Seven Celebs Who Made Stupid Antigun Tweets


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Never let a good crisis go to waste.

7 Celebs Who Tweeted Hot Takes on San Bernardino Massacre Before Facts Came In

Zoe Kazan led the pack by asking Hillary Clinton to step in and help secure gun control.Kazan tweeted, “Hillary Clinton help us mobilize. How can I use my powers as a citizen to help bring greater gun control to my country? How can I act NOW?” Olivia Wilde responded to Kazan’s tweet by tweeting, “I am with you.”

Next came Pixel’s Josh Gad, who tweeted, “How many times a month, week, or day must there be mass shootings 4 us to demand gun control? #WhenIsEnoughEnough? Beyond sad. Prayers 2 all.”

Gad was followed by Billy Eichner, who responded to people offering thoughts and prayers for victims by tweeting, “Your ‘thoughts and prayers’ don’t mean a damn thing. #GunControlNOW.”

Amy Schumer tweeted next, writing, “It doesn’t have to be this way. join the movement and help us.” She asked people to go to to help secure gun control.

Now watch those same liberals change their tune or not say anything at all now that we know at least one of them was a muslim. My guess is we wont hear from them again.
Now watch those same liberals change their tune or not say anything at all now that we know at least one of them was a muslim. My guess is we wont hear from them again.
Yeah, their opinions evolve with the DNC talking points, lol
Funny you highlight the differences.
And the left always blames the right for standing on still warm corpses to further their political agenda.
Now watch those same liberals change their tune or not say anything at all now that we know at least one of them was a muslim. My guess is we wont hear from them again.

This is not a political thing right now, and of coarse the shit heads use it for their own agenda gain.
I think we are way past gun control now.
Can they really be considered celebrities if no one knows who the fuck they are?
Forget gun control, we need population control. We can start by closing immigration to all Muslims, and start exporting the ones that are here to Islamic shithole countries where they belong.
How about we sterilize all the wacko celebs so they can't breed more stupidity.
Now watch those same liberals change their tune or not say anything at all now that we know at least one of them was a muslim. My guess is we wont hear from them again.

This is not a political thing right now, and of coarse the shit heads use it for their own agenda gain.
I think we are way past gun control now.
It's not a political thing for Republicans but it's always gonna be political for the left. Nothing is off limits to those ghouls.
Let's be honest here, kiddies...if you don't want Americans rushing out to arm themselves to protect them and their loved ones...then you better do a better job of protecting us all from looming attacks from terrorists. If you CAN'T then I don't care what laws you pass...people are going to start carrying more guns...not less!
Forget gun control, we need population control. We can start by closing immigration to all Muslims, and start exporting the ones that are here to Islamic shithole countries where they belong.
That would be unjust wouldnt it?

We should export the Jihadis, execute the terrorists, after severely questioning them, and help the ones who are here and love being here root at the other fucks.
Hillary Clinton took less than an hour to respond on Twitter.

Shame she couldnt be that prompt for the folks in Benghazi.
No shit. Guess we know what is more important to her? Her Agenda or the lives of Americans.

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