Seriously, What Should A Citizen Do In This Situation?

He had every opportunity to defuse the situation and chose not to. Instead he chose to escalate the situation to prove.........what?
His rights???!!! bowing down to authority without question is a very bad thing.

Again. Does California have a law on the books about proving his identity?
I didn't watch the video, but to answer your question, the Supreme court has ruled that NO ONE IS REQUIRED to provide ID to the police if on foot, or if in someone's car that they are not driving, or if on your own property or if in the Public Square.... in some States, they are required to verbally give their name, but even that has exceptions....if you believe your name can incriminate you, for some strange reason, then you are not required to give that on just a questioning by cop....
Stop and identify statutes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
yep, they do NOT have to show an ID, but they do need to give them their name....
The question whether it is constitutionally permissible for the police to demand that a detainee provide his or her name was considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177 (2004), which held that the name disclosure did not violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. The Hiibel Court also held that, because Hiibel had no reasonable belief that his name would be used to incriminate him, the name disclosure did not violate the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination; however, the Court left open the possibility that Fifth Amendment right might apply in situations where there was a reasonable belief that giving a name could be incriminating.[2] The Court accepted the Nevada supreme court's interpretation of the Nevada statute that a detained person could satisfy the Nevada law by simply stating his name.
He had every opportunity to defuse the situation and chose not to. Instead he chose to escalate the situation to prove.........what?
His rights???!!! bowing down to authority without question is a very bad thing.

Again. Does California have a law on the books about proving his identity?
I didn't watch the video, but to answer your question, the Supreme court has ruled that NO ONE IS REQUIRED to provide ID to the police if on foot, or if in someone's car that they are not driving, or if on your own property or if in the Public Square.... in some States, they are required to verbally give their name, but even that has exceptions....if you believe your name can incriminate you, for some strange reason, then you are not required to give that on just a questioning by cop....
Stop and identify statutes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
yep, they do NOT have to show an ID, but they do need to give them their name....
The question whether it is constitutionally permissible for the police to demand that a detainee provide his or her name was considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177 (2004), which held that the name disclosure did not violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. The Hiibel Court also held that, because Hiibel had no reasonable belief that his name would be used to incriminate him, the name disclosure did not violate the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination; however, the Court left open the possibility that Fifth Amendment right might apply in situations where there was a reasonable belief that giving a name could be incriminating.[2] The Court accepted the Nevada supreme court's interpretation of the Nevada statute that a detained person could satisfy the Nevada law by simply stating his name.

Until that point where it becomes obstruction of justice. Or that is how it was being interpreted in Almeda County.
People that deliberately antagonize the police are going to be find themselves in a bad situation.

I know its weird but when you are harassed by the police its easy to become agitated. So although I agree that all people should be Christ like, basically psych 101 tells everyone that if you pull a weapon on someone they tend to act differently. weird I know
Why would the cop shoot him if he had his hands in the air?

Because republicans would send her hundreds of thousands of dollars. You must have skipped the last part of my post.

So you are saying that a cop can shoot a citizen if he raises his hands in the air and then he will get money from Republicans? What law is that? Where did you hear that nonsense from?

The voices in his head seem to have gotten into his drug stash...
People that deliberately antagonize the police are going to be find themselves in a bad situation.

I know its weird but when you are harassed by the police its easy to become agitated. So although I agree that all people should be Christ like, basically psych 101 tells everyone that if you pull a weapon on someone they tend to act differently. weird I know

The far left created a system that help lawyers flourish that is most vote Democrat.

You do what you are asked, then contact a lawyer afterwards and sue the police department.

Otherwise you rub against the police unions.

So why now, is the far left against unions?
Why would the cop shoot him if he had his hands in the air?

Because republicans would send her hundreds of thousands of dollars. You must have skipped the last part of my post.

So you are saying that a cop can shoot a citizen if he raises his hands in the air and then he will get money from Republicans? What law is that? Where did you hear that nonsense from?

The voices in his head seem to have gotten into his drug stash...

Look it up
Watched it One aggressive move toward me or put his hands in his pockets again he would have rode the lightning.

Ask. Tell. Make.

He was agitated, abusive and aggressive much like meth or PCP users. He needed a ride to a suitable facility for his own safety and evaluation.

He got lucky and off easy.

You are the kind of bad cop who needs to be hung by the thumbs and have every inch of skin from neck to knees SHREDDED with 50,000 strokes of a barbed-wire scourge. That cop should spend the rest of her life nailed to a cross.
Why would the cop shoot him if he had his hands in the air?

Because republicans would send her hundreds of thousands of dollars. You must have skipped the last part of my post.

So you are saying that a cop can shoot a citizen if he raises his hands in the air and then he will get money from Republicans? What law is that? Where did you hear that nonsense from?

The voices in his head seem to have gotten into his drug stash...

Look it up

No, you seem to be hallucinating. Only YOU can hear the voices in your head!
No, you seem to be hallucinating. Only YOU can hear the voices in your head!

You dumbass cons gave Officer Darren Wilson over $400,000 dollars to show support for him.

All witnesses have Michael Brown being gunned down defenseless with most saying he had his hands up and all confirming the last shots were fired as he was bent over dying.

Therefore I have to assume you guys would give the police money in this case as well if the kid had put his hands up. And since the majority of conservatives on this site have defended police macing a person in their own home simply for being there I have to believe I'm right.
Dude...pour out the booze, flush the pills and coke, and get some professional help!

You are simultaneously projecting, flailing, babbling, and trolling.
Wrong on all counts, as usual.

News flash: I have (repeatedly) called police "the most dangerous street gang in the country".
Why would the cop shoot him if he had his hands in the air?

Because republicans would send her hundreds of thousands of dollars. You must have skipped the last part of my post.

So you are saying that a cop can shoot a citizen if he raises his hands in the air and then he will get money from Republicans? What law is that? Where did you hear that nonsense from?

The voices in his head seem to have gotten into his drug stash...

Look it up

No dumbass, you claim that a cop can shoot someone who has their hands up and they will get money from the GOP. You must provide proof. You cannot point to Micheal Brown because there are no facts to back up your assertion. Until you can quote me a law that says so, you're just an ignorant left wing nutjob worthy of nothing but scorn moron.
Many of the right find this acceptable because of the mitigating circumstances.
Their stance on Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, is so blatantly different because...?

Watch this video. Guy gets stopped because he "fits the description" but as you'll find out later the "Suspect" they are looking for has a distinct tattoo on the neck (if you believe there is a suspect at all) BUT they STILL harass this guy for close to 20 minutes with multiple officers surrounding him.
Many of the right find this acceptable because of the mitigating circumstances.
Their stance on Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, is so blatantly different because...?

Watch this video. Guy gets stopped because he "fits the description" but as you'll find out later the "Suspect" they are looking for has a distinct tattoo on the neck (if you believe there is a suspect at all) BUT they STILL harass this guy for close to 20 minutes with multiple officers surrounding him.

Because they were farmers? :doubt:
Ok, does it move into obstruction of justice? Check this out:

Walking down the street to get coffee is not probable cause.

Probable cause would be the ONLY reason he could be legally detained in that situation.

They were looking for a suspect, yes?
He didn't ask. He launched into a diatribe.

He didn't ask what?

Never mind I rewatched it. He asks several times. Still no sympathy.

Yea not much sympathy from me either. If it was true she had a gun aimed at him then maybe.
Ok, does it move into obstruction of justice? Check this out:

Walking down the street to get coffee is not probable cause.

Probable cause would be the ONLY reason he could be legally detained in that situation.

He didn't ask. He launched into a diatribe.

He did ask and also asked if he was being detained. The officer said No and added "but I need to speak with you" called backup and they had tazers on him

Corrected that. Tasers or guns, that's an easy one.
it seemed like " they were looking for a suspect" only happened towards the end as an excuse. Once the Blonde starting going into " can you let me tell you something" my bullshit meter went up. You could tell in her voice she was wrong, and now she was doing the typical back tracking of reasons.
The the guy coming out with his taser just put everyone on edge even worse, Then you surround the dude. Naturally things like this will happen. Poor training.
That makes no sense but I think he and the rest of them are ranchers. He still broke the law.

Many of the right find this acceptable because of the mitigating circumstances.
Their stance on Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, is so blatantly different because...?

Watch this video. Guy gets stopped because he "fits the description" but as you'll find out later the "Suspect" they are looking for has a distinct tattoo on the neck (if you believe there is a suspect at all) BUT they STILL harass this guy for close to 20 minutes with multiple officers surrounding him.

Because they were farmers? :doubt:

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