sexual slavery & forced labor, modern-day slavery Death, disappearance, & enslavement


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
We're not talking about some 3rd world country here, we're talking about America! Is this the country we've become so Big Business can have their cheap labor at the expense of the taxpayers? :evil:

CBP Launches Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign
'Don’t Be Fooled' to Complement Central America/Mexico Campaign

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Washington -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection today launched two public service announcements as part of the “Don’t Be Fooled” campaign—a public awareness campaign designed to educate citizens and encourage public vigilance to combat human trafficking within local communities, and invite others to join the fight against this form of modern-day slavery.

click for hi-res

Don't Be Fooled is a CBP campaign to fight human trafficking.

The two public service announcements, titled “Masquerade” and “Bird Cage,” will begin airing July 25 in three key media markets: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and the Washington, D.C., metro area. All announcements will provide a phone number citizens can call to report suspicious activity.

“Death, disappearance, and enslavement—these too often are the futures that await illegal immigrants who mortgage their lives to human smugglers” said CBP Deputy Commissioner, David V. Aguilar. “These evils are what CBP and our partner agencies within the Department of Homeland Security began to target with last year’s ‘No Te Engañes’ campaign and that we continue to combat with our new ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ efforts.”

“Trafficking victims live under a crippling fear under the control of their traffickers who’ve filled their minds with lies,” said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director Kumar C. Kibble. “Through CBP’s ‘No Te Engañes’ public service announcement, we hope to reach and rescue the victims who’ve endured much pain and suffering at the hands of callous criminals. ICE is committed to arresting human traffickers and bring them to justice by ensuring that they feel the full weight of the law.”

“Raising awareness and educating people about the crime of human trafficking and the recruitment methods of traffickers is a vital area of work in the overall anti-trafficking fight,” said Bradley Myles, executive director and CEO of the Polaris Project. “In the United States’ 3-P approach of Protection, Prosecution, and Prevention, new prevention-focused initiatives are needed, and this campaign ensures that people are more equipped with tools to prevent human trafficking before it starts.”

In February 2010, CBP launched the first phase of the “No Te Engañes” public awareness Spanish language campaign in Central America and Mexico to underscore the dangers of the two most common types of trafficking: sexual slavery and forced labor.

In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security launched the Blue Campaign – a first-of-its-kind campaign to coordinate and enhance DHS’s anti-human trafficking activities. It leverages the authorities and resources of DHS to deter human trafficking through a three-pronged strategy of prevention, protecting victims, and prosecution.

Learn more about No Te Engañes/Don't Be Fooled on the CBP website:

( No Te Engañes )

PSAs are available on DVIDS:

CBP “Don’t Be Fooled,” “Masquerade” PSA: ( Video: Masquerade )

CBP “Don’t Be Fooled,” “Birdcage” PSA: ( Video: Birdcage )

CBP “Don’t Be Fooled,” print campaign: ( Video: print campaign )

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency
Granny tells Uncle Ferd to stay away from Hispexican puntas so's he won't catch one o' dem nasty STD's...
Mass arrests in Mexico human trafficking raids
24 July 2011 - More than 1,000 people have been arrested in a crackdown on human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Ciudad Juarez, officials in Mexico say.
The arrests were made during raids that began on Friday, in which police say they also rescued 20 underage women. Dozens of bars and hotels in the city centre were searched for missing people, authorities said.

Ciudad Juarez - on the border with the US - is one of the most violent places in the country. The city saw more than 3,000 murders in 2010, making it by far Mexico's deadliest city.

But human rights groups have often drawn attention to the disappearance of young women in the area. Analysts say that much of the violence in Mexico, particularly in the north, is linked to the trade in drugs and humans.

BBC News - Mass arrests in Mexico human trafficking raids
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A ‘godfather’ sentenced

U.S. prosecutors have won stiff sentences for Mexican traffickers in recent years, often in cooperation with Mexican authorities. A Mexican “padrote,” or godfather, from a trafficking stronghold in Tlaxcala state, got 40 years in Atlanta, GA. in March for forcing 10 girls, one of them 14, into immigrating north for prostitution. If they refused, he beat them.


In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men. Source (CDC):


"Illegal Aliens and American Medicine". "Many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American Medicine fought and vanquished long ago, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue and Chagas disease."
The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
Smugglers only look as people as a commodity...
Human smugglers shifting tactics
Mon, Aug 01, 2011 - TIGHTER BORDERS: Mexican people smugglers are starting to carry would-be immigrants in small, rickety boats out to see before marooning them in California
When US immigration agents found a boatload of Mexican castaways huddled on a Malibu beach, and a larger group marooned a week later on an island north of Los Angeles, they realized it was a new trend. Tightened security along the US-Mexico border is pushing human smugglers from Baja California to forsake the treacherous trek across mountains and deserts in favor of ferrying illegal immigrants by sea. “They’re going farther north,” said Jerry Conlin, a spokesman for US Customs and Border Protection in San Diego, California. “These smugglers will take would-be crossers to the most remote areas where they believe their chances are much greater at successfully smuggling these individuals into the US.”


US authorities have tallied 12 incidents of human smuggling by boat off Southern California in the first six months of this year, compared with four in the same period last year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said. ICE attributes the increase to stepped-up patrols, fencing and camera surveillance along the nearly 3,200km US border with Mexico. In response, agents have added boat patrols, surveillance units and are collaborating with the Mexican government.


In one striking case this month, 15 Mexican and Guatemalan nationals had to be rescued from Santa Cruz Island, about 32km off the coast of Ventura, California. Part of the Channel Islands National Park, Santa Cruz is a popular outdoor spot for Los Angeles-area campers, kayakers, snorkelers and hikers. However, the illegal immigrants found there on July 8 had been marooned without food or water for three days, immigration officials said. Authorities say the seaborne smuggling crews, complete with boat captains, first mates and navigators, typically transport illegal immigrants on rickety fishing boats.

They travel out to sea in the dead of night with no lights or safety equipment and drop their human cargo off on Southern California beaches. Agents so far have investigated such incidents in Orange, Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Ten suspected illegal immigrants were detained on June 29 near the upscale seaside enclave of Malibu. A woman in that group had a broken nose, and one man had broken his leg, injuries suffered when they came ashore, officials said. Agents caught 14 people at Crystal Cove State Park in Orange County on July 12 after their boat capsized. Three of the people -arrested were charged with conspiring to bring illegal immigrants into the country.


One passenger, Sergio Carillo-Vasquez, told investigators that he agreed to pay the smugglers US$7,000, according to a Border Patrol affidavit. Claude Arnold, ICE special agent in Los Angeles, said it was surprising that no one is known to have died at sea. “The smugglers don’t care about these people,” he said. “They look at them as a commodity.”

Human smugglers shifting tactics - Taipei Times
300 Women Rescued From Sexual Slavery In Peru Jungle...
5 arrested in Peru sex slavery raid
10.04.11, Peruvian prosecutors say five people have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking in police raids on brothels that rescued 293 women in a jungle region rife with illegal gold-mining.
Police say the women were rescued from sexual slavery in the Amazon state of Madre de Dios. The weekend raids were on 60 houses of prostitution and involved more than 400 officers.

Local prosecutor Fernando de Santa Maria says that of the 293 women, at least were five minors, the youngest age 13.

Thousands of fortune-seekers have flooded into Madre de Dios in a gold rush that is destroying rain forest and contaminating the environment with tons of mercury, which used in processing the gold.

Interesting that Wolf didn't mention that Blacks account for half of all new HIV infections. Wolf wants to make it seem like the epidemic is in the Hispanic community or that they are at fault for HIV...yet half of all new infections are African Americans.
Ahhh - the problems this country has for not doing more to secure our borders. Please note that I said borderS. The CBP can warn till blue in the face - but - if the countries which this people come from don't do more, these abuses will continue. The USA can't do it all, folks.
China nabs the bad guys...
China rescues 178 children in trafficking bust
7 Dec.`11 – Chinese police arrested 608 suspects and rescued 178 children in busts of two separate child trafficking networks, authorities said Wednesday.
The Ministry of Public Security said said prosecutors were preparing cases against the suspects, suggesting that charges have yet to be filed. Its statement posted online said 5,000 police across 10 provinces cooperated for six months on the investigation and moved in to arrest the suspects last week.

Child trafficking is big problem in China, where traditional preference for male heirs and a restrictive one-child policy has driven a thriving market in baby boys, who fetch a considerably higher price than girls. Girls and women also are abducted and used as laborers or as brides for unwed sons. Tens of thousands of children go missing every year, though the exact numbers of victims are difficult to obtain.

The rescued children will be put into orphanages while authorities try to reunite them with their families, the ministry said. It didn't give the age range of the abducted children or other specifics. An investigation into a traffic accident in south China's Sichuan province in May led police to the first ring, which was allegedly selling children abducted or bought in Sichuan to buyers in central China's Hebei province and elsewhere. The ring had links to at least 26 gangs nationwide, it said.

The second ring was uncovered in August and was based in southeast China's Fujian province and led by a female suspect identified as Chen Xiumei. The statement said police have cracked more than 7,000 gangs or rings that sold women or children since a special campaign against human trafficking started in April 2009. It said 18,518 children and 34,813 women have been rescued.

Oh boy, another "Awareness Campaign"! Does it come with a colored ribbon that we can wear to show that we care more than other people do?
Well Mad Scientist - according to the nuts in CA, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. What have you done to stop sex slavery in your hometown today? :cuckoo:

California is on the cusp of requiring businesses to catalogue how they combat human trafficking, a move meant to crack down on a forced labor epidemic that ensnares millions worldwide -- but which could also impose substantial burdens on companies across America.

The law, passed in 2010, is set to go into effect Jan. 1. It doesn't technically require businesses to stop forced labor. Rather, it requires companies to disclose what efforts they take to "eradicate" slavery and trafficking from their supply chains. And it only applies to retailers and manufacturers doing business in the state that make more than $100 million a year.

Read more: Companies Prepare For Paperwork As California Enacts Anti-Trafficking Law | Fox News

Call me naive, but I'm pretty sure that most businesses making over $100 million don't employee sex slaves. Just a hunch.

I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Isn't this the government's job?
Forced Labor

A conspiracy indictment was brought last week against a Los Angeles company, alleging forced labor on a chilling scale. Six contractors are accused of a scheme to hold 400 workers from Thailand in virtual slavery on farms in Hawaii and Washington State.
Labor and Consumer Groups Call on U.S. Government to Improve Procurement Tool in the Fight Against Forced Child Labor Globally

Labor and Consumer Groups Call on U.S. Government to Improve Procurement Tool in... -- WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

"U.S. Gov Spends Billions Each Year on Secondary Products Like Chocolate and Uniforms Potentially Made with Exploitative Child Labor; Groups Seek to Close Loophole and Prevent Contractors From Potentially Selling Goods Made with Forced Child Labor to the Government"

"WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- This week a coalition of twenty-four organizations representing organized labor, religious communities, socially responsible businesses, and consumers shared with the U.S. Department of Labor a vision on how the U.S. Government could do more to ensure that taxpayer dollars don't support forced child labor. The groups have requested that the Government require its suppliers who provide goods potentially made with forced child labor to screen their suppliers and root out any who may use forced child labor."
Slave labour that shames America

Migrant workers chained beaten and forced into debt, exposing the human cost of producing cheap food

"Three Florida fruit-pickers, held captive and brutalised by their employer for more than a year, finally broke free of their bonds by punching their way through the ventilator hatch of the van in which they were imprisoned. Once outside, they dashed for freedom."

"When they found sanctuary one recent Sunday morning, all bore the marks of heavy beatings to the head and body. One of the pickers had a nasty, untreated knife wound on his arm. Police would learn later that another man had his hands chained behind his back every night to prevent him escaping, leaving his wrists swollen."
Anti-Slavery - Forced Labour

How big is the problem?

The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that there are at least 12.3 million people in forced labour worldwide. Children are thought to make up between 40 and 50 per cent of all forced labourers.

Of this total some 2.4 million people are in forced labour as a result of human trafficking. Women and girls account for almost all those trafficked into sexual exploitation and the majority of people trafficked into labour exploitation. This means that some 80 per cent of all people trafficked for both economic and sexual exploitation are women and girls.
Well Mad Scientist - according to the nuts in CA, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. What have you done to stop sex slavery in your hometown today? :cuckoo:

California is on the cusp of requiring businesses to catalogue how they combat human trafficking, a move meant to crack down on a forced labor epidemic that ensnares millions worldwide -- but which could also impose substantial burdens on companies across America.

The law, passed in 2010, is set to go into effect Jan. 1. It doesn't technically require businesses to stop forced labor. Rather, it requires companies to disclose what efforts they take to "eradicate" slavery and trafficking from their supply chains. And it only applies to retailers and manufacturers doing business in the state that make more than $100 million a year.

Read more: Companies Prepare For Paperwork As California Enacts Anti-Trafficking Law | Fox News

Call me naive, but I'm pretty sure that most businesses making over $100 million don't employee sex slaves. Just a hunch.

I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Isn't this the government's job?

Companies Prepare For Paperwork As California Enacts Anti-Trafficking Law | Fox News

Perhaps most importantly, the law will affect smaller companies even though it applies directly to those making more than $100 million. That's because the law urges these larger companies to inspect their entire supply chains for signs of forced labor -- meaning the smaller companies that make up that supply chain could be audited and hit up with inquiries about the steps they take to combat trafficking and slavery.
Sex trafficking in the U.S. called ‘epidemic’
‘No class and no child is immune’

Sex trafficking in the U.S. called 'epidemic' - Washington Times

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Analysts say the number of children sexually exploited in the U.S. or at risk of being exploited is between 100,000 and 300,000.

“We know it is a really large number,” said Anne Milgram, a former high-ranking federal prosecutor who tried and oversaw sex trafficking cases. “We know there are a lot of children being victimized. We just can’t tell you what number.”

Five young women tell how they got caught up in sex trafficking and how they got out.
Sex-trafficking survivors - Washington Times
Sorry wolfman. I still don't get it. What right does Pathmark have to audit the books of a smaller company they buy from? Why isn't "anti-slavery" emforcement the responsibility of the govt?
Sorry wolfman. I still don't get it. What right does Pathmark have to audit the books of a smaller company they buy from? Why isn't "anti-slavery" emforcement the responsibility of the govt?

It's the law and it was drawn up and voted on and passed by the United States government. The people give the government the right to make the laws of the land for the good of the nation.

It will take an act of congress to change it and it took an act of congress to put it into power. I just obey the laws, I don't make them. Whether this law will be an effect law or not, time will tell. Other countries might look at this law as an attempt by the United States to police the world.

There are over 12 million people worldwide who are slaves and forced to work for free. Around 10,000 people in the United States are working in slave labor conditions against their will. The authorities find illegal aliens from south of the border all the time working in restaurants and businesses like construction, landscaping, drywall, house cleaning… They are forced to work against their will for no pay.

Then there are the very young girls and young women brought here from south of the border. They’re promised jobs working as maids, nannies or in hotels for high pay. Once they get here they are forced into prostitution against their will.

This stuff goes on every day and when the ring leaders are busted, it doesn’t even make the headlines because Kim Kardashian’s butt is more important to report about according to the media.

California rates #1 for slave labor that why they concentrated the law there.You might ask the people who drew up the bill and pushed it though to law what gives them the right:

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. who offer the bill on Capitol Hill and Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., a co-sponsor on that bill and the chairman of a House human rights subcommittee. Rep. Smith is pushing his own bill on Capitol Hill for monitoring forced labor on the Federal level.

One thing I do know and that is this is America, and we shouldn’t have to tolerate the 3rd world degenerates smuggling people into the U.S. to use as forced slave labor or force mere girls into prostitution!


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