Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.

Why are Conservatives willing to put up with the humiliation of our country just so they can say......Hillary lost

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I want to know why Republicans are terrified of him being investigated? If he's a criminal, then you don't want your leader to be a criminal do you?

OK, maybe that wasn't the right question.

Uhh, where there is smoke, there's fire. And this is an awful lot of smoke.
What is Trump so afraid of? He assaults women without asking, so it can't be a BJ.
Could it have something to do with Money Laundering or maybe enormous debt?
I know it didn't have anything to do with "favors" owed?

Still, if he didn't act so guilty, and wasn't so chummy with dictators, they might stop looking.

Just because his foundation was an illegal criminal organization posing as a charity and he fleeced thousands out of millions of dollars from their retirement and loans to learn to be like him.

He fleeced them and now they know how he succeeded.

They LEARNED what he had to teach, and boy, did they ever LEARN!

This is what I don't get. Why all the obfuscation? If you're innocent, why not just turn over everything? Then later you can make a show of how you were innocent, how they tried to bring you down but failed, etc. If Trump's innocent, seems to me he missed a big opportunity to score points. No matter what now, people are going to think he tried to stop the investigation, that he tried to cover up some kind of devious secret.

I don't get the logic here. How is this brilliant politicking, exactly? By throwing the country into chaos? Is that what passes for good politics these days?

Turn over what exactly?????????

Libs can't even specify what they are looking for!
So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal.


The lies they tell are so stupid, it is obvious that they are not lying to US, because only a willful dupe or someone living in a lefty bubble could or would believe them.

Sometimes I wonder if ALL the lefties are just all pretending to believe their retarded lies.
you're willing to throw away all decency and honest

Is this the 'decency and honesty' of which you speak?


Hillary was bad too. Just not as much of a cartoon character.

To be honest, I despised her even more than Trump, whom I didn't take seriously. But I realized that the damage to our international reputation with Trump at the wheel would be far more severe, and would cause untold lasting harm.

You see, I vote depending on which would be the better choice, not whom I like the most or hate the least. We had to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich last year. One of those walking, breathing trash piles had to win.

Difference is, if Hillary were president, you wouldn't see me supporting her bitch ass if she got caught up in the kind of scandals that are now routine for Trump. I'd gladly condemn her and hope to get rid of her ass. But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does. He could throw a cat in a blender and they'd call it brilliant PR.

Exactly what scandals are you referring to?

Are you talking about the fake news, manufactured scandals of which there is zero proof?
I'm taking President Trump more and more seriously. Every time they think they have his queen, he hands them a pawn. Every 'gotcha' turns out to be a nothing burger and all the while his detractors become the boy who cried wolf. If the time ever comes that they do dig up something on him, no one but the crazies will be listening.

So, sadism, basically?

Look; I kind of enjoyed the shocked reactions myself. But you're willing to throw away all decency and honesty, just to enjoy the sight of women crying??? "This country can burn, as long as it pisses off the people I don't even know but inexplicably hate." That's why you vote a con man into office?

Sounds pretty messed up to me.

Why are Conservatives willing to put up with the humiliation of our country just so they can say......Hillary lost

Says the man actively hoping for this nation to become an ONe Party Dystopia ruled by a political alliance based on anti-white marginalization and oppression.
damage to our international reputation

Why do I give a fetid dingo's kidney what Merkel and Marcon think? I'm an American ... not a Euroweenie.

It doesn't matter what they think when they come begging once more for America to pull their fat from the inevitable fire.

Seriously? Germany is extremely powerful economically. A valuable ally. Why would you care what the leader of a powerful ally thinks? Is that a serious question?

Yeah, those Volkswagen cars are great with their faked emissions tests! Just exactly what can Germany do for us economically? The answer is "not much" when they are dealing with a massive refugee problem.
damage to our international reputation

Why do I give a fetid dingo's kidney what Merkel and Marcon think? I'm an American ... not a Euroweenie.

It doesn't matter what they think when they come begging once more for America to pull their fat from the inevitable fire.

Seriously? Germany is extremely powerful economically. A valuable ally. Why would you care what the leader of a powerful ally thinks? Is that a serious question?
What percentage of their GDP do they spend on their military...................Trump pointed it out and as ex military they need to pull more of their own fucking their own defense...............

To some that is insulting.............I don't care..........they need to pony up.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And often it's the manner in which he does things that is problematic. I don't necessarily think all his ideas are bad (though I've a suspicion that he means almost none of what he says when it comes to helping people, and only really cares about himself and his close friends and family).

They make salve for butthurt.
Germany is extremely powerful economically. A valuable ally.

So, you believe that Germany will stop trading with America, the most powerful economy in the world, because they don't like Trumps haircut? Seriously?

They didn't stop when Obama got caught spying on them.

And what happens when we aren't the most powerful? If the only thing keeping your allies on your side is your power, then that's kind of a problem. There was a time when our allies actually trusted us.

We need to think in the long-term here. Not just 2017, or 2018, or even 2020. Reputation matters. Anyone who's had to deal with office politics understands this. And the office is peewee league compared to the world stage.

Dd you suffer a head injury and forget all of the BS that happened when Barry was at the helm? You must have! There was not a country on this planet that trusted us.
I like him because he is not part of the political class.

He's POTUS. He's the highest-ranking member of the political class. What are you talking about?

He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first. He was never an elected politician before he won the presidency. The reality is the political class has been at war with the American people for decades incrementally infringing on civil rights with law after law after law. All of which they have exempted themselves from. Did you know that congress can engage in insider trading?

Bet you didn't know it was LEGAL for them to do that. That is one of MANY reasons why the political class needs to be reigned in.

Okay, I understand the resentment. But do people not realize Trump has been hobnobbing with these same people FOR DECADES? He is literally a con artist and swindler (Trump U.). Do you really think we didn't just hand a "chimp a machine gun", to steal a line from BCS?

Those guys were robbing us blind, but at least they knew there were limits. Trump is like a kid in a candy shop. Or, rather, a thief in a room full of blind people.
I don't care about Political Correctness.....................I'm tired of it..........we have an establishment that is nothing more than paid whores now..............

So his rhetorc simply doesn't bother me..............I don't care.................I want things done...........and I want the lobbyist tarred and feathered.............

I didn't want Hillary picking a Supreme Court Justice......knowing she'd nominate a liberal puppet..................She didn't get to do that.........Good in my book

I was completely against the TPP............all other choices were for it.........the TPP is dead.

I think the Paris Accord is a joke.................Now we've withdrawn.........I'm good with that..........

I wanted less regulations.................we are getting that.

I wanted ROE's for our troops lessened............we are getting that.........

I wanted a CNC with back bone............we are getting that........Syria noticed............

I wanted the Keystone pipeline to be is now...........

I want our Veterans taken care of...................they are now cleaning house there...........firing the incompetent employees and hiring new ones......signed a law to do so..............voucher programs are continuing..............

I want border security...............A Wall with increased manpower behind it............both are proposed if he can get the funding released.........good in my book.

I want our immigration laws ENFORCED.............Catch and Release is over..................................I'm good with that.

ALL THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS are GOING UNREPORTED...........ALL WE SEE IS THE NOISE OF RUSSIA and nothing more........but a lot of shit is getting done out of the limelight.

Do you care about all the lying?

Do you care that the lying is being done by the Washington Post, NY Times, MSNBC and CNN?

They could not tell the truth about anything related to Trump if their lives depended on it!
I like him because he is not part of the political class.

He's POTUS. He's the highest-ranking member of the political class. What are you talking about?

He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first. He was never an elected politician before he won the presidency. The reality is the political class has been at war with the American people for decades incrementally infringing on civil rights with law after law after law. All of which they have exempted themselves from. Did you know that congress can engage in insider trading?

Bet you didn't know it was LEGAL for them to do that. That is one of MANY reasons why the political class needs to be reigned in.

Okay, I understand the resentment. But do people not realize Trump has been hobnobbing with these same people FOR DECADES? He is literally a con artist and swindler (Trump U.). Do you really think we didn't just hand a "chimp a machine gun", to steal a line from BCS?

Those guys were robbing us blind, but at least they knew there were limits. Trump is like a kid in a candy shop. Or, rather, a thief in a room full of blind people. There is nothing he's too fearful or ashamed to steal, and he's obviously confident in his ability to lie and distract his way out of anything. He's been successful at it so far. Why on Earth would he be worried about getting in trouble when so far, other than the Russia thing, he's demonstrated that he can do pretty much whatever he wants?

It was a small percentage that filed that law suite from his university.
The majority seemed content.

The "teachers" there were salesmen who fed the students lies that Donald Trump was directly involved in the subject matter, when really he only signed off and had little else to do with it. In other words, the people working on his behalf lied in order to attract customers before selling them a false bill of goods. That doesn't sound like a con job to you?

That's odd. Most of the students at Trump U. gave it high marks. You are the victim of fake news again.
He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first. He was never an elected politician before he won the presidency. The reality is the political class has been at war with the American people for decades incrementally infringing on civil rights with law after law after law. All of which they have exempted themselves from. Did you know that congress can engage in insider trading?

Bet you didn't know it was LEGAL for them to do that. That is one of MANY reasons why the political class needs to be reigned in.

Okay, I understand the resentment. But do people not realize Trump has been hobnobbing with these same people FOR DECADES? He is literally a con artist and swindler (Trump U.). Do you really think we didn't just hand a "chimp a machine gun", to steal a line from BCS?

Those guys were robbing us blind, but at least they knew there were limits. Trump is like a kid in a candy shop. Or, rather, a thief in a room full of blind people.
I don't care about Political Correctness.....................I'm tired of it..........we have an establishment that is nothing more than paid whores now..............

So his rhetorc simply doesn't bother me..............I don't care.................I want things done...........and I want the lobbyist tarred and feathered.............

I didn't want Hillary picking a Supreme Court Justice......knowing she'd nominate a liberal puppet..................She didn't get to do that.........Good in my book

I was completely against the TPP............all other choices were for it.........the TPP is dead.

I think the Paris Accord is a joke.................Now we've withdrawn.........I'm good with that..........

I wanted less regulations.................we are getting that.

I wanted ROE's for our troops lessened............we are getting that.........

I wanted a CNC with back bone............we are getting that........Syria noticed............

I wanted the Keystone pipeline to be is now...........

I want our Veterans taken care of...................they are now cleaning house there...........firing the incompetent employees and hiring new ones......signed a law to do so..............voucher programs are continuing..............

I want border security...............A Wall with increased manpower behind it............both are proposed if he can get the funding released.........good in my book.

I want our immigration laws ENFORCED.............Catch and Release is over..................................I'm good with that.

ALL THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS are GOING UNREPORTED...........ALL WE SEE IS THE NOISE OF RUSSIA and nothing more........but a lot of shit is getting done out of the limelight.

Do you care about all the lying?
He made campaign promises like he'd beat ISIS in a month.................but most do this in the heat of a campaign............

Lying....................Hillary under Sniper BOSNIA...........she's a joke...................

All of those things I agree with that are getting better for America.............the Media is being exposed for a lying bunch of hypocrites as well..........the establishment is going postal..........meaning Trump must be doing something right.

I'm more referring to the pointless lies he makes, like the 3 million illegal voters that has never seen a shred of real evidence, or the Obama wiretap, which he later retracted into "the FBI was monitoring a Russian and happened to catch Michael Flynn in a no-no." These are just senseless blunders that no self-respecting intern should be making, let alone the president.

Let me put it this way for you; if Trump worked at McDonalds, he would have been fired a dozen times over by now, because even at McDonalds, the way you present yourself matters, and Trump presents himself horribly. We expect more out of our fast food workers than the leader of our country, for some reason.

I have a great suggestion! You don't like his presentation? Don't vote for him.

Picked up any salve for that butthurt yet?
He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first. He was never an elected politician before he won the presidency. The reality is the political class has been at war with the American people for decades incrementally infringing on civil rights with law after law after law. All of which they have exempted themselves from. Did you know that congress can engage in insider trading?

Bet you didn't know it was LEGAL for them to do that. That is one of MANY reasons why the political class needs to be reigned in.

Okay, I understand the resentment. But do people not realize Trump has been hobnobbing with these same people FOR DECADES? He is literally a con artist and swindler (Trump U.). Do you really think we didn't just hand a "chimp a machine gun", to steal a line from BCS?

Those guys were robbing us blind, but at least they knew there were limits. Trump is like a kid in a candy shop. Or, rather, a thief in a room full of blind people. There is nothing he's too fearful or ashamed to steal, and he's obviously confident in his ability to lie and distract his way out of anything. He's been successful at it so far. Why on Earth would he be worried about getting in trouble when so far, other than the Russia thing, he's demonstrated that he can do pretty much whatever he wants?

It was a small percentage that filed that law suite from his university.
The majority seemed content.

The "teachers" there were salesman who fed the students lies that Donald Trump was directly involved in the subject matter, when really he only signed off and had little else to do with it. In other words, the people working on his behalf lied in order to attract customers before selling them a false bill of goods. That doesn't sound like a con job to you?

I really don't know enough about it to go into details, but if he signed off and had little to do with it, the problem from your description was those that lied not Trump.
A con would have micro managed everything, sort of like mob bosses.

I suppose you could make that argument. But let's not kid ourselves; Trump knew what was going on there, and didn't seem to have a problem with it, as long as he was getting that $$.

Was it not settled?
Which US President was it who handed Russia Crimea and Ukraine?
He and the west imposed crippling sanctions that are still in place
What did you want? Invasion?

Now, which President has proposed recognizing Russsias control of Crimea and lifting those sanctions?
Trump is not a likeable person. He does not deal well wth other people, is awkward in social situations, hates puppies and kittens, has a thin skin and is paranoid as hell

I get it conservatives....he is not Hillary
But now we have to deal with what you elected
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
/---/ we see how liberals want to restrict freedom of speech on college campuses
The problem for Conservatives on college campuses is they are fucking stupid. They can spout the latest dogma from Rush or Hannity but they cannot back it up in an academic setting
The days of William F Buckley or George Will are gone

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