Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
He still promised it. I see you won't hold Obama to the same standard as you are with Trump.

Dillweed, Obama is no longer the President and how do you know people who may have voted for him didn't hold him to the same standard?
You must be new here. Obama said he relied on the ignorance of his supporters to get obamacare passed. His supporters on here tripped over themselves to be the first to defend Obama.
Obama never said anything close to that
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
He still promised it. I see you won't hold Obama to the same standard as you are with Trump.
Obama still provided funding for shovel ready jobs around the country. Thousands of projects were funded, thousands of jobs created

Now, Trump has yet to deliver on his promises. Haven't seen a cent out of Mexico....have you?
The federal government cannot create jobs… Only a fool would think so.
SO ... I've gone ahead and read all your comments. They've been ... interesting.

Here's what I've noticed from the Trump supporters:

1. Personal attacks against me. To be expected.
2. A lot of "but Hillary" and "but Obama". I didn't realize Hillary or Obama were president.
3. Accusations that Obama is a Kenyan faggot, or something like that.
4. The willingness to close one's eyes, open one's mouth, and swallow all Trump's lies. As bad as CNN is, still better than some crazy guy rambling in a basement, aka Alex Jones.
5. Everything is "us vs them". They apparently don't realize that we're one country, one people.
6. A deep angsty loathing, and sometimes hatred, toward people who don't look or think like them.
7. One of them is now going to say, "but libruls". Dude, I'm not fucking talking about liberals. Stop trying to deflect.
8. Some valid concerns about censorship, "gendered pronouns and safe spaces", Islam, and Hillary's checkered past that I nonetheless feel do not justify supporting Trump, ESPECIALLY after he has repeatedly shown himself to be a wretched human being every bit as dishonest and corrupt as Hillary .

Please, just stop deflecting. Stop making up excuses. One of you guys basically said what amounted to, 'I like Trump because he's white, he likes white people, and I was afraid Hillary and all those darkies would ruin my white world." I think this is the true reason lurking behind a lot of Trump supporters' minds. For a long time, I defended them, saying things like, "Trump supporters aren't racist; they just really did not like Hillary."

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I was wrong all this time.
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
He still promised it. I see you won't hold Obama to the same standard as you are with Trump.

Dillweed, Obama is no longer the President and how do you know people who may have voted for him didn't hold him to the same standard?
You must be new here. Obama said he relied on the ignorance of his supporters to get obamacare passed. His supporters on here tripped over themselves to be the first to defend Obama.
Obama never said anything close to that
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
Obama had no intention of helping those who did not support/vote for him... he just wanted to control everybody.
He has always been an hate-filled son of a bitch.
Community organizers are incompetent at very best... :lmao:
Stimulus funding went to both Red and Blue States

Even though Republicans voted against the bill

Typical rant...............if only we'd have handed Obama another Trillion we'd have been happy next time.................

Many more pockets he could line with that money.............

Fool me once...............shame on you............

Fool me twice.............shame on me............
No excuses

Stimulus funding prevented a Depression. Not a single Republican supported it
Obama was right
The so-called "stimulus" :lmao: prevented nothing… Just more debt that our kids and grandkids will not be able to pay back. Jack weed
Read it and weep pal

SO ... I've gone ahead and read all your comments. They've been ... interesting.

Here's what I've noticed from the Trump supporters:

1. Personal attacks against me. To be expected.
2. A lot of "but Hillary" and "but Obama". I didn't realize Hillary or Obama were president.
3. Accusations that Obama is a Kenyan faggot, or something like that.
4. The willingness to close one's eyes, open one's mouth, and swallow all Trump's lies. As bad as CNN is, still better than some crazy guy rambling in a basement, aka Alex Jones.
5. Everything is "us vs them". They apparently don't realize that we're one country, one people.
6. A deep angsty loathing, and sometimes hatred, toward people who don't look or think like them.
7. One of them is now going to say, "but libruls". Dude, I'm not fucking talking about liberals. Stop trying to deflect.
8. Some valid concerns about censorship, "gendered pronouns and safe spaces", Islam, and Hillary's checkered path that I nonetheless feel do not justify supporting Trump, ESPECIALLY after he has repeatedly shown himself to be a wretched human being every bit as dishonest and corrupt as Hillary .

Please, just stop deflecting. Stop making up excuses. One of you guys basically said what amounted to, 'I like Trump because he's white, he likes white people, and I was afraid Hillary and all those darkies would ruin my white world." I think this is the true reason lurking behind a lot of Trump supporters' minds. For a long time, I defended them, saying things like, "Trump supporters aren't racist; they just really did not like Hillary."

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I was wrong all this time.
Let's get something straight from the start, Obama is only half black. Secondly, his policies only suited progressives, they certainly were not in the best Interest for the rest of the country.
The most racist people in this country are the ones that think racism is everywhere… fact

Snowflakes like yourself are best left in seclusion and their mothers basements...
Last edited:
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
One other good thing to say about Trump by the time his reign is over the republican party will have proven they are weak links First a moron who tried GWB, and now a complete AH trump
Obama had no intention of helping those who did not support/vote for him... he just wanted to control everybody.
He has always been an hate-filled son of a bitch.
Community organizers are incompetent at very best... :lmao:
Stimulus funding went to both Red and Blue States

Even though Republicans voted against the bill

Typical rant...............if only we'd have handed Obama another Trillion we'd have been happy next time.................

Many more pockets he could line with that money.............

Fool me once...............shame on you............

Fool me twice.............shame on me............
No excuses

Stimulus funding prevented a Depression. Not a single Republican supported it
Obama was right
The so-called "stimulus" :lmao: prevented nothing… Just more debt that our kids and grandkids will not be able to pay back. Jack weed
Read it and weep pal

Bad source... that debt has to be paid back by our kids and grandkids. How do you progressives intend to do that?
What ... what does Obama being half-black have to do with anything?

Why are you still talking about Obama? The guy is gone. Jesus Christ. I guess if I were a Trump supporter I'd want to talk about anything but him, too.
What ... what does Obama being half-black have to do with anything?

Why are you still talking about Obama? The guy is gone. Jesus Christ. I guess if I were a Trump supporter I'd want to talk about anything but him, too.
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....
What ... what does Obama being half-black have to do with anything?

Why are you still talking about Obama? The guy is gone. Jesus Christ. I guess if I were a Trump supporter I'd want to talk about anything but him, too.
Except I'm really not a Trump supporter I never did vote for the guy, but anybody's better than Obama or the hildabeast. A bull in a China shop like Trump is a good thing for the country…
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....
No doubt, the country was getting sick of the hate filled shit stain career politicians like Hildabeast and barry. 'It's the economy stupid"... that applies to the fucked up progressives, they don't know what a good economy is. Lol
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....

That's nice kid.
Obama still provided funding for shovel ready jobs around the country. Thousands of projects were funded, thousands of jobs created

Now, Trump has yet to deliver on his promises. Haven't seen a cent out of Mexico....have you?

If that were true, and it isn't, why did he and his aides all laugh about the "shovel ready jobs" fiasco. The only jobs he "created" were government bureaucrat jobs to strangle an economic recovery. The only shoveling was cleaning up the smashed solar collectors around the dumpsters at Solyndra and other bogus energy ripoffs he approved.
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....

That's nice kid.
Political correctness has no correlation to reality… Sorry
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....

That's nice kid.
30 years in business scrub. You pussies just wanna whine all day about superfluous BULLSHIT. Fuck your endless whining. As long as our economy continues to grow you can continue to cry into your pillow while the rest of the world passes you by.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
He still promised it. I see you won't hold Obama to the same standard as you are with Trump.
What ... what does Obama being half-black have to do with anything?

Why are you still talking about Obama? The guy is gone. Jesus Christ. I guess if I were a Trump supporter I'd want to talk about anything but him, too.
Except I'm really not a Trump supporter I never did vote for the guy, but anybody's better than Obama or the hildabeast. A bull in a China shop like Trump is a good thing for the country…
same here...I sat out this election. first one Ive ever sat out. I couldn't even bring my self to vote for my partys candidate
So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.
You're crying right now. Are you a woman?

I absolutely LOVE that he's driving pussies like you crazy. As long as my business & the economy continues to grow what's the loss? Your "feelings"? haha who fucking cares....

That's nice kid.
30 years in business scrub. You pussies just wanna whine all day about superfluous BULLSHIT. Fuck your endless whining. As long as our economy continues to grow you can continue to cry into your pillow while the rest of the world passes you by.


You write like a child. I can't take you seriously.

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