SHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud.

The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.
So a poll watcher (a partisan volunteer) went “Karen” on an election supervisor, and was denied access to restricted areas.


Look at you making up a "restricted area". It never ceases to amaze me then lefts ability to lies to themselves.
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

It is useless. Lefties have been programmed to automatically dismiss any claims of voter fraud. No amount of evidence or first hand testimony can change their minds. The mind-meld is strong.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.
Ice, you are forgetting that Orange Man is bad.

We can have a 3 year investigation into Russia rigging the 2016 election with no evidence, but we cannot even DISCUSS fraud in the 2020 election.

It will literally get you banned from youtube as of yesterday.

The left are communists.

Which is why the states shouldn't recognize illegitimate joe.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

If this isn't rectified right now, the left will do this again and even become more brazen. This will not end until they are held to account.
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

Why didn't this "poll watcher" take his "evidence" to the courts, rather than posting it in a "questionable source" website?

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

The only "massive fraud" that has taken place is the "fundraising" that Trump is doing under the banner of "stop the steal".
um...we are talking about going to the courts and even then you bitch cause it's stupid.
I'm not going to let a bunch of angry people tell me what I see.

see your circle jerk in action?

The only circle jerk I'm seeing is the Trump Cult claiming the election was "stolen", on no evidence. Posting your "proof" on conspiracy theory websites isn't evidence, no matter how many times you say it is.

Once again, Donald Trump is accusing others of "stealing" the election even as he is publically appointing a ringer to the SC to help him hold onto power after an election he knew he was losing. This is like Trump accusing Hillary Clinton of being "Crooked Hillary", while he runs around pardoning anyone who ever did his bidding.

You already have a bunch of angry people telling you what to think. You think the election is stolen, despite all real evidence to the contrary. Apparently you accept what angry Republicans, you know, the ones marching on State Secretaries' homes with loaded weapons, threatening their children.
There is a reality-averse cult that mindlessly swallows whatever it is fed, and what it is fed is a diet of self-serving lies from the Cry Baby, dispensed by propaganda outlets that enthusiastically push the crap that satisfies the cult's addiction.

The fake dogma dissolves when the reality-tv performer's crap is subjected to the strictures of reality, and the cult becomes enraged when that happens.

Thus, when Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials, cybersecurity experts, and state and federal judges inquire where the evidence of voter fraud is that would negate the 306-232 electoral vote result, they become hysterical and threaten individuals of integrity.

Needless to say, democracy must be protected from the crackpots, and the will of the People, the votes of over 81 million Americans, not be throw out because Cry Baby doesn't like it.

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Needless to say, democracy must be protected from the crackpots, and the will of the People, the votes of over 81 million Americans, not be throw out because Cry Baby doesn't like it.

What makes you think the productive half of America wants to continue to share a border with filthy shit like you.

Answer, we don't.

I'm your huckleberry.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.
Short of forcing their way in at the risk of violence what else could they have done? It's like arguing with a cop over a speeding ticket. It's a no win situation.
Do you honestly believe what is being alleged in the OP happened? Seriously?

If the Democrats are rigging the machines, why would they care what a poll observer is seeing?
How do you see original post. This keeps stepping me in mid discussion
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.
There is literally zero confusion among those who exist outside of the RW media bubble.

The Governors of all 50 states have certified their election results.
Trump’s own fired election security expert found no evidence of fraud.
No state has found evidence of fraud.
No judge has found evidence of fraud.
AG Barr has found no evidence of fraud.
SCOTUS won’t touch this.

There is literally no one of authority left to appeal to. Trump is done.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.

At a minimum, you have no evidence that the election process isn't locked down and much evidence that it already is. The FBI, NSA and DHS have all said that they ensured that there were no shenanigans this time.

Why do you continue to believe Donald Trump, given the lies, misrespresentations and his admission that he was going to lose the election and he needed the SC to decide it for him?
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.

At a minimum, you have no evidence that the election process isn't locked down and much evidence that it already is. The FBI, NSA and DHS have all said that they ensured that there were no shenanigans this time.

Why do you continue to believe Donald Trump, given the lies, misrespresentations and his admission that he was going to lose the election and he needed the SC to decide it for him?

I am not listening to Trump. Trump is leaving. I am looking at the data and lack thereof. Fundamentally, I look at Mail In through a risk lens. This format was unprecedented and we are only a month past the election. I see no consistency among the state and local election boards in the validation and credibility of the Registered Voter lists; which is the primary dependency of the Mail In format for 2020. Myself along with many voters need to see some more validation and integrity of the lists. The election boards initiate the ballot. The voter should request the ballot like we already have with absentee voting. With the current mail-in format, what is the uniformity with respect to insuring that people no longer living, no longer living at the address, people who have not voted, or ficticious people are not receiving ballots? These people /names should not be receiving ballots.
Too little too late. Try again next time.

Agreed. Too many accounts such as these regarding irregularities and inconsistencies. Next time, Republican observers will be more vigilante and aware and mindful to make sure they have better access and visibility.

There are no such accounts being carried to the courts. In Pennsylvania, they were standing 9 feet from the poll workers, and they got to move three feet closer. That's the only law suit the Trumpsters have won. Every Secretary of State has certfied to the courts that poll watchers had access at every polling station in the country, and that they observed the counts. With Affidavits.

Trump's threats of laws suits ensured that every state was scrupulous in observing all laws so that the elections in their states could not be questioned. That is why this is the cleanest election in history. Once again, Trump, by telling everyone the courts would decide this election, ensured that nothing of the kind was possible.

Nothing fails like a Trump strategy. Trump didn't "win" the first election. Every president picked by the Electoral College has been a loser. Trump upholds the tradition by being the worst President in history.

Republicans will still be more vigilant on Mail In voting in the next election. Nothing you said, no courts, no election results, will change that.
AT A MINIMUM our entire election process needs an enema and we need to start locking it down so we can't have this type of "confusion" again.

but something tells me people are trying to benefit off said confusion so they like it.

At a minimum, you have no evidence that the election process isn't locked down and much evidence that it already is. The FBI, NSA and DHS have all said that they ensured that there were no shenanigans this time.

Why do you continue to believe Donald Trump, given the lies, misrespresentations and his admission that he was going to lose the election and he needed the SC to decide it for him?
given that not even the republican poll watchers were allowed in, how does the FBI guarantee "no shenanigans?" you keep selling shit but no one ever buys it.
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

Why didn't this "poll watcher" take his "evidence" to the courts, rather than posting it in a "questionable source" website?

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

The only "massive fraud" that has taken place is the "fundraising" that Trump is doing under the banner of "stop the steal".

They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature..
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.
So a poll watcher (a partisan volunteer) went “Karen” on an election supervisor, and was denied access to restricted areas.


Look at you making up a "restricted area". It never ceases to amaze me then lefts ability to lies to themselves.

Poll watchers have access to EVERY area where ballots are stored and processed. If they were denied access -- that a RESTRICTED AREA by definition.. But of course you're logic and reason muscles died decades ago in 5th grade...
Thread is moving BACK to Politics.. Everyone has to STAY ON THE ORIGINAL topic.. If the content is NOT about this witness whose affidavit is submitted in multiple court cases and this story that has been covered by several other major media outlets -- it's not legal and will be moderated... NOTHING about other states and other squabbles..
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.
So a poll watcher (a partisan volunteer) went “Karen” on an election supervisor, and was denied access to restricted areas.


Look at you making up a "restricted area". It never ceases to amaze me then lefts ability to lies to themselves.

Poll watchers have access to EVERY area where ballots are stored and processed. If they were denied access -- that a RESTRICTED AREA by definition.. But of course you're logic and reason muscles died decades ago in 5th grade...
Uh. Ok. If you believe it it must be true. Any proof?
Didnt thinks so.
Move along.
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.
So a poll watcher (a partisan volunteer) went “Karen” on an election supervisor, and was denied access to restricted areas.


Look at you making up a "restricted area". It never ceases to amaze me then lefts ability to lies to themselves.

Poll watchers have access to EVERY area where ballots are stored and processed. If they were denied access -- that a RESTRICTED AREA by definition.. But of course you're logic and reason muscles died decades ago in 5th grade...
Uh. Ok. If you believe it it must be true. Any proof?
Didnt thinks so.
Move along.

Proof to what? Are you so dense as to not know the meaning of a "restricted area"?? If you are not allowed to go there -- it's RESTRICTED dumbass.. And if your "job description" ENTITLES YOU to go there -- it is now a "restricted area".. Geeez.. Such ignorance and lack of effort in critical thinking..
The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

Why didn't this "poll watcher" take his "evidence" to the courts, rather than posting it in a "questionable source" website?

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

The only "massive fraud" that has taken place is the "fundraising" that Trump is doing under the banner of "stop the steal".

They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature..
They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature
Which law was “ invented” just prior to an election and by whom?

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