Sex Assaults by Muslims in Canadian Schools:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey

And nothing is done about it.

When these Muslim "refugees" become sufficiently emboldened by the cowardice of European and Canadian officials it will be that much harder for us to deal with them when the trend begins here -- and we may rest assured it will.
When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.
WOW! How misogynistic of these school officials and police! 14-yr-old girl is at fault for dressing in such a way that some (possibly) 22-yr-old "high school student", or a Syrian male's "raging hormones" drive them to act like the uncivilized beasts they are. Send all of them back to the pits they came from, they don't deserve to "migrate" to a civilized society.
God help such an animal that attacks my granddaughters. Castration would be a kindness.
When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.
Apples and oranges? What fucking planet are you living on that you find any kind of comparison here?
But it's probably all OK, little bitch probably begged for it and the poor, brainless dick monsters couldn't help themselves.
When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.

We all know Trump did not assault anyone

Nice attempt to deflect actual problem
When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.
You need to get over Bill Clinton. I agree he should be doing prison time, but that'll never happen. Best to just let it go.
WOW! How misogynistic of these school officials and police! 14-yr-old girl is at fault for dressing in such a way that some (possibly) 22-yr-old "high school student", or a Syrian male's "raging hormones" drive them to act like the uncivilized beasts they are. Send all of them back to the pits they came from, they don't deserve to "migrate" to a civilized society.
God help such an animal that attacks my granddaughters. Castration would be a kindness.
i don't give a flying shit what the person next to me is doing.


When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.

Another lefty too dumb to know the meaning of the word "let".
WOW! How misogynistic of these school officials and police! 14-yr-old girl is at fault for dressing in such a way that some (possibly) 22-yr-old "high school student", or a Syrian male's "raging hormones" drive them to act like the uncivilized beasts they are. Send all of them back to the pits they came from, they don't deserve to "migrate" to a civilized society.
God help such an animal that attacks my granddaughters. Castration would be a kindness.
i don't give a flying shit what the person next to me is doing.


I agree. As should these imported criminals be held responsible for sexually assault girls instead of blaming the girls.
The Rebel Media is about as trustworthy as the National Enquirer. A couple years ago there was a study done about the large number of sexual assaults in Fredricton and we have some here only focusing on one. Insert the words "Syrian refugee" and every bigot is now concerned about the well beings of one girl while all others are ignored. You want your sexual assault to garnish international attention, just hope the perpetrator was a Syrian refugee.
Officials at UNB Fredericton ‘disheartened’ by sexual assault statistics

As for the Sexual assault that was reported there has been conflicting stories as to what had really happened. The accused denied the allegations.
The police did not have sufficient evidence to charge anyone as the events happened at a dance in front of even the accused mother. Here is a witness statement.
Nb Aws Foi Dance Assault
When the President of the USA thinks it's fun to sexually assault young women and girls, I guess it only adds to the effect of the 'cowardice of European and Canadian officials'.
Bill Clinton ?
Not yet born during his term? Google it.
Wow. Let me educate you then for the very few women that have made claims against Trump times 10 for Clinton. During his decades of political service he has been accused of using his power to take advantage of many women and has been caught lying about it
Wow. Let me educate you then for the very few women that have made claims against Trump times 10 for Clinton. During his decades of political service he has been accused of using his power to take advantage of many women and has been caught lying about it
The forcible rape complaints against Bill Clinton lodged by Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones (and others) were thoroughly convincing and I have no doubt they are true. But while Trump's personality suggests he's an ass-grabber who has no trouble admitting it, no-one has ever accused him of rape -- and there is a very big difference between the two types: While Clinton is a sleazy, potentially vicious degenerate, Trump is a comparatively harmless, egotistical buffoon who probably calls his wife, "Mommy."
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