Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone
/---/ you gotta be joking. You condone censorship?
Poor Conservative Snowflakes
It is not censorship when the market opposes hate speech

Snowflakes? You use words that you do not know the meaning of.
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?

Since you are a simple minded idiot, let be give you the clue you do sorely lack: Trump still has 3 years left.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.

I like him because he is not part of the political class.

He's POTUS. He's the highest-ranking member of the political class. What are you talking about?

Why do people think he's an outsider? Or that he's not owned? Or that he is self-funded?

Even now that we know better, there are still people who believe those lies.

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"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.
just to enjoy the sight of women crying?

Not just women ...

They knew what is coming. Trump has already caused more damage then al Qaeda, Russia and Isis combined.
hey knew what is coming. Trump has already caused more damage then al Qaeda, Russia and Isis combined.

You forget to include Hitler, Pol Pot, and Genghis Khan. If there's anything I can't abide, it's lazy hyperbole.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone
/---/ you gotta be joking. You condone censorship?
Poor Conservative Snowflakes
It is not censorship when the market opposes hate speech

Snowflakes? You use words that you do not know the meaning of.
There are no Snowflakes as bad as Conservative Snowflakes

Wah....Wah... Wah
The press is not fair to us
We can't harass gays, blacks and minorities anymore
All the good jobs aren't reserved for white men anymore
I want to know why Republicans are terrified of him being investigated? If he's a criminal, then you don't want your leader to be a criminal do you?

OK, maybe that wasn't the right question.

Uhh, where there is smoke, there's fire. And this is an awful lot of smoke.
What is Trump so afraid of? He assaults women without asking, so it can't be a BJ.
Could it have something to do with Money Laundering or maybe enormous debt?
I know it didn't have anything to do with "favors" owed?

Still, if he didn't act so guilty, and wasn't so chummy with dictators, they might stop looking.

Just because his foundation was an illegal criminal organization posing as a charity and he fleeced thousands out of millions of dollars from their retirement and loans to learn to be like him.

He fleeced them and now they know how he succeeded.

They LEARNED what he had to teach, and boy, did they ever LEARN!

This is what I don't get. Why all the obfuscation? If you're innocent, why not just turn over everything? Then later you can make a show of how you were innocent, how they tried to bring you down but failed, etc. If Trump's innocent, seems to me he missed a big opportunity to score points. No matter what now, people are going to think he tried to stop the investigation, that he tried to cover up some kind of devious secret.

I don't get the logic here. How is this brilliant politicking, exactly? By throwing the country into chaos? Is that what passes for good politics these days?
Trump Jr turned over all his emails. Still waiting on Hillary's after year's of stalling.
He turned over ONE email
Hillary turned over tens of thousands
He turned over all information that was wanted. Still waiting on 30,000 of Hillary's emails. If you weren't a political hack, you would want people that break the law punished, but if it's your party doing it. You could care less.
That is good to see

Can't wait to see 30,000 Trump family emails and then we can compare
Me too, if Trump sends classified information off of private server. If he does I hope he gets impeached. You wanted to reward that kind of behavior by making her president.
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?

Since you are a simple minded idiot, let be give you the clue you do sorely lack: Trump still has 3 years left.

The community organizer delivered in his first six months.
Why can't Donnie Dealmaker even make a deal in his own party?
you're willing to throw away all decency and honest

Is this the 'decency and honesty' of which you speak?


Hillary was bad too. Just not as much of a cartoon character.

To be honest, I despised her even more than Trump, whom I didn't take seriously. But I realized that the damage to our international reputation with Trump at the wheel would be far more severe, and would cause untold lasting harm.

You see, I vote depending on which would be the better choice, not whom I like the most or hate the least. We had to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich last year. One of those walking, breathing trash piles had to win.

Difference is, if Hillary were president, you wouldn't see me supporting her bitch ass if she got caught up in the kind of scandals that are now routine for Trump. I'd gladly condemn her and hope to get rid of her ass. But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does. He could throw a cat in a blender and they'd call it brilliant PR.

I'm sick of reading that Secty Clinton is crooked yadda yadda.


We KNOW trump is a criminal and has been a criminal his entire life.

Thirty years of "investigations" of the Clinton's have not found PROOF of criminal acts. Like it or not, this is still the United States - innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Repeat the same lie often enough and there are gullible people who don't look any further.

If you can't PROVE IT, stop repeating it as though it's true.

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"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
Bids are being taken, and 4 prototype walls are built.
He is working on obamacare. I hope he does nothing, it's fixing to fail. That will show people liberalism is a failure.
I wish republicans would work with him.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone

For all of the comments from the stupidest bunch of "liberals" on earth.

Trump does not "fuck up" nearly as much as any liberal in our government does, and his record as a corporate leader is much better than most that is why he has a private company that is worth more than most public companies. You should get an education and find the reason that means so much.

the word liberal means accepting of a wide spectrum of ideas and actions, WHICH IS diametrically opposed to the liberal political class of today. The liberal political class has only one objective that is to remove the option of CHOICE from individuals and place it in the hands of a ruling class dictatorial leadership. LIKE It is in all of the socialist states in the world. Liberals are completely against FREEDOM and the Constitutional rights of their opponents. So if you are a liberal YOU ARE AGAINST FREEDOM otherwise you would not constantly use the court system against other peoples FREE choices. How many times have conservatives used the courts to force states that voted in massive majorities to conform to their wishes?

Your idea of any conservative being stupid is laughable. Liberal college students are complete idiots that have absolutely NO intellectual prowess whatsoever they are indoctrinated clowns that have no idea what the real history or FACTS of science, economics, government, society, sociological norms, or even a real debate are. They are apparently just like You igmos.
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
/---/ ask your special ed teacher to explain how gubmint works.

Show me
Trump made his promises ...why can't he deliver?
Republican Senate and House....Conservative court

What excuses does he have?
Even the community organizer from Kenya was able to deliver more of what he promised
The promised shovel ready jobs? I don't remember any criticism from you for that broken promise.
you're willing to throw away all decency and honest

Is this the 'decency and honesty' of which you speak?


Hillary was bad too. Just not as much of a cartoon character.

To be honest, I despised her even more than Trump, whom I didn't take seriously. But I realized that the damage to our international reputation with Trump at the wheel would be far more severe, and would cause untold lasting harm.

You see, I vote depending on which would be the better choice, not whom I like the most or hate the least. We had to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich last year. One of those walking, breathing trash piles had to win.

Difference is, if Hillary were president, you wouldn't see me supporting her bitch ass if she got caught up in the kind of scandals that are now routine for Trump. I'd gladly condemn her and hope to get rid of her ass. But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does. He could throw a cat in a blender and they'd call it brilliant PR.

I'm sick of reading that Secty Clinton is crooked yadda yadda.


We KNOW trump is a criminal and has been a criminal his entire life.

Thirty years of "investigations" of the Clinton's have not found PROOF of criminal acts. Like it or not, this is still the United States - innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Repeat the same lie often enough and there are gullible people who don't look any further.

If you can't PROVE IT, stop repeating it as though it's true.

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How do you "KNOW" Trump is a criminal? Any charges against him? Lawsuits do not equate to criminal charges. Prove he is a criminal lying scum pile of shit!! I am calling you out to show he has served time, been convicted of a crime. Of course he may have had a parking ticket that makes him a career criminal. When are you stupid dogshit loosers going to figure out YOU LOST your shitbitch is a scum murdering lying treasonist shown by all of the investigations that have ever been done on her and her shit hubby, ONLY INFLUENCE PEDDLING have kept them from execution years ago. TRUTH IS JUST THAT even if you lying liberal scum can't handle it. EVERYONE ON EARTH KNOWS IT even you. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA clown central is alive and well. I hope this forum stays around for the next thirty years and I can get a laugh when I am 90 like my uncle.
"Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?"

You’ll never get an honest answer from the blind partisan right, most of whom will support any politician with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how reprehensible, wrong, and unfit to hold office he might be, such as Trump.
He is doing what he promised. Also just the fact he kept Hillary from becoming president. Makes him very likeable.
How is that wall coming?
How about Obamacare repeal?
Tax reform?
All those jobs returning from China?
4% GDP?
Bids are being taken, and 4 prototype walls are built.
He is working on obamacare. I hope he does nothing, it's fixing to fail. That will show people liberalism is a failure.
I wish republicans would work with him.

Mexico paying for it? Trump is planning 50 miles of wall not thousands
Now it is.......I always wanted to just let Obamacare fail

Conservatives are so gullible
you're willing to throw away all decency and honest

Is this the 'decency and honesty' of which you speak?


Hillary was bad too. Just not as much of a cartoon character.

To be honest, I despised her even more than Trump, whom I didn't take seriously. But I realized that the damage to our international reputation with Trump at the wheel would be far more severe, and would cause untold lasting harm.

You see, I vote depending on which would be the better choice, not whom I like the most or hate the least. We had to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich last year. One of those walking, breathing trash piles had to win.

Difference is, if Hillary were president, you wouldn't see me supporting her bitch ass if she got caught up in the kind of scandals that are now routine for Trump. I'd gladly condemn her and hope to get rid of her ass. But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does. He could throw a cat in a blender and they'd call it brilliant PR.

I'm sick of reading that Secty Clinton is crooked yadda yadda.


We KNOW trump is a criminal and has been a criminal his entire life.

Thirty years of "investigations" of the Clinton's have not found PROOF of criminal acts. Like it or not, this is still the United States - innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Repeat the same lie often enough and there are gullible people who don't look any further.

If you can't PROVE IT, stop repeating it as though it's true.

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How do you "KNOW" Trump is a criminal? Any charges against him? Lawsuits do not equate to criminal charges. Prove he is a criminal lying scum pile of shit!! I am calling you out to show he has served time, been convicted of a crime. Of course he may have had a parking ticket that makes him a career criminal. When are you stupid dogshit loosers going to figure out YOU LOST your shitbitch is a scum murdering lying treasonist shown by all of the investigations that have ever been done on her and her shit hubby, ONLY INFLUENCE PEDDLING have kept them from execution years ago. TRUTH IS JUST THAT even if you lying liberal scum can't handle it. EVERYONE ON EARTH KNOWS IT even you. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA clown central is alive and well. I hope this forum stays around for the next thirty years and I can get a laugh when I am 90 like my uncle.
Crooked Donnie

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