Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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Use of legalized marijuana threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas. Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

What California, Colorado and all the other states that "legalized" pot did wrong was: they disobeyed federal law. Let's take CA as an example. There, some folks got a petition together to get an initiative on the ballot. The petition from there goes to Sacramento for approval for inclusion on the ballot. The minute a petition suggesting breaking federal law passed their desks in Sacramento, that's where the idea was mandated to die. Just because those people decided to let the farce continue, doesn't make it any more legal than if CA decided to vote on whether or not illegal aliens can become citizens without due process...or if CA decided on its own that the fed couldn't collect taxes there. Or if CA voted that the fed could no longer have military bases in CA.

The initiative "legalizing" pot is an illegal initiative. It is null and void upon its face. It was mandated to have never gotten beyond Sacramento's process of sifting through legal and illegal initiatives. That's where the failure was. Ignorance is no excuse. Not even in Sacramento. They are mandated to follow the law.

What should have been done by these states who wanted legal pot, or any other federal statute revoked for some new trend, would have been to lobby Congress to change the federal listing of pot as Schedule 1 first, then downgrade it to a "legal" substance for recreation. But they jumped the gun and did it wrong. There seems to be a lot of that going on lately where states suddenly adopt some trend, usually some social trend from CA, and then force all other 49 states to abide by changing the law from the bottom up, without Congress' (the other 49 states') input.

This is a VERY bad precedent to set. It threatens the Union when rogue states force other states without their representation, to adopt repugnant ideas or laws without having a single voice of say in the process. Think about it. Sometimes even just one rogue judge in one rogue state can radically change longstanding social mores of all 50 states without their input or say, outside the Constitution and Congress, if the appeals process is oiled well enough for that rogue decision....

How Does California's Ballot Measure Process Work?
The proponents must submit the draft proposal to the Attorney General’s Office where the public can view it online and comment on it. This comment period lasts 30 days, and the proponents have five days following the end of the comment period to amend the proposal.....Within 50 days of submission to the Attorney General, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance conduct a joint analysis on the proposal’s expected impact on state and local revenues, as well as estimated costs. The Attorney General’s Office uses this analysis to write the title and summary for the measure, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State and included on the signature gathering petitions.

So the CA AG was remiss in allowing a federally-illegal proposal to go forward in the first place! I think this was Kamala Harris who allowed this illegal ballot measure to proceed. Those of you who invested tons and now stand to lose tons because you just realized pot is federally illegal, can thank Kamala Harris for leading you astray.

First of all Marijuana is NOT considered a narcotic. It is an agricultural plant. The Federal Government has no authority over State agriculture.

The 10th amendment to the Constitution is States rights. These states voted and approved of either medical marijuana laws and or recreational pot, and they are written and signed into law & put into their state constitutions.

It expresses the principle of federalism and states' rights, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people.
Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Intrastate commerce clause: Someone growing marijuana in their yard, though, is hardly interstate commerce. Indeed, it may never leave that address, let alone cross state lines. Add to that the fact that the Constitution clearly reserves “police powers”–the historic general authority to make laws about health, safety, welfare and commerce–to the states; they’re not delegated to the federal government. The fact is regulating marijuana is not a power the Constitution spells out as a federal one, so it is for the states to handle, or the people to keep for themselves via the Tenth Amendment.
The Constitution and Cannabis

So here, via Jeff Sessions the Federal Government is overreaching into States rights regarding their voter approved marijuana laws and regulations.


The Colorado state legislature is already in the process of blocking any attempt by Sessions by signing more legislative action into law.

Legislative sources confirmed that Colorado lawmakers held a call Friday afternoon to strategize on a push for marijuana-related measures — specifically crafting a spending bill provision to restrict the Justice Department from interfering with state cannabis laws.
The Cannabist
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Use of legalized marijuana threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas. Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

What California, Colorado and all the other states that "legalized" pot did wrong was: they disobeyed federal law. Let's take CA as an example. There, some folks got a petition together to get an initiative on the ballot. The petition from there goes to Sacramento for approval for inclusion on the ballot. The minute a petition suggesting breaking federal law passed their desks in Sacramento, that's where the idea was mandated to die. Just because those people decided to let the farce continue, doesn't make it any more legal than if CA decided to vote on whether or not illegal aliens can become citizens without due process...or if CA decided on its own that the fed couldn't collect taxes there. Or if CA voted that the fed could no longer have military bases in CA.

The initiative "legalizing" pot is an illegal initiative. It is null and void upon its face. It was mandated to have never gotten beyond Sacramento's process of sifting through legal and illegal initiatives. That's where the failure was. Ignorance is no excuse. Not even in Sacramento. They are mandated to follow the law.

What should have been done by these states who wanted legal pot, or any other federal statute revoked for some new trend, would have been to lobby Congress to change the federal listing of pot as Schedule 1 first, then downgrade it to a "legal" substance for recreation. But they jumped the gun and did it wrong. There seems to be a lot of that going on lately where states suddenly adopt some trend, usually some social trend from CA, and then force all other 49 states to abide by changing the law from the bottom up, without Congress' (the other 49 states') input.

This is a VERY bad precedent to set. It threatens the Union when rogue states force other states without their representation, to adopt repugnant ideas or laws without having a single voice of say in the process. Think about it. Sometimes even just one rogue judge in one rogue state can radically change longstanding social mores of all 50 states without their input or say, outside the Constitution and Congress, if the appeals process is oiled well enough for that rogue decision....

How Does California's Ballot Measure Process Work?
The proponents must submit the draft proposal to the Attorney General’s Office where the public can view it online and comment on it. This comment period lasts 30 days, and the proponents have five days following the end of the comment period to amend the proposal.....Within 50 days of submission to the Attorney General, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance conduct a joint analysis on the proposal’s expected impact on state and local revenues, as well as estimated costs. The Attorney General’s Office uses this analysis to write the title and summary for the measure, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State and included on the signature gathering petitions.

So the CA AG was remiss in allowing a federally-illegal proposal to go forward in the first place! I think this was Kamala Harris who allowed this illegal ballot measure to proceed. Those of you who invested tons and now stand to lose tons because you just realized pot is federally illegal, can thank Kamala Harris for leading you astray.

First of all Marijuana is NOT considered a narcotic. It is an agricultural plant. The Federal Government has no authority over State agriculture.

The 10th amendment to the Constitution is States rights. These states voted and approved of either medical marijuana laws and or recreational pot, and they are written and signed into law & put into their state constitutions.

It expresses the principle of federalism and states' rights, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people.
Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Intrastate commerce clause: Someone growing marijuana in their yard, though, is hardly interstate commerce. Indeed, it may never leave that address, let alone cross state lines. Add to that the fact that the Constitution clearly reserves “police powers”–the historic general authority to make laws about health, safety, welfare and commerce–to the states; they’re not delegated to the federal government. The fact is regulating marijuana is not a power the Constitution spells out as a federal one, so it is for the states to handle, or the people to keep for themselves via the Tenth Amendment.
The Constitution and Cannabis

So here, via Jeff Sessions the Federal Government is overreaching into States rights regarding their voter approved marijuana laws and regulations.


The Colorado state legislature is already in the process of blocking any attempt by Sessions by signing more legislative action into law.

Legislative sources confirmed that Colorado lawmakers held a call Friday afternoon to strategize on a push for marijuana-related measures — specifically crafting a spending bill provision to restrict the Justice Department from interfering with state cannabis laws.
The Cannabist
Why not repeal the 17th?
Republicans and Jeff Sessions: We're all about states' rights! Until the states do something we don't personally like. Then we're pro big government!
Republicans and Jeff Sessions: We're all about states' rights! Until the states do something we don't personally like. Then we're pro big government!

The FDA has never been under the authority of this or that state. It's a federal entity.
Smoking a sane amount of weed through a bong has vastly more health benefits than harm.

Like everything else in life, there is always some idiot who will go too far. The record on reefer vs. booze is laughable. Reefer is infinitely safer. Booze is vastly more addictive. Almost all of the homeless addicts are booze, pills, and crack.

You know, on days that I smoke a lot, it's still only about 1 joint. When I used to smoke cigarettes, I smoked a pack a day.
Lower the cost of Government, right wingers!
At the expense of how we distribute power under a united federation of states? Really? You propose circumventing the federal powers and having no Union? Presumably the FDA exists for the good of the citizenry. No one state can dictate to all a central position on this or that mind altering or dangerous drug. So then we'd be left with a hodgepodge of regional rules about substances that could undermine the country as a whole...since well all know overproduction in one state will lead to exports to others for financial gain...

..and since states ultimately are about financial gain from these substances.,..,,California particularly not being shy about long until other popular, been around a long time, Schedule 1 drugs like heroin are justified into legality by rogue states?
The safest and best way to get the highest amount of whatever compound of weed you are smoking is through a vaporizer. It's still addictive. :coffee:

There's nothing addictive about marijuana.

I already explained how it is.

Wrong. You explained how YOU became mentally addicted to it. When asked about physical symptoms, you said you had none. But, you also said that you went to great lengths to make sure you always had some, or would go on long trips to get some when you were out. That is mental addiction because you had no physical symptoms.

A person can become mentally addicted to anything, shopping, food, gambling, people, etc. But, it's on that person alone. Physical addiction is something else entirely.
The safest and best way to get the highest amount of whatever compound of weed you are smoking is through a vaporizer. It's still addictive. :coffee:

There's nothing addictive about marijuana.

I already explained how it is.

Wrong. You explained how YOU became mentally addicted to it. When asked about physical symptoms, you said you had none. But, you also said that you went to great lengths to make sure you always had some, or would go on long trips to get some when you were out. That is mental addiction because you had no physical symptoms.

A person can become mentally addicted to anything, shopping, food, gambling, people, etc. But, it's on that person alone. Physical addiction is something else entirely.
Mental addiction becomes physical addiction. The brain integrates a new software program where it demands more input "or else" withdrawal symptoms appear. That's physical. I've known people trying to kick pot. Believe me. It's physical.

I guess it's time the rogue states (soon to come under the federal whip for violating their lack of authority and participating in federally-illegal drug trafficking), should go to Congress and petition properly. The proper steps to legalize MJ were not followed and what is happening is sedition. Any change in law that affects all 50 states requires the participation of those states in Congress. All of them. Not just a couple that want MJ legal because "it's time has come".... experimental trends cannot dictate new norms for society without the permission of ALL of society. Obergefell was one of these, born from one rogue gay judge in CA who wanted to marry his boyfriend....overriding the Will of tens of millions of voters in CA to the contrary. (The judge retired quickly after performing sedition). Now we have another gift from rogue western states starting experimental new social trends (legalizing weed and making it ever readily available & cheap therefore to kids in school), trying to ramrod its way into the Union...again without permission from the other states in the Union.
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The safest and best way to get the highest amount of whatever compound of weed you are smoking is through a vaporizer. It's still addictive. :coffee:

There's nothing addictive about marijuana.

I already explained how it is.

Wrong. You explained how YOU became mentally addicted to it. When asked about physical symptoms, you said you had none. But, you also said that you went to great lengths to make sure you always had some, or would go on long trips to get some when you were out. That is mental addiction because you had no physical symptoms.

A person can become mentally addicted to anything, shopping, food, gambling, people, etc. But, it's on that person alone. Physical addiction is something else entirely.
Im addicted to biting my nails. I cant stop doing it. Ive done it since i was a kid, but my life is fine, despite this addiction. Not all addictions are problems, and most arent life threatening.
Im addicted to biting my nails. I cant stop doing it. Ive done it since i was a kid, but my life is fine, despite this addiction. Not all addictions are problems, and most arent life threatening.

Do you bite your nails while you drive, perform surgery or work on repairs for dangerous machinery? Pot impairs judgement and distorts time and depth perception. It fogs short term memory functions and makes the addict dull and not quick or responsive.

In my mind, there's no comparison. But hey, if you can drive with one hand on the wheel and another in your mouth, at least your brain is functioning somewhat normally...
Lower the cost of Government, right wingers!
At the expense of how we distribute power under a united federation of states? Really? You propose circumventing the federal powers and having no Union? Presumably the FDA exists for the good of the citizenry. No one state can dictate to all a central position on this or that mind altering or dangerous drug. So then we'd be left with a hodgepodge of regional rules about substances that could undermine the country as a whole...since well all know overproduction in one state will lead to exports to others for financial gain...

..and since states ultimately are about financial gain from these substances.,..,,California particularly not being shy about long until other popular, been around a long time, Schedule 1 drugs like heroin are justified into legality by rogue states?
It is for adult use in California. You can buy it or not. No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. Usually.
It is for adult use in California. You can buy it or not. No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. Usually.

Yes but it's still federally illegal. CA and other states usurped the federal authority on Schedule 1 drugs, when their avenue was properly to petition Congress with the participation of all the other states affected by illegal trafficking within and coming out of these rogue states. You are aware we put $billions into suppressing pot production in Mexico to protect the states who don't want it here. Then we allow states here to produce more than Mexico does...and you want us to presume this isn't going to affect states that DO NOT WANT IT around their kids?

Those other states have a say in what substances can make it easily and cheaply to their kids' schools. Like it or not.

Sorry. Ignorance of the law and proper procedure is no excuse. Sessions is doing the right thing to preserve the Union. You want MJ taken off Schedule 1? Write your DC representatives and urge them to start a debate in Congress. Until then, in each and every state legalized for medical or recreational uses, MJ is still federally regulated as illegal and must be certified as reliable in dose and purity & dispensed by licensed pharmacies on Drs prescriptions only.
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It is for adult use in California. You can buy it or not. No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. Usually.

Yes but it's still federally illegal. CA and other states usurped the federal authority on Schedule 1 drugs, when their avenue was properly to petition Congress with the participation of all the other states affected by illegal trafficking within and coming out of these rogue states. You are aware we put $billions into suppressing pot production in Mexico to protect the states who don't want it here. Then we allow states here to produce more than Mexico does...and you want us to presume this isn't going to affect states that DO NOT WANT IT around their kids?

Those other states have a say in what substances can make it easily and cheaply to their kids' schools. Like it or not.

Sorry. Ignorance of the law and proper procedure is no excuse. Sessions is doing the right thing to preserve the Union. You want MJ taken off Schedule 1? Write your DC representatives and urge them to start a debate in Congress. Until then, in each and every state legalized for medical or recreational uses, MJ is still federally regulated as illegal and must be certified as reliable in dose and purity & dispensed by licensed pharmacies on Drs prescriptions only.
There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; it can't be illegal.
Liberals want a litmus test to hold public office. Only drug addicts can run.
Or those who were too stoned to pay attention about the chain of command and authority in the process of American Government. Rogue states don't get to traffick unregulated mind-altering drugs that are affecting the rest of the country...and then tell the rest of the country "this is how it's GOING to be!"...

As if.
Liberals want a litmus test to hold public office. Only drug addicts can run.
Or those who were too stoned to pay attention about the chain of command and authority in the process of American Government. Rogue states don't get to traffick unregulated mind-altering drugs that are affecting the rest of the country...and then tell the rest of the country "this is how it's GOING to be!"...

As if.
the US government is the largest purchaser of drugs in the entire world. thank goodness for our Commerce Clause.

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