SHAME: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA


Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?

I think that when you call people names instead of challenging their underlying scientific acumen, and knowledge, you're a fool on a fools errand.
There are many scientists that don't buy the global warming climate change leftist lie.

Can you give some examples of those real scientists that aren't on the payroll of people with a vested interest in convincing the public it's a hoax?

Maybe NASA can get back into space.

Or, even better, shut down entirely since they haven’t done anything useful since 1969.
NASA is a prime example of any government program that has outlived their use. They become political and corrupt when they cease being used what they were created for.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
Obama just bought a mansion on the beach.

He doesn’t believe in the myth either

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
Obama just bought a mansion on the beach.

He doesn’t believe in the myth either

Really? Got any proof? Link?

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
Obama just bought a mansion on the beach.

He doesn’t believe in the myth either

Really? Got any proof? Link?
You got any proof to back up your claim that man is responsible for changing the climate? Explain to me how man changes that big ball of fire 91 million miles away that totally controls our climate. Explain to me how man controls volcanoes that emit millions of tons of carbon dioxide. Go ahead.
There are many scientists that don't buy the global warming climate change leftist lie.

Can you give some examples of those real scientists that aren't on the payroll of people with a vested interest in convincing the public it's a hoax?
Read this.
Climate Change: No, It’s Not a 97 Percent Consensus | [site:name] | National Review

97% do not believe that it's an urgent problem. 97% do believe that humans are having some level of impact on the environment. A majority still believe that it's an urgent problem. The right loves to talk about how the 97% thing has been debunked, but really it hasn't if you actually understand it.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
There’s going to be a big price to pay for the GOP putting incompetent people in every department.

But I don’t expect anything different from people who hate this country and have no respect for themselves

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?

When did promoting the climate change hoax become NASA's job?

When Obama weaponized government departments to push the liberal agenda.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?

There are many scientists that don't buy the global warming climate change leftist lie.

Can you give some examples of those real scientists that aren't on the payroll of people with a vested interest in convincing the public it's a hoax?
Read this.
Climate Change: No, It’s Not a 97 Percent Consensus | [site:name] | National Review

97% do not believe that it's an urgent problem. 97% do believe that humans are having some level of impact on the environment. A majority still believe that it's an urgent problem. The right loves to talk about how the 97% thing has been debunked, but really it hasn't if you actually understand it.
I understand that the 97% claim is bogus. The left lies. Period.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
There’s going to be a big price to pay for the GOP putting incompetent people in every department.

But I don’t expect anything different from people who hate this country and have no respect for themselves
You and your pals are the ones that hate America. You hate everything traditional about America. Your idea of America is a transgender teaching class to children and a muslim President.
Green = electric car batteries so toxic and nasty they can only be manufactured in shit hole countries without environmental laws.

Green = wind turbines that kill hundreds of endangered eagles, so many Obama had to grant them immunity from prosecution.

Green = solar farms environmentalists now oppose because they obliterate desert eco systems

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will take over control of the space agency after seven-month standoff.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a former Navy pilot with no scientific credentials and who doesn’t believe humans are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, to lead NASA.

Bridenstine will become the first elected official to hold the NASA administrator job. He joins a Cabinet already loaded with people who question the near-universal scientific consensus that climate change is real and that human activity is the primary cause.

The final vote ― which was 50-49 along party lines ― came one day after the Senate narrowly advanced Bridenstine’s nomination, thanks to an about-face from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and a key vote from Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Rubio, who in September told Politico that he worried about Bridenstine’s nomination “could be devastating for the space program,” said in a statement Wednesday that he decided to support the nominee in order to avoid “a gaping leadership void” at NASA.

More: Senate Confirms Climate Change Denier To Lead NASA

This is sad. It will take Democrats decades to clean up this mess. What do you think?
Obama just bought a mansion on the beach.

He doesn’t believe in the myth either

Really? Got any proof? Link?
Yes I have proof Obama bought a house on the beach. I also have proof UN climate change expert DiCaprio took his private jet last weekend to go see a concert and hundreds of climate change scientists took private jets to climate conferences and Al Gore bought a home on the coast too.

Call me when those screaming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.
There are many scientists that don't buy the global warming climate change leftist lie.

Can you give some examples of those real scientists that aren't on the payroll of people with a vested interest in convincing the public it's a hoax?

Only scientists who're on the payroll of people with a vested interest in convincing the public it's real count?

You remember how tobacco companies hired scientists to say smoking isn't harmful? Same situation with climate change deniers.

Some had forgotten the 70s. A time when the media was reporting and otherwise totally convinced, that this earth was heading towards a second ice age.

Then again, global warming and climate change is a very lucrative market, and obviously absolutely none of the democrats have a personal gained interest of investment in attaining that wealth. It still all comes down to creating a margin of fear, to sell an opportunity to make lots of money. Like government run health care they are quite predictable, and you can easily read progressives from a mile away.

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