Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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  • No

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The ends do not justify the means my friend. This sets a TERRIBLE precedent for the Union's way of governing itself. You cannot cut out other states in debate on federal laws to justify rogue trends in weird western states particularly. CA and CO etc. were remiss in allowing any such internal vote or legislative process which was in defiance of federal law. CA is openly discussing overproducing pot for export. And those exports will reach other states where they don't want it. Yet they were allowed NO VOICE in the process within the Union. This is problematic and doesn't justify "now there's more time to focus on heroin."

Besides, you realize why we have a heroin epidemic right? It's coming from Mexico where they switched to heroin sales because pot prices plummeted after "legalization" began in rogue fashion in the US. You think it's a coincidence all the cartel wars and beheadings started going down exactly when states began going rogue on pot laws? Think again.

Not only have rogue actions on pot destabilized how we do the Union debates on federal laws, it has also destabilized a main market of the Mexican economy. Personally, I'd rather have Jose & Manuel using mule trains of whacky tobaccy across the border than deadly heroin. Sometimes it's better to have let sleeping dogs lie. Plus, you make pot more expensive by being illegal and it stays out the hands of kids better. We all know where this "legal pot" thing is heading; straight to high schools and jr highs across the nation. Except that some of the states were cut out of that debate by rogue "laws" passed in the West.
Do you actually believe pot isn't already present I n school campuses now? And has been for a very long time? No different than alcohol. No offense but, that's a pretty weak argument....

Eradication isn't my point. My point is discouragement via price. If it's cheap and at the corner liquor store, more kids will "hey mister" their way into regular pot use.
Im not refinding it lol. Just google it willow.
You are a liar if it existed you would have posted it.

Actually, he gave you the right information. Here ya go, happy cooking!

How Heroin Is Made

Heroin production begins with farmers who plant opium poppy seeds. After about 3 months, the poppies bloom. The pod of the poppy flower produces a milky fluid, which is the source of raw opium. Farmers split the pod with a special knife to harvest the opium, which quickly turns into a sticky brownish-black sap. The sap can be made into bricks, balls, or cakes and wrapped in leaves or plastic for storage .5

To continue the process of making heroin, farmers sell the opium to merchants or brokers, who bring the bricks to a refinery. Refinery workers add the bricks to barrels of boiling water and add lime to the mixture. A good deal of the product is waste, and this waste goes to the bottom of the barrel.5
A film of white morphine forms at the top. The workers harvest this morphine, and then reheat it with ammonia. The next stage of heroin production involves another round of filtering and boiling until a brown paste forms. Then, workers pour the morphine paste into molds and leave them to dry in the sun. It is possible to smoke the mixture at this point.5

Making heroin out of this paste involves a few more steps. The workers will:5

  • Add acetic anhydride to morphine and boil the mixture for several hours.
  • Add water and chloroform and then drain the mixture.
  • Add sodium carbonate. The heroin will solidify at this stage.
  • Filter the heroin with activated charcoal and then add alcohol to purify it. They then gently heat the mixture to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin.

  • Add either ether or hydrochloric acid to the mixture to purify the heroin. The result is a white, fluffy powder.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

Actually, they don't. Why? Because CO has some VERY stringent laws on how the plants are grown. If you want a place to buy from that doesn't use ANY pesticides or additives, I recommend buying from the chain known as Maggie's Farm. They take great pride in advertising that fact.

But, to be fair, there are certain places in CA that have been using pesticides on their marijuana, and it has made some people sick.

Incidentally pot smokers, a quick way to determine if your smoke has been contaminated by pesticide? Taste the smoke. If you can taste anything that tastes like rancid almonds, it's been sprayed, and you shouldn't smoke any more of it.
If ewe think that because CO legalized pot, that the cartels are not there underselling the pot shops you are stupider than you look.

If you think that people in CO are buying Mexican brick, you are stupider than the posts you write. Most people that I know will pay a bit more if they can get fresh, fluffy buds, not something that was smashed into a solid brick and then transported many miles. And yeah, pot smokers when given a choice between Mexican brick weed at 70 bucks an ounce, and some good CO marijuana at 140 bucks an ounce, they will choose the CO marijuana, because it is not only more potent, but it smokes and tastes better.

And no, it's not the cartels that are underselling the stores, it's the private growers who have excess to sell, or people who simply just grow their own and sell it. You are allowed to grow a certain amount of plants for yourself up there. And, if you know what you are doing, you can get a very nice yield from just one plant.
You are a liar if it existed you would have posted it.

Actually, he gave you the right information. Here ya go, happy cooking!

How Heroin Is Made

Heroin production begins with farmers who plant opium poppy seeds. After about 3 months, the poppies bloom. The pod of the poppy flower produces a milky fluid, which is the source of raw opium. Farmers split the pod with a special knife to harvest the opium, which quickly turns into a sticky brownish-black sap. The sap can be made into bricks, balls, or cakes and wrapped in leaves or plastic for storage .5

To continue the process of making heroin, farmers sell the opium to merchants or brokers, who bring the bricks to a refinery. Refinery workers add the bricks to barrels of boiling water and add lime to the mixture. A good deal of the product is waste, and this waste goes to the bottom of the barrel.5
A film of white morphine forms at the top. The workers harvest this morphine, and then reheat it with ammonia. The next stage of heroin production involves another round of filtering and boiling until a brown paste forms. Then, workers pour the morphine paste into molds and leave them to dry in the sun. It is possible to smoke the mixture at this point.5

Making heroin out of this paste involves a few more steps. The workers will:5

  • Add acetic anhydride to morphine and boil the mixture for several hours.
  • Add water and chloroform and then drain the mixture.
  • Add sodium carbonate. The heroin will solidify at this stage.
  • Filter the heroin with activated charcoal and then add alcohol to purify it. They then gently heat the mixture to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin.

  • Add either ether or hydrochloric acid to the mixture to purify the heroin. The result is a white, fluffy powder.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

Actually, they don't. Why? Because CO has some VERY stringent laws on how the plants are grown. If you want a place to buy from that doesn't use ANY pesticides or additives, I recommend buying from the chain known as Maggie's Farm. They take great pride in advertising that fact.

But, to be fair, there are certain places in CA that have been using pesticides on their marijuana, and it has made some people sick.

Incidentally pot smokers, a quick way to determine if your smoke has been contaminated by pesticide? Taste the smoke. If you can taste anything that tastes like rancid almonds, it's been sprayed, and you shouldn't smoke any more of it.
If ewe think that because CO legalized pot, that the cartels are not there underselling the pot shops you are stupider than you look.

If you think that people in CO are buying Mexican brick, you are stupider than the posts you write. Most people that I know will pay a bit more if they can get fresh, fluffy buds, not something that was smashed into a solid brick and then transported many miles. And yeah, pot smokers when given a choice between Mexican brick weed at 70 bucks an ounce, and some good CO marijuana at 140 bucks an ounce, they will choose the CO marijuana, because it is not only more potent, but it smokes and tastes better.

And no, it's not the cartels that are underselling the stores, it's the private growers who have excess to sell, or people who simply just grow their own and sell it. You are allowed to grow a certain amount of plants for yourself up there. And, if you know what you are doing, you can get a very nice yield from just one plant.

I'm not sure who you are talking to, but if they think that dispensaries would rather pay the high price of an illegal drug cartel, and take the chance of having their places shut down and them arrested, versus just growing their own or buying from locals that are legal... they are not only wrong, but crazy.
Actually, he gave you the right information. Here ya go, happy cooking!

How Heroin Is Made

Heroin production begins with farmers who plant opium poppy seeds. After about 3 months, the poppies bloom. The pod of the poppy flower produces a milky fluid, which is the source of raw opium. Farmers split the pod with a special knife to harvest the opium, which quickly turns into a sticky brownish-black sap. The sap can be made into bricks, balls, or cakes and wrapped in leaves or plastic for storage .5

To continue the process of making heroin, farmers sell the opium to merchants or brokers, who bring the bricks to a refinery. Refinery workers add the bricks to barrels of boiling water and add lime to the mixture. A good deal of the product is waste, and this waste goes to the bottom of the barrel.5
A film of white morphine forms at the top. The workers harvest this morphine, and then reheat it with ammonia. The next stage of heroin production involves another round of filtering and boiling until a brown paste forms. Then, workers pour the morphine paste into molds and leave them to dry in the sun. It is possible to smoke the mixture at this point.5

Making heroin out of this paste involves a few more steps. The workers will:5

  • Add acetic anhydride to morphine and boil the mixture for several hours.
  • Add water and chloroform and then drain the mixture.
  • Add sodium carbonate. The heroin will solidify at this stage.
  • Filter the heroin with activated charcoal and then add alcohol to purify it. They then gently heat the mixture to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin.

  • Add either ether or hydrochloric acid to the mixture to purify the heroin. The result is a white, fluffy powder.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

Actually, they don't. Why? Because CO has some VERY stringent laws on how the plants are grown. If you want a place to buy from that doesn't use ANY pesticides or additives, I recommend buying from the chain known as Maggie's Farm. They take great pride in advertising that fact.

But, to be fair, there are certain places in CA that have been using pesticides on their marijuana, and it has made some people sick.

Incidentally pot smokers, a quick way to determine if your smoke has been contaminated by pesticide? Taste the smoke. If you can taste anything that tastes like rancid almonds, it's been sprayed, and you shouldn't smoke any more of it.
If ewe think that because CO legalized pot, that the cartels are not there underselling the pot shops you are stupider than you look.

If you think that people in CO are buying Mexican brick, you are stupider than the posts you write. Most people that I know will pay a bit more if they can get fresh, fluffy buds, not something that was smashed into a solid brick and then transported many miles. And yeah, pot smokers when given a choice between Mexican brick weed at 70 bucks an ounce, and some good CO marijuana at 140 bucks an ounce, they will choose the CO marijuana, because it is not only more potent, but it smokes and tastes better.

And no, it's not the cartels that are underselling the stores, it's the private growers who have excess to sell, or people who simply just grow their own and sell it. You are allowed to grow a certain amount of plants for yourself up there. And, if you know what you are doing, you can get a very nice yield from just one plant.

I'm not sure who you are talking to, but if they think that dispensaries would rather pay the high price of an illegal drug cartel, and take the chance of having their places shut down and them arrested, versus just growing their own or buying from locals that are legal... they are not only wrong, but crazy.

I was talking to Willow. She says that people won't want to pay the 420 shop prices and will go to the cartels for Mexican brick, because somehow, she's convinced that the cartels are underselling the 420 shops.

I simply told her that it's not the cartels that are underselling the 420 shops, but rather private growers who grow more than they need and sell the excess at significant reduced prices, or there are private growers who simply grow and sell at cut rate prices under the table. You can find a lot of them in CO, but they say that instead of paying them, you are making a "donation" for it.

And no......................I'm a prime example of a person who is willing to pay a bit extra for quality. Haven't had to smoke Mexican brick in over a year.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

Actually, they don't. Why? Because CO has some VERY stringent laws on how the plants are grown. If you want a place to buy from that doesn't use ANY pesticides or additives, I recommend buying from the chain known as Maggie's Farm. They take great pride in advertising that fact.

But, to be fair, there are certain places in CA that have been using pesticides on their marijuana, and it has made some people sick.

Incidentally pot smokers, a quick way to determine if your smoke has been contaminated by pesticide? Taste the smoke. If you can taste anything that tastes like rancid almonds, it's been sprayed, and you shouldn't smoke any more of it.
If ewe think that because CO legalized pot, that the cartels are not there underselling the pot shops you are stupider than you look.

If you think that people in CO are buying Mexican brick, you are stupider than the posts you write. Most people that I know will pay a bit more if they can get fresh, fluffy buds, not something that was smashed into a solid brick and then transported many miles. And yeah, pot smokers when given a choice between Mexican brick weed at 70 bucks an ounce, and some good CO marijuana at 140 bucks an ounce, they will choose the CO marijuana, because it is not only more potent, but it smokes and tastes better.

And no, it's not the cartels that are underselling the stores, it's the private growers who have excess to sell, or people who simply just grow their own and sell it. You are allowed to grow a certain amount of plants for yourself up there. And, if you know what you are doing, you can get a very nice yield from just one plant.

I'm not sure who you are talking to, but if they think that dispensaries would rather pay the high price of an illegal drug cartel, and take the chance of having their places shut down and them arrested, versus just growing their own or buying from locals that are legal... they are not only wrong, but crazy.

I was talking to Willow. She says that people won't want to pay the 420 shop prices and will go to the cartels for Mexican brick, because somehow, she's convinced that the cartels are underselling the 420 shops.

I simply told her that it's not the cartels that are underselling the 420 shops, but rather private growers who grow more than they need and sell the excess at significant reduced prices, or there are private growers who simply grow and sell at cut rate prices under the table. You can find a lot of them in CO, but they say that instead of paying them, you are making a "donation" for it.

And no......................I'm a prime example of a person who is willing to pay a bit extra for quality. Haven't had to smoke Mexican brick in over a year.

Yeah I saw a show where it wasn't even donations, they sold other items that came with weed for free.

Free Marijuana? Craigslist Ads Offer Free Weed With A Twist To Comply With Colorado Pot Laws | HuffPost
You aren't understanding how this stuff works.

A state can't pass a law that tells the federal government what to do, any more than the federal government can pass laws to tell the state government what to do.

Well then I guess any state can adopt a law that legalizes illegal aliens, bans the distribution of mail, guts the enforcement of the FCC, bans collection of federal taxes, evicts military bases and makes heroin legal...?

No, they can't, can they?


How many times do I have to explain this before it will get through your head?

Immigration, the post office, the FCC, the IRS and the military are not under the purview of any state governments. The state government has no power over them, and therefore can't pass laws to control them in any way.

On the other hand, local law enforcement is entirely under the purview of the state it's in - and therefore the state has control over them.

When a state "legalizes" marijuana, they are essentially just ordering the state's law enforcement that possession or sale of marijuana is no longer a crime, and they should no longer arrest people for it. That's all the "legalization" does. If the DEA wants to go to Colorado and arrest some hippies, they can do that - and the state can't do anything about it.

Where states might go- and this is just a wild hare- is that the State's may take some action to involve themselves in pot operations so that any prosecution within a state will involve the state somehow- so that the State can pursue a Constitutional case in the courts against the law.

If the Feds pursue this in California, I am fairly certain California would seek some avenue to challenge the constitutionality of the Federal laws in this case.

No, I doubt that anyone is going to court to fight the constitutionality of making drugs illegal.

This isn't going to be resolved by the court. Marijuana will become legal when Congress votes to legalize it, there's no other avenue there.

And it will be following Canada's lead.
Hydrochloric acid,baking soda, ammonia, acetone nd ammonium chloride
Im not refinding it lol. Just google it willow.
You are a liar if it existed you would have posted it.

Actually, he gave you the right information. Here ya go, happy cooking!

How Heroin Is Made

Heroin production begins with farmers who plant opium poppy seeds. After about 3 months, the poppies bloom. The pod of the poppy flower produces a milky fluid, which is the source of raw opium. Farmers split the pod with a special knife to harvest the opium, which quickly turns into a sticky brownish-black sap. The sap can be made into bricks, balls, or cakes and wrapped in leaves or plastic for storage .5

To continue the process of making heroin, farmers sell the opium to merchants or brokers, who bring the bricks to a refinery. Refinery workers add the bricks to barrels of boiling water and add lime to the mixture. A good deal of the product is waste, and this waste goes to the bottom of the barrel.5
A film of white morphine forms at the top. The workers harvest this morphine, and then reheat it with ammonia. The next stage of heroin production involves another round of filtering and boiling until a brown paste forms. Then, workers pour the morphine paste into molds and leave them to dry in the sun. It is possible to smoke the mixture at this point.5

Making heroin out of this paste involves a few more steps. The workers will:5

  • Add acetic anhydride to morphine and boil the mixture for several hours.
  • Add water and chloroform and then drain the mixture.
  • Add sodium carbonate. The heroin will solidify at this stage.
  • Filter the heroin with activated charcoal and then add alcohol to purify it. They then gently heat the mixture to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin.

  • Add either ether or hydrochloric acid to the mixture to purify the heroin. The result is a white, fluffy powder.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

You are one stupid contard. I mean even by contard standards you are on the extreme level of both willfully ignorant and terminally stupid.

You have had what heroin is explained to you- and you still just want to drag your strawman around behind you whining 'but heroin...but heroin.....'

the Stupid is terminal with you.
Im not refinding it lol. Just google it willow.
You are a liar if it existed you would have posted it.

Actually, he gave you the right information. Here ya go, happy cooking!

How Heroin Is Made

Heroin production begins with farmers who plant opium poppy seeds. After about 3 months, the poppies bloom. The pod of the poppy flower produces a milky fluid, which is the source of raw opium. Farmers split the pod with a special knife to harvest the opium, which quickly turns into a sticky brownish-black sap. The sap can be made into bricks, balls, or cakes and wrapped in leaves or plastic for storage .5

To continue the process of making heroin, farmers sell the opium to merchants or brokers, who bring the bricks to a refinery. Refinery workers add the bricks to barrels of boiling water and add lime to the mixture. A good deal of the product is waste, and this waste goes to the bottom of the barrel.5
A film of white morphine forms at the top. The workers harvest this morphine, and then reheat it with ammonia. The next stage of heroin production involves another round of filtering and boiling until a brown paste forms. Then, workers pour the morphine paste into molds and leave them to dry in the sun. It is possible to smoke the mixture at this point.5

Making heroin out of this paste involves a few more steps. The workers will:5

  • Add acetic anhydride to morphine and boil the mixture for several hours.
  • Add water and chloroform and then drain the mixture.
  • Add sodium carbonate. The heroin will solidify at this stage.
  • Filter the heroin with activated charcoal and then add alcohol to purify it. They then gently heat the mixture to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin.

  • Add either ether or hydrochloric acid to the mixture to purify the heroin. The result is a white, fluffy powder.
But it’s just a flower right? And if ewe libtards don’t think they add shit to your cannibis you’re nuts.

You are one stupid contard. I mean even by contard standards you are on the extreme level of both willfully ignorant and terminally stupid.

You have had what heroin is explained to you- and you still just want to drag your strawman around behind you whining 'but heroin...but heroin.....'

the Stupid is terminal with you.
No asshole. It is you with the stupid stamp on yer forehead.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?

Not to mention, heroin is addictive, pot is not.
Sure it is. That’s why you guys are so desperate to have it.
to generate revenue via capitalism, of course.

only the right wing prefers socialism on a national basis, and then refuse to pay for it.
Not reading the previous 29 pages.

Sessions is attacking states rights and more republicans will jump on board as pot has become a major form of revenue for these states.
Did Jeff Sessions Just Increase the Odds Congress Will Make Marijuana Legal?
Sessions is trying to turn back the clock and will fail as legalization has far more support now.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis on the Schedule 1 pot issue. They (the most liberal and socially experimental states...remembering that not all experiments go right...) just decided to nix any voice of the other states in their mission to ramrod what they believed was 'right' down the throats of other states. This is a disturbing trend in liberal states that has given us now a couple of highly innovative social mandates that are not going to work out well. Look for more in the future if we don't nip this in the bud. Pardon the pun.

But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Not reading the previous 29 pages.

Sessions is attacking states rights and more republicans will jump on board as pot has become a major form of revenue for these states.
Did Jeff Sessions Just Increase the Odds Congress Will Make Marijuana Legal?
Sessions is trying to turn back the clock and will fail as legalization has far more support now.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis on the Schedule 1 pot issue. They (the most liberal and socially experimental states...remembering that not all experiments go right...) just decided to nix any voice of the other states in their mission to ramrod what they believed was 'right' down the throats of other states. This is a disturbing trend in liberal states that has given us now a couple of highly innovative social mandates that are not going to work out well. Look for more in the future if we don't nip this in the bud. Pardon the pun.

But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
There is no power delegated to Congress by the People, not the Courts or Congress; since the repeal of that Bad idea, last millennium: To Prohibit.
Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress can make a non-poisonous plant illegal?

The "right to life" might apply to poisonous plants.

Making marijuana illegal was originally about two things

1. the Prohibition bureaucracy was about to be terminated with the pending repeal of Prohibition. They didn't want to lose their worthless cushy do nothing taxpayer funded jobs, so they acted like government "workers" and lied their taxpayer funded rears off by making things like "Reefer Madness" to keep their jobs....

2. the ability to screw over those crossing into the country from the southern border

There never was any real case to make marijuana illegal. The prison industrial complex will always lie to get more $$$$, that being lawyers and prison unions...
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Excuse me. States don't have rights to override federal regulations without the participation of the other states in Congress. This was the mistake states made in legal analysis. But ignorance is no excuse and so they're going to learn the hard way that when you want to be a member of the UNITED States of America, you take the other states into consideration when it comes to laws specifically governing the Union of States: not just the individual ones.
If Congress oversteps its authority, they do. Pot regulation (along with a host of other things) should not be a federal issue.
Congress is the one with the authority to regulate drugs via the FDA. So what you're really advocating for is eliminating the FDA and its powers. Good luck.

BTW, the states overstepped their authority to affect the other states in the Union when deciding to defy federal law. The case those states would have to make is that the federal law was undeniably frivolous. However, the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health. So again, good luck.
Just right wing laziness. Not having an FDA label on drugs could be considered a form of sloth.
the regulation of drugs is vital to the public's health.

Yeah, it is much better when Heath Ledger goes to his DOCTOR and gets hooked on 7 different drugs at age 28... and dies....

Just imagine the tragedy if Heath had just smoked weed instead....

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