"Settlements destroy chance for peace" - Caroline Glick's amazing reality-check

"...The difference is that Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Palestine was declared by the natives who have the right to sovereignty inside their territory."

Israel was declared by the Jewish residents of British Mandate Palestine.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Some recently-arrived immigrants.

Who also had the right of sovereignty over their lands within Palestine.

Civil wars are nasty things, aren't they?

But the Early Statehood Declarer gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Too bad the Arabs weren't as well organized as the Jews, with respect to the Legal Particulars, on British Departure Day.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Welcome to your Consequences.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Not true. Israel was the project of the foreign World Zionist Organization. Israel is a foreign power imposed on Palestine by military force.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. There were no native Jews in this foreign project.
Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Back then? When did that change and how come I didn't get the memo?
"...The difference is that Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Palestine was declared by the natives who have the right to sovereignty inside their territory."

Israel was declared by the Jewish residents of British Mandate Palestine.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Some recently-arrived immigrants.

Who also had the right of sovereignty over their lands within Palestine.

Civil wars are nasty things, aren't they?

But the Early Statehood Declarer gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Too bad the Arabs weren't as well organized as the Jews, with respect to the Legal Particulars, on British Departure Day.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Welcome to your Consequences.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews ...

Not true. The Palestinians specifically state that the native Jews are legitimate citizens of Palestine.
"...The difference is that Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Palestine was declared by the natives who have the right to sovereignty inside their territory."

Israel was declared by the Jewish residents of British Mandate Palestine.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Some recently-arrived immigrants.

Who also had the right of sovereignty over their lands within Palestine.

Civil wars are nasty things, aren't they?

But the Early Statehood Declarer gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Too bad the Arabs weren't as well organized as the Jews, with respect to the Legal Particulars, on British Departure Day.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Welcome to your Consequences.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews ...

Not true. The Palestinians specifically state that the native Jews are legitimate citizens of Palestine.
Tinmore, you are getting more insane by the post. Now I know what the "more" in your name stands for.

Have you read the Hamas Charter? It lists its enemy as THE JEWS and repeats the worst kind of anti semetic blood libel lies about Jews such as "the protocols" since the Nazis. And yesterday you told everybody that the Palestinian constitution is "more comprehensive the the US". You seriously to need to have your head examined.
"...The difference is that Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Palestine was declared by the natives who have the right to sovereignty inside their territory."

Israel was declared by the Jewish residents of British Mandate Palestine.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Some recently-arrived immigrants.

Who also had the right of sovereignty over their lands within Palestine.

Civil wars are nasty things, aren't they?

But the Early Statehood Declarer gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Too bad the Arabs weren't as well organized as the Jews, with respect to the Legal Particulars, on British Departure Day.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Welcome to your Consequences.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Not true.

There has always been a modest Jewish presence in the Holy Land since the Destruction of Jerusalem and the beginning of the Diaspora in 70 A.D.

There were also several spasms of Jewish immigration back to the Holy Land after each major European pogrom, including a notable Messianic one back in the middle 1600s.

The pace of Jewish immigration back to the Holy Land began to accelerate after 1860 and it was running full-tilt by the 1890 timeframe when the Zionist movement really took off.

By the time of British Departure Day of 1948, the Holy Land contained...

1. descendants of that modest presence that remained in the Holy Land after 70 A.D.

2. descendants of various immigration spasms of the period 70 A.D. to 1860 A.D.

3. 1st and 2nd generation descendants of the immigrants of the period 1860 A.D. to 1939 A.D., when Hitler came to power in Germany.

4. 1st generation immigrants fleeing Europe in the period 1939-1945; the handfuls that managed to escape, that is.

5. 1st generation immigrants from Europe in the large-scale Jewish departure from Europe in the period 1945-1948; what were left of them, anyway.

Many from each of those five groups of Jews owned considerable parcels of the Holy Land, legitimately purchased or inherited, and, once the Zionist movement had taken root in the 1890s, Jews were encouraged to buy-up as much land as they could, to make it Jewish.

All true, I'm afraid; your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

"...Israel was the project of the foreign World Zionist Organization. Israel is a foreign power imposed on Palestine by military force..."

Oh, various Jewish or Zionist worldwide organizations did, indeed, conceive of various tactics for a Jewish Return and encouraged and marketed those plans and marketed the idea of large-scale modern immigration.

But the people who actually executed those plans and declared Statehood were all residents of British Mandate Palestine at the time of the British Departure; residents (citizens) possessing considerable tracts of land and the rights relating to such ownership.

"...Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. There were no native Jews in this foreign project."

Doesn't matter. They were established residents of British Mandate Palestine, many of them landowners and businessmen and other stakeholders. Residents. Citizens. Doesn't matter where they were born, but where they were citizens at the time of the Split.

And, don't Immigrant-Citizens have all the rights of Native-Citizens?

They do here.

They do in most other civilized places, as well.

The Jews of 1948 did not just beat 'you' militarily in the field.

They also bested you on the real estate acquisition front.

And the political front.

And the legal front.

On any front that you'd care to name, actually.

The Jews had their $hit together, and 'you' did not.

Welcome to your consequences.
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There are Jewish only settlements, sections of cities, roads etc.

Maybe so but I was answering a specific claim made by Mike that was wrong - he claimed: There are many Israeli arabs who live there. None are told where to live because of their religion.

The other thing to think about - yes, there are Arab only areas as well as Jew only areas. Which ones do you think are better served with infrastructure? Which ones are allowed to expand? Which one's have better schools?

The PLO/PA has a law making selling ANY land to a Jewish person punishable by death.

The PLO is not Israel.

And actually, it is NOT 'Jewish only' for the roads: it is whether you have an Israeli or a Palestinian license plate.

Israel Matzav: The 'Jewish only' roads canard

Point taken :)
In 1947, Jews only owned 6 percent of the land in Palestine. So much for Kondors baseless claims of Jews always owning modest amounts of land in Palestine. Why would indigenous Palestinians give up sovereignty of over half of their land to foreigners who only owned 6 percent of the land? History shows us Zionism was nothing but a colonial land theft project engineered by outsiders. Sherri

Israel was declared by the Jewish residents of British Mandate Palestine.

Some long-time multi-generational Jewish residents.

Some recently-arrived immigrants.

Who also had the right of sovereignty over their lands within Palestine.

Civil wars are nasty things, aren't they?

But the Early Statehood Declarer gets the bigger piece of the pie.

Too bad the Arabs weren't as well organized as the Jews, with respect to the Legal Particulars, on British Departure Day.

Of course, back then, the Arab-Muslims were a bit more interested in slaughtering the Jews and drowning them in the Med, rather than worrying about some future legal difficulty.

Short-sightedness, as well as martial incompetency - a sure recipe for Defeat.

Welcome to your Consequences.

Not true.

There has always been a modest Jewish presence in the Holy Land since the Destruction of Jerusalem and the beginning of the Diaspora in 70 A.D.

There were also several spasms of Jewish immigration back to the Holy Land after each major European pogrom, including a notable Messianic one back in the middle 1600s.

The pace of Jewish immigration back to the Holy Land began to accelerate after 1860 and it was running full-tilt by the 1890 timeframe when the Zionist movement really took off.

By the time of British Departure Day of 1948, the Holy Land contained...

1. descendants of that modest presence that remained in the Holy Land after 70 A.D.

2. descendants of various immigration spasms of the period 70 A.D. to 1860 A.D.

3. 1st and 2nd generation descendants of the immigrants of the period 1860 A.D. to 1939 A.D., when Hitler came to power in Germany.

4. 1st generation immigrants fleeing Europe in the period 1939-1945; the handfuls that managed to escape, that is.

5. 1st generation immigrants from Europe in the large-scale Jewish departure from Europe in the period 1945-1948; what were left of them, anyway.

Many from each of those five groups of Jews owned considerable parcels of the Holy Land, legitimately purchased or inherited, and, once the Zionist movement had taken root in the 1890s, Jews were encouraged to buy-up as much land as they could, to make it Jewish.

All true, I'm afraid; your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

"...Israel was the project of the foreign World Zionist Organization. Israel is a foreign power imposed on Palestine by military force..."

Oh, various Jewish or Zionist worldwide organizations did, indeed, conceive of various tactics for a Jewish Return and encouraged and marketed those plans and marketed the idea of large-scale modern immigration.

But the people who actually executed those plans and declared Statehood were all residents of British Mandate Palestine at the time of the British Departure; residents (citizens) possessing considerable tracts of land and the rights relating to such ownership.

"...Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. There were no native Jews in this foreign project."

Doesn't matter. They were established residents of British Mandate Palestine, many of them landowners and businessmen and other stakeholders. Residents. Citizens. Doesn't matter where they were born, but where they were citizens at the time of the Split.

And, don't Immigrant-Citizens have all the rights of Native-Citizens?

They do here.

They do in most other civilized places, as well.

The Jews of 1948 did not just beat 'you' militarily in the field.

They also bested you on the real estate acquisition front.

And the political front.

And the legal front.

On any front that you'd care to name, actually.

The Jews had their $hit together, and 'you' did not.

Welcome to your consequences.

Of course what you say is only true to a point. This is the US definition but it is a basic that should apply anywhere.

These related terms are often used in deliberately confusing and conflicting ways. Here is a set of definitions that will help you sort out the difference.

IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions: Alien, Immigrant, Illegal Alien, Undocumented Immigrant
There were Jews in Palestine who had different status.
  • Those who had lived there forever.
  • Those who moved to Palestine (immigrants as defined above) to live in the holy land.
These are the Jews who are considered by the Palestinians to be legitimate Palestinian citizens. I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

Then there were Jews who were literally imported by the foreign Zionists, by the boatload, for the purpose of overthrowing Palestine and replacing it with a Jewish state. They fit the description of alien as defined above. They were considered foreigners. And since they were there to overthrow Palestine, invaders would not be an inaccurate term.
In 1947, Jews only owned 6 percent of the land in Palestine. So much for Kondors baseless claims of Jews always owning modest amounts of land in Palestine. Why would indigenous Palestinians give up sovereignty of over half of their land to foreigners who only owned 6 percent of the land? History shows us Zionism was nothing but a colonial land theft project engineered by outsiders. Sherri
In 1947 Arabs owned 0% of the land. It was British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 700 years. Many Arab countries were formed out of the British and French Mandates at the same time that Israel was formed. Obviously the only one that Arabs had a problem with was the Jewish one.

Anybody who thinks this conflict is over land and not about Muslim intolerance is kidding themselves.
Development of the national home" In 1937, the members of the Palestine Royal Commission summed up their impressions thus: 'Twelve years ago the national home was an experiment, today it is a going concern'. Within the decade since their report was issued, the Jewish population of Palestine has increased from 400,000 to some 625,000. In place of the 203 agricultural settlements containing some 97,000 there are now more than 300 such settlements and small towns with a population of some 140,000. The larger towns and cities of the Yishuv (Jewish community in Palestine) have likewise greatly expanded both in size and amenities ..."Membership in the Jewish community is virtually automatic for all Jews aged 18 or more who have lived in Palestine for at least three months. All adults in the community from the age of 20 participate in voting for the Elected Assembly, from which is formed the Va'ad Leumi (National Council). The Va'ad Leumi maintains, almost exclusively from its own tax revenue and resources, in co-operation with other community organizations, the Jewish school system and a network of public health and social services ..."In the life of the Jewish community, the Jewish Agency occupies a special place in virtue both of its status under article 4 of the Mandate and as a representative organization of world Jewry. Organized in Palestine into some 20 departments corresponding in general to the departments of State in a self-governing country, the Agency concerns itself with every aspect of Jewish economic and social development in Palestine and exercises a decisive influence in major questions of policy and administration, particularly in regard to immigration and agricultural development*- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979). The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979). We see here a little about how that Zionism Homeland Myth was birthed by outside colonizers .
In 1947, Jews only owned 6 percent of the land in Palestine. So much for Kondors baseless claims of Jews always owning modest amounts of land in Palestine. Why would indigenous Palestinians give up sovereignty of over half of their land to foreigners who only owned 6 percent of the land? History shows us Zionism was nothing but a colonial land theft project engineered by outsiders. Sherri
In 1947 Arabs owned 0% of the land. It was British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 700 years. Many Arab countries were formed out of the British and French Mandates at the same time that Israel was formed. Obviously the only one that Arabs had a problem with was the Jewish one.

Anybody who thinks this conflict is over land and not about Muslim intolerance is kidding themselves.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own.
In 1947, Jews only owned 6 percent of the land in Palestine. So much for Kondors baseless claims of Jews always owning modest amounts of land in Palestine. Why would indigenous Palestinians give up sovereignty of over half of their land to foreigners who only owned 6 percent of the land? History shows us Zionism was nothing but a colonial land theft project engineered by outsiders. Sherri
In 1947 Arabs owned 0% of the land. It was British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 700 years. Many Arab countries were formed out of the British and French Mandates at the same time that Israel was formed. Obviously the only one that Arabs had a problem with was the Jewish one.

Anybody who thinks this conflict is over land and not about Muslim intolerance is kidding themselves.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own.

Palestine has 0 borders.

List of sovereign states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scroll down to 'Palestine'

The proclaimed state has no agreed territorial borders, or effective control on the territory that it proclaimed
In 1947 Arabs owned 0% of the land. It was British Mandate and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 700 years. Many Arab countries were formed out of the British and French Mandates at the same time that Israel was formed. Obviously the only one that Arabs had a problem with was the Jewish one.

Anybody who thinks this conflict is over land and not about Muslim intolerance is kidding themselves.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own.

Palestine has 0 borders.

List of sovereign states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scroll down to 'Palestine'

The proclaimed state has no agreed territorial borders, or effective control on the territory that it proclaimed

Does Britain still "own" the mandate?
No, but what I bolded is the present Status of Palestine.
No state in effect and no territorial borders. You cannot dispute that.
No, but what I bolded is the present Status of Palestine.
No state in effect and no territorial borders. You cannot dispute that.

When Britain left Palestine Palestine was still there and its international borders were still there. You can call it what you wish.
There are Jewish only settlements, sections of cities, roads etc.

Maybe so but I was answering a specific claim made by Mike that was wrong - he claimed: There are many Israeli arabs who live there. None are told where to live because of their religion.

The other thing to think about - yes, there are Arab only areas as well as Jew only areas. Which ones do you think are better served with infrastructure? Which ones are allowed to expand? Which one's have better schools?

The PLO/PA has a law making selling ANY land to a Jewish person punishable by death.

The PLO is not Israel.

And actually, it is NOT 'Jewish only' for the roads: it is whether you have an Israeli or a Palestinian license plate.

Israel Matzav: The 'Jewish only' roads canard

Point taken :)
You didn't answer my question.

Name one Israeli city where Muslims are not allowed?

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