Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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  • No

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Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
At the most reaching... It should fall under the purview of the Department of Agriculture.
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the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health.

Yeah, it is much better when Heath Ledger goes to his DOCTOR and gets hooked on 7 different drugs at age 28... and dies....

Just imagine the tragedy if Heath had just smoked weed instead....
Trust me. If he wanted to... He had access. He was a drug addict, and his death was self inflicted.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Therein lies the problem. Marijuana isn't a drug. Its a plant. If any regulation or restriction should be in place; it should be the Department of Agriculture making the call.
Both sides have valid points. Which demonstrates that this issue has been poorly handled from the very beginning.
What a lot of people don't understand about legalized pot, a lot of the money in taxes taken from it go towards drug education for youth that wasn't funded very well before, thus causing more problems.
the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health.

Yeah, it is much better when Heath Ledger goes to his DOCTOR and gets hooked on 7 different drugs at age 28... and dies....
Just imagine the tragedy if Heath had just smoked weed instead....
If you're looking for me to defend the pharmaceutical companies bad practices, your search is in vain. I hate them too. It's just that you don't disband the one last tenuous check on their BS in order to solve the problem.

The fact is that the FDA regulates drugs and since it is federal, states overstepped their powers in not consulting with the rest of the Union (Congress) when their desires to make pot legal overrode their high school level knowledge of American Government.

Pot IS a drug. I've recently smoked some at a friends house after many years of not doing so. The weed today was so powerful that I thought I was having a psychotic episode. I felt wholly deranged for an hour or two. Then slowly I began to come out of the fog. I've taken opioids for pain before and they don't even come close to what pot did. So yes, it's a mind-altering drug. As such, it's subject to FDA regulation.

I think the problem with this thread is that most of you were busy getting stoned when you had your American Government class in high school. States don't dictate to other states "how it's going to be" when it comes to narcotics.
Not reading the previous 29 pages.

Sessions is attacking states rights and more republicans will jump on board as pot has become a major form of revenue for these states.
Did Jeff Sessions Just Increase the Odds Congress Will Make Marijuana Legal?
Sessions is trying to turn back the clock and will fail as legalization has far more support now.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis on the Schedule 1 pot issue. They (the most liberal and socially experimental states...remembering that not all experiments go right...) just decided to nix any voice of the other states in their mission to ramrod what they believed was 'right' down the throats of other states. This is a disturbing trend in liberal states that has given us now a couple of highly innovative social mandates that are not going to work out well. Look for more in the future if we don't nip this in the bud. Pardon the pun.

But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
The federal government involved in prohibition of any substance has historically led to failure and further overreach of law enforcement.

States still have power, and if Sessions continues this foolish path, his nominees will be put on hold by republicans.

If you think a 7.5 billion dollar industry that is legally operating within its borders and the politicians from those states are just going to roll over you are sadly mistaken.
The future is legalization and the end of a failed drug policy that only energized the black market and cartels and incarcerated untold numbers of citizens.
Session's is making a fatal error, and as a republican he should be arguing for states rights and not more Federal overreach.
He was a drug addict, and his death was self inflicted.

That's just great. Big Government tells us that you must go to your big government doc, and when the doc tells you to take 7 different pills when you are 28 years old, you should just do that and not question your big government doctor.... but if you die, you will be called a "drug addict" and that your death is "your fault" and not the fault of the pills.

Never before has that which libertarianism has warned us about come to this level of fruition here....

You MUST take the pills your government forced doc tells you to... even if it kills you.

But if you smoke pot, live, and ask a few questions, screw you, you are a "doper" and nobody should listen to you....
What a lot of people don't understand about legalized pot, a lot of the money in taxes taken from it go towards drug education for youth that wasn't funded very well before, thus causing more problems.

In other words, whatever we do, the LEFT has "ideas" on how to make the money vanish vanish vanish....
Not reading the previous 29 pages.

Sessions is attacking states rights and more republicans will jump on board as pot has become a major form of revenue for these states.
Did Jeff Sessions Just Increase the Odds Congress Will Make Marijuana Legal?
Sessions is trying to turn back the clock and will fail as legalization has far more support now.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis on the Schedule 1 pot issue. They (the most liberal and socially experimental states...remembering that not all experiments go right...) just decided to nix any voice of the other states in their mission to ramrod what they believed was 'right' down the throats of other states. This is a disturbing trend in liberal states that has given us now a couple of highly innovative social mandates that are not going to work out well. Look for more in the future if we don't nip this in the bud. Pardon the pun.

But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
The federal government involved in prohibition of any substance has historically led to failure and further overreach of law enforcement.

States still have power, and if Sessions continues this foolish path, his nominees will be put on hold by republicans.

If you think a 7.5 billion dollar industry that is legally operating within its borders and the politicians from those states are just going to roll over you are sadly mistaken.
The future is legalization and the end of a failed drug policy that only energized the black market and cartels and incarcerated untold numbers of citizens.
Session's is making a fatal error, and as a republican he should be arguing for states rights and not more Federal overreach.
The government is the one guilty of over reaching. Calling a plant, a "drug" is erroneous. Drugs require processing, and refinement to change their inherent properties. Marijuana is a plant. Not a drug. Regardless of FedGov waving their magic wand, and making an illegitimate declaration. Plants, are not drugs. Alcohol is in fact a drug. Marijuana is not. As such it is completely reasonable to expect the remainder of English speaking America to understand the difference and thumb their nose at an ill conceived law. Keep in mind the feds know its misclassified as well. So now we have a game of political "chicken". And FedGov started it by challenging anyone to question their definition.
The fact is that the FDA regulates drugs

And when it does, OxyContin is good, cannabis is bad...

THANKS, BIG GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the hell does the FDA even accomplish anyway?
Americans are still poisoned by contaminated food products and are addicted and dying from legal drugs and device's approved by the FDA.
Yet still bases marijuana policy on Reefer Madness.
What a lot of people don't understand about legalized pot, a lot of the money in taxes taken from it go towards drug education for youth that wasn't funded very well before, thus causing more problems.

In other words, whatever we do, the LEFT has "ideas" on how to make the money vanish vanish vanish....

Uh no? The best way to fight a drug problem is through education, not prohibition. That's already been proven.
We pay $12k per kid in the US and US public education does nothing but fail.

Part of the reason is that there are always "outlets" for the money to vanish into left wing pro -Democrat hands.

"Drug education" doesn't do shit except make more education dollars vanish without educating America's kids.
1. The federal government involved in prohibition of any substance has historically led to failure and further overreach of law enforcement.

2. States still have power, and if Sessions continues this foolish path, his nominees will be put on hold by republicans.


1. Then if that's your sentiments, your state gets together with other states and debates/changes that via Congress.

2. States together as a Union DO have power in Congress to change any law they like that's enforced at the federal level. They DO NOT however have power to force other states into accepting a breach of federal law among their members (and likely to their demise) without the ability to have a voice in that decision in Congress.

Please go back to high school, all of you, and relearn the American Government class you skipped a lot to go get stoned in the bushes outside school.
We pay $12k per kid in the US and US public education does nothing but fail.

Part of the reason is that there are always "outlets" for the money to vanish into left wing pro -Democrat hands.

"Drug education" doesn't do shit except make more education dollars vanish without educating America's kids.

You have ZERO clue what you are talking about.

How well did prohibition of alcohol work? Did you know that 50%, yes 50% of federal inmates are in on drug charges. You know how much per year it costs to house them?
How well did prohibition of alcohol work?

I am for legalizing weed. That is not the issue here. The issue here is whether we take the additional tax revenues from legal weed and reduce the deficit, or whether we just give that money to DEEP STATE FUCKS like you and watch it VANISH again....
Actually, the issue here is whether or not rogue states can silence the voices of other states on federal laws without a debate in Congress first.
the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health.

Yeah, it is much better when Heath Ledger goes to his DOCTOR and gets hooked on 7 different drugs at age 28... and dies....
Just imagine the tragedy if Heath had just smoked weed instead....
If you're looking for me to defend the pharmaceutical companies bad practices, your search is in vain. I hate them too. It's just that you don't disband the one last tenuous check on their BS in order to solve the problem.

The fact is that the FDA regulates drugs and since it is federal, states overstepped their powers in not consulting with the rest of the Union (Congress) when their desires to make pot legal overrode their high school level knowledge of American Government.

Pot IS a drug. I've recently smoked some at a friends house after many years of not doing so. The weed today was so powerful that I thought I was having a psychotic episode. I felt wholly deranged for an hour or two. Then slowly I began to come out of the fog. I've taken opioids for pain before and they don't even come close to what pot did. So yes, it's a mind-altering drug. As such, it's subject to FDA regulation.

I think the problem with this thread is that most of you were busy getting stoned when you had your American Government class in high school. States don't dictate to other states "how it's going to be" when it comes to narcotics.
The weed today was so powerful that I thought I was having a psychotic episode
my nephew gets high quite often with the new pot,it doesnt phase him to bad because like we were back in the 70's he is used to it,he told me that the shop were he gets it you can buy weaker blends comparable to the 70's and 80's....
How well did prohibition of alcohol work?

I am for legalizing weed. That is not the issue here. The issue here is whether we take the additional tax revenues from legal weed and reduce the deficit, or whether we just give that money to DEEP STATE FUCKS like you and watch it VANISH again....

You can't just put weed out there, and not have better education on drugs.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Therein lies the problem. Marijuana isn't a drug. Its a plant. If any regulation or restriction should be in place; it should be the Department of Agriculture making the call.
Both sides have valid points. Which demonstrates that this issue has been poorly handled from the very beginning.
So is hemp. Why dew ewe take em? So you can bend yer mind. Pay for your own rehab and no crying about death and pray to gawd no fool with a bent mind harms someone you love. End of story.

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