Sex for hire: A 1st amendment right.

You can pretty much tie in abortion and prostitution. They are both demeaning and dangerous to women but they are issues that benefit and are kept legal by mostly liberal men.
I was reading an article from Politico Magazine about the case against the owners of Backpage and the free speech implications. I just can't see how the law that put them out of business can be upheld in court. But it got me thinking about something else. In this day and age spending money itself is legally equated with free speech.

With that foundation already laid, I now submit it's a first amendment right to get paid to get laid, even if it's not on camera. Years ago we showed that paying someone to have sex on camera was protected free speech. It's about time we extend that off camera, too.
Dayum, where are you going with this??
Decriminalizing X act leads to the normalization and acceptance of X act which leads to an anything goes, no boundaries type of know, the kind of society immoral, indecent LefTards dream of.
Sometimes we have to step back and see things through a wider lens...Progressives hate that principle.

So you like the idea of Father Government putting the brakes on activity that you don't approve of?

How conservative of you.

First world societies stay first world societies through law and didn’t know this basic shit?
What else can I teach you?
I was reading an article from Politico Magazine about the case against the owners of Backpage and the free speech implications. I just can't see how the law that put them out of business can be upheld in court. But it got me thinking about something else. In this day and age spending money itself is legally equated with free speech.

With that foundation already laid, I now submit it's a first amendment right to get paid to get laid, even if it's not on camera. Years ago we showed that paying someone to have sex on camera was protected free speech. It's about time we extend that off camera, too.

Interesting concept....where would you spend that 50 cents?
First world societies stay first world societies through law and didn’t know this basic shit?
What else can I teach you?

You can teach me why it's your business as to who fucks who.

Again, think big picture...wide’s what smart people do.

Oh, I see. We allow prostitution and the next thing you know, murder is allowed.

Well, most sane people know that as boundaries become ‘flexible’ they continue to be expansive.
Keyword here is “sane”
Ive never paid a woman for sex - I pay them to leave after sex.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Paying whores for sex should never be a constitutional right, brothels will spring up all over America if so.
It already is. Though unconstitutional laws prevent it for the large part. What consenting adults do in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness isn’t really anyone’s business. Unless it infringes on a third parties pursuit of the same. It’s only the governments desire to get a cut of the monetary transaction that muddies the waters...
Why is paying for sex a 'Crime?' It's a logical fair question. I suspect it has something to do with religious zealots of the past, forcing their agendas on others. If parties agree on a business transaction pertaining to sex, so be it. It's not a Government issue. As long as their adults, let them decide.

Decriminalizing X act leads to the normalization and acceptance of X act which leads to an anything goes, no boundaries type of know, the kind of society immoral, indecent LefTards dream of.
Sometimes we have to step back and see things through a wider lens...Progressives hate that principle.
Sex is a normal act. It is not dirty or yucky

No reason it should be criminalized.
what the do-gooder Trumpbots cant seem to fathom is par for their course-

Trump can do it and its ok - anyone else does it and it leads to murder, rape, and abortion.

what the do-gooder Trumpbots cant seem to fathom is par for their course-

Trump can do it and its ok - anyone else does it and it leads to murder, rape, and abortion.

Trump has had his share of high cost hookers

He married one
Why is paying for sex a 'Crime?' It's a logical fair question. I suspect it has something to do with religious zealots of the past, forcing their agendas on others. If parties agree on a business transaction pertaining to sex, so be it. It's not a Government issue. As long as their adults, let them decide.

Decriminalizing X act leads to the normalization and acceptance of X act which leads to an anything goes, no boundaries type of know, the kind of society immoral, indecent LefTards dream of.
Sometimes we have to step back and see things through a wider lens...Progressives hate that principle.
Sex is a normal act. It is not dirty or yucky

No reason it should be criminalized.

I is amazing...I suggest people have as much sex as should not be illegal. So what?
Prostitution is demeaning to women but supported by liberals. What does that tell you?
It tells us you’re a liar, as ‘liberals’ support no such thing.

But it’s ridiculous to criminalize prostitution; what consenting adults do in private is not the business of government – it is neither the role nor responsibility of government to legislate morality.

Most on the authoritarian right want to legislate morality, of course – they seek more government and bigger government to compel conformity and interfere in citizens private lives.
Prostitution is demeaning to women but supported by liberals. What does that tell you?
I wouldn't say that Liberals show a disdain or hatred for women in this context.

More like ignoring the side effects, so long as the main theme is symmetrical with the decadent, libertine aspects of their agenda.

If they advocate for darned near any form of censure in the sexual arena, they put the Gay Agenda at-risk.

That would put a good-sized dent in the nucleus of their base; between those directly impacted and their allies and sympathizers.

So, they'll overlook such things, and fall back on the "personal choice" argument, like the weasels they are.
I was reading an article from Politico Magazine about the case against the owners of Backpage and the free speech implications. I just can't see how the law that put them out of business can be upheld in court. But it got me thinking about something else. In this day and age spending money itself is legally equated with free speech.

With that foundation already laid, I now submit it's a first amendment right to get paid to get laid, even if it's not on camera. Years ago we showed that paying someone to have sex on camera was protected free speech. It's about time we extend that off camera, too.
If one were to make an argument with regard to the constitutionality of laws criminalizing prostitution, it would be based on the right to privacy guaranteed by the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and 14th Amendments.

Pornography is entitled to First Amendment protections because it’s form of free expression, where prostitution is not.

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