Sessions:"colleges are intentionally creating sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
he really said that. that's an actual quote. he used the word i often use: supercilious. the story is on FOX News. i agree with Sessions 100 percent!
Coming from a pussy whipped and humiliated AG that is especially ironic.
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Sessions you're a wimp though , get out from hiding and do your real job , not push Obama and leftist ideas
Yeah, who needs schools. All we need is Fox News to tell us the truth...
Coming from a pussy whipped and humiliated AG that is especially ironic.
I don't think you and the rest of the libs really know what is going on, do you? As one famous hollywood character used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together."

And it's far from me to clue you in....
Actually, Sessions was talking about some liberal colleges. Not "schools".

Sessions slams liberal colleges for fostering "sanctimonious, sensitive snowflakes" - CBS News
same diff. i fixed it anyway...
Sessions is trying to get back into good graces with the crowd. Hammering at liberal colleges is a decades-old goodie, tried and true.
do you think he used the word "supercilious" as a tribute to me? i use that word a lot. no one else uses it....

i got the idea for "supercilious" from George Constanza's dad, who uses the word to describe Elaine

he really said that. that's an actual quote. he used the word i often use: supercilious. the story is on FOX News. i agree with Sessions 100 percent!

Almost sounds like he went to the Spiro Agnew School of Elocution.

I agree with him but he needs to be replaced with someone who has a set of brass balls like Trump does.
Sessions probably knows his stuff when it comes to cookies, but I don't think he has much experience with anything else.
he really said that. that's an actual quote. he used the word i often use: supercilious. the story is on FOX News. i agree with Sessions 100 percent!
Sessions said "sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious students"? Suffering succotash, Sessions! Be hilarious if he said all that with a lisp, like Biggus Dickus in the Life of Brian.
Sessions was clearly copying me

Jeff Sessions Just Accused Colleges of Creating “Sanctimonious, Sensitive, Supercilious Snowflakes”
these college campuses have essentially become islands of totalitarianism and fascism.
he really said that. that's an actual quote. he used the word i often use: supercilious. the story is on FOX News. i agree with Sessions 100 percent!
Ole Jeff would know.

Why is Sessions doing something that quite obviously politicizes the office of attorney general and raises questions about his own ability to be objective? Because he knows that it will make the one person who truly matters to his professional life -- Donald John Trump -- very, very happy.
Why Jeff Sessions said 'lock her up' -- and why it matters - CNNPolitics
the greatest threat to western civilization is whats going on in college campuses today

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