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Seven Days In September: The Truth About Jade Helm...

The point of the thread isn't to prove the theory, it's to call attention to the Jade Helm exercise in the context of the theory. If a threat fails to materialize, the OP moves on. If relevant new developments become known, the OP adds them to corpus of evidence and systematically builds a case.

That's what the skeptical cohort in this thread doesn't get. Conspiracy theories are exercises in open-minded "blue sky" hypotheses. They aren't presented as rigorous atomic theories, nor are they intended to be.

The difference between legitimate criticism and trolling is the quality of the counterarguments. Legitimate criticism avoids ad hominems, attacks specific contentions, and acknowledges the limited scope and fungible nature of the theory. Trolling is a bunch of gradeschool boys assailing an implausible theory with cheap jokes because they recognize the implausibility but they don't comprehend the nature of the exercise.

In short, you're missing the point and wasting your time. You're not adding anything to the discussion. Some posters are outright bullying, hiding behind the same old tired excuses that the OP 'deserves it'.

If the theory doesn't interest you, get out of the thread. Find something that does. Spend your time on something constructive.

An obviously learned person with scrambled eggs for brains. Man....people are interesting.
Spoken by a man who elects to spend his valuable time trolling blue sky conspiracy threads. You'll forgive me if I don't take your criticism too seriously. :rolleyes:

Why not engage these threads as a matter of academic curiosity? Keep an open mind, willingly suspend one's disbelief, and contemplate "Is it possible?", "How would it happen?", "What is my threshold for genuine concern?"

That's what I take away from these threads. They're collages of theories and 'what ifs' in a conspiratorial mindset. I could only wish the trolls were as eager to properly debunk the theories as they are to bully the OP.

As a matter of academic curiosity, this is a poorly formed conspiracy. The evidence supporting it is virtually non-existent. Its contradicted by history, where similar operations have been conducted for many years without mythic 'reverse coupes'. Its needlessly and pointlessly complicated. Where a training excercise both matches the evidence perfectly, has historic precident, and is far simpler. Occam's razor cuts this conspiracy to ribbons.

Then there's the aspects of secrecy. Where this vast operation to take over the United States is being kept in perfect secrecy with no one involved spilling the beans. The US government is ridiculously porous. The likelihood of this occuring, especially when so many military personnel are involved is roughly that number that comes just before zero.

Then there is implementation. There is 0.0% chance that the military is going to follow an order to take over the United States. Straight up refusal would start with the lowest E-1 and work its way up from there. Adding yet another layer of comic implausibility to a towering cake of the stuff.

Even the premise is bone stupid: the US invading *itself*? As an exercise of academic curiosity, it insults my intelligence.
You state "US invading itself", but that isn't what's being supposed.

It is by the governor of Texas.

As presented, the scenario is a future economic collapse, which occurs "naturally" and independent of the military, leading to a situation of grave political instability in the US. Consider modern-day Greece or Italy as examples.

Many people are under the impression that a collapse will be a simple, relatively painless affair, but such is a happy fiction. A US government default will wipe out pensions, endowments, money markets, municipal assets, social programs. Generally speaking, the US will be plunged into chaos, with businesses and government at all levels unable to function, leading to widespread discontent, rioting, and a period of economic "austerity" that will make the Great Depression look tame by comparison.

You're wildly overstating the effects of a default. Most pensions aren't based exclusively on Treasury bonds. Neither are most endowments, money markets, municipal assets, or social programs. Even if we see a free fall in the US dollar's value on the international exchange markets, it would only effect our ability to buy goods from outside the US. Since Oil is still traded in petrodollars, we'd be insulated from a fair portion of these effects for oil. All intranational goods and services would also be protected from much the same issues.

Further, a collapse in the dollar's value would be a manufacturing bonanza. As goods made in the US would be a comparative bargain. The Chinese artificially depress the value of their currency for exactly this reason.

So your doomsday scenario is a sad fiction. Yet another layer of implausibility on an already fantastically complicated and elaborate conspiracy.

Oh, and we're not close to a default. Which again, nixes the entire silly conspiracy yet again.
You're deluding yourself, sir. The assertion that oil would continue to trade in US dollars, or that the greenback would remain as the world reserve currency... beam me up, Scotty. :rolleyes:

Regardless, I'm not going to debate macroeconomic realities with you in the middle of a conspiracy thread. The good news--if you can call it that--is that reality will prove one of us right in the not-too-distant future. If your blind optimism pays off, you'll get no complaints from me.

As for Gov. Abbott's "belief" in an imminent takeover, the man is pandering to his base, giving Pres. Obama a big "eff you" and letting everyone know "Texas" regards his administration as dirt. I don't approve of it. I think the stunt will backfire on him. I also don't see how his political grandstanding is relevant to this thread.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower warned the nation about a future threat to its liberty from the military-industrial complex. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Flash forward to March of 2015 and the leak of a U.S. Army brief concerning a gigantic Special Operations Exercise called Jade Helm 15, set to commence on July 15th and conclude on September 15th. Most significantly, one of the pages in the presentation contains a map of the Southwest, where the states of Texas and Utah and several Republican counties in Southern California are labelled as ‘hostile.’

At first the military denied the briefing was real. But, pressure by the media caused them to admit that for the first time, US military units will be operating in ten states simultaneously, and mainly on private land and in American towns and cities. Special Operations troops will be practicing all of the things they do well; airborne insertions, raids, direct action missions and counter-guerilla operations...

Read More:
Seven Days In September The Truth About Jade Helm The Daily Caller


What probability do you estimate that martial law will be declared in the South-West before the end of Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

What probability do you estimate that a military dictatorship will be formed in the US during Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

I think it's a calm methodical process. The Militarization is being presented slowly and in increments to the People. NWO Global Elites are evil, but they're also very smart. And they're very patient too. They know not to move too fast. They've got plenty of time to create their New World Order.

Right now they're in a conditioning phase. They want the American People to start getting used to seeing Military on the streets in their neighborhoods. And it appears to be going well for them. Most Americans don't care. In fact, most are cheering the Militarization and eroding rights. Gotta get that Terrorist Boogeyman, and all that. It's very sad observing what we're becoming.

So there's no testable prediction such that soon after Jade Helm we can see if you were correct or not?

Sure there is, you don't give a shit. Many of the posters at this site are mocking the fact that the US army is being trained to operate in civilian areas, and they obviously are desensitized and think nothing of it. What more evidence do you need?

The facts are already in. We don't even need to run the operation to see the results. Just the announcement of said operation, and the fact that a good portion of the nation feels that it is perfectly okay to run this type of operation in civilian neighborhoods tells us what we need to know. Yeah, I'd say that's a good indicator of where we are heading.

Either that, or maybe I don't understand the operational parameters very well. But if military trucks and troops started marching down my village streets? I'd be outraged. Simply livid. They don't belong there unless it is a parade. :doubt: If they did show up there, I would urge my entire community to either be compensated, or else they should stay home, protest, and not pay taxes for the year. Non-compliance and non-cooperation would be the rule of the day. I'm just glad I'm not in the affected areas.

Spot On. Reports came out recently that showed the Military is training domestic Police on 'Proper' Home Invasion tactics. They're integrating the Military with domestic Police. The Militarization is happening.

What probability do you estimate that martial law will be declared in the South-West before the end of Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

What probability do you estimate that a military dictatorship will be formed in the US during Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

I think it's a calm methodical process. The Militarization is being presented slowly and in increments to the People. NWO Global Elites are evil, but they're also very smart. And they're very patient too. They know not to move too fast. They've got plenty of time to create their New World Order.

Right now they're in a conditioning phase. They want the American People to start getting used to seeing Military on the streets in their neighborhoods. And it appears to be going well for them. Most Americans don't care. In fact, most are cheering the Militarization and eroding rights. Gotta get that Terrorist Boogeyman, and all that. It's very sad observing what we're becoming.

So there's no testable prediction such that soon after Jade Helm we can see if you were correct or not?

Sure there is, you don't give a shit. Many of the posters at this site are mocking the fact that the US army is being trained to operate in civilian areas, and they obviously are desensitized and think nothing of it. What more evidence do you need?

The facts are already in. We don't even need to run the operation to see the results. Just the announcement of said operation, and the fact that a good portion of the nation feels that it is perfectly okay to run this type of operation in civilian neighborhoods tells us what we need to know. Yeah, I'd say that's a good indicator of where we are heading.

Either that, or maybe I don't understand the operational parameters very well. But if military trucks and troops started marching down my village streets? I'd be outraged. Simply livid. They don't belong there unless it is a parade. :doubt: If they did show up there, I would urge my entire community to either be compensated, or else they should stay home, protest, and not pay taxes for the year. Non-compliance and non-cooperation would be the rule of the day. I'm just glad I'm not in the affected areas.

If you want to complain about increasing militarization that's a valid topic and one I'd agree is a problem. It also has nothing to do with anything remotely like a military coup- "Seven Days in September" is not a title given for slow normalization of military presence.

You have a point. I have to agree with you. The article is probably a bit on the hyperbolic side, mostly to garner page views for advertising content, but it is rooted in a real and tangible fear. One that has grown not just in this administration, but has taken root since the last administration. It is the fundamental erosion of the civil rights and civil liberties guaranteed by the bill of rights.

During the Bush administration, there was a noted progressive author by the name of Naomi Wolf who wrote about how a Democratic Society, an open society slides into a police state, or a closed society. The title of that book is The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. It's a good read.

The End of America Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The ten steps
Wolf outlines ten steps that "closing societies" — such as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Stalin's Russia — have historically followed. These steps, Wolf claims, are being observed in America now.

The steps are:

  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
  2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
  3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
  5. Harass citizens' groups.
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
  7. Target key individuals.
  8. Control the press.
  9. Cast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason.
  10. Subvert the rule of law.[3]

Some thought she was paranoid and partisan during the Bush administration. Funny thing is, her book became even more applicable during the Obama administration, and she had people who were once her critics ask her to come and give her lecture once again to their organizations. That's right, Libertarians, asked a Progressive, to lecture them! How's that for opening some eyes?

Probably the best part of the lecture is when this JAP (Jewish American Princess), this NY liberal, admits to these White protestant Libertarians that, yes, as much as guns give her the willies, they were right about the 2nd Amendment and the government elites agenda toward gun control all along. It really is a nice moment to see such a joining together and meeting of the minds. It sure makes you proud to be an American with the genius behind the Bill of Rights.

From my POV, this is just one more sign that Naomi was right. The folks in the country that think this is fine, are those who have been acclimatized into thinking this is the new "normal." What they did in Boston after that bombing? That would have been unthinkable in the seventies, it really would have been. That is not how you chase a suspect down. I don't care who it is. That's not how we do things in America.

If you want to look into someone's home, you had better get a warrant.

If you want to play your war games, go build a ghost town and hire some participants. I hear China has some empty towns they aren't using. And the government is already paying a lot of people here not to work. lol

Thanks. Interesting.
Very interesting piece by Ray Starmann.

“Ah, you knew there’d be some dislocations. You can’t gear a country’s economy for war for 20 years, then suddenly slam on the brakes and expect the whole transition to go like grease through a goose. Doesn’t work out like that. And think how the whole psychology of the thing’s been screwed up from the outset.” – Senator Raymond Clark, Seven Days in May

In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower warned the nation about a future threat to its liberty from the military-industrial complex. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Flash forward to March of 2015 and the leak of a U.S. Army brief concerning a gigantic Special Operations Exercise called Jade Helm 15, set to commence on July 15th and conclude on September 15th. Most significantly, one of the pages in the presentation contains a map of the Southwest, where the states of Texas and Utah and several Republican counties in Southern California are labelled as ‘hostile.’

At first the military denied the briefing was real. But, pressure by the media caused them to admit that for the first time, US military units will be operating in ten states simultaneously, and mainly on private land and in American towns and cities. Special Operations troops will be practicing all of the things they do well; airborne insertions, raids, direct action missions and counter-guerilla operations...

Read More:
Seven Days In September The Truth About Jade Helm The Daily Caller


What probability do you estimate that martial law will be declared in the South-West before the end of Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

What probability do you estimate that a military dictatorship will be formed in the US during Jade Helm or within 2 months of the operation?

I think it's a calm methodical process. The Militarization is being presented slowly and in increments to the People. NWO Global Elites are evil, but they're also very smart. And they're very patient too. They know not to move too fast. They've got plenty of time to create their New World Order.

Right now they're in a conditioning phase. They want the American People to start getting used to seeing Military on the streets in their neighborhoods. And it appears to be going well for them. Most Americans don't care. In fact, most are cheering the Militarization and eroding rights. Gotta get that Terrorist Boogeyman, and all that. It's very sad observing what we're becoming.

So there's no testable prediction such that soon after Jade Helm we can see if you were correct or not?

Sure there is, you don't give a shit. Many of the posters at this site are mocking the fact that the US army is being trained to operate in civilian areas, and they obviously are desensitized and think nothing of it. What more evidence do you need?

The facts are already in. We don't even need to run the operation to see the results. Just the announcement of said operation, and the fact that a good portion of the nation feels that it is perfectly okay to run this type of operation in civilian neighborhoods tells us what we need to know. Yeah, I'd say that's a good indicator of where we are heading.

Either that, or maybe I don't understand the operational parameters very well. But if military trucks and troops started marching down my village streets? I'd be outraged. Simply livid. They don't belong there unless it is a parade. :doubt: If they did show up there, I would urge my entire community to either be compensated, or else they should stay home, protest, and not pay taxes for the year. Non-compliance and non-cooperation would be the rule of the day. I'm just glad I'm not in the affected areas.

Spot On. Reports came out recently that showed the Military is training domestic Police on 'Proper' Home Invasion tactics. They're integrating the Military with domestic Police. The Militarization is happening.

How does the newly announced plan to stop sending military equipment to police factor into the militarization plan(s)? Is the president not involved, or is it just the NWO shadow folks?

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