Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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It is for adult use in California. You can buy it or not. No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. Usually.

Liberals want a litmus test to hold public office. Only drug addicts can run.
Or those who were too stoned to pay attention about the chain of command and authority in the process of American Government. Rogue states don't get to traffick unregulated mind-altering drugs that are affecting the rest of the country...and then tell the rest of the country "this is how it's GOING to be!"...

As if.
the US government is the largest purchaser of drugs in the entire world. thank goodness for our Commerce Clause.

And the FDA which federally-regulates WITHIN the UNITED states of America.
It is for adult use in California. You can buy it or not. No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. Usually.

Liberals want a litmus test to hold public office. Only drug addicts can run.
Or those who were too stoned to pay attention about the chain of command and authority in the process of American Government. Rogue states don't get to traffick unregulated mind-altering drugs that are affecting the rest of the country...and then tell the rest of the country "this is how it's GOING to be!"...

As if.
the US government is the largest purchaser of drugs in the entire world. thank goodness for our Commerce Clause.

And the FDA which regulates WITHIN the UNITED states of America.
so, stop engaging in sloth and regulate cannabis.
It already is regulated: for dispensing only from licensed pharmacies, dose-regulated and purity confirmed, by Dr. prescription only. Just like opiates. See the FDA regulations and Schedule 1 for details...
The safest and best way to get the highest amount of whatever compound of weed you are smoking is through a vaporizer. It's still addictive. :coffee:

There's nothing addictive about marijuana.

I already explained how it is.

Wrong. You explained how YOU became mentally addicted to it. When asked about physical symptoms, you said you had none. But, you also said that you went to great lengths to make sure you always had some, or would go on long trips to get some when you were out. That is mental addiction because you had no physical symptoms.

A person can become mentally addicted to anything, shopping, food, gambling, people, etc. But, it's on that person alone. Physical addiction is something else entirely.
Mental addiction becomes physical addiction. The brain integrates a new software program where it demands more input "or else" withdrawal symptoms appear. That's physical. I've known people trying to kick pot. Believe me. It's physical.

I guess it's time the rogue states (soon to come under the federal whip for violating their lack of authority and participating in federally-illegal drug trafficking), should go to Congress and petition properly. The proper steps to legalize MJ were not followed and what is happening is sedition. Any change in law that affects all 50 states requires the participation of those states in Congress. All of them. Not just a couple that want MJ legal because "it's time has come".... experimental trends cannot dictate new norms for society without the permission of ALL of society. Obergefell was one of these, born from one rogue gay judge in CA who wanted to marry his boyfriend....overriding the Will of tens of millions of voters in CA to the contrary. (The judge retired quickly after performing sedition). Now we have another gift from rogue western states starting experimental new social trends (legalizing weed and making it ever readily available & cheap therefore to kids in school), trying to ramrod its way into the Union...again without permission from the other states in the Union.

Well people get addicted to sugar and food too. Obesity is our number one health problem in this country today.

So are you going to send out the fat police to slap that Whooper out of a fat person's hand. Ban french fries, soda's etc.?

Yes there are people in this country that have addictive personalities--but when one of them ends up in an emergency room and dies from a Marijuana overdose (alone) let me know about it.--:badgrin:

In my state of Colorado we have collected over 200 million dollars in new State tax revenue per year. In January alone Colorado collected 3.5 million in state tax revenue on the sale of Marijuana. This industry has created 1000's of new good paying jobs in this state. No one is out there falling down in the street--their is no violence associated with it. Everyone stills works in this state. The gold on our capital building hasn't melted off. It's not even noticable here.
Colorado makes $3.5M in pot revenue in January

Now if Sessions has his way--this will go back to Mexican drug lords,--and it won't even put a dent into the flow of marijuana--because let's face. NO ONE and I mean no one has ever had a problem finding marijuana when it was illegal.
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Liberals want a litmus test to hold public office. Only drug addicts can run.
Or those who were too stoned to pay attention about the chain of command and authority in the process of American Government. Rogue states don't get to traffick unregulated mind-altering drugs that are affecting the rest of the country...and then tell the rest of the country "this is how it's GOING to be!"...

As if.
the US government is the largest purchaser of drugs in the entire world. thank goodness for our Commerce Clause.

Very true. And the leading cause of drug addiction and drug related deaths in this country today--are LEGAL Presciption drug opiates. The doctor prescribes too many opiates for pain, then refuses to refill, then they're out on the streets buying black tar heroin. Marijuana is used for people with chronic pain--that has never killed anyone, yet it is right up there scheduled as a class 1 drug offense.

Who is the biggest lobbyist against medical marijuana? Big Pharma in this country. They're probably donating heavily to the Republican party and Jeff Sessions right now.
The safest and best way to get the highest amount of whatever compound of weed you are smoking is through a vaporizer. It's still addictive. :coffee:

There's nothing addictive about marijuana.

I already explained how it is.

Wrong. You explained how YOU became mentally addicted to it. When asked about physical symptoms, you said you had none. But, you also said that you went to great lengths to make sure you always had some, or would go on long trips to get some when you were out. That is mental addiction because you had no physical symptoms.

A person can become mentally addicted to anything, shopping, food, gambling, people, etc. But, it's on that person alone. Physical addiction is something else entirely.

Wrong. Why do you keep putting words in MY mouth I never said? I've already told you this once... maybe you should lay off the dope, because you can't tell when one person says something, and when someone else does.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
It already is regulated: for dispensing only from licensed pharmacies, dose-regulated and purity confirmed, by Dr. prescription only. Just like opiates. See the FDA regulations and Schedule 1 for details...
It is already available by recommendation due to federal sloth in Regulating commerce.

Nope it's not. Anytime you see something coming out of a pharmacy it went through a test tube with added ingredients, and many will tell you that it doesn't work for them.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.

So throw out the baby with the bath water is your solution. There is a marijuna plant called Charlotte's web being grown and cultivated in Colorado that is only used on adults and children that have severe siezures. And it has been highly sucessful at reducing the number of seizures that these people are afflicted with.


Charlottes Web marijuana plant.

It manufactures into drops--where a couple are put in a glass of milk or other that works for these kids. In fact in Colorado--we have had parents move here just to save their kids lives. It's not a high--but it works. These people have tried every prescription drug immaginable.
Marijuana stops child's severe seizures - CNN

It's also used for people with cancer, chrones disease and people with chronic pain--that are a little more health orininated as to the realization that continual use of prescription drugs will kill their kidney's and livers.

So while you're smoking your cigarettes and chugging down your next glass of beer or whiskey--where we have solid confirmation of the millions of deaths these two LEGAL drugs have caused.

You might consider that NO ONE has ever gone to an emergency room and died of a marijuana overdose in this country. Nor will someone who is high on pot drive a car. It's a different high than alcohol--where the person realises that they are impaired and should not drive. That's why in Colorado we really don't have a lot of people getting busted for driving under the influence of marijuana. It's always alcohol.

Furthermore, you can arrest Jeb Bush, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton & Jimmy Carter for being pot smokers.

Being a reich wing dumbass is not an excuse for you.
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Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.

You're right. All that really happens if a person smokes too much is that they will want to eat something and then go to sleep.

The only time I've ever seen anyone have even a little bit of a problem was when a friend of mine ate a 100 mg edible all at once. She was stoned for around a day and a half, but nothing bad happened to her. She slept a lot the first day.

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