Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Now, if you were being followed or actually truly harassed, then you might have a complaint, but this is just a bunch of bull crap. Words certainly don't make ME feel like a victim.

Have I said it made the woman a victim? No I did not.

You're right. It's only a small percentage of men who do this, but there is a LOT more of it today than there was when I the age of the woman in the video. My 24 year daughter tells me that the attention is relentless when she is out in public by herself. And she's sick of it. She would like to be able to walk down the street without men making comments and attempting to approach her.

What I find surprising is that anyone is defending the practice of catcalling at all.

Catcalling gets defended in the same was flag burning does. Most find the action distasteful. Freedom of speech, however needs to be defended at every turn. If it gets whittled away, it is gone before the PC police know what happened.

Your daughter needs to move or she is exaggerating. That actress picked shady areas of the rudest city in the nation, and that video is the worst she could come up with in 10 hours. This has been pointed out to you several times and you ignore.

Sexual harassment has declined, definitely. I know this because bosses do not put their hands on my ass, and I don't have to worry about getting fired for my reaction if they do. They don't ask what you're willing to do for that promotion (wink wink) anymore.

Catcalling is rude. We all agree. There is no right to courtesy, though. Do you have any comment on the actress equating "Hey, Beautiful" to sexual harassment? You haven't answered that either.

The notion that women are harassed every 6 minutes for simply walking down the street is BS. If it is like that in NYC, then it is a local problem and NYers need to raise their children better. The last time I was harassed for walking down the street, I'd left the tourist area in Jamaica.

Then again catcalling could be flattery. I know a lot of women that take it as flattery, which Is what most if not all of those were.

Of course those women that do take it as flattery, are the fools right?

Liberals. Such narcissists.

Why you associate this with liberals as a political ideology is beyond me
Because he's a narcissist. He's associating it with liberals which then means it's really all about him.
Liberals are stupid. Liberal women are annoying as shit.

I just stated two facts.
Cant get rid of this stupid draft from yesterday so have to edit it and post or the ghost keeps coming back
Dragonlady Here's your solution. You get what you desire and you don't have to strip people of human rights in order to achieve your goal. Men will ignore you when you wear a burka.

The woman has to strip herself of her human rights to make it happen. But you've made it clear time and time again that you don't care about women's rights.

Incidentally, there is no right to freedom of speech. The freedom of speech clause in the American Constitution is the right to freely criticize the government. It doesn't allow you to say anything you want to anyone.

You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre. You can't threaten someone's life. You can't tell lies and libel someone and not be sued. You can't bully or threaten people. You can't call police and say you planted a bomb somewhere. Even if you didn't plant a bomb, you can be arrested just for saying you did. You can't reveal state secrets. There are lots of instances of things you cannot say.
Dragonlady Here's your solution. You get what you desire and you don't have to strip people of human rights in order to achieve your goal. Men will ignore you when you wear a burka.

The woman has to strip herself of her human rights to make it happen. But you've made it clear time and time again that you don't care about women's rights.

You don't have a right to be free from insult. I wish it were so for then all liberals would be deported and spare the rest of us having to endure their inanities. If you don't wish to be insulted then it's up to you to find ways to insulate yourself from insult.

Incidentally, there is no right to freedom of speech. The freedom of speech clause in the American Constitution is the right to freely criticize the government. It doesn't allow you to say anything you want to anyone.

You're a Canadian, where your Supreme Court invalidated the use of truth as a defense in courtrooms, so you can be excused in making erroneous statements about Americans rights. Heck you're probably wrong about Canadian law too.

You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre. You can't threaten someone's life. You can't tell lies and libel someone and not be sued. You can't bully or threaten people. You can't call police and say you planted a bomb somewhere. Even if you didn't plant a bomb, you can be arrested just for saying you did. You can't reveal state secrets. There are lots of instances of things you cannot say.

Public harm, criminal threat, damage to reputation are all very specific harms - saying "hello beautiful" to a woman just doesn't compare.
What does the edited video say about America? Does it give ammunition to low information left wing that pretends that America is a vulgar Nation? Try it in France. When normal women risk beatings and assault and death in Muslem dominated cultures for refusing to cover their heads it makes America a symbol of freedom in the world.
Public harm, criminal threat, damage to reputation are all very specific harms - saying "hello beautiful" to a woman just doesn't compare.

At not time have I said there should be a legal prohibition on catcalls. I have merely said that it's rude, and it certainly isn't going to get you a date, or even an introduction.

I find it very telling that your solution to men' behaving badly towards women, is to have the women change their behavior.
Public harm, criminal threat, damage to reputation are all very specific harms - saying "hello beautiful" to a woman just doesn't compare.

At not time have I said there should be a legal prohibition on catcalls. I have merely said that it's rude, and it certainly isn't going to get you a date, or even an introduction.

I find it very telling that your solution to men' behaving badly towards women, is to have the women change their behavior.

If someone is speaking in ways which I find offensive, I walk away, what I don't do is try to force him to change his speech.

I'm not saying that catcalling isn't rude, but you're wrong to conclude that women don't respond. What you likely mean is that YOU, and women like you, don't respond, but clearly some women are susceptible to the right approach and these guys are just playing the odds.
Doesn't it seem so whiny though?

Oh, some men on the street looked me up and down and said "hi beautiful" or "looking good." Oh, that's just terrible. Oh the humanity! :rolleyes-41:

I'm sorry, but with people being beheaded, the economy sucking, the chaos in the ME, etc., this just seems so trivial and whiny and unimportant to me.

Expecting to be treated with respect is whiny?

Do you shout out at good-looking men as they walk by - "Hey handsome! Looking good!". If you think it's cool and acceptable for men to do this to women, why don't you do it to men?

Ummm...because she might get laid for the first time in her life?
I don't know of any women that have dated a man who catcalled to them as they walked down the street. Most women meet men in social settings where interaction is expected and is appropriate - a party, a backyard BBQ, at church, in a bar, at a sporting event, or when introduced by friends or relatives - generally in a setting where the man has a reasonable expectation that the woman is not likely to be offended by his approach. A woman walking down the street may be married, engaged, or otherwise uninterested in meeting men, therefore the approach is both inappropriate and unwelcome.

The old expression "There is a time and a place for everything", and harassing a woman as she walks down the street is the least likely way of successfully introducing yourself to a woman you may be interested in. If you are interested in offending her and possibly frightening her, by all means, shout at her, follow her and try to attract her attention and get a response. When I was a kid, women referred to strangers who harassed them in public as "mashers", and it wasn't a compliment.

Why would you wish to defend behavior that is rude, inappropriate, or will more than likely offend the woman you say you want to meet?

I wouldn't date a guy who would make inappropriate remarks to anybody, male or female, on the street. For that matter, I wouldn't date a guy who would make inappropriate, hateful, and/or judgmental statements to anybody, male or female, on a message boards. I expect a higher standard of maturity and common sense I guess. But in a world in which there is somebody for pretty much everybody who wants somebody, I am sure there are women who think nothing of the inappropriate behavior or attitudes of the guys or gals they date.

But respect works both ways. The woman who dresses or behaves in a way that suggests she doesn't respect herself can hardly be indignant if she doesn't command respect from others. The guy who has no sense of propriety and feels it is his right to say any nasty, hateful, or judgmental thing that crosses his mind can hardly complain if he receives that kind of response.

But this business about treating men and women as equals is absurd. I expect to treat all people, regardless of gender, with the respect they deserve and command. And some of both genders will deserve and command respect more than others.

Yea, yea. I'll bet you're a regular gal with a lampshade on her head at parties, huh?
Dragonlady Here's your solution. You get what you desire and you don't have to strip people of human rights in order to achieve your goal. Men will ignore you when you wear a burka.

The woman has to strip herself of her human rights to make it happen. But you've made it clear time and time again that you don't care about women's rights.

You don't have a right to be free from insult. I wish it were so for then all liberals would be deported and spare the rest of us having to endure their inanities. If you don't wish to be insulted then it's up to you to find ways to insulate yourself from insult.

Incidentally, there is no right to freedom of speech. The freedom of speech clause in the American Constitution is the right to freely criticize the government. It doesn't allow you to say anything you want to anyone.

You're a Canadian, where your Supreme Court invalidated the use of truth as a defense in courtrooms, so you can be excused in making erroneous statements about Americans rights. Heck you're probably wrong about Canadian law too.

You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre. You can't threaten someone's life. You can't tell lies and libel someone and not be sued. You can't bully or threaten people. You can't call police and say you planted a bomb somewhere. Even if you didn't plant a bomb, you can be arrested just for saying you did. You can't reveal state secrets. There are lots of instances of things you cannot say.

Public harm, criminal threat, damage to reputation are all very specific harms - saying "hello beautiful" to a woman just doesn't compare.

I am telling you, these women (especially this one and the one in the video) are showing their prejudices.

It is not what is being said, but who is saying it. That simple. You think any of these women (let us assume for one moment that they are not man hating lesbians) would complain if it was Brad Pitt that was giving them catcalls?

It is not WHAT is being said, but WHO is saying it to them. It really is that simple.
I am telling you, these women (especially this one and the one in the video) are showing their prejudices.

It is not what is being said, but who is saying it. That simple. You think any of these women (let us assume for one moment that they are not man hating lesbians) would complain if it was Brad Pitt that was giving them catcalls?

It is not WHAT is being said, but WHO is saying it to them. It really is that simple.

That's always the comeback when a woman calls out a man for bad behavior: You must be a man-hating lesbian. If a woman is tired of being treated like a piece of meat when she goes about her daily business, she must be a manhating lesbian. You can always tell when someone has no response. They resort to insulting the poster.

And quite frankly, if Brad Pitt was doing the catcalling, I'd be very disappointed in him. Aside from the fact that he's married, I thought better of him than that.
I am telling you, these women (especially this one and the one in the video) are showing their prejudices.

It is not what is being said, but who is saying it. That simple. You think any of these women (let us assume for one moment that they are not man hating lesbians) would complain if it was Brad Pitt that was giving them catcalls?

It is not WHAT is being said, but WHO is saying it to them. It really is that simple.

That's always the comeback when a woman calls out a man for bad behavior: You must be a man-hating lesbian. If a woman is tired of being treated like a piece of meat when she goes about her daily business, she must be a manhating lesbian. You can always tell when someone has no response. They resort to insulting the poster.

And quite frankly, if Brad Pitt was doing the catcalling, I'd be very disappointed in him. Aside from the fact that he's married, I thought better of him than that.

Whether or not he is married, is not the point. I am a man hating lesbian? WTF? Ok, I will be called a lesbian. I guess.

I am insulting you by pointing that catcalls are compliments? You can deny all you want that you would NOT be greatly offended if a man that LOOKED LIKES BRAD PITT gave a catcall to you, but WE ALL KNOW DIFFERENT.

All you have done is point out that it is not WHAT THE MEN are saying, but WHO THE MEN ARE that are saying it. Catcalls are nothing. Tame.

Your delicate sensibilities and intolerance for something that is bye and large pretty natural IS THE PROBLEM.

Now, you are going to do the predictable thing and claim I am saying a man being rude to a woman is acceptable. No, I am saying most of the catcalls in the video were tame as hell and NOT RUDE or insulting.

You want me to get insulting? You want to me let you know what real insults are? Let me know. In the mean time lighten up, and stop being such.....<you know what..>
I am telling you, these women (especially this one and the one in the video) are showing their prejudices.

It is not what is being said, but who is saying it. That simple. You think any of these women (let us assume for one moment that they are not man hating lesbians) would complain if it was Brad Pitt that was giving them catcalls?

It is not WHAT is being said, but WHO is saying it to them. It really is that simple.

That's always the comeback when a woman calls out a man for bad behavior: You must be a man-hating lesbian. If a woman is tired of being treated like a piece of meat when she goes about her daily business, she must be a manhating lesbian. You can always tell when someone has no response. They resort to insulting the poster.

And quite frankly, if Brad Pitt was doing the catcalling, I'd be very disappointed in him. Aside from the fact that he's married, I thought better of him than that.

Whether or not he is married, is not the point. I am a man hating lesbian? WTF? Ok, I will be called a lesbian. I guess.

I am insulting you by pointing that catcalls are compliments? You can deny all you want that you would NOT be greatly offended if a man that LOOKED LIKES BRAD PITT gave a catcall to you, but WE ALL KNOW DIFFERENT.

All you have done is point out that it is not WHAT THE MEN are saying, but WHO THE MEN ARE that are saying it. Catcalls are nothing. Tame.

Your delicate sensibilities and intolerance for something that is bye and large pretty natural IS THE PROBLEM.

Now, you are going to do the predictable thing and claim I am saying a man being rude to a woman is acceptable. No, I am saying most of the catcalls in the video were tame as hell and NOT RUDE or insulting.

You want me to get insulting? You want to me let you know what real insults are? Let me know. In the mean time lighten up, and stop being such.....<you know what..>

Apparently you lack the ability to understand grammar and syntax. You called me a man-hating lesbian because I dared to call out men for their bad behavior. That seems to be your only comeback - to insult me.

Catcalls are tame, but that doesn't mean they aren't rude and that women should have to accept them. Nor are they "natural". They are a symptom of a society that has no respect for women, unless they are dressed in religious garb. My daughter tells me that not only does she get catcalls constantly when she goes out, but she is frequently groped on public transit - emphasis on frequently. I've been groped on public transit as well, when I was younger, but it was a very rare occurrence. These days, women cannot leave their drinks unattended in bars, because of the danger of having someone slip date-rape drugs into them.

At what point do we say "Stop", this escalation of disrespect and abuse of women. When we let the small things slide, they escalate.

If you truly believe, as you say that being rude to a woman is not acceptable, why are you defending catcalls? If, as you say, that catcalling is rude, then why defend it at all? All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing. It's well past the time when decent men and women should stop telling women to suck it up and start saying that there is something seriously wrong with a society where women have to be on constant guard.

We have become a society that condones rape and violence against women. Because we continue to tell women that they're over-reacting.

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