Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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  • No

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You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Therein lies the problem. Marijuana isn't a drug. Its a plant. If any regulation or restriction should be in place; it should be the Department of Agriculture making the call.
Both sides have valid points. Which demonstrates that this issue has been poorly handled from the very beginning.
So is hemp. Why dew ewe take em? So you can bend yer mind. Pay for your own rehab and no crying about death and pray to gawd no fool with a bent mind harms someone you love. End of story.
Your post is completely incoherent. I accept your surrender...
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Therein lies the problem. Marijuana isn't a drug. Its a plant. If any regulation or restriction should be in place; it should be the Department of Agriculture making the call.
Both sides have valid points. Which demonstrates that this issue has been poorly handled from the very beginning.
So is hemp. Why dew ewe take em? So you can bend yer mind. Pay for your own rehab and no crying about death and pray to gawd no fool with a bent mind harms someone you love. End of story.

Willow, you should REALLY do some research before you start talking about drugs. You showed your ignorance when you tried to say that opium sap is the same as heroin, and you are showing it yet again, because hemp isn't the same thing as cannabis. Yes, the two plants are very similar, but cannabis is the one with the THC in it. Hemp itself has little to zero THC content. And, farmers that grow hemp have to have their fields inspected on a regular basis to make sure they aren't growing marijuana.

And, there are 2 different kinds of cannabis, Indica and Sativa. Both contain THC, but the effects of the two plants are quite different. Sativa gives an energized high with a body rush, whereas Indica is really good for pain relief and aiding a person in sleeping.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.

Well, I've been 420 friendly since I retired in 2002. And no, I haven't become physically addicted. If I run out, I run out and wait till I can get some more.

As far as the synthetic marijuana? That is BAD STUFF. Not only is it not anything chemically like natural cannabis, but they keep changing the formula to stay one step ahead of the authorities on a regular basis. That is the stuff that people are smoking and it makes them act crazy, get naked, and try to chew people's faces off. That and bath salts are two of the most dangerous things I can think of besides Fentanyl.
You know, the NFL players are pushing to have marijuana allowed for pain relief. Seems they know it's less harmful to them than what the prescription drugs are.

Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.
As a previous "head" I can attest to its addictive nature. Nonetheless... Many other legal substances have addictive properties; and they are freely available. Its past time for the " bullshit, money grab" to stop.
Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.
As a previous "head" I can attest to its addictive nature. Nonetheless... Many other legal substances have addictive properties; and they are freely available. Its past time for the " bullshit, money grab" to stop.

What kind of physical withdrawl symptoms did you go through? You may be the first person I've ever heard of that became addicted to marijuana, and I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years I was in.
Or so many players use it in the offseason already they might as well just allow it. They start the testing cycle on April 20th ironically, and generally most players only get tested once a year, unless they have tested dirty before.

Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.

Well, I've been 420 friendly since I retired in 2002. And no, I haven't become physically addicted. If I run out, I run out and wait till I can get some more.

As far as the synthetic marijuana? That is BAD STUFF. Not only is it not anything chemically like natural cannabis, but they keep changing the formula to stay one step ahead of the authorities on a regular basis. That is the stuff that people are smoking and it makes them act crazy, get naked, and try to chew people's faces off. That and bath salts are two of the most dangerous things I can think of besides Fentanyl.

I didn't say anything about synthetic marijuana, I said synthetic 5-HTP.
Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.

Well, I've been 420 friendly since I retired in 2002. And no, I haven't become physically addicted. If I run out, I run out and wait till I can get some more.

As far as the synthetic marijuana? That is BAD STUFF. Not only is it not anything chemically like natural cannabis, but they keep changing the formula to stay one step ahead of the authorities on a regular basis. That is the stuff that people are smoking and it makes them act crazy, get naked, and try to chew people's faces off. That and bath salts are two of the most dangerous things I can think of besides Fentanyl.

I didn't say anything about synthetic marijuana, I said synthetic 5-HTP.

What exactly is that? And, I would really like to hear what kind of withdrawl symptoms you had when you stopped.
Actually, they have said that marijuana is good enough for pain relief from playing. And, they also said that the opiates that they are given for pain are actually more harmful to their bodies than cannabis.

And, I can attest to the pain relief properties of marijuana. My roomie uses it for pain relief because she doesn't want to take any of the painkillers that the doctor prescribes her. Seems that when she takes a prescription med, she ends up constipated. Doesn't happen when she smokes.

Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.
As a previous "head" I can attest to its addictive nature. Nonetheless... Many other legal substances have addictive properties; and they are freely available. Its past time for the " bullshit, money grab" to stop.

What kind of physical withdrawl symptoms did you go through? You may be the first person I've ever heard of that became addicted to marijuana, and I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years I was in.
The adamant refusal to go without. The "chases", and searches I've been on to get the next bag, are the stuff of legend. Its probably more appropriate to say, " its habit forming". But really... What's the difference?
Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.
As a previous "head" I can attest to its addictive nature. Nonetheless... Many other legal substances have addictive properties; and they are freely available. Its past time for the " bullshit, money grab" to stop.

What kind of physical withdrawl symptoms did you go through? You may be the first person I've ever heard of that became addicted to marijuana, and I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years I was in.
The adamant refusal to go without. The "chases", and searches I've been on to get the next bag, are the stuff of legend. Its probably more appropriate to say, " its habit forming". But really... What's the difference?

So, you were mentally addicted to it, but not physically. Well, like I've said a few times in this thread, you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING.

But, thank you for clearing it up that it is habit forming and not addictive.

By the way, did you know that you can become physically addicted to alcohol in less than a month of heavy drinking? That never happens with marijuana. I know, because when I first started smoking, I put myself through a month of staying stoned when I retired and then suddenly quit for a week. The only thing I noticed about myself was that I was no longer stoned. There were no jitters, no physical pain, and no nausea associated with me stopping. I just was like, hey, I'm not stoned anymore. Did that because of some of the addiction training that the Navy taught me, and I wanted to see if it was physically addictive. It's not.
Oh I've heard all about it... I'm just not so sure about the idea that it isn't addictive. See Josh Gordan, Ricky Williams, and Nate Diaz.

Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.

Well, I've been 420 friendly since I retired in 2002. And no, I haven't become physically addicted. If I run out, I run out and wait till I can get some more.

As far as the synthetic marijuana? That is BAD STUFF. Not only is it not anything chemically like natural cannabis, but they keep changing the formula to stay one step ahead of the authorities on a regular basis. That is the stuff that people are smoking and it makes them act crazy, get naked, and try to chew people's faces off. That and bath salts are two of the most dangerous things I can think of besides Fentanyl.

I didn't say anything about synthetic marijuana, I said synthetic 5-HTP.

What exactly is that? And, I would really like to hear what kind of withdrawl symptoms you had when you stopped.

I don't smoke weed. 5-HTP is a precursor in your body that becomes serotonin. When you lack serotonin production it can cause depression, among several other issues. Another good thing to add to 5-HTP is a good pro-biotic because a large amount of serotonin is produced in the intestines.

Serotonin Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms, Solutions
Marijuana is not physically addictive. You can stop smoking it and your body will not have any kind of withdrawl from stopping. And, I can attest to that particular little thing, because before CO went recreational, buying in my area was seasonal, and there were times that you couldn't find any for a couple of weeks. When the dry times came and I ran out, I simply just waited until it became available again. And no, I didn't have any withdrawl from it.

I've also talked to quite a few veterans up in CO (I always am wearing a US Navy Retired ballcap and vets come up and talk with me), who have said that when they came back from the ME, the VA had them on a regimen of 10 to 15 pills PER DAY for various things like PTSD and the like. Well, when CO went recreational, they decided to see if it could help with their problems, and guess what? It did, and they dropped from 10 to 15 pills per day to just one or two, and were healthier because they weren't experiencing all the side effects of the other medications. Opiates make you constipated by the way.

And yeah, you could say that people can become mentally addicted to marijuana, but you can become mentally addicted to ANYTHING, from people (it's called codependency), to gambling, to shopping, to exercise, to food, etc.

You CAN become addicted to marijuana, and long term use of it will change the chemicals in your brain like serotonin. I dealt with people all the time that would come in to buy synthetic 5-HTP in order to try and help with the effects of their long time use of weed.

Well, I've been 420 friendly since I retired in 2002. And no, I haven't become physically addicted. If I run out, I run out and wait till I can get some more.

As far as the synthetic marijuana? That is BAD STUFF. Not only is it not anything chemically like natural cannabis, but they keep changing the formula to stay one step ahead of the authorities on a regular basis. That is the stuff that people are smoking and it makes them act crazy, get naked, and try to chew people's faces off. That and bath salts are two of the most dangerous things I can think of besides Fentanyl.

I didn't say anything about synthetic marijuana, I said synthetic 5-HTP.

What exactly is that? And, I would really like to hear what kind of withdrawl symptoms you had when you stopped.

I don't smoke weed. 5-HTP is a precursor in your body that becomes serotonin. When you lack serotonin production it can cause depression, among several other issues. Another good thing to add to 5-HTP is a good pro-biotic because a large amount of serotonin is produced in the intestines.

Serotonin Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms, Solutions

Wait a post 332 you said that "as a previous head I can attest to it's addictive properties", but when I ask you what kind of physical symptoms you had, you then tell me in THIS post that you don't smoke weed.

Which post are you lying in? Post 332 or this one?

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