact Hillary needs to be indicted for her illegal activities, and Susan Rice etc. No more passes.
If the information in this report is correct, then you can put another nail in the coffin of Donald Trump.

"When Rybolovlev still owned his potash company, he reportedly maintained an Airbus A319 that was outfitted for personal use. This plane, with the registration M-KATE, is registered to Sophar Property Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.[80] While this company was originally registered to UralKali, the potash company that he disposed of by 2011, apparently Rybo, as he is known, enjoyed this plane and another, a Falcon, so much that he retained ownership or at least use rights to the two planes, this Airbus and, a Falcon jet. The Airbus A319’s registration is reportedly named after one of his two daughters, Ekaterina. [81]

For our purposes, the intriguing thing is that this plane, normally based in Moscow and Switzerland, can be tracked. According the flight logs available from FlightRadar24, it made numerous flights all over the U.S. from August 2016 through November 2016, the peak season for the U.S. 2016 Presidential campaign – of course right at the moment when Moscow was supposedly trying to jack the election on Trump’s behalf.


Donald Trump’s airplane photographed in Charlotte, N.C., on Nov. 3.


Rybolovlev’s plane photographed at Charlotte airport, Nov. 3.

Moreover, in at least three cases, Airbus A319M-KATE showed up at very same airports, where candidate Trump was – in the North Carolina cities of Charlotte and Concord and in Las Vegas, for example. Indeed, in the case of Charlotte, local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and the Trump campaign jet at the very same airport on November 3, 2016. During a presidential campaign close aides often arrive before and after the candidate, times that overlap with the Rybolovlev jet in several cities.[82]

Local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and Trump’s Boeing 757 the Trump campaign jet at the same airport on November 3, 2016.

Indeed, earlier this month — on Friday, Feb. 10 2017 — Rybolovlev‘s Airbus A319 M-KATE flew all the way from Switzerland to Miami. That airport is near where the White House said that the president was partying with hedge fund mogul Steven Schwartzman in Palm Beach on Saturday night. Rybolovlev’s jet returned to Switzerland on February 12, flight records show.

There were also M-KATE flights to Westhampton, New York and Los Angeles in early August 2016 and October-November, 2016, but the intersections with Trump’s travels are less clear.

Why would Rybolovlev’s plane scurry back and forth from Moscow to odd destinations like Charlotte and Concord, as well as to Las Vegas, New York, Burbank, and Miami, to arrive there precisely when Trump was there? The obvious question: was Rybolovlev a Putin emissary?"

And that is just part of the report, the rest details items I have brought up previously on how Trump's business credit rating is so awful he can't get loans from most traditional sources, and just how deep Wilbur Ross is in with the Russians through the Cyprus Bank.

Wilbur Ross Comes to D.C. With an Unexamined History of Russian Connections – DCReport
so basically nobody in town will give trump a loan so he has to borrow money from the Russian mafia
no, what Trump is doing is being the Russian Oligarchs money launderer....the oligarchs need to put their mob money in to legit things....they've chosen real estate as their way of doing it...

Trump as example, paid $40 million for a mansion in W Palm Beach, and sold it to the Russian Oligarch for 95 MILLION, trump made $55 million off of it....Trump is involved with the real estate of Billionaires and has found properties like this mansion to sell to the Russian Oligarchs
Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
. OK, now you tell us why the plane was in these places during the campaign in your claim ? Tell us exactly what happened when the plane arrived, and when it departed. Who was on the plane, and where did they go when they left this plane. So you are saying that unauthorized flights from Russia can just fly in here for business that the national Intelligence community knows nothing about ? I mean you are suggesting that this plane was following the Trump campaign around. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds ?

Did you read the article? Who said it was unauthorized? If you haven't read the article then that's the first step before I even go through answering your questions.
. I hate reading articles that are bent or biased in reporting a one sided story on something. I'll just watch you and Teflon Duke it out. Now how about that Trump schedule he posted ?

So you are too lazy to do research and figure out the truth? So you'll read what Trump says and believe it like it is the gospel but won't read things that could be potentially damaging to Trump and figure things out for yourself?
No I just hate wasting time when 10 minutes later the story is refuted by the experts. I like to follow along, ask questions of the debators, and then come to my conclusions based upon the going back & forth between you people first (that's the fun part), then I might lean back towards the article if someone destroy's their opponent in the debate or I might just agree and move on from there without discussing it any further. Yes I am biased to some extent or pro-Trump as you call it, and you are not.

I'm most definitely not Pro-Trump, but I'll read all the information given to me regardless of whose side it is for, and then make my opinion based on that. Take for example Owebo and him saying that Obama has admitted to wiretapping Trump. There has been absolutely nothing from Obama saying that, nor anyone under him. All they have said is that it is possible Trump was wiretapped, but that the White House had no say in the decision, and anything carried out was done by the Justice Department alone without Obama or anyone else in the White House knowing or having a say in it.
Why would even the plane come from Moscow or Switzerland all the way to specific places where the Trump rallies are taking place at the height of the campaign? If for say it was ALWAYS New York or some other city where it is common for business... I could buy it, but Concord, North Carolina? GTFO.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
Putin is the RICHEST MAN IN THE WHOLE wide WORLD, and has only worked for the govt and gets paid less than our president,

so you tell us, how Putin got THAT RICH? Thru the mobster Oligarchs paying him off for letting them, do as they please
Putin is the RICHEST MAN IN THE WHOLE wide WORLD, and has only worked for the govt and gets paid less than our president,

so you tell us, how Putin got THAT RICH? Thru the mobster Oligarchs paying him off for letting them, do as they please

Yep, the guy in the article I posted paid $250 million dollars to get out of a trumped up charge against him and his company.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
I'm not wasting your time. I said it was conjecture on your part, which it is. You could have just acknowledged it for what it is and gone on your merry way, but you didn't. What staffer met that plane in Concord?
Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
I'm not wasting your time. I said it was conjecture on your part, which it is. You could have just acknowledged it for what it is and gone on your merry way, but you didn't. What staffer met that plane in Concord?

Yes, you are wasting my time. Why comment and argue about something you haven't even read? And then you have the gall to try and tell me I'm wrong about something you haven't even read. :lmao:

And you questioned MY credibility? That's a fucking joke.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
. OK, you want him to read and then debate you on the information you posted, but why can't you answer a few questions as pertaining to what you posted, and then on your stance taken by you upon the information in which you posted ? You might ignite the curiosity of the on lookers who might be taking your word for it or might take the word for your opponent by watching the debate between you and others here. Do you want to win people over or not ? Sometimes question's may spark other angles to look at during a debate between two debators on a story one may have posted. Links or stories are read if the visitor is convinced something might be there by the debate going on.
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