Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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Democrats do not want pot legal. Democrats want lawyers rich and people not lawyers poor and in need of BIG GOVERNMENT.
It is legal in California now. We have a Commerce Clause.
So how is it that CA will make a killing off of a plant everyone can grow in their backyard in CA? By selling weed only to themselves?.

Anyone can brew beer in their kitchen- yet people buy beer from the store instead.

California will indeed rake in a fortune from safe, legal, regulated pot sales- even while there will be people growing their allowable 6 plants- just like there are home brewers making beer.

You just prefer the drug money to go to violent criminals rather than legal business's and the state.
nobody takes the right wing seriously.

Pot is legal in California now.
So is heroin if the voters there say so. No? Why not? :popcorn:


Democrats do not want pot legal. Democrats want lawyers rich and people not lawyers poor and in need of BIG GOVERNMENT.

Hmmm except of course Democrats passed the pot laws in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and California- and the Republicans opposed legalization.

Except for the facts.
Raw marijuana is practically a vegetable. You can watch videos on YouTube.

Raw heroin is too. Your point? :popcorn:

WTF is "raw heroin"? If you were to read a bit further up the thread, you would see a post that tells you exactly how it is made, and it ain't "raw".

Opium poppies are cut, and the sap that comes out is harvested and formed into bricks or balls of pure opium. Next, the opium is mixed with lime and it is boiled for several hours. 90 percent of the product will sink to the bottom, but there will be a milky white layer floating at the top. This is pure morphine. The morphine is then harvested and treated with either ether or hydrochloric acid, which purifies it even further into pure heroin.

If you are going to talk about drugs, at least try to be factual and not wrap your point up in some jingoistic bullshit.
It is legal in California now. We have a Commerce Clause.
So how is it that CA will make a killing off of a plant everyone can grow in their backyard in CA? By selling weed only to themselves?

Here's an article you may want to read. Note the OR US Attorney's concerns right from the outset as Sessions steps in..
Oregon reels after Sessions rescinds policy that allowed legal marijuana to flourish
"We will continue working with our federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement partners to pursue shared public safety objectives, with an emphasis on stemming the overproduction of marijuana and the diversion of marijuana out of state, dismantling criminal organizations and thwarting violent crime in our communities," he said in a statement.

I wonder exactly how the state of OR will stem overproduction? By doing a census of users x amount used per month within its borders? Then only allowing that amount to be licensed as grown statewide? How will OR make money at the end of the day off of people that are likely to be indigent, spending their public assistance $ they get from the state of OR on pot?

Riddle me that... DO realize that Nevada has also legalized marijuana for recreational purposes, right? And, you also realize that Nevada is largely desert, and the only way you could effectively grow marijuana is in hydroponic grow houses.

Interestingly enough, one of the world's biggest tourist destinations is in Nevada.....................Las Vegas.

Now, with all the tourists that go to Las Vegas on a regular basis, don't you think that CA will be able to get rid of some of it's excess there? Especially when you consider the fact that they border CA. DO realize that Nevada has also legalized marijuana for recreational purposes, right? And, you also realize that Nevada is largely desert, and the only way you could effectively grow marijuana is in hydroponic grow houses.

Interestingly enough, one of the world's biggest tourist destinations is in Nevada.....................Las Vegas.....Now, with all the tourists that go to Las Vegas on a regular basis, don't you think that CA will be able to get rid of some of it's excess there? Especially when you consider the fact that they border CA.

I don't know. Is it legal to traffick a Schedule 1 narcotic across state lines? I don't think it is. Maybe Sessions will weigh in on exactly that question.
Hmmm except of course Democrats passed the pot laws in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and California- and the Republicans opposed legalization


Those were all STATE BALLOT INITIATIVES. Dem pols never legalized. THE PEOPLE DID.
Hmmm except of course Democrats passed the pot laws in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and California- and the Republicans opposed legalization


Those were all STATE BALLOT INITIATIVES. Dem pols never legalized. THE PEOPLE DID.

State Ballot initiatives- in Blue States

For example- California- the vote for and against almost maps the blue and red districts

And the supporters were virtually all Democrats including the Democratic Party, and opponents virtually all Republicans- including the Republican Party
California Proposition 64, Marijuana Legalization (2016) - Ballotpedia
The Dems control the CA state legislature and Gov.

The Dems could have legalized without a ballot.

The Dems did not legalize.

A ballot did.

The Dems do not deserve any credit for doing NOTHING.
My opinion? Legalize it like CO did. In order to get into a 420 store, you have to show valid ID that verifies your age as being over 21.

And don't give me that crap that the kids will get someone else to buy their marijuana for them. They already do that with alcohol.

OK kiddies, pop quiz in American Government. (multiple choice) "How do you get rid of a federal law that was enacted for the protection of the citizens of all 50 states?"

1. Just have one or a couple of states say they're no longer going to follow that law and that will make it legal. The other states just have to accept the consequences and remain silent about it.

2. Go through Congress and debate & change the law with all 50 states participating.

3. I don't know, I was too stoned during that part of American Government class. I forget. DO realize that Nevada has also legalized marijuana for recreational purposes, right? And, you also realize that Nevada is largely desert, and the only way you could effectively grow marijuana is in hydroponic grow houses.

Interestingly enough, one of the world's biggest tourist destinations is in Nevada.....................Las Vegas.....Now, with all the tourists that go to Las Vegas on a regular basis, don't you think that CA will be able to get rid of some of it's excess there? Especially when you consider the fact that they border CA.

I don't know. Is it legal to traffick a Schedule 1 narcotic across state lines? I don't think it is. Maybe Sessions will weigh in on exactly that question.
It is illegal to Prohibit forms of Commerce without that Power being delegated by the People, not the Judiciary or Congress.
It is illegal to Prohibit forms of Commerce without that Power being delegated by the People, not the Judiciary or Congress.

Prove it. Prove that you can eliminate the say of the governed by eliminating the powers of their representatives in Congress.

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