Seven Days In September: The Truth About Jade Helm...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower warned the nation about a future threat to its liberty from the military-industrial complex. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Flash forward to March of 2015 and the leak of a U.S. Army brief concerning a gigantic Special Operations Exercise called Jade Helm 15, set to commence on July 15th and conclude on September 15th. Most significantly, one of the pages in the presentation contains a map of the Southwest, where the states of Texas and Utah and several Republican counties in Southern California are labelled as ‘hostile.’

At first the military denied the briefing was real. But, pressure by the media caused them to admit that for the first time, US military units will be operating in ten states simultaneously, and mainly on private land and in American towns and cities. Special Operations troops will be practicing all of the things they do well; airborne insertions, raids, direct action missions and counter-guerilla operations...

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Seven Days In September The Truth About Jade Helm The Daily Caller
This, along with the media and the government agitating riots. . . .

Then they will sink the dollar.

It is only a matter of time.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

You can't blame them for wanting to practice and get prepared. New Orleans and Boston were good practice and dry runs, but when the SHTF, it will be more wide spread. Thus they have a the need for a larger dry run operational out look.

Just like they had an economic crash right before there was an administrative handover at the end of the Bush term, I imagine we will see an economic crash toward the end of the Obama regime. This either gives them the option of emergency executive action, or pretty much sweeping in their choice of candidate, along with creating emergency issues at the end of this regime. Next up, look for the replacement of the dollar with an international currency of exchange, or maybe just the replacement of currency with international electronic tender based on debt all together. Either way though, martial law always needs to be an option.

Civil discontent will be triggered by the establishment, it won't be organic. Who has time to riot when they are going to their kids school play or at home watching the Super Bowl? lol

This, along with the media and the government agitating riots. . . .

Then they will sink the dollar.

It is only a matter of time.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

You can't blame them for wanting to practice and get prepared. New Orleans and Boston were good practice and dry runs, but when the SHTF, it will be more wide spread. Thus they have a the need for a larger dry run operational out look.

Just like they had an economic crash right before there was an administrative handover at the end of the Bush term, I imagine we will see an economic crash toward the end of the Obama regime. This either gives them the option of emergency executive action, or pretty much sweeping in their choice of candidate, along with creating emergency issues at the end of this regime. Next up, look for the replacement of the dollar with an international currency of exchange, or maybe just the replacement of currency with international electronic tender based on debt all together. Either way though, martial law always needs to be an option.

Civil discontent will be triggered by the establishment, it won't be organic. Who has time to riot when they are going to their kids school play or at home watching the Super Bowl? lol

It is very telling that they lied about it at first. Only when forced by a court, did they admit to the plans.
It has been stated that the US Army trains their personnel in environments where they are actually expecting to fight a war. This would seem to indicate they intend to fight in American cities.

I think most of us know by now, we can't trust anything federal government employees or politicians say.
See, the thing is, when nothing happens after these drills are all over, the establishment will say to those who were raising alarm bells, "You were paranoid, see?"

And they would be right. But the fact of the matter is, the military and the NWO troops GOT THEIR TRAINING IN. Now they are prepared so that the establishment has options.

I don't expect anything to come of this, I really don't. But what I do expect, is for people in this region of the nation to be acclimatized to living with a militarized element in their lives. They will become used to living around soldiers in around in their lives. With heavy equipment coming and going.

We will give up the our cultural heritage and tradition of the Posse Comitatus Act. If people are acclimatized to martial law, then it never needs to be "declared," it can slowly be instituted, and then when it is declared, when the Posse Comitatus Act is nullified, no one will even think to protest, because at that point, months and years of militarization will have already passed by. Hell, look what they have already done to our police forces.

And, as I said before, it is not what they ARE doing, it is what they are training for. If the elites are training our own military for something they KNOW is going to happen, why the hell aren't they doing something about it? Those of us who aren't partisan, who are politically aware, have know what the problems are, how to fix them, and how to needs to be done for years. Some of these politicians have been in office for that long, and THEY have known. Yet they have done nothing but made themselves more rich and enabled insider trading and sweet trade deals for themselves and their friends.

And now, when it all comes crumbling down, they plan to use our military to protect themselves and their friends. Nice.
See, the thing is, when nothing happens after these drills are all over, the establishment will say to those who were raising alarm bells, "You were paranoid, see?"

Morons like you remind me of that old joke:

A New York City policeman comes upon a man shouting a bunch of gibberish and jumping up and down in the middle of Times Square.

"What the hell are you doing?" the cop asks.

"I'm keeping the elephants out of Times Square!" responds the maniac.

The cop replies, "There aren't any elephants in Times Square."

The maniac shouts with glee, "See? It's working!"
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower warned the nation about a future threat to its liberty from the military-industrial complex. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Flash forward to March of 2015 and the leak of a U.S. Army brief concerning a gigantic Special Operations Exercise called Jade Helm 15, set to commence on July 15th and conclude on September 15th. Most significantly, one of the pages in the presentation contains a map of the Southwest, where the states of Texas and Utah and several Republican counties in Southern California are labelled as ‘hostile.’

At first the military denied the briefing was real. But, pressure by the media caused them to admit that for the first time, US military units will be operating in ten states simultaneously, and mainly on private land and in American towns and cities. Special Operations troops will be practicing all of the things they do well; airborne insertions, raids, direct action missions and counter-guerilla operations...

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Seven Days In September The Truth About Jade Helm The Daily Caller
You obviously didn't get the memo. You're supposed to wear your tin foil with the shiny side OUT.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Texas...


Sir! It appears Ted Cruz is tearing down a Support Our Troops billboard! Looks like we'll have to forage for chow somewhere else.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower warned the nation about a future threat to its liberty from the military-industrial complex. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Flash forward to March of 2015 and the leak of a U.S. Army brief concerning a gigantic Special Operations Exercise called Jade Helm 15, set to commence on July 15th and conclude on September 15th. Most significantly, one of the pages in the presentation contains a map of the Southwest, where the states of Texas and Utah and several Republican counties in Southern California are labelled as ‘hostile.’

At first the military denied the briefing was real. But, pressure by the media caused them to admit that for the first time, US military units will be operating in ten states simultaneously, and mainly on private land and in American towns and cities. Special Operations troops will be practicing all of the things they do well; airborne insertions, raids, direct action missions and counter-guerilla operations...

Read More:
Seven Days In September The Truth About Jade Helm The Daily Caller
You obviously didn't get the memo. You're supposed to wear your tin foil with the shiny side OUT.

I didn't write the article. And of course you didn't read it. Because you're a lame predictable little twat. ;)
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

When your proof of a conspiracy theory begins with a fictional film, you know you are off to a great start!

I have repeatedly asked on this forum why the rubes keep lining up for refills of their piss cups from the same old hack media outlets which have been proven over and over and over again to be lying propaganda organs.

Perhaps you will be so kind as to tell me why you do it so I can understand.
This just in: The Daily Caller reports that Bigfoot and aliens from Tralfamadore have joined forces with the Navy SEALS and the IRS to take over Corpus Christi, a bastion of Republican zeal and patriotism.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

As the hero, paulitician, is forcibly carried by heavily armored police out of the cathedral packed with homeless Republicans, he shouts with outstretched arms, "Soylent Green is people!!!"
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

As the hero, paulitician, is forcibly carried by heavily armored police out of the cathedral packed with homeless Republicans, he shouts with outstretched arms, "Soylent Green is people!!!"

Maybe you should read the article? Just a thought anyway.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

As the hero, paulitician, is forcibly carried by heavily armored police out of the cathedral packed with homeless Republicans, he shouts with outstretched arms, "Soylent Green is people!!!"

Maybe you should read the article? Just a thought anyway.
I did read the article. Thus the posts I have made.
This just in: The Daily Caller reports that Bigfoot and aliens from Tralfamadore have joined forces with the Navy SEALS and the IRS to take over Corpus Christi, a bastion of Republican zeal and patriotism.

Wow, you sound just like a hateful Government Internet Troll. You went right to the stale troll playbook. So predictably lame. But i'm actually guessing you're dumb enough to to shill for Big Brother for free. ;)
The closer:

Then, there’s the strange announcement by Walmart that they were temporarily closing five stores located in the Jade Helm area of operations, for apparent ‘plumbing problems.’ Individual reports have surfaced of supposed DHS personnel inside the stores and secret tunnels being built. Some have indicated these Walmarts might be some type of processing centers to be used during martial law.

As we all know, lizard aliens cannot survive in our atmosphere. Thus the need for Walmart to provide them underground shelters.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

As the hero, paulitician, is forcibly carried by heavily armored police out of the cathedral packed with homeless Republicans, he shouts with outstretched arms, "Soylent Green is people!!!"

Maybe you should read the article? Just a thought anyway.
I did read the article. Thus the posts I have made.

Ha, and a liar too. :laugh:
Strangely, not one single Walmart employee of the hundreds of employees in five stores has leaked anything about the underground WalFEMA® camps.

They must have all been executed and dumped in the Gulf.

I hear you can get a gas mask at a great discount in one of those WalFEMA® camps. And they guarantee it was Made in America.
Strangely, not one single Walmart employee of the hundreds of employees in five stores has leaked anything about the underground WalFEMA® camps.

They must have all been executed and dumped in the Gulf.

Why do you assume they know anything? All they know is that they're out of a job.

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