Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

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Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
But they have died as a result of their being high. High while driving a car, high while crossing the street, etc.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
But they have died as a result of their being high. High while driving a car, high while crossing the street, etc.

Same thing happens to people who drink alcohol, but in drastically higher numbers.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
But they have died as a result of their being high. High while driving a car, high while crossing the street, etc.

Same thing happens to people who drink alcohol, but in drastically higher numbers.
People also od'd while drinking alcohol so maybe we should outlaw alcohol?
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
But they have died as a result of their being high. High while driving a car, high while crossing the street, etc.

Same thing happens to people who drink alcohol, but in drastically higher numbers.
People also od'd while drinking alcohol so maybe we should outlaw alcohol?

Never said anything about outlawing alcohol. You did.

My opinion? Legalize it like CO did. In order to get into a 420 store, you have to show valid ID that verifies your age as being over 21.

And don't give me that crap that the kids will get someone else to buy their marijuana for them. They already do that with alcohol.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.
Well you would pretty much have to force feed pot to people in order to kill anyone.

Since it is pretty much impossible to kill someone by feeding them pot.

You must be confusing pot with alcohol- thousands die every year from alcohol overdoses(i.e. alcohol poisoning)

You know, we hear plenty of stories where a young kid is in college and dies from alcohol poisoning because his friends and peers made them drink too much.

I have yet to hear of a college kid dying from smoking too much marijuana.

No one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.
But they have died as a result of their being high. High while driving a car, high while crossing the street, etc.

LINK? Marijuana is quite different from alcohol. Most people high on marijuana are very aware that they are impaired and will refuse to get behind the wheel of a car, where a drunk will crawl out to the car, start the engine and take off.

Most people who smoke pot do it at home, because it is what we refer to as a couch lock. All they want to do is watch T.V. relax--and the only damage that may be done is to their refrigerator that might get raided.

As far as people getting high and walking in front of traffic--they do that all of the time--even completely sober.
Can't we just shovel drugs at these addicts until they die? Move pot addicts to synthetic pot and let them foam at the mouth in an alley someplace. It's like cleaning house. The spiders and roaches have to go.

So throw out the baby with the bath water is your solution. There is a marijuna plant called Charlotte's web being grown and cultivated in Colorado that is only used on adults and children that have severe siezures. And it has been highly sucessful at reducing the number of seizures that these people are afflicted with.


Charlottes Web marijuana plant.

It manufactures into drops--where a couple are put in a glass of milk or other that works for these kids. In fact in Colorado--we have had parents move here just to save their kids lives. It's not a high--but it works. These people have tried every prescription drug immaginable.
Marijuana stops child's severe seizures - CNN

It's also used for people with cancer, chrones disease and people with chronic pain--that are a little more health orininated as to the realization that continual use of prescription drugs will kill their kidney's and livers.

So while you're smoking your cigarettes and chugging down your next glass of beer or whiskey--where we have solid confirmation of the millions of deaths these two LEGAL drugs have caused.

You might consider that NO ONE has ever gone to an emergency room and died of a marijuana overdose in this country. Nor will someone who is high on pot drive a car. It's a different high than alcohol--where the person realises that they are impaired and should not drive. That's why in Colorado we really don't have a lot of people getting busted for driving under the influence of marijuana. It's always alcohol.

Furthermore, you can arrest Jeb Bush, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton & Jimmy Carter for being pot smokers.

Being a reich wing dumbass is not an excuse for you.
Raw marijuana is practically a vegetable. You can watch videos on YouTube.
People also od'd while drinking alcohol so maybe we should outlaw alcohol?

Well you know what to do when a drug in question should or shouldn't be regulated by the FDA: petition Congress. All the states have to have a say.
People also od'd while drinking alcohol so maybe we should outlaw alcohol?

Well you know what to do when a drug in question should or shouldn't be regulated by the FDA: petition Congress. All the states have to have a say.

I generally prefer freedom over "a say".
Your state is free to leave the Union. But as long as it enjoys the perks of the Union, it abides by federal laws. And changes them only as prescribed by the founding fathers. You want something changed that affects all 50 states, like internal drug trafficking? You petition Congress where all 50 states have a say. Otherwise your state may leave the Union....and the military protection, infrastructure, grants, and other perks afforded to it by the federal Union.
People also od'd while drinking alcohol so maybe we should outlaw alcohol?

Well you know what to do when a drug in question should or shouldn't be regulated by the FDA: petition Congress. All the states have to have a say.
End sloth in Government; all drugs should have an FDA inspection or label if goes across State lines.
End sloth in Government; all drugs should have an FDA inspection or label if goes across State lines.

Why not have an FDA inspector in your home every morning to make sure you are using your toilet paper correctly???

BIG GOVERNMENT never stops. It just keeps TAKING....your $$$$$$$$$$$$$
End sloth in Government; all drugs should have an FDA inspection or label if goes across State lines.

Why not have an FDA inspector in your home every morning to make sure you are using your toilet paper correctly???

BIG GOVERNMENT never stops. It just keeps TAKING....your $$$$$$$$$$$$$
We have a Commerce Clause.
We have a Commerce Clause.

We have a Constitution saying all men are created equal.... until a Jewish attorney from the South defined those of THIS SHIP to be PROPERTY, not men....

LAWYERS will twist words to extort money by any means necessary. That is why decent people don't trust lawyers, and why Democrats do....
It is legal in California now. We have a Commerce Clause.
So how is it that CA will make a killing off of a plant everyone can grow in their backyard in CA? By selling weed only to themselves?

Here's an article you may want to read. Note the OR US Attorney's concerns right from the outset as Sessions steps in..
Oregon reels after Sessions rescinds policy that allowed legal marijuana to flourish
"We will continue working with our federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement partners to pursue shared public safety objectives, with an emphasis on stemming the overproduction of marijuana and the diversion of marijuana out of state, dismantling criminal organizations and thwarting violent crime in our communities," he said in a statement.

I wonder exactly how the state of OR will stem overproduction? By doing a census of users x amount used per month within its borders? Then only allowing that amount to be licensed as grown statewide? How will OR make money at the end of the day off of people that are likely to be indigent, spending their public assistance $ they get from the state of OR on pot?

Riddle me that...
It is legal in California now. We have a Commerce Clause.
So how is it that CA will make a killing off of a plant everyone can grow in their backyard in CA? By selling weed only to themselves?

Here's an article you may want to read. Note the OR US Attorney's concerns right from the outset as Sessions steps in..
Oregon reels after Sessions rescinds policy that allowed legal marijuana to flourish
"We will continue working with our federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement partners to pursue shared public safety objectives, with an emphasis on stemming the overproduction of marijuana and the diversion of marijuana out of state, dismantling criminal organizations and thwarting violent crime in our communities," he said in a statement.

I wonder exactly how the state of OR will stem overproduction? By doing a census of users x amount used per month within its borders? Then only allowing that amount to be licensed as grown statewide? How will OR make money at the end of the day off of people that are likely to be indigent, spending their public assistance $ they get from the state of OR on pot?

Riddle me that...
There is no overproduction for California, only higher profits from out of State. Why are the legislatures of those Persons claiming they need to prohibit marijuana; if the People of that State want to buy it through Commerce.
Why are the legislatures of those Persons claiming they need to prohibit marijuana; if the People of that State want to buy it through Commerce.

Why did Obama completely LIE during the 2008 campaign about not prosecuting those in compliance with state reefer laws, only to completely backstab those who did as soon as he took office???

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."

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