Sex is a sin! Really? Then what about...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Often hear Bible thumpers screaching how sex is a sin. But Judaism's all about making little Jews from passages of "Be fruitful and multiply... (Genesis 1:28)" to "10. If he takes another [wife] for himself, he shall not diminish her sustenance, her clothing, or her marital relations. - Exodus 21) and the promise of G-d to Abram "17. That I will surely bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand that is on the seashore, and your descendants will inherit the cities of their enemies. (Genesis 22)"

Hyperbole aside, that's still a lot of sex going on. Of the 24 specific sexual sins, most are concerning incest. 4 are things like no male-male sodomy (curiously, while very specific elsewhere, it doesn't mention female-female sodomy, while mentioning females being forbidden from other sexual things;) no beastiality, no sex with women during their menstrual period, and no male castration (be it human or beast;) And no adultery (which is spelled out to mean no sex with a married woman if not your own wife.

Interestingly premarital sex isn't mentioned. But sex is one of 3 ways to establish a marriage. Sex, exchanging of a coin (or in later times a ring,) and/or a written contract. The Torah/Tanach doesn't detail any sort of ceremony being required to officiate a marriage so it's assumed if you have sex with someone, you're in effect marrying them. And thus any sex with someone else may violate the no adultery commandment.

This is the Jewish side of things. If not Jewish, it doesn't bind you.

Would add that newer traditions of Judaism like Reform not only ignore the no male sodomy commandment, but even perform gay weddings (as is the case with the local Reform synagogue.) Though I don't agree with modern revisionist traditions of any sort, it's worth mentioning.

And from recent news stories, a Methodist pastor is in hot water for officiating his gay son's wedding at his church.

(full disclosure: as a bisexual myself, while I don't think it's ok for Man to change things supposedly from G-d, as to this particular commandment, I haven't broken it in over 20 years, but the orientation and desire is still present. It isn't that I'm resisting so much as just not that highly sexed at 42 as I once was.) :)
Often hear Bible thumpers screaching how sex is a sin. But Judaism's all about making little Jews from passages of "Be fruitful and multiply... (Genesis 1:28)" to "10. If he takes another [wife] for himself, he shall not diminish her sustenance, her clothing, or her marital relations. - Exodus 21) and the promise of G-d to Abram "17. That I will surely bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand that is on the seashore, and your descendants will inherit the cities of their enemies. (Genesis 22)"

Hyperbole aside, that's still a lot of sex going on. Of the 24 specific sexual sins, most are concerning incest. 4 are things like no male-male sodomy (curiously, while very specific elsewhere, it doesn't mention female-female sodomy, while mentioning females being forbidden from other sexual things;) no beastiality, no sex with women during their menstrual period, and no male castration (be it human or beast;) And no adultery (which is spelled out to mean no sex with a married woman if not your own wife.

Interestingly premarital sex isn't mentioned. But sex is one of 3 ways to establish a marriage. Sex, exchanging of a coin (or in later times a ring,) and/or a written contract. The Torah/Tanach doesn't detail any sort of ceremony being required to officiate a marriage so it's assumed if you have sex with someone, you're in effect marrying them. And thus any sex with someone else may violate the no adultery commandment.

This is the Jewish side of things. If not Jewish, it doesn't bind you.

Would add that newer traditions of Judaism like Reform not only ignore the no male sodomy commandment, but even perform gay weddings (as is the case with the local Reform synagogue.) Though I don't agree with modern revisionist traditions of any sort, it's worth mentioning.

And from recent news stories, a Methodist pastor is in hot water for officiating his gay son's wedding at his church.

(full disclosure: as a bisexual myself, while I don't think it's ok for Man to change things supposedly from G-d, as to this particular commandment, I haven't broken it in over 20 years, but the orientation and desire is still present. It isn't that I'm resisting so much as just not that highly sexed at 42 as I once was.) :)

There's a reason God makes us saints, eunuchs.
The act of procreation is only a sin when it's abused.

Oh and female on female sodomy is not an issue because females don't usually perform sodomy on each other.
The act of procreation is only a sin when it's abused.

Oh and female on female sodomy is not an issue because females don't usually perform sodomy on each other.

Scriptural sodomy and modern day sodomy are identical. It refers to oral copulation, anal intercourse, and beastiality. People of today seem to think it's just anal intercourse. It isn't.
This "theword" fool is still going around message boards saying hes a saint in every single post? Sounds like a troll on drugs, to me.
I think he's just Mormon. They believe they're all saints, or at least the men are. Not the strangest belief they have. Reading up on the LDS' website during the re-election and Romney candidacy, I learned about one of the more interesting beliefs they have:

Precarnation. They believe they all existed in Heaven before they were born into their current lives. And that in order to 'earn' this life they promised to G-d to be obediant and faithful to Him.
“We were first begotten as spirit babies in heaven and then born naturally on earth” (Journal of Discourse, Vol. 4, p. 218).

As religions go, not the strangest belief, but definitely out there. When religions start adding books to the Bible they get in trouble. :)
Agnosticism is the only way to be truly honest with yourself. Your deep down YOU. Be honest with yourselves, people. It's pretty freeing, and up lifting.
Agnosticism is the only way to be truly honest with yourself. Your deep down YOU. Be honest with yourselves, people. It's pretty freeing, and up lifting.

It's not freeing to those who fear human freedom, GT.
Agnosticism is the only way to be truly honest with yourself. Your deep down YOU. Be honest with yourselves, people. It's pretty freeing, and up lifting.

It's not freeing to those who fear human freedom, GT.

I don't think that Freedom is a strictly defined term - and I'd bet setting the limitation at infringing on others' freedoms as the stopping point, the fear of human freedom is unfound.
Dislike the therm agnosticism. A-gnosticism? Gnosticism means wisdom. So anti-wisdom? :) Like humanism myself. To sum it up, 'being good does not require a deity.'
Dislike the therm agnosticism. A-gnosticism? Gnosticism means wisdom. So anti-wisdom? :) Like humanism myself. To sum it up, 'being good does not require a deity.'

I don't care to break it down into root words and get all technical with it, it's just the term to best suit my beliefs, and what I feel is the *only* honest belief: "I don't know."

In my humble opinion, anyone who claims to "know" is in some form or fashion, be it deep down or through illusion, being dishonest. With themselves, most importantly.
I think he's just Mormon. They believe they're all saints, or at least the men are. Not the strangest belief they have. Reading up on the LDS' website during the re-election and Romney candidacy, I learned about one of the more interesting beliefs they have:

Precarnation. They believe they all existed in Heaven before they were born into their current lives. And that in order to 'earn' this life they promised to G-d to be obediant and faithful to Him.
“We were first begotten as spirit babies in heaven and then born naturally on earth” (Journal of Discourse, Vol. 4, p. 218).

As religions go, not the strangest belief, but definitely out there. When religions start adding books to the Bible they get in trouble. :)

Theword is definitely not Mormon. The man thinks he is God.

I think when religions start saying God doesn't speak anymore is when they get in trouble. I think living off every word that proceeds from the Mouth of God is good
Dislike the therm agnosticism. A-gnosticism? Gnosticism means wisdom. So anti-wisdom? :) Like humanism myself. To sum it up, 'being good does not require a deity.'

I don't care to break it down into root words and get all technical with it, it's just the term to best suit my beliefs, and what I feel is the *only* honest belief: "I don't know."

In my humble opinion, anyone who claims to "know" is in some form or fashion, be it deep down or through illusion, being dishonest. With themselves, most importantly.

And in my humble opinion that anyone who claims that no one can know because they don't know is lying to themselves.

The key to learning any knowledge is the admission that you don't know and that you can learn it.

If you say you can't know something, you never will.

But men can know God. Ask and Ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto him.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not.

When one has an experience with the Lord, they know He is there. The Spirit testifies to our Spirits and will reveal to us the will of the Father. And the beauty of this is all can know by experimenting on the Word.
I didn't say we cant know, I said we don't.

And anyone who claims they do is lying.

Attributing coincidence to answered prayer is a choice, it is not a proof or something known. It's a stubborn mind simply choosing to do to.

Everyone is lying who claims to know what happens after death, or who created the Universe. I am 110% confident of this.
Often hear Bible thumpers screaching how sex is a sin. But Judaism's all about making little Jews from passages of "Be fruitful and multiply... (Genesis 1:28)" to "10. If he takes another [wife] for himself, he shall not diminish her sustenance, her clothing, or her marital relations. - Exodus 21) and the promise of G-d to Abram "17. That I will surely bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand that is on the seashore, and your descendants will inherit the cities of their enemies. (Genesis 22)"

Hyperbole aside, that's still a lot of sex going on. Of the 24 specific sexual sins, most are concerning incest. 4 are things like no male-male sodomy (curiously, while very specific elsewhere, it doesn't mention female-female sodomy, while mentioning females being forbidden from other sexual things;) no beastiality, no sex with women during their menstrual period, and no male castration (be it human or beast;) And no adultery (which is spelled out to mean no sex with a married woman if not your own wife.

Interestingly premarital sex isn't mentioned. But sex is one of 3 ways to establish a marriage. Sex, exchanging of a coin (or in later times a ring,) and/or a written contract. The Torah/Tanach doesn't detail any sort of ceremony being required to officiate a marriage so it's assumed if you have sex with someone, you're in effect marrying them. And thus any sex with someone else may violate the no adultery commandment.

This is the Jewish side of things. If not Jewish, it doesn't bind you.

Would add that newer traditions of Judaism like Reform not only ignore the no male sodomy commandment, but even perform gay weddings (as is the case with the local Reform synagogue.) Though I don't agree with modern revisionist traditions of any sort, it's worth mentioning.

And from recent news stories, a Methodist pastor is in hot water for officiating his gay son's wedding at his church.

(full disclosure: as a bisexual myself, while I don't think it's ok for Man to change things supposedly from G-d, as to this particular commandment, I haven't broken it in over 20 years, but the orientation and desire is still present. It isn't that I'm resisting so much as just not that highly sexed at 42 as I once was.) :)

There's a reason God makes us saints, eunuchs.

Like Jesus?
I didn't say we cant know, I said we don't.

And anyone who claims they do is lying.

Attributing coincidence to answered prayer is a choice, it is not a proof or something known. It's a stubborn mind simply choosing to do to.

Everyone is lying who claims to know what happens after death, or who created the Universe. I am 110% confident of this.

In 1923, Arthur Lammers, a wealthy printer and student of metaphysics, persuaded Cayce to give readings on philosophical subjects.[13] Cayce was told by Lammers that, while in his supposed trance state, he spoke of Lammers' past lives and of reincarnation, something Lammers believed in. Reincarnation was a popular subject of the day but not an accepted part of Christian doctrine. Because of this, Cayce questioned his stenographer about what he said in his trance state and remained unconvinced. He challenged Lammers' charge that he had validated astrology and reincarnation in the following dialogue:

Cayce: I said all that?... I couldn't have said all that in one reading.
Lammers: No. But you confirmed it. You see, I have been studying metaphysics for years, and I was able by a few questions, by the facts you gave, to check what is right and what is wrong with a whole lot of the stuff I've been reading. The important thing is that the basic system which runs through all the mystery religions, whether they come from Tibet or the pyramids of Egypt, is backed up by you. It's actually the right system.[14]

Cayce's stenographer recorded the following:

In this we see the plan of development of those individuals set upon this plane, meaning the ability to enter again into the presence of the Creator and become a full part of that creation.
Insofar as this entity is concerned, this is the third appearance on this plane, and before this one, as the monk. We see glimpses in the life of the entity now as were shown in the monk, in this mode of living. The body is only the vehicle ever of that spirit and soul that waft through all times and ever remain the same.

Cayce was quite unconvinced that he had been referring to the doctrine of reincarnation, and the best Lammers could offer was that the reading "opens up the door" and to go on to share his beliefs and knowledge with Cayce.[15] Lammers had come to him with quite a bit of information of his own to share with Cayce and seemed intent upon convincing Cayce now that he felt the reading had confirmed his strongly-held beliefs.[16] It should be noted, however, that 12 years earlier Cayce had briefly alluded to reincarnation. In reading 4841-1, given April 22, 1911, Cayce referred to the soul being "transmigrated". Because Cayce's readings were not systematically recorded until 1923, it is possible that he may have mentioned reincarnation in other earlier readings.

Edgar Cayce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I didn't say we cant know, I said we don't.

And anyone who claims they do is lying.

Attributing coincidence to answered prayer is a choice, it is not a proof or something known. It's a stubborn mind simply choosing to do to.

Everyone is lying who claims to know what happens after death, or who created the Universe. I am 110% confident of this.

If you can know, then you are lying when you say that no one knows. Because you aren't everyone. You don't know what they know. I don't know what you know and you don't know what I know, but you are going to presume you know what I don't know? You presume me to lie because you don't know.

That's illogical.

You can be 200% confident in a lie and it doesn't make it true because you are confident in it.
I didn't say we cant know, I said we don't.

And anyone who claims they do is lying.

Attributing coincidence to answered prayer is a choice, it is not a proof or something known. It's a stubborn mind simply choosing to do to.

Everyone is lying who claims to know what happens after death, or who created the Universe. I am 110% confident of this.

If you can know, then you are lying when you say that no one knows. Because you aren't everyone. You don't know what they know. I don't know what you know and you don't know what I know, but you are going to presume you know what I don't know? You presume me to lie because you don't know.

That's illogical.

You can be 200% confident in a lie and it doesn't make it true because you are confident in it.

I know that they don't know and that you don't know.

I am supremely confident because Religion itself is clearly bullshit, yes logically, and there are billions of people and mediums on the Earth to have proved something they know by now.

Well, they haven't.

"Faith" is not knowing. It's lying to yourself.

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