Seriously Damning Evidence Against Wilbur Ross and the Tramp Team

My, we are desperate!
Watching the democrats today gives us insight as to how they formed their KKK....much like then when they wanted to terrorize and punish their enemies, the we have them following the same path to terrorize and attack the opposition political is truly disturbing....

So the Russian guy being at the same places as Trump rallies is just a HUGE coincidence? :lmao::lmao:
You didn't have the class to at least use quotation marks asshole!
Anyway why would anyone not expect that from you.
Is a person who actually wrote the bullshit you put up suggesting the "Russian guy" was personally present on all these flights?????
Could it possibly be the case that the plane had been chartered to another entity?

Are you fucking blind? I did use quotation marks.
It's okay to admit that you don't know shit. It's the first step to recovery.
The plane in question was in Concord when Trump was in Florida holding an event in Jacksonville.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
It is obvious that he read it and his points really make the article look foolish. Your claim that this holds serious repercussions for Trump is rather vapid considering that in the event pointed out (one of the ones that the article specifically highlights) the plane leaves before Trump even gets there. Then there is literally zero evidence shown that anyone met with anyone on that plane.

Why was the plane located at some of the places that a Trump rally went on? I have no idea. You need a LOT more information before making nefarious claims about it though such as its complete itinerary, something that is notably absent on the linked article other than a really fuzzy snapshot of some of the places the aircraft had been over 2 weeks. If anyone got off at that location or not, who they were and if there were any meetings with anyone at all from the campaign.

What we have is a few overlapping days (not even overlapping times) and a pile of conjecture.
Really? Where's your proof of that? Because that is exactly the opposite of the information in the article I posted.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
It is obvious that he read it and his points really make the article look foolish. Your claim that this holds serious repercussions for Trump is rather vapid considering that in the event pointed out (one of the ones that the article specifically highlights) the plane leaves before Trump even gets there. Then there is literally zero evidence shown that anyone met with anyone on that plane.

Why was the plane located at some of the places that a Trump rally went on? I have no idea. You need a LOT more information before making nefarious claims about it though such as its complete itinerary, something that is notably absent on the linked article other than a really fuzzy snapshot of some of the places the aircraft had been over 2 weeks. If anyone got off at that location or not, who they were and if there were any meetings with anyone at all from the campaign.

What we have is a few overlapping days (not even overlapping times) and a pile of conjecture.

So you can't explain it either why a rich Russian guy's plane is following around Trump's campaign spots... got it. By itself it probably isn't a big deal, but when you take into account all the other evidence, it does matter.
Anybody wonder how the left comes up with this stuff? Do they make it up? Does Soros' Media Matters influence extend to the FAA? Since high profile democrats have been proved to be liars regarding their own meetings with Russian agents it's quite possible that this plane actually met Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix right after he left Loretta Lynch's plane. It's more likely that the Russians thought Hillary would get elected and they were busy padding the Clinton Foundation with cash for influence rather than bothering with a guy that nobody thought would win.
Let this be a lesson. You can't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Donald Trump’s Schedule 10-30-16 thru 11-5-16

Did you even read your own link? He was in Concord on November 3rd just like the article and information I posted shows. Trump was in 4 cities on November 3rd. From your own link:

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – JACKSONVILLE, FL – Noon ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – BERWYN, PA – 2pm ET [Video]
    • Mrs. Melania Trump will hold a rally at the Main Line Sports Center
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – CONCORD, NC – 4pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at the Cabarrus Arena
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2016 – SELMA, NC – 7pm ET [Video]
    • Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at The Farm
Yes, Trump was in Concord for an event at 4:00 pm. But the plane in question departed Concord at a little after noon, while Trump was on stage at his event in Florida. There is no direct connection.

Again, you din't read the article. It specifically states that on the campaign trail often times some of Trump's campaign party would leave places at different times than Trump's plane. If you are going to argue with me on this stuff, especially an article I post with information in it, at least have the decency to read it first and quit wasting my time.
It is obvious that he read it and his points really make the article look foolish. Your claim that this holds serious repercussions for Trump is rather vapid considering that in the event pointed out (one of the ones that the article specifically highlights) the plane leaves before Trump even gets there. Then there is literally zero evidence shown that anyone met with anyone on that plane.

Why was the plane located at some of the places that a Trump rally went on? I have no idea. You need a LOT more information before making nefarious claims about it though such as its complete itinerary, something that is notably absent on the linked article other than a really fuzzy snapshot of some of the places the aircraft had been over 2 weeks. If anyone got off at that location or not, who they were and if there were any meetings with anyone at all from the campaign.

What we have is a few overlapping days (not even overlapping times) and a pile of conjecture.

So you can't explain it either why a rich Russian guy's plane is following around Trump's campaign spots... got it. By itself it probably isn't a big deal, but when you take into account all the other evidence, it does matter.
Actually I cannot explain why there was a Russian plan cited AT A FEW CAMPAIGN LOCATIONS - just like you. You, and this article, does not actually show that it was 'following him around' or that there were even a significant number of these instances particularly when one of the so called instances does not line up time-wise.

All you have done is assume that there is more here without any actual evidence to back that up.
If the information in this report is correct, then you can put another nail in the coffin of Donald Trump.

"When Rybolovlev still owned his potash company, he reportedly maintained an Airbus A319 that was outfitted for personal use. This plane, with the registration M-KATE, is registered to Sophar Property Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.[80] While this company was originally registered to UralKali, the potash company that he disposed of by 2011, apparently Rybo, as he is known, enjoyed this plane and another, a Falcon, so much that he retained ownership or at least use rights to the two planes, this Airbus and, a Falcon jet. The Airbus A319’s registration is reportedly named after one of his two daughters, Ekaterina. [81]

For our purposes, the intriguing thing is that this plane, normally based in Moscow and Switzerland, can be tracked. According the flight logs available from FlightRadar24, it made numerous flights all over the U.S. from August 2016 through November 2016, the peak season for the U.S. 2016 Presidential campaign – of course right at the moment when Moscow was supposedly trying to jack the election on Trump’s behalf.


Donald Trump’s airplane photographed in Charlotte, N.C., on Nov. 3.


Rybolovlev’s plane photographed at Charlotte airport, Nov. 3.

Moreover, in at least three cases, Airbus A319M-KATE showed up at very same airports, where candidate Trump was – in the North Carolina cities of Charlotte and Concord and in Las Vegas, for example. Indeed, in the case of Charlotte, local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and the Trump campaign jet at the very same airport on November 3, 2016. During a presidential campaign close aides often arrive before and after the candidate, times that overlap with the Rybolovlev jet in several cities.[82]

Local photographers took pictures of M-KATE and Trump’s Boeing 757 the Trump campaign jet at the same airport on November 3, 2016.

Indeed, earlier this month — on Friday, Feb. 10 2017 — Rybolovlev‘s Airbus A319 M-KATE flew all the way from Switzerland to Miami. That airport is near where the White House said that the president was partying with hedge fund mogul Steven Schwartzman in Palm Beach on Saturday night. Rybolovlev’s jet returned to Switzerland on February 12, flight records show.

There were also M-KATE flights to Westhampton, New York and Los Angeles in early August 2016 and October-November, 2016, but the intersections with Trump’s travels are less clear.

Why would Rybolovlev’s plane scurry back and forth from Moscow to odd destinations like Charlotte and Concord, as well as to Las Vegas, New York, Burbank, and Miami, to arrive there precisely when Trump was there? The obvious question: was Rybolovlev a Putin emissary?"

And that is just part of the report, the rest details items I have brought up previously on how Trump's business credit rating is so awful he can't get loans from most traditional sources, and just how deep Wilbur Ross is in with the Russians through the Cyprus Bank.

Wilbur Ross Comes to D.C. With an Unexamined History of Russian Connections – DCReport

Seriously? That's the level of "evidence" that you douche bag snowflakes have devolved to?
My, we are desperate!
Watching the democrats today gives us insight as to how they formed their KKK....much like then when they wanted to terrorize and punish their enemies, the we have them following the same path to terrorize and attack the opposition political is truly disturbing....

So the Russian guy being at the same places as Trump rallies is just a HUGE coincidence? :lmao::lmao:
How many places did Trump land in per day during the campaign?

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