Sex Slave or Consenting Adult?

Most people in the community draw the line at "lasting physical harm". Basically, if it's going to involve a trip to the doctor, they avoid it.

Taking that statement literally would not be wise, though. By that literal definition, I've caused "lasting physical harm" that certainly involved multiple trips "to the doctor" just from having sex with my wife.


Okay, what the hell are YOU doing in the bedroom? Take the spikes off the strap-on, put down that gerbil, and back away slowly.

Think about what I said for a minute.
kansas city, mo. -- the allegations in the indictment were shocking: A young woman had been held captive for years as the sex slave of a missouri couple. She had been locked in a cage and subjected to electrical shocks. Parts of her body had been nailed to wooden planks.

When announcing charges last month, u.s. Attorney beth phillips called the case one of "the most horrific ever prosecuted in this district."

authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Susan dill, bagley's kansas city-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced bdsm -- bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism -- by choice.
this is not a taste!!!!!

Of course it isn't. It is a very extreme fact pattern, if all the allegations are true. For starters, it is a poly household, and those are extremely rare.

Nonetheless, if she was over 18, in her right mind, intelligent enough to consent, did consent and was not coerced to stay after withdrawing her consent -- I JUST DO NOT SEE THE PROBLEM.

According to the indictment, he restrained her and shocked until she had she went into cardiac arrest.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
And rapists don't?

You people act as if there are no masochists.

Don't lump me in with that group.

My apologies, but here's the thing.

If the masochist craves the sensation/pain and the sadist accommodates her or him....and both get their needs met......where's the harm? (Assuming the play remains within sane boundaries.)

Focus on the issue of consent. Sadists are not roaming the hills looking for non-masochists to "convert", and masochists are not seeking "regular people" to inspire to become Marque De Sade. They seek one another....and they make each other happy.

You people act as if there are no masochists.

Don't lump me in with that group.

My apologies, but here's the thing.

If the masochist craves the sensation/pain and the sadist accommodates her or him....and both get their needs met......where's the harm? (Assuming the play remains within sane boundaries.)

Focus on the issue of consent. Sadists are not roaming the hills looking for non-masochists to "convert", and masochists are not seeking "regular people" to inspire to become Marque De Sade. They seek one another....and they make each other happy.

I know that. I haven't argued against that.
this is not a taste!!!!!

Of course it isn't. It is a very extreme fact pattern, if all the allegations are true. For starters, it is a poly household, and those are extremely rare.

Nonetheless, if she was over 18, in her right mind, intelligent enough to consent, did consent and was not coerced to stay after withdrawing her consent -- I JUST DO NOT SEE THE PROBLEM.

According to the indictment, he restrained her and shocked until she had she went into cardiac arrest.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

That just is not how I read the article. She seized during non-sexual household conduct, nobody knows why, and the couple she lived with saved her.

I'd agree that if the facts you posited were true, that would be attempted murder or some other crime.
Do you understand that these people ALL started out as "everyday BDSM practitioners" ?

That's like saying all rapists started out having normal, consensual sex.

Not even close...sadists ENJOY hurting people...period.

BDSM practitioners enjoy giving DESIRED SENSATION to their partners. They wouldn't enjoy causing harm to them any more than you would enjoy harming your partner (I assume). I have never personally seen a bottom call a safe word where the top didn't immediately respond with solicitous concern and worry.

Just because a certain sensation is not something YOU enjoy receiving does not make it "sick" for everyone. Please get over the egotistic notion that YOU are the representative of the "universal norm" to which everyone else should aspire.
No clue.
She was probably somewhat taken advantage of, but from the sounds of it she could have probably left.
Not even close...sadists ENJOY hurting people...period.

And rapists don't?

No, rapists DO..but everyone who started out having normal sex doesn't.

Every sadist, whether consensual or criminal, gleans enjoyment from others pain.

The quality of the enjoyment a sadist gets from inflicting pain on a masochist is entirely different from the quality of the interaction between a sadist and a non-willing, non-masochist. I encourage you to read some of the article I linked; for starters, the bottom always controls the play, completely.

I think you are imagining the Spanish Inquisition and it just is not like that.
They claim she was "mentally deficient". I would suggest that anyone who practices BDSM is "mentally deficient", wouldn't you?

Because anyone who makes a lifestyle choice different from your own just must be mentally deficient, eh? :eusa_eh:
kansas city, mo. -- the allegations in the indictment were shocking: A young woman had been held captive for years as the sex slave of a missouri couple. She had been locked in a cage and subjected to electrical shocks. Parts of her body had been nailed to wooden planks.

When announcing charges last month, u.s. Attorney beth phillips called the case one of "the most horrific ever prosecuted in this district."

authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Susan dill, bagley's kansas city-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced bdsm -- bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism -- by choice.

this is not a taste!!!!!

Of course it isn't. It is a very extreme fact pattern, if all the allegations are true. For starters, it is a poly household, and those are extremely rare.

Nonetheless, if she was over 18, in her right mind, intelligent enough to consent, did consent and was not coerced to stay after withdrawing her consent -- I JUST DO NOT SEE THE PROBLEM.

You'd be surprised how rare poly households AREN'T these days, with the numbers growing every year. But in most states, they're forced to fly under the radar, for fear of losing their children to Social Services.
Missourian, I sense this is a case of fearing the unknown. Here's a link to some good information on the subject.....

SM 101 by Jay Wiseman

Maddy, I find that this is a case of not using common sense.

It takes a special kind of sick person to receive pleasure and sexual gratification from the pain and humiliation of another human being, "consensual" or otherwise.

Think it the examples I posted.

Lemme give you a real life example. Boyfriend X and I had been together ages, and to make fun, we "pretended" to not know each other in a bar, where he "picked me up". We had a blast.

And yet, I have not taken up murdering people. Pretending via consent is not the same as forcing a stranger for real, Missourian.

Why don't you give me an example that, no matter how tenuous, has the slightest shred of the topic we are discussing.

Your example is of role playing, unless a role playing example involves being abducted, stripped naked, beaten, bound and raped, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic we are discussing.

And as I've said all along, if you as a woman don't see some wrong with along with fulfilling that fantasy, something is wrong with you too.
Not even close...sadists ENJOY hurting people...period.

And rapists don't?

No, rapists DO..but everyone who started out having normal sex doesn't.

Every sadist, whether consensual or criminal, gleans enjoyment from others pain.

So what? And every masochist gleans enjoyment from their own pain. That doesn't mean everyone in the BDSM goes on to be a serial killer. Let the sadist find the masochist and everyone's happy.
Maddy, I find that this is a case of not using common sense.

It takes a special kind of sick person to receive pleasure and sexual gratification from the pain and humiliation of another human being, "consensual" or otherwise.

Think it the examples I posted.

Lemme give you a real life example. Boyfriend X and I had been together ages, and to make fun, we "pretended" to not know each other in a bar, where he "picked me up". We had a blast.

And yet, I have not taken up murdering people. Pretending via consent is not the same as forcing a stranger for real, Missourian.

Why don't you give me an example that, no matter how tenuous, has the slightest shred of the topic we are discussing.

Your example is of role playing, unless a role playing example involves being abducted, stripped naked, beaten, bound and raped, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic we are discussing.

And as I've said all along, if you as a woman don't see some wrong with along with fulfilling that fantasy, something is wrong with you too.

All things being sane, I see nothing wrong with two people acting out whatever fantasises they like. "Rape play" is very popular and most couples try it on. Pretend rape with a man you love and trust is a wholly different experience from actual rape.....I'm sure you know this.

I bet if you are honest, you have tried this form of sex play. Again, it is a question of degrees, and keeping all behavior sane.
And rapists don't?

No, rapists DO..but everyone who started out having normal sex doesn't.

Every sadist, whether consensual or criminal, gleans enjoyment from others pain.

The quality of the enjoyment a sadist gets from inflicting pain on a masochist is entirely different from the quality of the interaction between a sadist and a non-willing, non-masochist. I encourage you to read some of the article I linked; for starters, the bottom always controls the play, completely.

I think you are imagining the Spanish Inquisition and it just is not like that.

And you should read the examples I have provided. The bottom in the OP wasn't "in control". In the indictment the victim states repeatedly that the defendant regularly ignored the "safe word" and threatened to bury her alive if she tried to leave. Then he showed her a video depicting the exact methodology with which he planned the burial.
Not even close...sadists ENJOY hurting people...period.

And rapists don't?

No, rapists DO..but everyone who started out having normal sex doesn't.

Every sadist, whether consensual or criminal, gleans enjoyment from others pain.

THAT is my point. Everyone who starts out having normal sex doesn't become a rapist. Only those who start out with those urges do. And everyone who starts out participating in BDSM doesn't because a criminal sexual sadist. Only those who start out with THOSE urges do.

Also, there is a very big difference between consensual S/M and pain.
Lemme give you a real life example. Boyfriend X and I had been together ages, and to make fun, we "pretended" to not know each other in a bar, where he "picked me up". We had a blast.

And yet, I have not taken up murdering people. Pretending via consent is not the same as forcing a stranger for real, Missourian.

Why don't you give me an example that, no matter how tenuous, has the slightest shred of the topic we are discussing.

Your example is of role playing, unless a role playing example involves being abducted, stripped naked, beaten, bound and raped, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic we are discussing.

And as I've said all along, if you as a woman don't see some wrong with along with fulfilling that fantasy, something is wrong with you too.

All things being sane, I see nothing wrong with two people acting out whatever fantasises they like. "Rape play" is very popular and most couples try it on. Pretend rape with a man you love and trust is a wholly different experience from actual rape.....I'm sure you know this.

I bet if you are honest, you have tried this form of sex play. Again, it is a question of degrees, and keeping all behavior sane.

You are out of your mind.
And rapists don't?

No, rapists DO..but everyone who started out having normal sex doesn't.

Every sadist, whether consensual or criminal, gleans enjoyment from others pain.

THAT is my point. Everyone who starts out having normal sex doesn't become a rapist. Only those who start out with those urges do. And everyone who starts out participating in BDSM doesn't because a criminal sexual sadist. Only those who start out with THOSE urges do.

Also, there is a very big difference between consensual S/M and pain.

All sadists start out with the urges...that's my point.

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