Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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its probably easier to break away from pot than a lot of the other truly harmful things people take....

Yeah, like being addicted to wasting an entire day every week going to church and getting your birdbrain filled with bullshit, starting with "soon" meaning "more than 1800 years from now..."
it can be mentally....

These haters are as brainwashed as the congregation they come from. They parrot. They never get "their own" take. They parrot, and they hate those who out their parroting as bullshit.
its probably easier to break away from pot than a lot of the other truly harmful things people take....

Legal Prescription drugs (opiates) kill more people in this country today, than all the illegal drugs combined. That is a fact.

Doctor prescribes to many pain killers to a patient--they get addicted--then get cut off and they then go out on the streets buying black tar herion. Two weeks later they're dead from an overdose. Kentucky and several other southern states have a huge problem with this.

Ironically in states that have legalized marijuana--drug related addictions & deaths are DOWN.
Legal Prescription drugs (opiates) kill more people in this country today, than all the illegal drugs combined. That is a fact.

and now the Fed Government tells us we MUST pay for a doc with "health insurance" and the next step is

it can be mentally....

These haters are as brainwashed as the congregation they come from. They parrot. They never get "their own" take. They parrot, and they hate those who out their parroting as bullshit.
its probably easier to break away from pot than a lot of the other truly harmful things people take....

Legal Prescription drugs (opiates) kill more people in this country today, than all the illegal drugs combined. That is a fact.

Doctor prescribes to many pain killers to a patient--they get addicted--then get cut off and they then go out on the streets buying black tar herion. Two weeks later they're dead from an overdose. Kentucky and several other southern states have a huge problem with this.

Ironically in states that have legalized marijuana--drug related addictions & deaths are DOWN.

Interestingly enough, the first year that CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down 25 percent, and have continued to drop.

I also saw a show in the VICE channel called "Weedequette" that did an episode where it showed a treatment place that was using marijuana and THC oils to treat heroin withdrawl. Why did they do that? Because when a person quits using heroin, they are nauseous, jittery, and have bad joint pain. What does a good Indica do? Relieves nausea, calms a person down and relieves pain. Their success rate so far is around 60 percent, which is unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And, there were some addicts that said it was better than methadone for treating withdrawl.
He killed his wife
Man, high on pot candy, gets 30 years prison for killing wife

The cannibis cannibal
Tests in cannibalism case: Zombie-like attacker used pot, not 'bath salts' - CNN

No one ever got high and did anything like jump out of a window
Oh wait
Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot is entirely harmless. No one ever got high and caused the slightest harm to another person.

Oh wait
Phoenix mom who got high, drove off with baby on car roof gets probation

Get high, take a nap after lunch that's the only thing you have to worry about.
Never underestimate the ability of Zionism to manipulate "news" to empower BIG GOVERNMENT to keep ATTORNEYS RICH and poking around every aspect of your "private" life....
I was once asked... who is at fault?

One car is driving on the right side of the road, but the driver is high.

The other car is swerving out of control, and hits the other car on the other side of the road.

Tipsy would blame the pot user.

Truth never matters to pot haters.
I look at the legalization campaign as a kind of state-run civil disobedience effort. Its a natural reaction to an overreaching federal government.
Federal laws are changed via debate of the WHOLE NATION.

Ideally, yes. But when federal law has overstepped its Constitutional bounds, and the Court fails to reign them in, it's up to the states and the people to draw the line.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The feds can't tax activity that is against fed law. All the states have done is repealed STATE laws making pot illegal. Federalism allows that. Now the feds could in theory prosecute people in pot-legal states for federal law violations.
For a libertarian, you aren't very libertarian.

Not entirely true. That's how the Feds took down Al Capone: Not for bootlegging and other crimes, but for tax evasion.

"A person’s taxable income will generally be subject to the same Federal income tax rules, regardless of whether the income was obtained legally or illegally."

Taxation of illegal income in the United States - Wikipedia
State pot sellers have to pay federal income tax on profits.

For a libertarian, you aren't much of a libertarian.

There are also federal excise taxes that need to be paid. Breweries for example pay those, even though President Trump has reduced the rate small breweries have to pay.

And I'm not a libertarian, I'm a right-winger. I'm not down with the libertarian's view on legalizing pot and isolationism.

Both right wingers and left wingers are enthusiastic supporters of using the state to mold society in their image. Fuck 'em all.
the Court fails to reign them in,

W's "conservative" JDAAC Chief Justice was the one who found the "right" of the state to force everyone to buy overpriced "health insurance" in the Constitution.... perhaps an indication that Roberts doesn't really care much for the US or what it stands for, but Roberts is very much in favor of a bigger and more authoritarian government that has the power to wipe out citizens who notice too much truth.... truth the only country Roberts does care about wants censored to the max....

it can be mentally....

These haters are as brainwashed as the congregation they come from. They parrot. They never get "their own" take. They parrot, and they hate those who out their parroting as bullshit.
its probably easier to break away from pot than a lot of the other truly harmful things people take....

Legal Prescription drugs (opiates) kill more people in this country today, than all the illegal drugs combined. That is a fact.

Doctor prescribes to many pain killers to a patient--they get addicted--then get cut off and they then go out on the streets buying black tar herion. Two weeks later they're dead from an overdose. Kentucky and several other southern states have a huge problem with this.

Ironically in states that have legalized marijuana--drug related addictions & deaths are DOWN.

Interestingly enough, the first year that CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down 25 percent, and have continued to drop.

I also saw a show in the VICE channel called "Weedequette" that did an episode where it showed a treatment place that was using marijuana and THC oils to treat heroin withdrawl. Why did they do that? Because when a person quits using heroin, they are nauseous, jittery, and have bad joint pain. What does a good Indica do? Relieves nausea, calms a person down and relieves pain. Their success rate so far is around 60 percent, which is unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And, there were some addicts that said it was better than methadone for treating withdrawl.

Oh yeah -- Colorado is making lots of progress with the legalization of marijuana. The tax revenues are amazing--they actually had to rebate some of it last year. This money goes to schools, drug treatment programs, really all kinds of things that are helping in this state. So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.
In Colorado, Marijuana Taxes May Have to Be Passed Back
So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.

But if OxyContin sales fall, that would mean less $$$$ in the pockets of the SWAMP.....
So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.

Yes because most heroin addicts are perfectly satisfied with a joint when what their body is demanding is a needle jab in the arm.
it can be mentally....

These haters are as brainwashed as the congregation they come from. They parrot. They never get "their own" take. They parrot, and they hate those who out their parroting as bullshit.
its probably easier to break away from pot than a lot of the other truly harmful things people take....

Legal Prescription drugs (opiates) kill more people in this country today, than all the illegal drugs combined. That is a fact.

Doctor prescribes to many pain killers to a patient--they get addicted--then get cut off and they then go out on the streets buying black tar herion. Two weeks later they're dead from an overdose. Kentucky and several other southern states have a huge problem with this.

Ironically in states that have legalized marijuana--drug related addictions & deaths are DOWN.

Interestingly enough, the first year that CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down 25 percent, and have continued to drop.

I also saw a show in the VICE channel called "Weedequette" that did an episode where it showed a treatment place that was using marijuana and THC oils to treat heroin withdrawl. Why did they do that? Because when a person quits using heroin, they are nauseous, jittery, and have bad joint pain. What does a good Indica do? Relieves nausea, calms a person down and relieves pain. Their success rate so far is around 60 percent, which is unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And, there were some addicts that said it was better than methadone for treating withdrawl.

Oh yeah -- Colorado is making lots of progress with the legalization of marijuana. The tax revenues are amazing--they actually had to rebate some of it last year. This money goes to schools, drug treatment programs, really all kinds of things that are helping in this state. So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.
In Colorado, Marijuana Taxes May Have to Be Passed Back

Here's a link to the show. It says that you can watch on the internet for free, but you have to sign in to see it. I recommend watching some of these if you have the time.

Reefer Rehab - Weediquette - VICELAND
So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.

Yes because most heroin addicts are perfectly satisfied with a joint when what their body is demanding is a needle jab in the arm.

Actually, I linked to the VICE Channel show that shows them treating heroin addicts with marijuana.

And, they are working with a lot more than just a joint. They also use edibles and oils as well.
So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.

Yes because most heroin addicts are perfectly satisfied with a joint when what their body is demanding is a needle jab in the arm.

Actually, I linked to the VICE Channel show that shows them treating heroin addicts with marijuana.

And, they are working with a lot more than just a joint. They also use edibles and oils as well.
Yes because joints, edibles and oils CURE the underlying mental angst that leads to the deadly physical addiction of heroin. Next up: CA wants to use meth to cure heroin addiction.... Hey, if it's popular and lucrative, it meets the criteria for "legalization" without the fed/Congress' participation!
I hate to break this too some of you, but most opioid deaths are coming from Fentanyl, heroin laced with bad shit, or morphine, not your normal prescriptions... and most of the time not the people who get their stuff legally.

The reason I want to see weed made legal, is that isn't bad enough for so many people to fill up jails and prisons, or to see kids lose their parents because of it.
So it wouldn't surprise me that they're using marijuana to get people off of the more addictive--deadly drugs.

Yes because most heroin addicts are perfectly satisfied with a joint when what their body is demanding is a needle jab in the arm.

Actually, I linked to the VICE Channel show that shows them treating heroin addicts with marijuana.

And, they are working with a lot more than just a joint. They also use edibles and oils as well.
Yes because joints, edibles and oils CURE the underlying mental angst that leads to the deadly physical addiction of heroin. Next up: CA wants to use meth to cure heroin addiction.... Hey, if it's popular and lucrative, it meets the criteria for "legalization" without the fed/Congress' participation!

There is a reason they use marijuana to help treat the heroin addicts. Indica strains of marijuana stops nausea and makes you hungry, as well as calms a person down and relieves pain in the body. All three are the things that heroin addicts go through when they first try to quit.

And, a lot of heroin addicts would like to quit, it's just that going through the withdrawl is so hellish that many of them are scared to go through it, so they keep using to avoid the physical pain.

Some of the addicts have said it's even better than methadone, because marijuana isn't physically addictive. Methadone is something that most addicts call "liquid handcuffs" because they quit the heroin, but are still hooked on the methadone.

And can't use methamphetamine to treat heroin addiction. Why? Because that drug makes you extremely jumpy and nervous, as well as doesn't have the pain relief qualities that marijuana does.

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