sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

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I'm going to leave that alone or my face will never heal.

I know I have pissed her off a time or two. May as well keep it up. But at least I didn't get graphic. I can write "steamy scenes" pretty well. Or so I'm told. Lol
I'm going to leave that alone or my face will never heal.

I know I have pissed her off a time or two. May as well keep it up. But at least I didn't get graphic. I can write "steamy scenes" pretty well. Or so I'm told. Lol
I don't think I've pissed her off yet. Truth be told, I'm kinda sweet on her, but like any man, I tend to read more into comments than was intended.
I'm going to leave that alone or my face will never heal.

I know I have pissed her off a time or two. May as well keep it up. But at least I didn't get graphic. I can write "steamy scenes" pretty well. Or so I'm told. Lol
I don't think I've pissed her off yet. Truth be told, I'm kinda sweet on her, but like any man, I tend to read more into comments than was intended.

That is very sweet, Ernie. :D
Do they also enjoy the unwanted pregnancies and STD's they get? Sexually transmitted disease could virtually be wiped out if everyone would just wait until they get married. Tell me I'm wrong.

Most people who use protection don't get an STD.

Plenty of instances where married people pass disease to one another. They cheat and always have. I think you have an idealistic view of the world that is really not the case at all. Desiring sex is normal for people. Some people are going to give into those temptations.

So, by your reasoning murder is OK because people are going to give in to temptation and do it anyway?

What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

It is not reasoning. Sex is not a crime. Sex is not immoral. It is a normal human act.

Running around naked in public is natural too. But it's still immoral.
Most people who use protection don't get an STD.

Plenty of instances where married people pass disease to one another. They cheat and always have. I think you have an idealistic view of the world that is really not the case at all. Desiring sex is normal for people. Some people are going to give into those temptations.

So, by your reasoning murder is OK because people are going to give in to temptation and do it anyway?

What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

It is not reasoning. Sex is not a crime. Sex is not immoral. It is a normal human act.

Running around naked in public is natural too. But it's still immoral.

Not to some. It is subjective depending upon your "religious" views.
Most people who use protection don't get an STD.

Plenty of instances where married people pass disease to one another. They cheat and always have. I think you have an idealistic view of the world that is really not the case at all. Desiring sex is normal for people. Some people are going to give into those temptations.

So, by your reasoning murder is OK because people are going to give in to temptation and do it anyway?

What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

It is not reasoning. Sex is not a crime. Sex is not immoral. It is a normal human act.

Running around naked in public is natural too. But it's still immoral.

Depends on what country you're in dude. ALL the beaches in the Med and ALL the beaches I've been to in South America (Brazil, Salvador), are topless, with lots of them being full nude beaches.

The only people that I've seen in the 20 years of travel that I did with the Navy that thought being naked was "immoral" were Americans.

Loved going overseas in the summertime.......................
The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

What makes Christian morals better than Buddhist morals? Or Taoist, or Jewish, for that matter?

Tell you what. Show me one societal ill, that is the result of human action, that is not contrary to what the Bible teaches about morality. You can't.

The raving of self-righteous fucks like you.

Please explain to me how I'm being self righteous by explaining what I believe is moral behavior, based on Scripture. Do you even know what self-righteous means?
So, by your reasoning murder is OK because people are going to give in to temptation and do it anyway?

What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

It is not reasoning. Sex is not a crime. Sex is not immoral. It is a normal human act.

Running around naked in public is natural too. But it's still immoral.

Not to some. It is subjective depending upon your "religious" views.
That's funny. I thought it was the law.
What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

It is not reasoning. Sex is not a crime. Sex is not immoral. It is a normal human act.

Running around naked in public is natural too. But it's still immoral.

Not to some. It is subjective depending upon your "religious" views.
That's funny. I thought it was the law.

Not in some countries. Not in some places. What planet are you living on?
I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.
Like I said, just about every beach in the Med is topless and many are full nude. Does that mean they are going against the "morality of Scripture" by doing so? Remember, Spain, Italy, and Greece (many beaches I've visited in those countries) are all good God fearing Christians, with many of them being Catholic.

Same thing with Brazil.

Nope, things are only "immoral" if they go against the assigned dogma of your particular belief system RWNJ. If you drop the blinders, you'll be much happier.

Besides.................Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden, and the reason God knew they ate the apple was because they were suddenly ashamed of being naked.

Up until the apple incident, naked was the accepted norm.'s HUMANS that suddenly decided being naked was "immoral". God still puts people in this world naked. I think if He thought being naked was "immoral", He'd have us born with fur.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.

You're right..............there is no such thing as "safe sex", especially if you do it right.

I always run the risk of a pulled muscle or a possible strained back.
Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.

You're right..............there is no such thing as "safe sex", especially if you do it right.

I always run the risk of a pulled muscle or a possible strained back.
Now that's funny!
Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.

You're right..............there is no such thing as "safe sex", especially if you do it right.

I always run the risk of a pulled muscle or a possible strained back.

Or sore tongue or locked jaw and oral vaginitis.
Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.

You're right..............there is no such thing as "safe sex", especially if you do it right.

I always run the risk of a pulled muscle or a possible strained back.
Cost me 2 weeks of work once back in my late 20s.
I considered dating only female chiropractors for a while.
Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.

You're right..............there is no such thing as "safe sex", especially if you do it right.

I always run the risk of a pulled muscle or a possible strained back.

Or sore tongue or locked jaw and oral vaginitis.
With a lot of practice, I got past that.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
There is no such thing as safe sex.
safer sex is ok too.

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