Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?

Since you are a simple minded idiot, let be give you the clue you do sorely lack: Trump still has 3 years left.

The community organizer delivered in his first six months.
Why can't Donnie Dealmaker even make a deal in his own party?
Please tell us what Obama delivered on. You talking about his apology tour?
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?

Since you are a simple minded idiot, let be give you the clue you do sorely lack: Trump still has 3 years left.

The community organizer delivered in his first six months.
Why can't Donnie Dealmaker even make a deal in his own party?
Please tell us what Obama delivered on. You talking about his apology tour?

Apology tour?
Wait till you see the apology tour Trumps sucessor has to go on
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.

You aren't very smart...that is why you have the problem.

Trump has kept his promises that he made during the campaign.....he appointed a conservative justice to the Supreme Court, he has rolled back stupid regulations on businesses....there is a lot to like about Trump....and he isn't a left wing asshole....
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone
/---/ you gotta be joking. You condone censorship?
Poor Conservative Snowflakes
It is not censorship when the market opposes hate speech

Snowflakes? You use words that you do not know the meaning of.
There are no Snowflakes as bad as Conservative Snowflakes

Wah....Wah... Wah
The press is not fair to us
We can't harass gays, blacks and minorities anymore
All the good jobs aren't reserved for white men anymore

As I said, you use words you don't know the meaning of. You've never been smart.
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?

Since you are a simple minded idiot, let be give you the clue you do sorely lack: Trump still has 3 years left.

The community organizer delivered in his first six months.
Why can't Donnie Dealmaker even make a deal in his own party?

Irrelevant nonsense, typical.
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone
/---/ you gotta be joking. You condone censorship?
Poor Conservative Snowflakes
It is not censorship when the market opposes hate speech

Snowflakes? You use words that you do not know the meaning of.
There are no Snowflakes as bad as Conservative Snowflakes

Wah....Wah... Wah
The press is not fair to us
We can't harass gays, blacks and minorities anymore
All the good jobs aren't reserved for white men anymore

As I said, you use words you don't know the meaning of. You've never been smart.
Nice diversion Snowflake
Trump struggles to break 40 percent popularity
He is even less popular abroad ( except in Russia)

He has surrendered our leadership position in the western world while he solidifies his relationship with Putin
The only chaos I see is the left.
Cons and independents are pretty happy with the positive numbers in jobs, deregulation,self deportation of illegals and the ban on lobbing.
The Supreme Court nomination.

Maybe you might want to open your eyes.

As for the Supreme Court, don't you feel McConnell's delay was an example of misfeasance?

Would you have felt that way had a Democrat been the leader in the Senate and did not put forth a Republican President's nominee solely for partisan reasons?
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
/---/ so The NY Times is lying? Obama Lesson: 'Shovel Ready' Not So Ready
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
/---/ so The NY Times is lying? Obama Lesson: 'Shovel Ready' Not So Ready
Mr. Obama, then the president-elect, said in December 2008, after meeting with governors. “All of them have projects that are shovel ready, that are going to require us to get the money out the door.”

Obama met with the governors who claimed they had projects ready to go. Some did, some didn't

Those states that had shovel ready projects got funded. Those who didn't were passed by
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready

Agree with her..............their usual tactics fell on a public no longer amused by their actions................This is a very major reason that they lost the election.

Karma has a way of biting you in the ass............and now they have lost their minds over why their usual tactics and Lies didn't work this time.

Now they are pitching a fit thinking that their usual slime tactics will save the day for them again...................and they are losing...........both their minds and their agenda....................

/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
Obama had no intention of helping those who did not support/vote for him... he just wanted to control everybody.
He has always been an hate-filled son of a bitch.
Community organizers are incompetent at very best... :lmao:
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
He abused the Bail Out money to pet projects and lining the pockets of those with him.

Why should anyone trust him with more. I don't trust any of the politicians anymore with that kind of money...............

Our infrastructure is failing........................but NO MORE BLANK project.........set BS anymore.
Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs

Being shovel ready ( ready to hire immediately) was a requirement to qualify for Stimulus funding. Some states had projects ready to go, some didn't
So Obama didn't promise to fix our infrastructure?
He offered funding for infrastructure projects that were ready to hire immediately. shovel ready
Obama had no intention of helping those who did not support/vote for him... he just wanted to control everybody.
He has always been an hate-filled son of a bitch.
Community organizers are incompetent at very best... :lmao:
Stimulus funding went to both Red and Blue States

Even though Republicans voted against the bill

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