Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

Yep. We've essentially got a Russian operative and his klan and minions are soaking us for millions every week.

And that's on top of scandals almost too numerous to count and evidence that piles higher and higher.

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Where's the beef?

In that dead zone between their ears.

They lost the election.

So far they've been unable to locate the psych who can help them back into reality.
Desperation, willful ignorance. And they don't think there's anything wrong with selling out to Russia. In fact, by voting for trump, they have openly sided with Russia and against their own country

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That kind of equivalency is what got your butts kicked in this last election (you know the one where you were supposed to take back the senate....but didn't.....).

So, please keep it up.

In your mind, you are a legend.

And in some ways you are.......kinda like Abbot and Costello.

Comey might have thought differently of Hillary if she bragged about the sie of her server. If she claimed that her email server was bigger than Bush's email server. The biggest ever, millions and millions, bigger than anybody elses.
How do you get grams from gallons?

Half a gallon is about 2,000 grams. So if in the explosion they're exposed at a distance of 20 feet, it comes to one gram.

Chemical Warfare Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Nerve Agents as Chemical Weapons - eMedicineHealth

. A 10 mg dose applied to the skin may cause death in up to half of unprotected people. All nerve agents rapidly penetrate skin and clothing.

They would have received at least 100 times that amount.

The problem you have is that's not how sarin works when it is atomized.
Half a gallon is about 2,000 grams. So if in the explosion they're exposed at a distance of 20 feet, it comes to one gram.

Chemical Warfare Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Nerve Agents as Chemical Weapons - eMedicineHealth

. A 10 mg dose applied to the skin may cause death in up to half of unprotected people. All nerve agents rapidly penetrate skin and clothing.

They would have received at least 100 times that amount.

The problem you have is that's not how sarin works when it is atomized.

I quoted it's effect in liquid form. Deadly at 10 mg of skin exposure. At 20 feet they would have been covered with over a gram of liquid sarin. At 5 feet, that's a pint.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....
Hmm dunno...maybe because there's nothing there?
How do you get grams from gallons?

Half a gallon is about 2,000 grams. So if in the explosion they're exposed at a distance of 20 feet, it comes to one gram.

Chemical Warfare Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Nerve Agents as Chemical Weapons - eMedicineHealth

. A 10 mg dose applied to the skin may cause death in up to half of unprotected people. All nerve agents rapidly penetrate skin and clothing.

They would have received at least 100 times that amount.

The problem you have is that's not how sarin works when it is atomized.

OMG!!! So now you;re an expert on Sarin too? Is there anything that you don't claim to be an expert on? I'll bet your IQ has to be right up there with Furby's if you are so well educated on so many things. Just one question though. If you really are an expert in so many different subjects, like you claim, Why do you spend so much time playing on the internet instead of solving the world's problems like someone educated as much as you are should be?
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

1. LWers claimed there was nothing there during Obama's 8 years, and that it was all a witch hunt. Sure looked to me like there was indeed a lot of 'there' there, but they squashed it and buried it and the MSM let them get away with it. Funny how it all changes when the shoe is on the other foot.

2. Actually, nothing has been proven or unproven either way. Your side chooses to believe the worst about Trump just like my side believed and still believes the worst about Obama. And the cycle goes on. Lies from people in gov't is as common as leaves on the ground in autumn, or at best half-truths and innuendo. We can argue all day long about who lies the most, BFD. But I highly doubt any of the ongoing investigations will result in actionable evidence against anybody.

But you DIDN"T POINT OUT the major BIG difference!
The biased MSM was covering up for Obama while making up stories about Trump.
So both sides are not equal unless more people agree that the MSM can't be believed.
Which is HAPPENING now and the MSM is NOT reporting it!
This was in February 2017:
A new national poll finds that Americans see Donald Trump as being more trustworthy than the mainstream media.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.

In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

I can just imagine the gap is even bigger with the daily rounds of "anonymous sources"!
I mean seriously how can the Washington Post be ever believed again when they write:
Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House.”
The fake news story falsely claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign.
Rod had a simple answer when asked about that piece of fake news. “No.”

So much for 30 anonymous sources and for the Washington Post’s credibility. But the media keeps shoveling out pieces based on anonymous sources and confirmed by anonymous sources while ignoring the disavowals by those public officials who are willing to go on the record.
The Anonymous Sources of Washington Post and CNN Fake News

People pointed out the stupidity was even greater in thinking "hey if we make up 10 private accounts... why not 30? That makes it even more believable!"
I mean lay people reading that story just found it unbelievable that 30 !!! "the private accounts of more then 30 officials at the White House"!

What can be said of any right wing idiot who cites InfoWars who, in turn, cites Emerson College outfit of young right wingers who purchase their "polling sample" from a discredited outfit that asks them what results do they wish for before selling them the phone list....LOL

(I swear, some right wingers are dumber than a box of used matches....)

Infowars was reporting the actually story that Wapo put out! They couldn't make that up!
Yeah, I do. I gave you a chance to back up your bullshit in spite of your being a swine. As usual you failed. Poor pathetic snowflake.


This reminds me of the hunt for WMD's in Iraq. After finding none, republicns asked for 6 more months to find them. Well they were given over year, and spending $1 billion dollars to search. And in the end, they found ZIP.

Give Mueller, who won't spend anywhere near the $1 billion spent searching Iraq, the time to do what he was hired to do, before declaring there's nothing there.

Yea and you remind me of a person who doesn't care that 3.6 million kids would have starved to date with Saddam in power! You also never cared about his murdering
of 50,000 kurds with gas. Or causing 300,000 displaced people after draining 90% of the marshes.
Of course you believe the MSM bullshit that Iraq is worse off... yet today yes TODAY the GDP per person in Iraq is 2,650% HIGHER then under Saddam.
Of course you don't care! You are just as brutal and heartless as the barbarians that encouraged the terrorists to kill our troops.
Here are FACTS which ignorant people like you don't know because you have the attention span of 3 year old!

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death. Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans. Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!
Answer- the same reason the lefties kept,insisting there was nothing to the bulldykes private server. It is pure and simple partisanship.

Well, not really.........I was all for whatever investigations should and could be done to reveal if that Clinton private server gave up our nuclear codes and whatever might seem treasonous to your ilk.....but we are now talking about the orange clown, aren't we...Glad I could help also.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death. Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans. Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!

Maybe you didn't notice, but Saddam complied with all the UN requirements to lift the sanctions. He got rid of his WMD's shut down his programs, and got rid of his prohibited weapons. He filed a full accounting (over 2,000 pages) to the UN in dec 2002, and the only thing Bush and Colin Powell said was that Saddam's declaration was a lie, because it didn't confess to having WMD's.

And one war later, and a trillion in blood and treasure, and Bush's tales of Iraq having thousands of tons of WMD's was proven false.
Congress isn't where the investigation is. It's just a bunch of Republicans running cover for treason.

Mueller is where the actual investigation is, and he's barely gotten started. He's still assembling his team. And dang, what a team, literally the best lawyers and investigators in the nation. Mueller is having no trouble finding people to work with him. The best and brightest want to be on his team, because it's the kind of case that earns a person a legacy of patriotism, brilliance and success.

In contrast, nobody wants to touch Trump, being they don't want their legacy to be corruption, treason and failure.
Well of course Mueller is getting the best team money can buy, because he's Comey's friend after all. This witch hunt will no doubt continue well into the next election.

Doesn't anyone find it extremely strange that they're still going after Trump and his team even though NOTHING has been found to date? Where is the PROOF? That's still important right?
But the rotten GOP is just letting all that happen while ignoring the OBVIOUS criminality of the left where there's tons of evidence to back up their crimes. I mean is there really anyone left in this country at this point who is so mentally deficient they believe Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and scores of others are innocent?

At any rate instead of the GOP going after them, they're making demands on Trump saying he needs to turn over whatever tapes he may have of his and Comey's conversation. So obviously the right and the left are all in bed together because nothing else makes any sense. With corrupt leadership like this, the country is doomed for sure.

So unless you hate kids, I'd suggest you reconsider having that family you may have been contemplating because you will be forcing them into a hellish existence.
Congress isn't where the investigation is. It's just a bunch of Republicans running cover for treason.

Mueller is where the actual investigation is, and he's barely gotten started. He's still assembling his team. And dang, what a team, literally the best lawyers and investigators in the nation. Mueller is having no trouble finding people to work with him. The best and brightest want to be on his team, because it's the kind of case that earns a person a legacy of patriotism, brilliance and success.

In contrast, nobody wants to touch Trump, being they don't want their legacy to be corruption, treason and failure.
Well of course Mueller is getting the best team money can buy, because he's Comey's friend after all. This witch hunt will no doubt continue well into the next election.

Doesn't anyone find it extremely strange that they're still going after Trump and his team even though NOTHING has been found to date? Where is the PROOF? That's still important right?
But the rotten GOP is just letting all that happen while ignoring the OBVIOUS criminality of the left where there's tons of evidence to back up their crimes. I mean is there really anyone left in this country at this point who is so mentally deficient they believe Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and scores of others are innocent?

At any rate instead of the GOP going after them, they're making demands on Trump saying he needs to turn over whatever tapes he may have of his and Comey's conversation. So obviously the right and the left are all in bed together because nothing else makes any sense. With corrupt leadership like this, the country is doomed for sure.

So unless you hate kids, I'd suggest you reconsider having that family you may have been contemplating because you will be forcing them into a hellish existence.

So you think the GOP is in the bag for the democrats then, right?
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death. Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans. Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!

Maybe you didn't notice, but Saddam complied with all the UN requirements to lift the sanctions. He got rid of his WMD's shut down his programs, and got rid of his prohibited weapons. He filed a full accounting (over 2,000 pages) to the UN in dec 2002, and the only thing Bush and Colin Powell said was that Saddam's declaration was a lie, because it didn't confess to having WMD's.

And one war later, and a trillion in blood and treasure, and Bush's tales of Iraq having thousands of tons of WMD's was proven false.

The sanctions were still in place in 2003 when the Liberation of Iraq began.

HERE is what the NYT said about Iraq compliance with the sanctions.

This media campaign was extremely effective. If anything, it was more influential in the West, mobilizing public opinion against sanctions, than it was within Iraq. What began as a campaign of left-wing fringe activists, like Ramsey Clark and the British member of Parliament George Galloway, soon became the dominant opinion. In the late 1990's, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan was privately emphasizing to American and British officials his own moral qualms about the humanitarian effects of Iraq sanctions.
As another senior Clinton administration official put it to me: ''I still think sanctions were the right policy.
But there is no question that in terms of public opinion, as the 90's wore on we were increasingly on the defensive in the sanctions debate.''

''For those who cannot countenance the use of military force, sanctions will always be an option,'' James P. Rubin, State Department spokesman under Albright, to Nancy E. Soderberg, then with the National Security Council, speak with anger and bitterness over the fervor of the anti-sanctions camp. As Soderberg put it to me, ''I could not give a speech anywhere in the U.S. without someone getting up and accusing me of being responsible for the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children.''
Rubin says. ''Those who believe, as many of America's critics in the world do, that war is no longer a legitimate means in the modern world except in self-defense or with U.N. Security Council authorization will have to turn to sanctions as the ultimate method of coercion in international relations.''
In all likelihood, it will be a costly lesson, for there is this terrible conundrum at the heart of every sanctions policy: while sanctions imply rationality -- the knowledge on both sides that the pressure being applied can be lessened by compliance -- tyrants like Hussein and Mugabe are often fundamentally irrational. And so my own sense is that sanctions, even the ''smartest'' sanctions, will continue to exact an appalling human toll.
Were Sanctions Right?

Clinton people all concluded that dummies like you fell for the Saddam media campaign!!!
Congress isn't where the investigation is. It's just a bunch of Republicans running cover for treason.

Mueller is where the actual investigation is, and he's barely gotten started. He's still assembling his team. And dang, what a team, literally the best lawyers and investigators in the nation. Mueller is having no trouble finding people to work with him. The best and brightest want to be on his team, because it's the kind of case that earns a person a legacy of patriotism, brilliance and success.

In contrast, nobody wants to touch Trump, being they don't want their legacy to be corruption, treason and failure.
Well of course Mueller is getting the best team money can buy, because he's Comey's friend after all. This witch hunt will no doubt continue well into the next election.

Doesn't anyone find it extremely strange that they're still going after Trump and his team even though NOTHING has been found to date? Where is the PROOF? That's still important right?
But the rotten GOP is just letting all that happen while ignoring the OBVIOUS criminality of the left where there's tons of evidence to back up their crimes. I mean is there really anyone left in this country at this point who is so mentally deficient they believe Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and scores of others are innocent?

At any rate instead of the GOP going after them, they're making demands on Trump saying he needs to turn over whatever tapes he may have of his and Comey's conversation. So obviously the right and the left are all in bed together because nothing else makes any sense. With corrupt leadership like this, the country is doomed for sure.

So unless you hate kids, I'd suggest you reconsider having that family you may have been contemplating because you will be forcing them into a hellish existence.

So you think the GOP is in the bag for the democrats then, right?
They have to be, as I stated in my post, nothing else makes sense. The left keeps coming up empty handed and saying they have nothing against Trump and yet they're pulling out all the stops and racing full speed ahead to try and make a case. This while the GOP literally have a shitload of evidence to support perjury, obstruction of justice, TREASON, and most probably even murders against the left IF the damned GOP would call for an actual investigation into their criminal behavior. So I just have to ask, where in the hell is the right's special prosecutor? And I don't mean MUELLER OR COMEY!
. I just provided a post with FOUR links from die-hard progressives on record stating there is no evidence of wrong-doing

You realize since most of the evidence is classified top secret, due to the sources and methods, FISA and NSA origins, they would either not be privy to the evidence, or be breaking the law to reveal the existence of evidence.

You might have a point if those folks hadn't been involved in the classified briefings.


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