Sessions orders review of background check system for guns

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday ordered a far-ranging review of the FBI database used to check the backgrounds of prospective gun buyers, after the Air Force failed to report the criminal history of the gunman who slaughtered more than two dozen people at a Texas church.

The failure enabled him to buy weapons, purchases his domestic violence conviction should have barred.

Sessions directed the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to determine if other government agencies are failing to report information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. He also wants a report detailing the number of times the agencies investigate and prosecute people for lying on their gun-purchase applications and a closer look at the format of the application itself.

Sessions said the revelation was "alarming." But the Pentagon has long known about failures to give military criminal history information to the FBI.

Sessions ordered the FBI and ATF to work with the Defense Department on its review and to identify other obstacles agencies face in sharing information with the database.

The problem has also caught the attention Republican and Democratic lawmakers, who joined forces on legislation that aims to strengthen the database by ensuring federal agencies and states accurately report relevant criminal information to the FBI.

Sessions orders review of background check system for guns

Sessions wants a report of how many times agencies prosecute and investigate people trying to buy guns when they were barred from doing so? He wants to examine the format of the application itself? He wants to identify obstacles that preclude agencies from sharing information? Republicans "joined" Democrat lawmakers to strengthen the firearms database? This can't be!!!!

I was told by the left that the NRA is the problem; that the NRA buys gun legislation through campaign contributions to the Republican party. Now this??? Wait a minute...........I think somebody is trying to fool me. How could the NRA have so much control of the right when they are "joining forces" with the left to reduce gun sales to people that shouldn't have them? When was the last time we ever read a story about the "Democrats joining forces with Republicans" on anything? Hmmmm.

Imagine the idiocy of all this. Enforcing our laws that already exist instead of making new laws that won't be enforced. This has to be a really confusing concept for the Democrats.
  • Has anyone identified publicly from where and how the "Texas Shooter" purchased his firearms? I don't know if anyone has.
  • Is there even a record (paper or digital) of his purchase transaction or background check? Again, I don't know if there is.
Not knowing how or where he obtained the guns, I'm not in a position to say whether the review Sessions has ordered will return material information that is relevant to the "Texas Shooter" situation. It may uncover other gaps in the process, and it's good if it does.

No matter what the review finds, I find it hard to believe it will produce insights that become effective implementable (thus soon thereafter implemented) action plans for overcoming, curtailing the deadliness of, and/or interdicting future would-be felons like the "Vegas Shooter."
  • Has anyone identified publicly from where and how the "Texas Shooter" purchased his firearms? I don't know if anyone has.
  • Is there even a record (paper or digital) of his purchase transaction or background check? Again, I don't know if there is.
Not knowing how or where he obtained the guns, I'm not in a position to say whether the review Sessions has ordered will return material information that is relevant to the "Texas Shooter" situation. It may uncover other gaps in the process, and it's good if it does.

No matter what the review finds, I find it hard to believe it will produce insights that become effective implementable (thus soon thereafter implemented) action plans for overcoming, curtailing the deadliness of, and/or interdicting future would-be felons like the "Vegas Shooter."

The Texas shooter did purchase his guns legally. It was the failure of the Air Force that allowed him to do so. Had they reported his military record to the FBI, he may have still gotten guns, but not legally.

Our laws on the books today do prevent many from getting guns, it's just they are never really enforced. If you are a felon and try to buy a gun from a gun store and refused, that's all that happens to you. Given the fact many criminals buy their guns through straw purchases, what happens to those people that bought the guns in the first place? I still don't know the answer to that question.

Bottom line is at least somebody is taking a pragmatic approach to stop another Texas shooter instead of going off the wall insisting we need to disarm most of the public to stop these problems.
  • Has anyone identified publicly from where and how the "Texas Shooter" purchased his firearms? I don't know if anyone has.
  • Is there even a record (paper or digital) of his purchase transaction or background check? Again, I don't know if there is.
Not knowing how or where he obtained the guns, I'm not in a position to say whether the review Sessions has ordered will return material information that is relevant to the "Texas Shooter" situation. It may uncover other gaps in the process, and it's good if it does.

No matter what the review finds, I find it hard to believe it will produce insights that become effective implementable (thus soon thereafter implemented) action plans for overcoming, curtailing the deadliness of, and/or interdicting future would-be felons like the "Vegas Shooter."

Authorities have said Kelley bought four guns from federally licensed dealers in Texas and Colorado over the last four years. Among them were the AR-15-style rifle used in the church shooting and handguns found in and near the shooting site.
  • Has anyone identified publicly from where and how the "Texas Shooter" purchased his firearms? I don't know if anyone has.
  • Is there even a record (paper or digital) of his purchase transaction or background check? Again, I don't know if there is.
Not knowing how or where he obtained the guns, I'm not in a position to say whether the review Sessions has ordered will return material information that is relevant to the "Texas Shooter" situation. It may uncover other gaps in the process, and it's good if it does.

No matter what the review finds, I find it hard to believe it will produce insights that become effective implementable (thus soon thereafter implemented) action plans for overcoming, curtailing the deadliness of, and/or interdicting future would-be felons like the "Vegas Shooter."

The Texas shooter did purchase his guns legally. It was the failure of the Air Force that allowed him to do so. Had they reported his military record to the FBI, he may have still gotten guns, but not legally.

Our laws on the books today do prevent many from getting guns, it's just they are never really enforced. If you are a felon and try to buy a gun from a gun store and refused, that's all that happens to you. Given the fact many criminals buy their guns through straw purchases, what happens to those people that bought the guns in the first place? I still don't know the answer to that question.

Bottom line is at least somebody is taking a pragmatic approach to stop another Texas shooter instead of going off the wall insisting we need to disarm most of the public to stop these problems.
I forgot this tidbit in my last post-
Jeff Lepp, who owns Specialty Sports and Supply in Colorado Springs, says Devin Patrick Kelley bought a pistol from his shop in 2014 and a revolver in 2015 after passing background checks
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What additional laws would have stopped him? He was a legal resident, didn't have any criminal record, he purchased all his firearms legally, he was a successful businessman. He was a well known guest in Vegas, particularly at that hotel. The bump stock he used jammed his guns because of excessive heat the guns were not designed to handle.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What additional laws would have stopped him? He was a legal resident, didn't have any criminal record, he purchased all his firearms legally, he was a successful businessman. He was a well known guest in Vegas, particularly at that hotel. The bump stock he used jammed his guns because of excessive heat the guns were not designed to handle.
"What additional laws would have stopped him?"

The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What additional laws would have stopped him? He was a legal resident, didn't have any criminal record, he purchased all his firearms legally, he was a successful businessman. He was a well known guest in Vegas, particularly at that hotel. The bump stock he used jammed his guns because of excessive heat the guns were not designed to handle.
"What additional laws would have stopped him?"

The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that.

No guns for the average citizen, huh? Here is what I want you to do this weekend:

I want you to get a huge sign made. It should say WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE. I want you to hang that sign on your front porch, and get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how that worked out.

If you disarm the public, the only two groups that will have guns are the criminals and the police. That's because you'll never be able to disarm the criminal. By doing so, it's no different than hanging that sign on the front of your house. You are announcing to the criminal element that they have the advantage over you.

Why do you suppose most mass killings take place in gun restricted zones?
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What additional laws would have stopped him? He was a legal resident, didn't have any criminal record, he purchased all his firearms legally, he was a successful businessman. He was a well known guest in Vegas, particularly at that hotel. The bump stock he used jammed his guns because of excessive heat the guns were not designed to handle.
"What additional laws would have stopped him?"

The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that.

No guns for the average citizen, huh? Here is what I want you to do this weekend:

I want you to get a huge sign made. It should say WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE. I want you to hang that sign on your front porch, and get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how that worked out.

If you disarm the public, the only two groups that will have guns are the criminals and the police. That's because you'll never be able to disarm the criminal. By doing so, it's no different than hanging that sign on the front of your house. You are announcing to the criminal element that they have the advantage over you.

Why do you suppose most mass killings take place in gun restricted zones?
"I want you to get a huge sign made. It should say WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE."

Sorry, I wouldn't want to lie to the neighbors, not that I really have any.
Sessions did this? Has hell frozen over? Did Jesus return and I missed it?
Why the surprise? We have always said that if the laws on the books already were adequately followed by our own govt...
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?

What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."
Sessions did this? Has hell frozen over? Did Jesus return and I missed it?
Why the surprise? We have always said that if the laws on the books already were adequately followed by our own govt...
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?

What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
Sessions did this? Has hell frozen over? Did Jesus return and I missed it?
Why the surprise? We have always said that if the laws on the books already were adequately followed by our own govt...
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?

What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.

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